, handling stress, etc. Service and Civic Responsibility: Engineering is a service profession. Engineers are charged to use their talents and gifts to solve problems that impact others. The performance and practice of engineering is an act of service. Understanding of Engineering Ethics: Engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Engineers are to hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public. Those whom engineers serve deserve nothing less. As one example, the competencies are also used in the required first-year seminar course, wherestudents create action plans and write goals to
useful todiscern how well our students could learn to reflect and think critically during their first year ofcollege, even with minimal guidance in reflection.Two theoretical models are useful when evaluating student performance on reflective learningtasks. The Perry Model of intellectual development [4], as interpreted by Pavelich and Moore[5] suggests that students with extensive practice in open-ended problem solving involvingreflection will be more successful than their peers. Similarly, the King and Kitchener ReflectiveJudgment Stages model [6] contains a scale which is useful for measuring increased complexityof reflective thinking over time, another indicator of future success. Both models emphasize thatknowledge is largely contextual
], but they are certainly more so than students have seen in classroom or lab settings. Students workingin teams of 4-5 must manage team interactions and project planning on an ongoing, iterative basis [5].Finally, students must document and present their work, requiring several different communication skills,and creating at least one round of reflective learning by requiring students to re-tell their story to peer,mentor, and sponsor audiences.Best PracticesAligning with ABET is good practice. The Program Objectives and Student Outcomes set out by ABETserve as a sound standard by which to calibrate engineering curricula and capstone is no exception [6].Table 1 shows the current ABET Student Outcomes mapped to the Senior Capstone Design
Virginia Tech university library portalpowered by Discovery Search using the keywords: “evidence-based”, AND instructionalpractices, AND “engineering OR physics OR sciences” AND “electrical OR circuits”, ANDundergraduate. The use of boolean operators in the keywords was based upon the steps inundertaking a literature review by Cronin et al. [16]. Google Scholar was also used to comparethe search results using the keywords set with Discovery Search and the search results turned outto be comparable. However, refining the search via Google Scholar was difficult, for instance,when showing the peer-reviewed articles only. So, to capture the most related and recent works,Discovery Advanced Search filter was used to refine the search based on
peers to bea valuable experience. Title: A Student Centered, Active Learning Approach to the Delivery of a Visiting Professional Lecture SeriesBackground:The Wentworth Capstone Experience consists of a two semester eight (8) credit multi-disciplinary project-based curriculum. The Wentworth Institute of Technology employs acooperative education model that includes two required co-op experiences. One during theSpring semester of their Junior year and one during the Fall semester of their Senior year. To“make-up” for these two required co-ops during traditional Spring/Fall semesters, Juniors andSeniors attend classes full-time in the Summers of their Junior and
part of the course, students formed groups to lead specific HODA forthe other students. The HODA are peer-to-peer interactions where the roles of specific studentschange between participant and leader throughout the semester. To lead the discovery activitiesin class, the student teams were instructed to follow the five steps shown in Figure 1. In addition,the students developed and agreed to a simple list of rules for participating in all the HODA; theprimary rule is to listen to the leaders and play the game. Each of the five steps is expanded inthe next sections of the paper. Assessment of student learning was primarily through the studentreflections presented in the student written feedback and student leader report
students still do not yet experience full access to information inpostsecondary education that is equal to that of their hearing peers. Many existing anddeveloping technologies have significant potential to serve as effective “access technologies” forDHH people.Access technologies refer to technologies or devices that can be utilized by DHH students toassist them in acquiring or sharing information, communicating, or otherwise participating ineducational opportunities, including classroom, online learning, and laboratory experiences, aswell as educational experiences taking place outside of the classroom. To address the uniquechallenges of utilizing or adapting new technologies for use in postsecondary educationalsettings, Rochester Institute of
funding participation from external sources. He has been directing/co-directing an NSF/Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site on interdisciplinary water sciences and engineering at VT since 2007. This site has 95 alumni to date. He also leads an NSF/Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) site on interdisciplinary water research and have 10 alumni. He also leads an NSF-funded cybersecurity education project and serves as a co-PI on two International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) projects funded by the NSF. He has published over 90 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 An Interdisciplinary RET Program
multiple choice style questions. Most clicker systems alsorequire additional technology to be purchased. Of the systems mentioned in this paper, clickerquestions are perhaps the most useful for students to see how they are performing in relation totheir peers as frequency of collected responses is often revealed to the class.While there are many options available to aid professors in simplifying grading assessments, mostsystems are limited to one style of question (multiple choice) and are not in the naturalpaper-based format of traditional assessments and problem solving exercises. Most attempts tocreate paper-based automated grading systems work effectively, but tend to be tightly customizedto a single professor’s preference or for single
. Another video type called “What I struggled with” was created based on results fromonline learning platforms such as a popular UCSD Coursera specialization on data structures andalgorithms [6]. This format type allows students to hear about specific challenges and highlightsfrom peers who have taken the same course in the past.Online content is recorded and integrated using a variety of materials and equipment, including awebcam, a high-quality microphone, screen recording software, PowerPoint, Storyline 360 byArticulate, and LMS-compatible quiz assessments. Each week, lectures build on the courseconcepts from previous videos while introducing new content and terminology. Activeparticipation and accountability are integrated through short
done ingroups during lab sessions and it is the writing of the lab reports that is done outside of the lab.However, in lecture courses, which constitute the vast majority of credit hours (about 95% in thefour ABET accredited engineering programs in our college), students are not ordinarily requiredto work in groups. In the case of commuter students, where other life commitments are such thatthey must spend limited time on campus outside of scheduled classes, using lecture assignmentsas a means to give students an opportunity to work together presents a good opportunity forcommunity building. Our experience is that, if the groups are small, three to four members, andample time is allowed between the date when work is assigned and the date when
helping to make the positivechange we want to actually happen. Further, using stories to make this connection also createsan organizational legitimacy for the new practice, identity, or other innovation.When we systemically storymake with intention, we can, as Sunstein and Thaler [8] put it,“influence behavior while also respecting the freedom of choice”. We see the use of stories todrive behavioral change in many fields. Pennebaker [9] has done extensive work on usingguided writing – or telling one’s own story to one’s self – to help individuals who haveexperienced trauma find resolution. Wilson [10, 11] used stories from students whosuccessfully navigated a difficult course to create a 30-minute intervention that significantlyimproved the
their own with little parental guidance. Orientationprograms at most universities have grown, specifically to help students cope with these newexperiences and expectations.Gunn [1] reports on the value of scavenger hunts at the University of Michigan. Their studentshave opportunities for campus-wide scavenger hunts as well as in-building College ofEngineering scavenger hunts. The latter provide an opportunity for new students to feel part oftheir new environment, overcome isolation, and begin interacting with peers and faculty.Grey et al [2] describe the development and implementation of a scavenger hunt for First YearEngineering Orientation. Lindsay et al [3] follow this up with an evaluation of student exitsurvey responses after participating
participants use their work for the Solar House as their capstone project. His research interests are in the area of optoelectronic devices, based on wide bandgap semiconductors and organic materials with an emphasis on nanostructures and nanoscale architecture. He has about 100 peer-reviewed publications.Terence C. Ahern, West Virginia University Terence C. Ahern is an Associate Professor Instructional Design and Technology at West Virginia Univer- sity and coordinates the program in Instructional Design and Technology in the Department of Learning Sciences and Human Development. His research interests are in the use of instructional technology on- line. Dr. Ahern has published extensively in the areas of distance education
of therequired criteria for accreditation of engineering colleges [2]. Micheaelsen et al. [3] argued thatteam-based learning transforms the classroom experience into one that is enjoyable for bothinstructors and students.At the core of this pedagogy is the creation of effective teams to exploit the benefits of peer-to-peer interaction and instruction. Team formation is a complex task that has been extensivelystudied in psychology [4], management [5], and related fields [6]. In these studies, severalcharacteristics including prior knowledge, student’s skills, motivation, competence, homophily[4], diversity, familiarity with other students, personality, and scheduling, have been suggested tosignificantly influence the effectiveness of the team
environment, and the expectation thattreating each student equally is the same as treating each student fairly, regardless of their priorknowledge. Returning to Greeno and Collins’ work, they write that a preponderance of studies ineducational psychology show that students’ ability to solve problems and learn new conceptsdepended heavily on what students already knew. [2] The difference between the haves and thehave-nots in terms of prior knowledge and ease of transition into college is a barrier, especiallywhen it reinforces the perceived lack of belonging by women and underrepresented minorities inengineering. The book Bandwidth Recovery by Verschelden directly addresses the impacts thatpoverty, racism, and social marginalization have on
scores, financial need status, involvement inextracurricular activities, recommendation letters, essay writing skills and whether the candidatewas from an underrepresented group in engineering. Each committee members’ rankings wereaggregated equally to figure out the overall student eligibility ranking.Finally, the candidates were contacted with official scholarship offer letters. The selection ofseven candidates whom all accepted the offers were realized in two rounds of selection cycle. Inorder to implement an evaluation plan with the purpose of measuring this project’s early impactin attracting and recruiting students for careers in nuclear related fields, a first semester intakesurvey of not only award candidates but their peers in the
throughprocesses of community-building, organizing, and education, creating transformativeexperiences in democratic and reflective spaces that directly address root causes. This mayinclude every-day actions such as cooking, gardening, building, establishing space, as well asperformance and creative output.In conversation with Highlander’s practices of creative resistance and agency building, we alsotake from the foundational work of Imarisha Walidah and Adrienne Maree Brown regarding thepractice of emergent strategies for community organizing and enacting change [16]. Brown andWalidah have established the technique of future visioning through the writing of science fictionnarratives that enable social critique as well as creative resistance and playful
more approachable to the middle school or high school students. Thesepresentations were practiced for the group during weekly seminars. After receiving feedbackfrom peers and educators, the pairs updated their presentations and took them to classrooms toshare with students. Grad Student STEM Share program provided several leadershipdevelopment opportunities of specific and translatable skills including communication, teaching,coordination of meetings and events, follow-up, teamwork, planning, presentation skills, andnetworking, as well as optional leadership coaching. Detailed feedback from the graduatestudents and the teachers whose classrooms they visited was positive and will be presented inthis paper, as well as details on the pilot year
schoolers salient totheir learning. Middle grades are the bridge between the wants and needs of childhood and thewants and needs of high schoolers6. Emotionally, adolescents are self-absorbed and tend toexaggerate; they are sensitive and easily offended. Garrett-Hatfield further states that middleschoolers can be moody and feel alienated. At the same time, they are also curious about theworld around them and need time to explore safely. Another salient feature of the middle schoollearner is their sense of wonder about the changes they see in themselves and in their peer group.They depend on important adults in their lives and good role models to emulate. One goal was tohave the Ambassadors be those role models who would be emulated by the middle
% of all bachelor’sdegrees in engineering awarded to Black students were conferred by PWIs. Of these, 416 were inmechanical engineering, 432 in electrical engineering and 52 in aerospace engineering [17, p.100].Slaton chronicles the history and continuing legacy of racism against Black students inengineering [18]. Black students at PWIs face the particular challenge of being under representedon campus and in their classes, which can lead to stress, lower grades, isolation, and exhaustion[19]- [22]. Students in Fries-Britt and Turner’s study describe feelings of isolation andexhaustion based on the need to educate their White peers or to represent the Black experience.The participants attribute this not to hostility from their White peers, but
researchers in understanding andinvestigating the educational phenomenon. Throughout the project, we collected data frompublic, private and home schools as well as science center settings.a. Public and Private School Settings In order to capture the whole classroom dynamics and actions made by teacher andstudents (for instance, an interaction between students and teacher, students’ behaviors,collaborations, social interactions among their peers) videotaping with a high-quality audiorecording method is an effective and acceptable technique to collect the targeted data. In the firstyear, a single camera was often used to record the whole classroom for class-wide activities andto zoom in on a single randomly-chosen group (with complete consent
, National Association of Counties, and the United States Economic Development Administration. She is the author of Dealing with Deindus- trialization: Adaptive Resilience in American Midwestern Regions (Routledge 2014) and has published numerous peer-reviewed articles focused on economic resilience, economic restructuring, and economic development.Dr. Jennifer L. Irish, Virginia Tech Dr. Jennifer Irish, professor of coastal engineering at Virginia Tech, is an expert in storm surge dynamics, coastal hazard assessment, and nature-based infrastructure for coastal hazard mitigation. Since entering academia in 2006, as lead Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI, Irish received research grants from agen- cies
- making/discussion, reflection, PBL, debatePrf-Sr-Priv Private, ProfIssues, Sr, ethics codes, workplace professionalism, NA 16 NA / 50 Lg, MS Civ69 EE25 leadership / peer evaluated discussion of contemporary issue, case study, reflection journalID Institution Course, Student Topics / Pedagogy Pre Post Pre/post cc Rank, Majors% n n response rates, %Risk-Elect Public
and conceptual information used to frame the problemin terms of needs/constraints; 2) design practices used (e.g., generating ideas, consideringmultiple stakeholders, remaining tentative); and 3) stylistic choices (e.g., organizing theirresponse, depicting context). We developed three DST scenarios and tested them in a chemicalengineering program over a three-year period (n=580). To make data analysis feasible, twoundergraduate peer-learning facilitators analyzed each DST independently (14 PLFscontributed), following minimal training. Results. Using a validity-as-argument approach (Linn,1994), we argue that the DST provides valid information about design problem-framing ability,provided the information is used for course improvement purposes
instructionaltechnologies with alternative modes of delivery embracing active learning [8] and otherpathways identified herein.At the other extreme, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) exclusively utilize onlinedelivery methods with a high reliance on self-paced learning via an asynchronous deliverymechanism and often at the expense of reduced engagement [9]. Strengths of MOOCs includevery high instructor productivity, which can reach thousands of students and some peer-assessment is feasible albeit via asynchronous discussion mechanisms [10]. Challenges ofMOOCs for teaching STEM include reduced retention [11], few opportunities for activeengagement, and challenges with assessment arising from the lack of authentication whereinonline-only grading may be difficult
. He is interested in motivation of engineering students, peer-to-peer learning, flat learning environments, technology assisted engineering education and experiential learning. He is the coordinator of the industry sponsored capstone from at his school and is the advisor of OU’s FSAE team.Prof. Yingtao Liu, University of Oklahoma Dr. Yingtao Liu is an assistant professor in the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma (OU). Before joining OU, he was an assistant research scientist in the AIMS center at Arizona State University from 2012 to 2014. His research expertise include the development, ad- vanced manufacturing, and application of lightweight composites and nanocomposites
. Interfere with the beam and have the students observe the effects; run it throughsunglasses to hear the amplitude (loudness) decrease run it through a diffraction grating or beamsplitter and show how each spot now carries the original sound signal (but at lower amplitude).Students can attempt to set up mirrors from the laser game to get the laser from the source to thereceiver wirelessly but bounced off several surfaces. Continue the Arduino work. Have them work in pairs to practice how to write andupload code. Make sure each student can send basic code to light the LED. Have themexperiment with programming light patterns. Give them breadboards, LEDs, lasers, and resistorsto play with, have some simple examples for them to try to get better
more deliberately reinforce the pattern recognitionCT competency by adding additional challenges where students shifted between representationsof patterns by identifying them by color, by color and letter, and by letter. For example, thefollowing student work displays evidence of the Pattern Recognition CT competency. Thestudent was asked to first color the next box in the pattern (see figure 3). After completingcoloring, the student was asked to complete the next following tasks which were writing the nextletter and coloring the pattern (see figure 4). To scaffold the student’s understanding of PatternRecognition CT competency skill, an additional task was reinforced by using letters (see figure5) to describe the colored patterns in the
modular PM with a team leader [1], self-regulating PM[2], scrum for software engineering [3], a 2-phase senior design to emphasize the learning of PM[4], peer PM [7] etc. As Lawanto et. al. suggest “there is a benefit in interventions designed toimprove self-regulation for specific design strategies employed by engineering students inrelation to PM activities.”[2]Students still seem to lack the understanding of several necessary PM aspects even when theyreceive all the available tools and workshops. These management aspects must be exercised andmonitored regularly during the execution phase of the project. Some of these aspects are: ● what is the correct “duration” size of project plan tasks, ● how often should tasks be monitored and the