interviewand the questionnaire shown in Figure 5. Some salient comments are listed below.· Did Motivation to do Interdisciplinary Work Increase or Decrease as a Result: “Increase” and “Increase – the variety was interesting”· Interdisciplinary Aspect(s) of Project for which you were Least Prepared: “Terminology, applied math in other fields,” “Planning and resources on the civil side,” and “Civil topics with my partner, … I couldn’t rely on what I already knew.”· Recommendations and Comments: “Overall, I would say that this has been a lesson in learning to communicate and work with someone with a different background and training than myself.” and “One of the biggest challenges was in the differences in connotations of words
developing any factor merely Er Ubecomes a matter of rearranging the balance equation. ••• For example, Figure 2 shows a uniform series at times r+1, r r+1 r+2 sr+2, …, s . To determine its equivalent at time r, first write the bal- Figure 2. Uniform Seriesance equation for the cash flows, Bn, Cash Flow = A (1+i ) n + U(1+ i ) n – r – 1 + U(1+ i ) n – r – 2 + ⋅⋅⋅ + U(1+ i ) n – s , (26)and then for the equivalent, Bn, Equivalent = A (1+i ) n + Er (1+ i ) n – r . (27)By definition, A (1+i ) n + U(1+ i ) n – r – 1 + U(1+ i ) n – r – 2 + ⋅⋅⋅ + U(1+ i ) n – s
Resource for Southwestern Pennsylvania Manufacturers, Volume 3, Number 5, November/December 1999, p. 10.4. Manufacturing Education Plan: Phase I Report “Industry Identifies Competency Gaps Among Newly Hired Engineering Graduates”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 19975. SME Manufacturing Education Plan: 1999 Critical Competency Gaps “Industry Updates Competency Gaps Among Newly Hired Engineering Graduates”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 19996. Manufacturing Programs Accredited by the ABET, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, World Wide Web Site - “EAC Accredited Programs for 1999”, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, World Wide Web Site - Knowles, M. S. &
undergraduate engineering programs nationwide, this new teaching conceptcaught on very quickly and spread like wildfire across the nation=s engineering schools. Todaythere is hardly any undergraduate engineering program that does not require the freshmanengineering student to take such a course. UW-Platteville also joined the trend in the early 1990's.Initially, a pilot one-credit course was offered to one section of 40 students. It was well receivedamong students and faculty alike. After much discussion and review, the three-credit EngineeringMethods course which involved computer programming was dropped and in its place a two-creditIntroduction to Engineering course was designed and offered to freshmen. With its largeundergraduate engineering program
-quo relationship.But, times have changed. In this new era of belt tightening and limited discretionary funding,Industry is looking for more bang for its buck(s) and is trying to refocus its attention oninstitutions that best meet its business and philanthropic giving needs. Academia is looking forways to ensure continued funding streams. The problem for both then, is to establish a mutuallybeneficial relationship, one that allows both parties to achieve their goals.Well, what does Industry want from Academia?First, and most obvious, Industry needs a steady supply new engineers; and more to the point,entry-level engineers who are appropriately trained in needed skill areas, who have thecharacteristics desired by Industry and who are motivated
dt (3) d2x a= = − R ⋅ ω 2 ⋅ cos ωt 2 dtThe students solve for a Scotch-yoke problem, where link 2 rotates counterclockwise at 100 rpmand is 203 mm long. The position, velocity, and acceleration were calculated and are shown intable 2. The motion of the Scotch-yoke is shown in figure 11.Table 3 Position Velocity Acceleration SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION θ [mm] [mm/s] x 10 2
Session ____ Interfacing a Graphics LCD to a DSP via a Micro-controller – Simple Distributed Processing used to Enhance the Integration of DSP and Micro-controller Courses in an EET Program. Anthony J. A. Oxtoby, Christopher S. Arndt Purdue University, West Lafayette IN/Xilinx Inc., Boulder COAbstractThis paper describes a hardware arrangement that allows data transfer between the 16-bit fixedpoint ADSP2181 digital signal processor and a Seiko G1216 graphical LCD via an 8-bit 80C552micro-controller. In this application, the LCD is used to display the results of a 128-point DFTimplemented
. Page 7.194.4 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition 4 Copyright © 2002, American Society from Engineering EducationV. ResultsTeam cohesion and design project performances measured for both design projects are given inTable III and Table IV respectively.As can be seen in Table III, section 1’s TABLE IIIdesign project 1 performance is considerably DESIGN PROJECT I RESULTSlower than the other two sections. This is Team Demo Overall
Education. 95 p. 2000.5 Davis, C., Seigel, A., and Chin, M. W. “Transfer of high technology via continuing education: A case for South- North partnerships.” International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education. v 2 n 2-4 1992 p 248-2556 Evans, D. S. and Vergnaud, S. “Pedagogical Engineering in Intercultural Terms: Critical Success Factors.” International Journal of Educational Management. v12 n4-5 p149-53 1998.7 Klahr, S. C. and Ratti, U. “Increasing Engineering Student Participation in Study Abroad: A Study of U.S. and European Programs.” Journal of Studies in International Education. v4 n1 p79-102 Spr 2000.8 Kulacki, F. A. and Krueger, E. R. Trends in Engineering Education--An International Perspective. 6 p. 1998.9 Linna, E-K
approach the design was formulated early on. Experimental validation part was interesting and necessary part of the project.” · “I thought when I enrolled in this class I would be learning material that is applicable to the real world. But apparently I was wrong most of the material is geared toward grad work or upper level research. The only practical thing was the project.”Bibliography1. J.D. Lang, S. Cruse, F.D. McVey, J. McMasters, 1999, “Industry expectations of newengineers: a survey to assist curriculum designers,” J. Engng. Education 88:43-51.2. T. Mase, 1997, “Integrating design in advanced mechanics of materials through industrycollaboration,” 1997 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Session 2266, pp. 1-11.3. http
. Page 7.535.5 “Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright Ó 2002, American Society for Engineering Education”Conclusions Simulation has proven to be a valuable training and educational tool. This is perhaps moretrue for nuclear engineering where the opportunities for hands -on learning are limited andshrinking daily. While the sophistication and capabilities of full scope simulator s has increasedgreatly in the last decade the standard nuclear engineering classroom simulator (for knowledgebased learning) has not kept pace. This paper has presented initial research into updating legacyclassroom codes and the technological advancements that allow a
of these said that the accepted practice was to use a course-management system (either WebCT or Blackboard) that required passwords, but instructors wereallowed to make material freely available if they chose. Such policies presumably tend to drawmore class materials into private areas because they provide support to teach instructors how touse tools that restrict access, while not helping them to make their materials public. Onerespondent said that there were rumors that his school would like to claim lecture notes as itsintellectual property. Table 1: Answers to Survey Questions 1–4 Question 1. Which of the following materials on your course Web site(s) are Number accessible to the general
., Engineering Design: A Review, McGraw–Hill Primis Publishing, ISBN 0–07–281900–6.12. Lamancusa, J. S., J. E. Jorgensen, and J. L. Zayas–Castro, “The Learning Factory—A new approach to integrating design and manufacturing into engineering curricula,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 2, April 1997, pp. 103–112.13. Ansell, H. G., “Professor-driven, student-driven, and client-driven design projects,” 1998 ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ, November 5–8, 1998, pp. 149–154.14. Bilén, S. G., “Enhancing engineering education by harnessing the student-initiated design project,” ICEE 2001, Olso, Norway, 6–10 August, 2001.15. Clayton, J., Martin, D., and S. W. Martin, “Multi-level design teams: A success story
Session 2426 Development of a Temperature Control System Laboratory and Design Module for an Introduction to Engineering Design Course Sven G. Bilén, Elizabeth C. Kisenwether, and Andrew S. Lau Engineering Design and Graphics Division The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802Abstract We have developed a half-semester design module that exposes first-year students tothe engineering design process by directing them through the development of a temperaturecontrol system. The module is used at Penn State in ED&G 100
Session 2793 Integrating Professional Communication Into Civil and Environmental Engineering Curricula D. S. Kukich, S. A. Bernhardt, P. T. Imhoff, M. J. Chajes, and M. Pearlman University of Delaware D. M. O’Neill Delaware Department of TransportationAbstractThe University of Delaware’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has recentlyundergone major revisions to its two curricula. One important goal of both new curricula is toplace a greater emphasis on professional communication. This paper
, The Twelfth Annual Software Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.4. Curran, B. (October 22, 2001), "What is Software Engineering?" Ubiquity. Views, Volume 2, Issue 33. http://www.acm/ubiquity/views/b_curran_1.html5. Duggins, S. L. (March 2001) "Curriculum Impact of the Maturing Software Engineering Profession" in Proceedings in the 2001 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference.6. Duggins, S. L. & Thomas, B. B. (February 2002) “An Historical Investigation of Graduate Software Engineering Curriculum” in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training, pp. 78-87, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California.7. Dupuis, R., Bourque, P., Abran, A., Moore, J
Session 3160 It’s Time to Re-think Engineering Education Conferences Russel C. Jones World Expertise LLC Bethany S. Oberst James Madison University Thomas J. Siller Colorado State UniversityAbstractThe annual meeting of SEFI (The European Society for Engineering Education), held inCopenhagen, Denmark, on September 12 – 14, 2001, provided a model for whatengineering education conferences should be in the future. If engineering education istruly
strain gagereadout at zero wind speed. Flow was initiated and strain was recorded at manometer incrementsof 1/2”. A total of twenty manometer/strain data pairs were recorded from 1/2” to 10”corresponding to velocities of 13 to 58 m/s. The pressure was then increased above 11” andreturned to 10”. Twenty (20) more data pairs were recorded in decreasing increments of 1/2” andthe flow was stopped. This process was repeated once for a t otal of forty (40) strainmeasurements, 20 increasing and 20 decreasing, for each fin.This project can also be used as a laboratory demonstration, and can easily be reproduced indepartments elsewhere.3. Mathematical Relationships 2For a cylinder: Vdr
Session _____ The Tulane University Biomedical Assessment Instrument: Preliminary Validity and Reliability Data Lisle S. Hites, Jr. 1, Kay C Dee 2, Glen A. Livesay2, Eric A. Nauman 2, Edgar O’Neal1 1 Department of Psychology, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118IntroductionAt present, there are no statistically validated and commonly used assessment instrumentsdesigned to evaluate the specialized content and student learning required in biomedicalengineering (BMEN) courses. Accordingly, rigorous assessment and
How many journal citations did the articles have? 120 Nu 100 mb er of 80 Pa per s 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
presentation-graphics software, e.g.; PowerPoint TM, as well as word-processing and spreadsheet software.The GLC’s focus on developing academic and vocational skills (processes) through multidisciplinaryteam- and project-based study of international themes (content) is intended to enhance all traditionalcurriculaincluding those in the engineering disciplines. Nationally, engineering curricula are nowchanging considerably in response to recently mandated changes in accreditation requirements. In theUnited States, reputable undergraduate engineering education programs are accredited by the Accred-iting Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET);5-6 and ABET’s current accreditation paradigm isEngineering Criteria 2000 (EC2000).7-8 EC2000’s third
and sludge samples in accordance with Standard Methods.1The Mercer University School of Engineering (MUSE) environmental engineering capstonelaboratory experience has historically provided students with proficient content in wet chemistryand soil and air analysis as well as data interpretation. Prior to individual lab exercises, studentswere provided necessary background information as well as details of the laboratoryprocedure(s) to be conducted during the following laboratory period. This format exposed thestudents to a wide variety of laboratory and data analysis techniques, but limited the amount ofexperimental design actually conducted by the students.ABET’s EC 2000 criteria specifies that graduates of baccalaureate engineering programs
Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering Education[7] Imperio, E., Boer, C., & Sacco, M. (1996). A virtual reality system for machining: A virtual lathe prototype. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education in Manufacturing.[8] Bodner, D. & Reveliotis, S. (1997). Virtual factories: An object oriented simulation based framework for real- time FMS control. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation.[9] Iwata, K. & Onosato, M. (1996). Virtual manufacturing systems for manufacturing education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education in Manufacturing[10] Jones, K.C
manifested itself in economic trial. Throughout the 1970’s andearly 1980’s, U.S. industry, in almost every sector, was being battered by internationalcompetition. Foreign companies capitalized with more innovative design, more agilemanufacturing, greater productivity, higher quality and lower prices. Part of the problem was anengineering education system that graduated students with an inadequate understanding of theengineering process. They lacked an ability to convert engineering knowledge into real gains forsociety. In the ensuing twenty years, what has evolved is a partnership between government,industry and academia to the benefit of each and to the benefit of society.The new era presents many opportunities for the engineer. The rapid pace of
, which is used to transmit the time and date, the telephone number, and in somecases the name of the calling party, is sent between the first ring and second ring2,3. Since theCID signal is terminated if the user picks up the phone, telephone users never hear the CIDsignal. The signal consists of several sections as shown in Figure 1. First Channel Mark Signal Caller ID Data Checksum Second Ring Seizure Signal 180 Bits (SDMF or 1 Byte Ring 300 Bits (All 1's) MDMF) Alternating Variable 0 and 1 Length
make theclassroom a truly cooperative learning community. Although the L-T-T concept is still in thedeveloping stage, its success has convinced one of the authors, Chiang Shih, to apply the conceptto other classes at different levels. Based on preliminary assessment, it is believed that a morecoherent implementation, both vertically throughout the curriculum and horizontally across alldisciplines, can greatly improve educational experience of engineering students.Introduction Dynamic Systems courses are among the most difficult classes for undergraduate engineeringstudents. One of the major reasons is that it is difficult to conceptually visualize motion indynamic processes. In addition, some physical concepts in dynamic s ystems, such as a
Session 2370 MUSCLE: Math Understanding through the Science of Life Gary A. Ybarra 1, Martha S. Absher1, Treva P. Fitts 2, Judith Russell3, Susan Wynn3, Kristen Ford 4, Adefolakemi Oni1, Glenda Kelly 5 1 Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC/ 2 E.K. Powe Elementary School, Durham, NC/3Lakewood Elementary School, Durham, NC/ 4 South Eastern Efforts Developing Sustainable Spaces, NC/ 5 Private Practice, Chapel Hill, NCMUSCLE: Math
to provide real-life problems. The PBL materials for the measurements coursewill be tested at four other universities. We believe that other educators should also considertesting the PBL method of instruction in different engineering subjects, and the assessmentapproach used in this paper can easily be applied to study its impact on enhancing studentlearning in their course(s).AcknowledgementsThis work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant No. DUE-0126671. The proposal, "Developing and Assessing Impact of Problem-Based LearningMaterials " is funded by the Division of the Undergraduate Education (DUE) at the NSF undertheir Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Program and the
Session 2002-2027 Teaching Problem Solving to High School and Community College Students: A New Approach Andrew M. Hoff1, Marilyn Barger2, Richard Gilbert1, Kimberly S. Rogers1, Joseph D. Hickey1, Eric Roe1, and Beth McCullough2 (1) University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620 / (2) Hillsborough Community College, Brandon, Florida 33619AbstractWe present the results of a new approach to adapt and incorporate high technology materials intoour state mandated secondary education curricula. This is accomplished by providing secondaryand community college
Session 3649 Some New Techniques in Teaching Computer-Assisted Drafting/Design (CADD) B. S. Sridhara Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU)AbstractIn our Engineering Technology program, we teach three courses in CADD covering 2-Dconcepts and solid modeling. AutoCAD and Mechanical Desktop (MDT) are the primary CADsoftware that we use in our instruction. We want to provide our students with experience in thepractical applications of CADD. Dr. Sridhara assisted a local non-profit organization that waslandscaping an adult care center and