serving as a Director on the Antelope Valley Board of Trade and is the Honorary Commander of the 412th Electronic Warfare Group at Edwards AFB. He is also a member of several professional societies and has authored and co-authored several papers pertaining to the Antelope Valley Engineering Program.J. S. Shelley, US Air Force J. S. Shelley, PhD, PE After 20 years as a researcher and project manager with the Air Force Research Laboratories, Dr Shelley has transitioned to teaching mechanical engineering, mostly mechanics, for the past 6 years.Dhushy Sathianathan, California State University, Long Beach Dr. Sathianathan is the Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College of Engineering at Califor- nia
workers for employment in STEM fields2.”Community colleges are also endorsed for their ability to bring students fromunder-represented groups to the educational pathway. “Community colleges arethe path of choice for many underrepresented groups in engineering3.” Thisincludes women, minorities, older adults, non-native speaking and lower-incomegroups. Due to their accessibility and affordability, students are turning to two-year colleges as a less expensive pathway to bachelor‟s degree attainment.“Community colleges disproportionately enroll students from groups that havebeen underrepresented in higher education and that are poised to growdramatically in the next two decades4.” “Various organizations, including theCollege Board have issued
42%. 700 600 Engineering Science # of Students 500 Technology Studies 400 300 200 100 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Academic Year FIGURE 1 Enrollment in The Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing ’s ProgramsThe enrollments in Connecticut’s Manufacturing Programs have increased significantly since thereceipt of the National Science Foundation funding to establish the Regional Center for NextGeneration Manufacturing. As illustrated in Figure 1, the increase in enrollments
well as a native student in their studies. Some argued that there was no differencebetween the two groups of students, but did not back it up with data or citations. Hill looked atdata of studies on this subject from 1928 to 1964 and found that the results were consistent inshowing a drop in grade point average after transfer. Hill asked guidance counselors in highschools to inform their students that this transfer shock occurred and that a s a transfer student itwould probably take longer to graduate than native students at a four year school.As more students began to attend community colleges in the 1980s, more studies occurred ontransfer shock. During this time the studies showed that transfer students usually earned GPAs.20 to .30 points
director of the undergraduate program in computer engineering at MSU. She also served as interim department chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering from 2000 to 2001. She was a research staff member in the Scalable Computing Laboratory at the Ames Laboratory under a U.S-D.O.E. Postdoctoral Fellowship from 1989 to 1991. Her teaching and research has focused on the areas of embedded computer systems, reconfigurable hardware, integrated program development and performance environments for parallel and distributed systems, visualization, performance monitoring and evaluation, and engineering education. She currently serves as principal investigator for NSF STEP and S-STEM grants in the college. Dr
, University of Texas, Arlington Dr. Peterson is Sr. Associate Dean of Engineering for Academic Affairs at U. Texas Arlington College of Engineering, and is Professor of Computer Science and Engineering. Her Ph.D. is in medical computer science from U. Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Research interests are in artificial intelligence, engineering education and medical computer science. She is a member of the UT Arlington Academy of Distinguished Teachers.James Sells, San Jacinto College Central Campus Professor James Sells teaches mathematics at San Jacinto College (SJC) in Pasadena, Texas (a suburb or Houston). He has a B. S. degree in Mathematics, an M. S. in Mathematics, and an M. S. in Petroleum Engineering, all
students design, implement and defend a network runningreal world services against a team of “hackers” on the ISEAGE Internet testbed. This testbed isnon-portable and requires the college students to remotely connect into the environment to setupand configure their servers and services for approximately one month prior to the competition.Then, the students and their faculty member(s) travel to Ames to compete for two days defendingtheir network from attacks. The CCCDC was created to challenge the community collegestudents to solidify concepts learned in their classroom and laboratory exercises, as well as keepthem interested and engaged in their chosen career track.10 The fourth annual CCCDC was heldDecember 3 & 4, 2010. While a blizzard
considered relevant information to thecourse. Thus, team-at-a-distance teaching supports experiential learning techniques and moreeffectively incorporates the knowledge and life lessons provided by the non-traditional studentsinto the content of the course.In a distance broadcast learning environment, the team-at-a-distance approach further supports alearner centered environment and diffuses impressions of hierarchy that can arise between“originating” and “receiving” or “satellite” sites. With an instructor(s) present at eachparticipating site (each regional campus), all sites enjoy a perception of equal importance andstature, and a mutual sense of support. Periodically throughout the course, all sites, at times, willbe originating and, at other
special summer internship opportunities, andproposals to the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA and NASA Goddard Space Page 22.1367.7Flight Center have requested summer internship slots as well. A National Science Foundation S- STEM grant was awarded in January 2011. This award will support fifty-three scholarshipsacross the five T-CUP partner campuses over the next four academic years. The long-term planalso includes significant institutional support from NSU, including a dedicated staff person withoffice space to manage and oversee the program long term, faculty release for program advisors(based on achievement of specific enrollment
that will provide highly-skilled and prepared engineering technicians for the current and future workforce needs of the greater Chattanooga economic region.” Page 22.1200.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Developing an Effective Community College Transfer Pre- Engineering ProgramAbstractMany states are actively addressing strengthening the ties between the states’ 2-year and 4-yeardegree granting institutions. The stated purpose for this activity is to define articulationagreements for A. S. degrees that aid students in completing 4-year degrees
of part time has been unequal as part time are having biggerdistribution either in STEM related field or in Non-STEM related field. Table 2 Estimated Number of Faculty (1,000’s) of instructional faculty and staff by employment status in public 2-year colleges Fall 20031 All Disciplines STEM Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Male 63.6 124.5 18.4 31.4 Female 61.9 120.7 9.2 15.9 Page
based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0930229. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. Page 22.1271.10
, and A. Ganz, IEEE EMBS Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September, 200920. FIREGUIDE: Firefighter Guide and Tracker, by S. Gandhi, A. Ganz, and G. Mullett, the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'10), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1st-4th September, 2010.21. Wireless Technologies for e-Healthcare, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol.17 No. 1, February, 201022. Department of Transportation website: Mullett, Its 2010 and the new Electronics Technology Paradigm is Emerging Page 22.936.15