Paper ID #25179Discerning Advanced Manufacturing Education Pathways: Insights from Ru-ral Northwest Florida’s Program Origin StoriesCurtis S. Tenney, Florida State University Curtis S. Tenney, MSLS, is a doctoral student with The School of Information at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida and a research assistant at the FSU Information Use Management and Policy Insti- tute. His research passion is focused on the intersections of culture, community, and human information behavior.Dr. Marcia A. Mardis, Florida A&M University/Florida State University Marcia A. Mardis is a Professor and Associate Dean at
. Rob Garrick, Rochester Institute of Technology (CET) c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Paper ID #26273 Robert D. Garrick, Ph.D., P.E., is a Professor in the Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical En- gineering Technology at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and Department Chair. Garrick worked for 25 years in automotive engineering research and holds seven U.S. patents.Prof. Maureen S. Valentine, Rochester Institute of Technology (CET) Maureen Valentine, P.E., Professor, has been a faculty member at RIT for more than 25 years, serving as instructional faculty
and resources.AcknowledgmentsThis project has been funded by Engineering Education Transformation Institute (EETI) with theCollege of Engineering at the University of Georgia.References[1] J. R. Hills, "Transfer shock: The academic performance of the junior college transfer," The Journal of Experimental Education, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 201-215, 1965.[2] F. S. Laanan, D. Jackson, and M. Darrow, "Experiences of engineering transfer students: From community college to university," in American Society for Engineering Education, 2010: American Society for Engineering Education.[3] J. Laier, S. Steadman, and G. Jefferson, "Improving transfer student success," in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis
, and could perhaps be helpfulif a follow-up is written in the near future.On behalf of the students, faculty, staff, and community members, the authors wish to expresstheir gratitude to the donor company and all those that helped pave the way for the developmentand installation of fabrication laboratories and makerspaces throughout the country and theworld.References[1] S. Weiner, M. Lande and S. Jordan, "What Have We ”Learned” from Maker Education Research? A Learning Sciences-base Review of ASEE Literature on the Maker Movement," in 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, 2018.[2] V. Wilczynski, J. Zinter and L. Wilen, "Teaching Engineering Design in an Academic Makerspace: Blending
. All weretransitioning to a four-year institution from a two-year institution. Three were transitioning to theuniversity in which the REU program was held with another transitioning to a differentuniversity. Two participants were sophomores, and two were juniors. The community collegeparticipants fields of study were; Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, MechanicalEngineering, and Aerospace Engineering.The pre- and post-surveys focused on topics such as engineering self-efficacy, feelings ofinclusion, career success, engineering creativity, and global kinship based on Assessing Womenand Men in Engineering (AWE)’s Longitudinal Assessment of Engineering Self-Efficacy(LAESE) assessment design [6] as well as Ragusa [7] literature. The data
, A. Gupta, S. Hasanov, A. Nasirov, A. Elliott, F. Alifui-Segbaya, and N.Nanami, “The Trends and Challenges of Fiber Reinforced Additive Manufacturing,” TheInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp. 1-18, 2019,[7] A. Imeri, N. Russell, J. Rust, S. Sahin, and I. Fidan, “MAKER: 3D Pen Utilization in 3DPrinting Practices,” Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference, ASEE 2017, Columbus,OH, USA, June 24-28, 2017, [Online]. Available:, [Accessed March12, 2019].[8] A. Imeri, N. Russell, J. Rust, S. Sahin, and I. Fidan, “MAKER: 3D Printing as an Alternativeto Fabricate the Motorsports Parts,” Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference, ASEE2017
field.References[1]. National Science Board, “Science and Engineering Indicators 2018”. NSB-2018-1. Alexandria, VA: National Science Foundation. Available at[2]. J. McFarland, B. Hussar, X. Wang, J. Zhang, K. Wang, A. Rathbun, A. Barmer, E. Forrest Cataldi, and F. Bullock Mann, “The Condition of Education 2018” (NCES 2018-144). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from[3]. V. Lundy-Wagner, “Developmental Mathematics and the Community College STEM pipeline”, ASEE Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June, 2014.[4]. L. Jimenez, S. Sargrad, J. Morales
applicants to M-C,twenty-two were accepted to the M-C 2019 Cohort. During a blind review of applicants, one ofthe KS HSIs placed at the top of the M-C applicant ranking and the other placed mid-range.Moving forward, KS plans to set the expectation for transitioning to M-C for ATE proposaldevelopment at the beginning of new Cohorts. KS will also more proactively recommend thateligible candidates attend the M-C orientation webinar and have M-C leaders speak at KS CohortMeeting(s) to describe the opportunity.In 2018, a pilot was conducted with one KS college participating in the M-C 2018 Cohort. Thepilot helped to improve the coordination of timelines between the two programs in thecollaborative and as a result the applications for the M-C 2019 Cohort
:// pdf)[4]. M. Crowe and D. Brakke, "Assessing the Impact of Undergraduate-Research Experiences on Students: An Overview of Current Literature,” CUR Quarterly, 2008, 28(4) 43-50.[5]. S. H. Russell, M. P. Hancock, J. McCulloug, "THE PIPELINE: Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences,” Science, 2007, 316 (5824), 548-549.[6]. G. Youssef, E. A. Ainsworth, C. A. Shapiro, H. W. Sayson, M. Levis-Fitzgerald, “Comprehensive Research Experience for Undergraduates,” Proceedings of the 2016 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2016.[7]. K. Patsavas and B. S. Caldwell, “Exploring the