at Texas A&M University wasestablished in the early 1970’s and was first accredited by ABET in 1975. In 2012, the programhad a name change from Electronics Engineering Technology to the current Electronic Systems © American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 2020 ASEE Annual Conference & ExpositionEngineering Technology (ESET). The ESET program is part of the Department of EngineeringTechnology and Industrial Distribution (ETID) at Texas A&M University as of today. Anembedded system field is one of the key areas in this program. In this Embedded SystemsIntegration area, students learn about Digital Electronics, Embedded C programming,Microcontroller Architecture, and
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reduced, allowing for more detailed and interesting findings.3.2.5 Tests for AssumptionsIn order to understand the validity of our data set and the subsequent analysis, a few assumptionsmust first be tested which the factorial ANOVA takes into account. The assumption of normalitywas tested via examination of the residuals. Review of the Shapiro–Wilk (S-W) test fornormality and skewness and kurtosis statistics suggest whether or not normality was a reasonableassumption. The boxplot of the residuals is analyzed for a relatively normal distributional shape.The Q–Q plot and histogram are also examined for normality. The assumption of homogeneityof variance (homoscedasticity) is tested by conducting Levene’s test.Random assignment of individuals to
federally funded projects. Dr. Sydlik’s interests are in supporting efforts to improve the educational experiences and outcomes of undergraduate and graduate STEM students. She is or has been the lead external evaluator for a number of STEM and NSF-funded projects, including an ERC education project, an NSF TUES III, a WIDER project, an NSF EEC project through WGBH Boston, two NSF RET projects, an S-STEM project, a CPATH project, and a CCLI Phase II project. She also currently serves as the internal evaluator for WMU’s Howard Hughes Medical project, and has contributed to other current and completed evaluations of NSF-funded projects.Dr. Allison Godwin, Purdue University at West Lafayette Allison Godwin, Ph.D. is
Mechanical Component Design Course,” 2014 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, June 15-18, Indiana.[8] Reffeor, W. S., “Using FEA as a Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Machine Component Design,” 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 24-27, Salt Lake City, Utah.[9] Ryan, R., “Use of A Finite Element Stress Analysis Program To Enhance Learning In A Machine Design Course,” 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 20-23, Salt Lake City, Utah.[10] Le, X., & Moazed, A. R., & Duva, A. W. (2016, June), The Design Projects for the Simulation-Based Design Course Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana. 10.18260/p.26118[11] Le, X, Richard L. Roberts
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exercise challenges student to consider what error(s)and considerations must be made to appropriately calibrate and characterize and instrumentwithout a step-by-step lab handout.4 - Strain Measurement, Signal Conversion, & Quantization ErrorsA strain gage is carefully mounted by students to an aluminum beam using a manufacturer’sinstallation and data sheet. With the gage affixed, the beam is mounted in a cantilever fashionafter which a series of weights are suspended to it in a sequential test. The resistance of the straingage is measured for each series of weights. Next, a Wheatstone bridge is constructed in a ¼bridge configuration. A series of weights are suspended again in a sequential test after which thebridge output voltage is measured
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value proposition driven by: 1. Strong partnerships with key strategic suppliers 2. Accelerated new product introductions (NPI) 3. High efficiency supply chain processesTo support and use supplier alliances in new solutions, Maximus is considering developing aTechnical Marketplace. Their suppliers allow them to sell products via the MAXIMUS platformbecause they invest in their employees’ qualifications specific to the supplier’s technicalofferings (e.g. ensuring employees are trained by for the distribution andsales of certain key ’s products). This enables MAXIMUS to sell theseproducts in their Marketplace. These training processes could be multiplied out through manyother manufacturers in Germany with technically demanding products
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of programming may each be most relevant for different types of careers,but BME programs generally do not know what careers their students will have, and with acrowded curriculum, choices have to be made about what type of computing course(s) to require.In some cases this decision is made for all programs by the engineering school, but more than60% of universities give BME the responsibility of deciding on fundamental programmingcourses, and additional applications courses are at the discretion of the department. The data may be useful in several ways. They show a diversity of approaches, withMATLAB, CAD, and modeling being the most prevalent courses. In general, they allow aprogram to judge whether it is in the mainstream of BME
Autonomous People Mover Alex Avery, Joe Hudden, David Ruan, Eric Schulken, Cody Smith, Jessica VanGiesen, Michael Zielinski, Ray Ptucha Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA of majors work in groups to complete projects over the course ABSTRACT of two semesters. The class structure dictates that the firstMost automobile forecasters predict that by the mid-2020’s semester be devoted to design, research, and planning, whileautonomous driving will transform the automobile market. the second semester is to be
, S. (Re)designing the college ofengineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for 2010 and beyond. ASEE 2006 Annual ConferenceProceedings (Chicago, IL, USA, June 2006) ASEE.4. Berkowitz, P. Liberal education: then and now. Policy Review (December 2005/January 2006, Issue 140) 47-67.5. Cronon, W. Only connect … the goals of a liberal education and beyond. American Scholar (Autumn 1998, Vol. Page 12.928.1167 Issue 4) 73.6. The Engineer Of 2020: Visions Of Engineering In The New Century (2004) The National Academies Press.7. Board of Directors of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Our Students Best
Bjorklund, S.A., “Collaborative Learning vs.Lecture/Discussion: Students’ Reported Learning Gains”, Journal of Engineering Education, 2001, Vol. 90, No. 1,pp 123-130.10. Wilczynski, V., and S.M. Douglas.” Integrating Design across the Curriculum: A Report from the Trenches”,Journal of Engineering Education, 1995, Vol. 83, No. 3, pp 179-183.11. Sheppard, S. D. “Design as Cornerstone and Capstone: Mechanical Engineering Design”, supplement to theMechanical Engineering Magazine, 2000.12. Dentron, D. D., “Engineering Education for the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities”, Journal ofEngineering Education, 1998, Vol 86, No. 5, pp 19-22.13. Howell, K. C., “Introducing Cooperative Learning into a Dynamics Lecture Class”, Journal of
-tech solution ideal for solving Third World problems. Theprototype is constructed from PVC pipes and has no moving parts except for two commonplacewater pumps. It can be adapted to use renewable energy or marginal heat sources. This invention is also well suited for the First World. If current trends remain, the UnitedStates alone will require 15 trillion more gallons of fresh water per year by 2020. Furthermore,one half of total U. S. population growth is projected for the coastal states of Florida, California,and Texas, all of which are already suffering shortages (4). Power plants and industrial processes reject a great deal of excess heat into theatmosphere or bodies of water, heat that can be used in our evaporator instead
better prepared for each class to some extent; thus theytook less time to solve problems as a group, if not correctly all the time. Some times thestudents are asked to show only the methodology and steps for solving the problem. Theywere then asked to complete the solution as group homework. Some times the data in thesame problems is changed for each group (for example the magnitude of a load or theangle of application of a load), so that their results can be plotted on the board as trendlines. Those who get wrong answers fall out of bounds of the trend line(s) and theyimmediately realize their mistakes. Careful design of classwork problems seems to helpstudents to a great extent as they learn the problem solving techniques just in time. Thefeed
2006. Page 12.101.11 Biomedical Signals and Systems Design Course 11Appendix: Nuts and BoltsEach group had 24 hour access to the following equipment:Analog EquipmentMasterflex L/S pump (77200-60)Cole Palmer Rotameter (10850)Assorted Tubing and ConnectorsKeck Ramp Clamp (C-06835-07)Omega Pressure Gauges (DPG100B-15G)Cole Palmer Pulse Dampener (C-07596-20)Digital EquipmentGreylor Dynesco Pump (PW-12DC)McMillan 111 Flo-MetersAALBorg variable solenoid valve (PSV-5) and driver (PSV-D)Honeywell ASCX05DN pressure transducersLabview 8.0 with controls toolboxKeithley KPCMCIA-16AIAO-C DAQ CardKeithley STP-37 screw terminalAgilent 33120A
, and a take-home activity; details for each are included below.Within a set of activities, the middle school students should be exposed to educational activitiesranging from basic comprehension to design and evaluation to reflecting on what they’ve learnedat home. The design team used Bloom’s Taxonomy7 as a guideline in this, and similar goalshave been set for other middle school engineering modules8. Kits developed to date include HeatTransfer, Chemical Energy, Electrical Energy, Solar Power, and Wind and Water Power.Instruction Manual: The instruction manual consists of a guide sheet, lesson plans, handouts,and assessment forms. The contents of the Instruction Manuals are available online so teacherscan browse and decide which kit(s) to use
directly to the GUIDE scholars. As mentioned previously,the undergraduate students receive scholarships up to $2,500 annually depending on theirindividual student need. The MI students receive scholarships up to $3,000 for a year of support.The current program that is described in this paper ends in October, 2007. The program advisorshave submitted a proposal to the NSF S-STEM program to continue the program and expand it toinclude upper-division students.The GUIDE program has three faculty advisors: two that manage and advise the mentoringteams, organize the seminars and manage the program; the third advisor guides and recruits thegraduate students to the program. The two advisors that manage the program do so inconjunction with their teaching
development times for the sensor prototypeare substantially reduced. Microcontrollers embedded in the sensor makes the sensor morecost effective, modular and easy to use in a wide variety. The paper also demonstrated how asensor instrumentation can be implemented using two different approaches (a) mechatronichardware-in-the lop (b) FPGA techniques. The test results show high level of agreement Page 12.1282.12Bibliography 1. Shetty, D. & Kolk, R. (1998), Mechatronics System Design, International Thompson 2. Bhatt, S. (2001), Design and Development of Smart Sensors, Master Thesis, University of Hartford 3. Bogli, C. (2000), Study of a New
scholarship. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 182-185.8. Regalado, S. New EWU Building Makes History. . .21st Century Style, Inland Northwest Catalyst magazine, Dec/Jan 2006, 34-38. Page 12.1156.10
through a Graduate Level Team Project”: PLC Team Notes,2006.[4] Bates, G., Garland, B., “Implementing a Remote-Access Engineering and TechnologyLaboratory through a Graduate Level Team Project”: Assessment Team Notes, 2006[5] Heggen, S., Mira, M., Cason, J., “Implementing a Remote-Access Engineering andTechnology Laboratory through a Graduate Level Team Project”: Networking TeamNotes, 2006.[6] Price, B., Martin, X., “Implementing a Remote-Access Engineering and TechnologyLaboratory through a Graduate Level Team Project”: User-Interface & Database Notes,2006. Page 12.838.13 Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education
marketing interns developed a strategicmarketing plan which would enable the client to leverage limited time and money in order tomaximize product launch. The Discovery Channel recently named the product as one of its top25 inventions of year.In the early 1990’s the American Institute of Baking (AIB) approached AMI about the possibilityof employing recent advancements in machine vision in order to “grade” the quality of the“crumb” of bread being baked in production bakeries. The “crumb” is the level of porosity in theinterior structure of a slice of bread. This measure directly relates to a number of bakingparameters and ingredient conditions. AMI worked with KSU engineering faculty to develop thefirst generation of this machine, which was then
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of active learning activities – a similar balance was employedfor each section. Exam performances of the two sections were compared against eachother to assess the degree to which an increase in active learning promotes understandingand retention. Entrepreneurial tendencies were noted for individual students as theyworked on group projects near the end of the semester. Before the projects were handedout, both sections were exposed to lectures on state-of-the-art heat transfer technologicalsolutions to some current problem(s). During these lectures, entrepreneurialcharacteristics (i.e. creativity and “big-picture thinking” etc..) and skills (i.e. problemidentification, market analysis and patent searching etc..) that were exhibited during
., Engineering Foundation Conference, Potosi, Missouri, August 5-10, 1990, pp. 51-59. 4. Kadhambari S. Viswanathan, My Grandfather, Elegant Publicities, Chennai, 2003 pp. 65-72. 5. Grose, Thomas K., “Staying on Track”, PRISM, Feb. 2008, pp. 23-28. 6. Chengappa, Raj, “India’s Best Colleges,” India Today, June 4, 2007, pp 16-43. (Engineering Rankings are pp. 38-40) 7. VIT University, Hand Book & Calendar 2007-2008, 72p. 8. Adithan, M. and R. Murugavel, A Primer for College and University Teachers, VIT University, Internal Publication, 2007, 98 p. Page 13.504.14