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theCATME evaluation (13% in each year). However, all enrolled students were included in thestudy as CATME ratings from their teammates were still available.Description of teamwork assignmentsStudents were placed into teams of 4-5 members based on responses to the CATME teamformation survey. For the first team project, each team chose one of the 14 Engineering GrandChallenges [8] and were tasked with researching the challenge. The purpose of the project was toinvestigate the societal problem(s) the Challenge seeks to address and to identify recentengineering advances that address their chosen Challenge. Teams were instructed to create awritten report and a short (3-4 min) video to share their findings with the rest of the class.In Fall 2022, the
. If a car had finished several laps during its two minutes of time, then the besttiming was considered for the lap. The first team was from The Citadel with timing of 10.73 s,the second team weas from The Citadel again with timing of 11.45 seconds and third team wasfrom Military Academy with timing of 12.16 seconds. Figure 5. Amazon DeepRacer car running on the track [7]PerformanceWhen training of the model is finished in the simulator, the results can be evaluated in theevaluation section. Figure 6 shows the results of two sample models, the left one is a highperforming model, and the right one is a low performing model. These graphs have three distinctlines. The green line represents the value of the reward variable and
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Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, EDUCAUSE, Association for Advancement of Computing in Education, International Society for Technology in Education, Society for Design and Process Science, American Society for Engineering Education, Human Computer Interaction International Conference, and International Academy, Research, and Industry Association) in USA, Canada, England, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Romania. Her work was also presented by co-authors at conferences in Brazil, Taiwan and S. Korea. Among Dr. Marghitu’s honors and awards are the following: 2011 AccessComputing Capacity Building Award, the 2012 Auburn University
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connection") } } //Couple the button to the commandFunction when clicked commandButton.addEventListener("click",commandFunction)Fig. 3. Javascript code examples demonstrating the read/write operations from/to the Webbrowser.4. Prototype Implementation: Real-Time Control of Virtual Bottle Filling Process Trainer Unit with ArduinoFor prototype implementation of the approach presented in this paper, a bottle filling processtrainer shown in Figure 4 was chosen as a case study. The trainer is composed of 4 differentstages, namely: flavor selection, filling, capping and labeling. Two automated conveyor belts anda turntable are used to transport bottle(s) between the stages. The process starts with selection ofa flavor from the three available
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projects. This framework will appeal toyounger generations and help transform the learning of construction topics more effectively. Thedocumented results of the evaluation from this project will provide a clear guideline to easilytransfer and replicate the proposed approach to other programs at other institutions.References[1] BLS (2020). Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Construction Managers, https://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/construction-managers.htm (Retrieved June 19, 2022).[2] Bowen, S., (2005). Engaged Learning: Are We All on the Same Page?, Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 7(2),[3] Young, M. R. (2010). The art and science of fostering engaged
, which will zero initial force and displacement.i) Start rotating the crank clockwise, the cross head will be driven by the power screw to move upward, adding tensile force to the specimen.j) Since the machine is hand operated, the speed needs to be in the range of 10 to 20 mm/s for good data resolution.k) Break the specimen, and click “record” again to end data logging.l) Initialize data analysis in the template to calculate modulus of elasticity, and compare with reference for initial verification.m) Export as Excel format for future analysis.Figure 3 shows the force in the load cell vs position of the crosshead, which represent theelongation of the specimen. Fig. 3. Force vs position (elongation of the specimen
applied during the test. The rotational motion ofthe lead screw translates the crosshead to apply force to a specimen; the force is measured by aload cell and then interpreted using a calibration factor via a microcontroller. Typically, materialstesters have a vertical orientation where the crosshead translates vertically. When doing initialresearch, the team researched a vertically oriented testing machine, but determined to utilize ahorizontal design after looking into various inexpensive horizontal testers for basic application;most benchtop, low-cost machines are only capable of testing in tension, mostly made of plastic,and some can be powered by a motor, generally utilizing an S-Type load cell. The team utilized asimilar conceptual layout
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; Engineering (S&E) doctorates from underserved groups and opening the doors forcreating new start-ups by participating Fellows.Since 2019, ASEE has attracted 90 high-quality postdocs into the IPERF program. Of these 90postdocs, over 70% were from groups historically underrepresented in STEM (Table 1 below).The SBIR/STTR program companies received help from these highly talented postdoctoralresearch Fellows to accelerate their business enterprise; at the same time, historicallyunderrepresented groups such as women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, NativeAmericans, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders received valuable experience in small businessinnovative research.ASEE has experienced tremendous success in broadening its reach to attract
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sections while other might be custom-written specifically for Experiential PhD relationships. Additionally, depending on how contractsare setup with industry, the general counsel/contracting office might use different approaches forhow the agreements are setup, such as defining a master agreement with multiple supplementaryagreements corresponding to each industry practitioner/PhD student.Step 5 - Socialize Initial Draft, Seek Feedback, UpdateOnce the draft agreement document(s) have been generated, the next step is to return to thedifferent university business units, faculty/departments interviewed, and companies that wereapproached for input and ask for their feedback on these first draft documents. There are severalreasons for doing this
experimentalconditions in teaching and mentoring strategies. Acknowledging the limitations of specific levels ofselected factors, this paper not only suggests future research to explore additional levels and factors for amore refined understanding but is an apply avenue to demonstrate the real-world constrains to students.References[1] Immanuel Edinbarough, P. N. Rao, and K. Das, “Incorporating Sustainability throughout theManufacturing Engineering Technology Curriculum,” Papers on Engineering Education Repository(American Society for Engineering Education), Sep. 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.18260/1-2--20623.[2] H. Zghair and R. Nathan, “Implementing i4.0 Tech to Engineering Systems Lab for SmartManufacturing Learning.” ASEE PEER 2023.[3] B. Li, S. Jimmy
included letters and/or numeric for the used printer (M for MakerBotor S for PRUSA), layer height (100, 150, or 200 μm), material (P for PLA), percentage infill (20%,40%, or 70%), infill pattern (D for Diamond, L for Linear, or H for Honeycomb), and number ofshells (2, 3, or 4). The layer height and number of shells were fixed after to 200 μm and 2 early onas they were both discovered to have no significant effect on the dimensions. An example of codedspecimen is M200P70H2-2 which is the second specimens of a batch that was printed withMakerBot printer with 200 μm layer height, PLA, 70% infill, Honeycomb pattern, and 2 shells. db3 L
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thechallenges they face and offering better quality of support. We hope to share the personas withinstitutional stakeholders to build empathy and perspective for nontraditional students inengineering.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grantnumber 2044347 within the IUSE program. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation. References[1] National Center for Education Statistics, “Demographic and Enrollment Characteristics of Nontraditional Undergraduates: 2011-12.” [Online]. Available: https
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members from the ECE department. This expansion aims to increase the number ofparticipants as well as to understand faculty’s perspectives, ultimately contributing to thedevelopment of comprehensive guidelines for mentoring meetings. These guidelines will beparticularly beneficial for new faculty members who are leading these sessions for the first time,enhancing the overall effectiveness of the mentoring process.References[1] M. S. Jaradat and M. B. Mustafa, “Academic advising and maintaining major: Is there a relation?” Social Sciences, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 151, 2017.[2] A. M. Lucietto, E. Dell, E. M. Cooney, L. A. Russell, and E. Schott, “Engineering technology undergraduate students: A survey of demographics and mentoring,” 2019.[3] J. K