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Transforming Undergraduate Education inSTEM Award NSF DUE-1226114, 1226087, 1226065 and 1226011. Photographs in Figure 2were taken by Mr. John McCormick (Virginia Tech).References1. B. Ferri, S. Ahmed, J. Michaels, E. Dean, C. Garvet, S. Shearman, "Signal Processing Experiments With LEGOMINDSTORMS NXT Kit for Use in Signals and Systems Courses," Proceedings of the American ControlConference, St. Louis, June 2009, pp. 3787-3792.2. G. Droge, B. Ferri, and O. Chiu, “Distributed Laboratories: Control System Experiments with LabVIEW and theLEGO NXT Platform,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, June 2012.3. B. Ferri, J. Auerbach, “A Portable Finite State Machine Module Experiment for In-Class Use in Lecture-BasedCourse, ASEE Annual
experience in developingteacher readiness to implement the BT curriculum. Page 23.969.11 Figure 1. Item 3— Do you feel that the instructional approach used in the Summer Institute has been effective in providing the preparation you need to implement the Biosystems Technology Curriculum in your course(s)? (Cohort 1 n=8, Cohort 2 n=7, Cohort 3 n=8)These quantitative results are consistent with other sources of data relating to the Institute’seffects in all three years. Most Cohort 1 members expressed in qualitative statements concernabout the difficulty of integrating BT material into their courses and also about the challenge ofthis academic material for their Ag Ed students. No members of the
Learning Environment. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 39(3), 229–2436. NSF (2000). National Science Foundation: The Interplay between Mathematics and Robotics. Arlington: National Science Foundation. Page 23.1050.167. Rogers, C., & Portsmore, M. (2004). Bringing engineering to elementary school. Journal of STEM Education, 5(3&4), 17–28.8. Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms. New York. Basic Books.9. Brand, B., Collver, M., & Kasarda, M. (2008). Motivating Students with Robotics. The Science Teacher, 75(4), 44-9.10. Silk, E., Higashi, R., Shoop, R., & Schunn, C. (2010). Designing
: Professor: Session Topic(s) Instructional Objectives – By the end of this session students shall be Real-World able to: Example 1 (Leave blank until SFIP starts) … 30 Page 23.1114.8First week of the SFIP The SFIP kicks off on the first week of
little(if any) prior knowledge of the subject matter unless they have taken the class before and/or havegeotechnical work experience. Throughout the semester, students will be given short-quizzes atthe end of most lecture periods. Short answer and true-false questions will be included on thesequizzes and the type and difficulty of the question(s) presented during each short-quiz willparallel the type and difficulty of the questions presented on the pre-quiz to ensure parallel formreliability. As a result, the five short-answer questions on the short-quiz can be compared toparallel questions on the pre-quiz to assess comprehension (per lecture). A test is conducted at the end of each content module. Exactly 20% of each test willinclude
Paper ID #7658Using projects in mathematics and engineering mathematics courses designedto stimulate learningDr. Hassan Moore, University of Alabama, Birmingham Years with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB): 5 Current Position(s): • Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering • Director of Outreach, School of Engineering Current Job Responsibilities: Dr. Moore’s primary interest is in the area of engineering education, par- ticularly in developing project-based learning tools in Differential Equations and Multivariable Calculus. Dr. Moore has created and developed a new course in the School of Engineering
science in the digital age. Running on Empty, 2010. URL https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:220884923. [8] E. B. Witherspoon, C. D. Schunn, R. M. Higashi, and R. Shoop. Attending to structural programming features predicts differences in learning and motivation. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(2):115–128, 2018. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12219. URL https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12219. [9] S. Marwan, G. Gao, S. Fisk, T. W. Price, and T. Barnes. Adaptive immediate feedback can improve novice programming engagement and intention to persist in computer science. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, pages 194–203. ACM, August 2020.[10] Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi and Sunday
residents sued the company in 1918, winning asmall settlement. In the 1920s, Webster farmers sued again, claiming damage to livestock,poultry, and crops [21]. U. S. Steel fought back by aggressively launching lengthy legalproceedings and postponed upgrades to the smelter [27].Despite these obvious signs of environmental damage and human suffering, the Zinc Workscontinued to operate, belching forth noxious fumes 24 hours a day, seven days a week, weekafter week. The plant was vital for the economic well-being of the town’s residents, primarilyimmigrants from Russia, Germany, and Central Europe, all of whom worked for one of the mills Proceedings of the 2023 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration
answer morepertinent questions regarding life as a student at our university.Academic, Social Support: Academic and social support starts as soon as students arrive oncampus for the mandatory three day New Student Orientation. During orientation (see figure 8),students are introduced to offices on campus that support their successful transition to theAmerican Educational System, for example, the Registrar’s Office, Tutoring Center, HealthCenter, Counseling Center, Student Financial Services, etc. The CGE is staffed by experiencedprofessionals in the field of international education who serve as Designated School Officials inthe Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s Student and Exchange Visitor InformationSystem (SEVIS), the immigration
integration of engineering with humanities topics is a natural choice.Some integration is done in an on-campus course [3] with multiple case studies [4], using amodule in a first-year course [5], with virtual interactions with another institution [6], or during asemester-long course with an attached faculty-led component [7].As a supplemental pedagogy, faculty-led trips are especially impactful when students areimmersed in another culture for several weeks, under the guidance of familiar faculty member(s)from their main campus (see [8][9]). During the faculty-led trips, the students will encounter,with first-hand experiences, the differences in how things run, which often spark inquiries onwhat factors have contributed to those phenomena, and these
. References 1. Wankat, Phillip, “Undergraduate Student Competitions,” Journal of Engineering Education, 94: 343-347, 2005. 2. Walker, C. R. (2016, June), Teaching Engineering Through the use of a Student UAS Competition Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana. 10.18260/p.26030 3. Bland, L. C., & Kusano, S. M., & Johri, A. (2016, June), Engineering Competitions as Pathways to Development of Professional Engineering Skills Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana. 10.18260/p.26629 4. https://engineering.tamu.edu/admissions-and-aid/engineering-at-galveston/esmart.html 5. https://www.lego.com/en-us/product
. Aurigi, "Urban AI: understanding the emerging role of artificial intelligence in smart cities," AI & society, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 1039-1044, 2023.[2] K. I. Roumeliotis and N. D. Tselikas, "ChatGPT and Open-AI Models: A Preliminary Review," Future Internet, vol. 15, no. 6, p. 192, 2023.[3] M. M. Rahman and Y. Watanobe, "ChatGPT for education and research: Opportunities, threats, and strategies," Applied Sciences, vol. 13, no. 9, p. 5783, 2023.[4] C. Zhu, M. Sun, J. Luo, T. Li, and M. Wang, "How to harness the potential of ChatGPT in education?," Knowledge Management & E-Learning, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 133, 2023.[5] S. Grassini, "Shaping the future of education: exploring the potential and
: Proceed- ings of the ACL Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions. Barcelona, Spain: Association for Computational Linguistics, July 2004, pp. 214–217. [6] Didier Bourigault. “Surface grammatical analysis for the extraction of terminological noun phrases”. In: COLING 1992 Volume 3: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. 1992. [7] W. Nelson Francis. “A Standard Corpus of Edited Present-Day American English”. In: College English 26.4 (1965), pp. 267–273. [8] John S Justeson and Slava M Katz. “Technical terminology: some linguistic proper- ties and an algorithm for identification in text”. In: Natural language engineering 1.1 (1995), pp. 9–27. [9] Su Nam Kim, Timothy Baldwin, and Min-Yen Kan
their project rankings in hindsight to determine how the experience changed their expectations.• Is there a relationship between project source and perceived project difficulty?• Do the students’ post-graduation plans impact their choice of sponsor source?The authors look forward to collaborating with courses who also use multiple types of projectsources to compare results and determine potential improvements for ensuring students haveoptimized learning experiences.References1. P. Brackin, D. Knudson, B. Nassersharif, and D. O'bannon. "Pedagogical implications of project selection in capstone design courses." International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 27, no. 6, 2011.2. S. Howe and J. Goldberg, “Engineering capstone design
confidence in their ability to take effectiveand appropriate action, explain what they are seeking to achieve, live and workeffectively with others, and continue to learn from their experiences, both as individualsand in association with others, in a diverse and changing society (Stephenson, 1998).Knight and Yorke summarise this idea as: employability is a combination of: Understanding of subject discipline(s); Skilful practices in context (the capacity to apply understanding judiciously); Efficacy beliefs, students’ self-theories and personal qualities – the extent to which students feel that they might ‘be able to make a difference’; and Metacognition, encompassing self-awareness regarding the student’s learning
engagement in the generalized mentoring framework byinformally grouping students by topics of interest and expertise of senior mentors. We will broadenthe pool of mentors by incorporating students from additional advanced engineering courses.References[9] T. Allen, “Mentoring relationships from the perspective of the mentor,” in The Handbook of Mentoring at Work, B. Ragins and K. Kram, Ed. California: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2008, pp. 123-144.[3] S. Blake-Beard, M. L. Bayne, F. J. Crosby, and C. B. Muller, “Matching by race and gender in mentoring relationships: Keeping our eyes on the prize,” Jour. of Social Issue, vol. 67, pp. 622-643, September 2011.[4] G. T. Chao, P. Walz, P. D. Gardner, “Formal and informal
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