courses in data security, cryptography, computer forensics, and senior project writing. Her research interests include machine learning, artificial intelligence, cryptography, steganography, and security. Arzu focuses on providing hands-on learning experiences and integrating real-world applications into her curriculum, ensuring her students gain the skills needed for successful careers in technology and security fields. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Integrate the iPad, Apple Pencil, and Goodnotes, to enhance teaching effectiveness.AbstractUsing multimedia such as slides, diagrams, charts, and videos as visual aids during lectures hasproved
privilegedpeers. These innovations are varied and going through a selection of them provides an overviewof the shape a potentially less traditional but more inclusive learning environment might take.Active Learning Pedagogy in ComputingActive learning in computing provides opportunities for students to practice their skills andknowledge while learning rather than passively listening to a lesson. Two examples of suchactive learning include peer instruction and pair programming.Peer instruction, as explored by Greer et al [12], highlights student-centered instruction, andswaps typical lecturing by moving information transfer out of and information assimilation intothe classroom. When using peer instruction, students complete readings and practice
, Blackstudents face a higher attrition rate compared to their peers of other races [4]. Given these starkstatistics, the retention of the Black population in graduate and undergraduate engineeringprograms becomes imperative for establishing a diverse and robust workforce [8], [10].The systemic and cultural racial biases inherent within educational institutions contribute to themarked dearth of Black students in engineering doctoral programs. Even as research begins tounravel the experiences of Black Ph.D. students in engineering – from motivations and persistenceto encounters with racial microaggressions – the disparity remains, underscoring the need fordeeper exploration. This group has additional heterogeneity [11], particularly overlooking
undergraduate core curriculum. This allowed us to consider the characteristicsof the students who enrolled in a freshman-level CS course (N=31 students) to identify assetsthey bring from their diverse life experiences that we might build upon in teaching them. Wesought student perceptions of existing curricular modules, in terms of ownership and creativity.Students completed pre-course surveys about their CS interests, beliefs, prior knowledge andexperiences, along with demographics. They completed a brief survey to evaluate some of themodules. We examined descriptive statistics, then conducted tests of difference to identifystudents’ assets. We explored contrasts between 1) first-generation college students and theirtraditional peers; and 2) students
questions to see what kinds of disabilities you want to include in your research. What populations of students do you want to investigate? What circumstances? 3. Disabled people are often asked to do work for less compensation than their able-bodied peers (e.g. there is a lower minimum wage for workers with disabilities [61]). Compensate your participants. If you don’t have funding to pay participants, what other ways can you engage in reciprocity with them? Can you help them change some institutional structures? Can you write them letters of recommendation? There are many ways to show participants you value their time and energy. 4. Many disabled students have negative experiences talking to faculty about
ACCESS leadership team in virtual communicationand how to interact with a professional. Scholars practiced writing emails and learned moreabout the structure of the program during onboarding. Program ambassadors were introduced tocross-age mentoring strategies and engaged with Cultivate ACCESS leadership through weeklyexperiential learning class sessions. One month into the onboarding phase ambassadors werepaired with scholars. Ambassadors completed one face-to-face peer mentoring session withscholars and connected weekly to assist scholars in learning how to navigate virtualcommunication channels.Mentors were recruited and trained during onboarding. The onboarding phase allowed CultivateACCESS leadership the opportunity to learn more about
curriculum.2-5 Ingeneral, women and underrepresented minority students are less likely to persist in engineering.6Reports also indicate that the persistence of women and underrepresented minority students inengineering may be adversely affected to a greater degree by their experiences within theengineering climate than their majority male counterparts. Here “climate” indicates perceptions ofstudent belonging and interpersonal interactions between student peers, students and faculty (bothin and out of the classroom), and individual compatibility with pedagogical styles in theirclasses.2,7 An undesirable climate also has the greatest impact on student retention in the first yearsof engineering study.8 Most students who leave engineering do so within
Paper ID #26448Examining How Skill-building Workshops Affect Women’s Confidence overTimeMs. Megan Keogh, University of Colorado, Boulder Megan Keogh is an undergraduate student studying environmental engineering and environmental policy at the University of Colorado Boulder. Megan has been involved in education outreach and mentorship for much of her college career. She completed a STEM education class in which she shadowed a local 5th grade teacher and taught three of her own STEM lessons. Megan has also been a new-student mentor through her department’s peer mentoring program. Now, Megan is interested in researching
these issues are not aresult of aptitude or preparation for foundational skills such as mathematics [3]. As such,researchers have focused more on examining differences in women’s attitudinal andpsychological variables than their men peers in areas of self-concept, confidence in theirengineering skills and ability to succeed, belonging, and career goals, among other factors [4],[5], [6]. These studies have created a descriptive understanding of gender differences and haveprovided numerous suggestions for support for women to navigate an often “chilly climate” inengineering [7]. Recent research points to the double threat of negative stereotypes about womenin STEM and being underrepresented presents to academic and career experiences
main conclusion/content; summary of relevance; source publication date, andcitation format. Each team’s proposal is reviewed by faculty advisors and peer-reviewed by otherteams. This allows students to recognize strengths and weaknesses of their own proposals andproposals by other teams. Rubrics were developed to grade proposals for approval decision.Project proposals become an integral part of project contracts by each team. Contracts areapproved by faculty and industry advisors before any work can commence on the project.Mentoring of the students is a key component of undergraduate research and is criticallyimportant during this stage to help them write high-quality proposals [2].Another important part of this process is submission of an
in engineering and engineering technologyan opportunity to participate in a new approach to the recruitment, retention, education, andplacement of academically talented and financially needy students. The SPIRIT (ScholarshipInitiative via Recruitment, Innovation, and Transformation) Scholars program establishes atransformative learning environment that fosters the development of professional skills andincreased technical competency through interdisciplinary project-based learning (PBL),undergraduate research, peer-to-peer mentorship, and focused institutional support services.1-8WCU is classified as a regional comprehensive masters-granting university and was awarded theCarnegie Community Engagement classification in 2008.9
specialties include water quality, water resources, remediation of contaminated soil and water, environmental sustainability, hydrology, hazardous waste management, and STEM ed- ucation. Dr. Clark has been blessed to have the opportunity to edit three books, produce nearly forty peer-reviewed publications, in addition to over fifty presentation to national and international audiences. He has also served as a reviewer for numerous technical journals and a panel reviewer for the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, and the Environmental Protection Agency nu- merous times. Dr. Clark’s research interests include combining chemical and environmental engineering techniques for hazardous waste handling
outcomes.“I think there's less than a 1,000 Black students on campus and I think in my class, like my year inchemical engineering, there's maybe five or six other Black students that at least I've seen or talked to inany way…I have never felt any malicious intent towards me at this institution purely because I amBlack, but I have had experiences where I’ve had to deal with ignorance from my white peers. And Iknow that it happened just because they have never met a Black person before. So, there's always thisfeeling that just knowing that the way I've maybe talked to someone in my family, I can't talk to a peerabout like a complex engineering process. I can't necessarily just talk how I would to anyone about that,like in the same way that I’d talk
students in STEM (Ong et al., 2018; McGee, 2018), understanding how Black PhDstudents navigate their engineering studies could be particularly insightful in boosting the enrollment rateand retention. However, all the information related to engineering experiences are only disseminatedtraditionally in the form of peer-reviewed scholarly manuscripts, which has limited impact to those whochoose to read such literature. Given the current socio-political climate in the aftermath of two pandemics(i.e., racism-20 and COVID -19), greater awareness of the ways students from traditionally marginalizedgroups in higher education interact and make sense of their environments is of paramountimportance. Black students have shared stories of microaggressions
individual responses suggests that the task ofdrafting academic and personal statements for (potential) graduate school applications was themost burdensome assignment. In comparison, many students indicated that they found theassignment to create an academically-focused resume (appropriate for a graduate schoolapplication) helpful, in part because that assignment included a peer-review component wherestudents got immediate feedback during small group interactions.Some of these concerns have been addressed as the EnSURE program evolved over time: forinstance, writing assignments were refined to better align with students’ research activities, andmore instruction was provided on the value of interdisciplinary interactions—as well as
plans and drafts, and engaging in one-to-one conversations with students aboutwriting. Key HIP characteristics of the writing intensive courses dovetail with the capstoneprojects but reinforce “interactions with faculty and peers about substantive matters” and“periodic, structured opportunities to reflect and integrate learning.” Students in the CapstoneCourses submit weekly reports (low-stakes writing) and a very detailed technical report at theend of the semester (high-stakes writing). They are required to work with tutors from the WritingCenter on their end-of-semester reports. They also receive feedback from faculty and otherstudents [14].Undergraduate ResearchAll BE-TEC students can participate in faculty-mentored undergraduate research
femalestudents impact the cultural climate in each engineering discipline?; 2) What is the male students’perception of the cultural climate for women in their engineering discipline?; 3) Is there adisconnect between the cultural climate female students experience and the perception malestudents hold of the cultural climate?; 4) What can be done to create meaningful changes to thecultural climate for women at the university level? To answer these questions, we designed asurvey and semi-structured interview for female and male engineering students across the threechosen engineering disciplines. Our study is consistent with the literature, finding that women arestill experiencing a chilly cultural climate due to peer tensions, gender discrimination, and
fit, drawing on best practices and published research [22,23]. After a presentation and facilitated discussion, the eleven summer REU students were askedto “write a paragraph about how you are uniquely well-suited for success in materials science. Itcan be about your skills, interest, experience, perspective, values, or anything else.” Individualinterviews followed the subsequent week, between the developmental, research preparation andconceptualization period and the latter half of the summer, focused on execution. From weeks five through ten, students were tasked with executing their projects, underthe hierarchical mentoring teams of their graduate student and faculty mentor teams, which attimes included postdocs and additional, peer
submissions for the quizzes, but they were required to earn agrade of 80% in order to obtain credit for completion. Each of the four modules also required anindividual post-module reflection and a peer review in which students rated themselves and theirteammates.Teams were provided resources and guidance through a series of online videos and postedmaterial on the design process. Upper classmen mentoring was a critical aspect of the supportsystem [17], [18]. Not only were teams mentored during their Thursday sessions, each studentwas also emailed at least twice during the week to check if there were follow-up questions and toremind students about upcoming deadlines. Peer-instruction was an essential component of theproject since these topics were
], which introducessome active programming teaching methods. Portela employed four approaches to develop theinstructional plan, namely: BYOD, flipped classroom, gamification, and using the skills ofindividual students to solve posed problems. Tewolde presented a method for improving studentmotivation in a microcontroller-based embedded systems course to enhance students’ role inactive learning [10]. The method consists of three tools, namely: laboratory assignments forpractical hands-on activities, “peer teaching” techniques, and self-proposal, which enablesindividual creativity. For some complex and difficult to understand courses such as programmingalgorithms-related subjects, Garcia et al. [11] proposed a method in the form of
program was conducted with a larger group of students inthe summer of 2022. Thus far, our results indicate that this program will be beneficial to studentswell after regular programming resumes at full capacity. GREaT GradS was designed to servegroups of graduate students who are typically marginalized within science with an eye towardretention through support and mentorship. The overall goals were to provide (1) ResourceRecognition by introducing students to the various academic and personal resources available oncampus, (2) Personal Preparation through programming on subjects such as personal finance andmental health, (3) Career Preparation through writing workshops and curriculum vitae editing,and (4) Network Building by connecting students
model, combined withscholarship support, has been shown to have the potential to overcome the challenges of limitedconnection to peers and institutions that transfer students often encounter [2].The APEX program also includes a focus on providing formal and informal opportunities fortransfer students to engage with faculty and other students. Mentoring is a proven practice forsupporting low-income STEM students’ retention and has especially been shown to benefitcommunity college transfer students [3]. Comprehensive mentoring has been shown to helpstudents navigate the curriculum, the co-curriculum, and the “hidden curriculum” – the“unwritten, often unspoken norms, values, expectations, behaviors, codes of conduct” that are“not transparent or
design courses and are evaluated as graduate attributeoutcomes integral to the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) evaluationprocesses. Continual course improvement processes require reflection on the success oflearning activities, the tools used for teaching, and alignment of learning outcomes,activities, and assessment. Peer evaluation and feedback tools can encourage studentlearning and leadership development. The method of data collection, the type of feedbackand the contextual validity of the feedback may impact students’ development of useful teambehaviours and personal strategies for working in team environments. Mixed methodsuccessive case study analysis provides insights enabling targeted improvements to learningactivities
interest, whileexercising creativity and communication skills.The creative fiction assignment was conceived upon realizing that generating ethical dilemmaswith “grey areas” and no obvious “right answer” required a nuanced level of ethicalunderstanding. At that point, instructors turned the tables on the students and provided historicalcase studies for reflection during class sessions, but asked the students, in small groups, to createtheir own fictional “case studies” as a culminating assignment. Students were initiallyencouraged to write a 1500 word creative short story, but other genres were approved. Theassignment has been implemented with 95 students over two years.MethodsInstitution and Ethics CurriculumThe authors are both assistant
Paper ID #26197The Impact of Socio-cultural Factors in Qatar on Females in EngineeringMiss Maha Sultan Alsheeb, Texas A&M University at Qatar My name Maha Al-Sheeb. I am a joiner chemical engineer student Class of 2020. I have one brother and one sister. I joined the Academic bridge program in 2014. I believes in ”Difficult roads often leads to beautiful destination” Grand.Aspiration.Dr. Amy Hodges, Texas A&M University at Qatar Dr. Amy Hodges is an instructional assistant professor at Texas A&M University at Qatar, where she teaches first-year writing and technical and business writing courses. She also leads
MyEngineeringLab system.Laurel Whisler, Clemson University Laurel Whisler is Assistant Director and Coordinator of Course Support Programs in Clemson Univer- sity’s Westmoreland Academic Success Program. In this capacity, she provides vision and direction for the Tutoring and Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) programs and provides support to the General Engi- neering Learning Community. She is also co-developer of Entangled Learning, a model of rigorously- documented, self-directed learning in communities of practice. She has an M.A. in Music from The Pennsylvania State University and an M.L.S. from Indiana University.Ms. Abigail T. Stephan, Clemson University Abigail Stephan is a doctoral student in the Learning Sciences program at
modest funding forsupplies and are expected to attend the national Society for Women in Engineering conference inthe fall along with their local sponsor or a chaperone. Ambassadors are asked to write monthlyjournals of their progress in their projects, including photos when possible of any events. Viaonline webinars and phone calls, the Ambassadors have a few opportunities to meet one anotherbefore attending SWE and sharing a room with a peer. Formative feedback suggested that girlswho are paired together for rooming at SWE should receive notice of their partner early in thefall, so they could communicate before sharing space for 4 days. At the SWE conference,Ambassadors engage in some of the content of the conference, including keynotes
STEM to make it the new norm. She has also architected SFAz’s enhanced Community College STEM Pathways Guide that has received the national STEMx seal of approval for STEM tools. She integrated the STEM Pathways Guide with the KickStarter processes for improving competitive proposal writing of Community College Hispanic Serving Institutions. Throughout her career, Ms. Pickering has written robotics software, diagnostic expert systems for space station, manufacturing equipment models, and architected complex IT systems for global collaboration that included engagement analytics. She holds a US Patent # 7904323, Multi-Team Immersive Integrated Collaboration Workspace awarded 3/8/2011. She also has twenty-five peer
individually or by funding sources) for research progress.Writing for Research. Theme: Lab/Research: In the next most frequently applied code,participants described the stress of writing, especially getting started with writing or makingconsistent progress. Participants described stress in receiving feedback and being critiqued,including informal critiques experienced when collaborating with coauthors. Participants alsodescribed experiencing stress when writing grant proposals, navigating the peer review process,and waiting for feedback from collaborators. This stress was particularly high for students forwhom English was not a native language and for students who had not yet published theirresearch. For some participants, this stress was grounded in
peers.Five FG engineering students with high quantitative belongingness were selected for aninterview. A semi-structured interview protocol based in interpretive phenomenological analysiswas used to elucidate the students’ experiences that fostered belongingness. Separate themesfrom each student were created from coding and then overarching themes unified a sharedexperience.The following overarching themes were prevalent among the participants: similarity toclassmates, recognition as an engineer by peers, limited questioning of belongingness, andbelongingness is a state of mind. The results depict that elements of engineering identity play apart in making students feel they belong (e.g., recognition), but in some cases, belongingness isdistinct from