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needed forunderstanding the demonstration and the learning points for successfully completing thequestionnaire which the students filled out immediately following the lecture. The primaryteaching points are summarized in condensed form below. The lecture began by discussing the industrial revolution and the need for power sources to drive the machines which transformed our modern society. o Water wheels were replaced by generators and the electric motor, which is essentially a generator operated in reverse, began to drive the machines. o Wide-scale use of DC electric motors began in the late 1800’s. These motors take advantage of the properties of electric and magnetic fields. o Electric current flowing in a wire will
and success is tightly correlated with a sense of belonging, between student peers andbetween students and their program. By bringing full-time faculty into close and persistentcontact with students in the fall freshman year and throughout the curriculum, the engineeringprograms at York College of Pennsylvania hope to create an environment where students feelsupported and encouraged to survive the significant challenges of an undergraduate engineeringeducation.References [1] ABET, “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2019 – 2020,” ABET, 2018. [2] V. Ercolano, “From Sleep to 101 to Success 101,” ASEE Prism, pp. 24–29, September 1995. [3] V. Ercolano, “Designing Freshman,” ASEE Prism, pp. 20–25, April 1996. [4] S. Sheppard and R
impact on the surface it is driving on. The prototyping for the crawlerinvolves some very advanced technologies, using a camera to allow the robot to see, and giving itthe ability to decipher objects and defects from the functional interior of the plane is one of thechallenges they are still trying to overcome. This project has been substantially helped out bythings such as CAD programs and rapid prototyping aids that let the project move ahead muchfaster. This is more important when using new materials such as polymers and carbon fiber.Presentation #5Title: The Evolution of Urban Manufacturing – 1970 to PresentAbstract: This presentation reviewed the state of Urban Manufacturing during the 1970’s incontrast to its condition today, using
toprofessionally classification (Gruber, 2005). Critics view (Peterson 2006; Lee & Neal 2010;Weinberger 2005) folksonomies as unsophisticated, unsystematic, interpretive, and subjective,but those in favor of social tagging point out the value of collaborative indexing and groupintelligence (Avery 2010). Language, cultural, intellectual, and experiential barriers maycomplicate the understanding of the Library of Congress classification system for ESL studentsbecause even if they understood the search terms, they may not understand their association withthe resource(s) they are looking for. Academic libraries in the United States now have a uniqueopportunity to serve as mediators between knowledge organization systems andESL/international students, but
, 2002.22. P. C. Blumenfeld, E. Soloway, R. W. Marx, J. S. Krajcik, M. Guzdial, A. Palincsar, “Motivating Project-Based Learning: Sustaining the Doing, Supporting the Learning,” in Educational Psychologist, vol. 26, no. 3-4, pp. 369-398, 1991.23. M. Borrego, A. Patrick, L. Martins, M. Kendall, “A New Scale for Measuring Engineering Identity in Undergraduates,” Proceedings of the ASEE Gulf Southwest Annual Conference, Austin, TX, 2018.
of class tointroduce entanglement. After the publication of Mermin’s original paper in 1981 he developedother variants of his device [7], [8] that are not discussed in the class. The other thoughtexperiments that Mermin subsequently developed are more appropriate for an advancedaudience; the devices he describes do not require perfectly correlated particles. The concept ofentanglement is fundamental to quantum mechanics and was first introduced by Schrödinger in1935. However, as Schroeder [9] points out, the word has been virtually absent from publicationuntil the 1980’s. Various aspects of quantum computation are revisited throughout the course asMATLAB projects. These projects escalate in complexity and are used to reinforce the value
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problems Improve problem-solving skills Improve technical writing and communication skillsA similar question for the faculty advisors is “Describe the value of the educational experiencefor your student(s) participating in this competition submission” (ACRP, 2017). The five insightsextracted from the answers of advisors are: Receive educational experience beyond normal classroom curricula Improve communication skills Learn importance of persistence and follow-up Improve the ability to define and solve problems Explore the applicability of sustainabilityThe real-world experience and the opportunity to interact with industry professionals werementioned frequently by the students. Correspondingly, all faculty
the writing components considered. Report 2 in Capstone 2 does not require a projectmanagement plan but does need to outline testing and analysis of the chosen solution(s). Figure 5. Average ME achievement level for each representative writing element by term. Testing/Analysis was evaluated instead of Project Management at this stage of Capstone. Figure 6. Average IE achievement level for each representative writing element by term. Testing/Analysis was evaluated instead of Project Management at this stage of Capstone. As seen in Figures 5 and 6 above, ME teams on average do better on abstracts, references, andbackground for the first report, whereas the IE
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) which is costly. Raffles Done before winning projects are Must procure suitable prizes in advance. announced. Only corporate partners and students Physical tickets unwieldy for 300+ are eligible – no family, no faculty, no attendees; we assigned a number to guests. registered, qualified attendees and then Holds interest of attendees. used excel to generate random #’s. The Students and corporate partners enjoy Announcer read the random winning #, mementos. and the Assistant matched that to
coordinates training offered by the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT) to identify and reduce implicit bias throughout the search process. In addition, she runs a faculty devel- opment and leadership program to train and recruit diverse PhD students who wish to pursue academic positions in engineering or applied science after graduation. Dr. Sandekian earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in Aerospace Engineering Sciences at CU Boulder in 1992 and 1994, respectively. She went on to earn a Specialist in Education (Ed. S.) degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in 2011 and a Ph.D. in Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership in December 2017, both from the University of Northern Colorado
processand the critical role institutions can play in reducing asymmetries as it relates to transfer students. AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation EngineeringEducation and Centers under Grant Number DUE-1644138. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. References1. National Academy of Engineering, U., The engineer of 2020: Visions of engineering in the new century. 2004: National Academies Press Washington, DC.2. Carr, R.L., L.D. Bennett IV, and J. Strobel
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grades.There are three major issues with this method. First major issue is that college students areusually in their late teens or early 20’s. At that age, students should not be expected to have a fulland correct self-assessment of their abilities. They may think that they are bad at exams, but theymay not be completely correct in that interpretation. Sometimes, it may be relatively easy for theinstructor to intervene with any student decision to modify their grading scheme in a non-favorable way, but this is only possible if the instructor has already established a relationshipwith the student. This is particularly difficult in larger classes, but even not very realistic insmaller class sizes. Therefore, students may not be able to find the right
Force Academy, Fulcrum Group, Golden, CO, 2018.3. C. Cooper, C. Bruce, M. Anderson, S. Galyon-Dorman, and D. Jensen, “Designettes in Capstone: Initial design experiences to enhance students’ implementation of design methodology”, Proc. Amer. Soc. Eng. Edu. Annu. Conf., Seattle, WA, June 2015.4. K. Fu, J. Murphy, K. Wood, M. Yang, K. Otto, D. Jensen, and K. Wood, “Design-by-Analogy: Experimental evaluation of a functional analogy search methodology for concept generation improvement,” Res. Eng. Des., vol. 26, pp. 77-95, 2005.5. B. Camburn, B. Dunlap, T. Gurjar, C. Hamon, M. Green, D. Jensen, R. Crawford, K. Otto, and K. Wood, K., “A systematic method for design prototyping,” ASME J. Mech. Des., vol.137, no. 8, pp
effective. Although we had a specific series ofsteps in mind when we began, the process evolved as we discovered what worked well.1. A department ABET Program Evaluator (PEV) reviewed and prepared a preliminary mapping of all of the outcomes, including mapping of previous outcomes to new BOK3 outcomes. This information was presented in a faculty meeting, and followed by a dialogue about how to proceed with development of outcomes using ASCE BOK3. At this time, the department also discussed whether other outcomes could be needed, and added “Service” to our list.2. Faculty member teams selected BOK3 outcome(s) to draft (usually identified based on experience with previous outcomes, but sometimes due to individual interest). Four different
year teachers, particularly those without an engineering master’sdegree.A special “Thank You” to our sponsors and collaborators who contribute to the success of ENGR 102 HS and make this work possible: The Marshall Foundation, the Salt River Project, the Arizona Department of Education, Purdue University College of Engineering, Delaware State University Psychology Department, NeuroTinker, Inc. and the National Science Foundation. References[1] Geiser, S., & Santelices, V. (2006). The role of advanced placement and honors courses incollege admissions. Expanding opportunity in higher education: Leveraging promise. 75114.[2] Rogers, J., Vezino, B., Baygents, J., Goldberg, J
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assignment, reading the Academic Integrity Policy for ouruniversity and the corresponding quiz, will be integrated with the week 1 lab quiz that iscurrently only over the lab syllabus. Finally, we will create rubrics to assess the performanceindicators for the “Reinforce” and “Master” learning levels.References[1] ABET, "Accreditation Criteria & Supporting Documents," 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.abet.org/accreditation/accreditation-criteria/. [Accessed 28 January 2019].[2] National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, "Mapping learning: A toolkit," University of Illinois and Indiana University, Urbana, IL, 2018.[3] B. S. Bloom, D. R. Krathwohl and B. B. Masia, Taxonomy of educational objectives : the classification of
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250 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Resistance (W) Actual Values S-H Prediction Calibration Data Figure 7: NTC Thermistor ModelingDirect computation of the constants in the Steinhart-Hart equation can be accomplished asfollows, using three calibration points with resistances 𝑅𝑛 and temperatures 𝑇𝑛 . Given thisprocess, the only required input is resistance, which can be measured indirectly via voltage. Thiscan be assessed by an appropriately sized voltage divider, as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8