theactivity, exhibiting excitement and curiosity throughout. One of the girls was so inspired andloved the experience so much that she wrote a report about it. The success of the first in-personSTEM workshop signifies the potential for future outreach events in collaboration with RBTVand other partners. Insights from survey data will be instrumental in refining future engineeringactivities, aiming to enhance the interest and engagement of female students across variousSTEM modules.7. References[1] R. Rifandi and Y.L. Rahmi, "STEM education to fulfil the 21st century demand: a literature review," Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1317. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2019.[2] S. Benish, "Meeting STEM workforce demands by diversifying STEM
building collapse in Cuba rises to three. Reuters. Retrieved from collapse-havana-kills-least-one-others-trapped-2023-10-04/[9] National Crime Records Bureau. (2023). Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India 2022. Retrieved from dia.pdf[16] Premium Times (2019) . Scene of Lagos Building Collapse[17] Tanko, J. A., Ilesanmi, F. A., & Balla, S. K. (2013). Building Failure Causes in Nigeria and Mitigating Roles by Engineering Regulation and Monitoring. Engineering, 05(02), 184–190.[18] Ayininuola, G. M., & Olalusi, O. O
Journal of Construction Management 2022;10,doi:10.1080/15623599.2022.21311335. Kricorian K, Seu M, Lopez D, et al. Factors influencing participation of underrepresented studentsin STEM fields: matched mentors and mindsets. International Journal of Stem Education 2020;7(1):9,doi:10.1186/s40594-020-00219-26. Hartmann BL, Jahren CT. Leadership: Industry Needs for Entry-Level Engineering Positions.Journal of STEM education : innovations and research 16(3):13 87. Chakraborty S, Gonzalez-Triana Y, Mendoza J, et al. Insights on mapping Industry 4.0 andEducation 4.0. Frontiers in Education 2023;8(19, doi:10.3389/feduc.2023.11501908
in the competition, and theyintend to encourage at least one student group to participate in the competition in the future. Thecompetition team students who participated in the project said they gained more practicalexperience. However, they noted that it required dedication and time commitment. To betterassist the capstone students in the future, several sites and data will be provided for students whowould like an experience similar to the competition project. The capstone requirements would bemodified if they chose this option as their capstone project. This will not impact the capstoneproject timeline while providing a competition-like experience.References[1] A. S. Baitule and K. Sudhakar, “Solar Powered Green Campus: A simulation study
strongcorrelations between Arduino project grades, final grades, and students' term GPA for Fall 2023,indicating the potential of Arduino projects to influence academic outcomes and student success.References: 1. Goldberg, S. (2023, March), EET Freshman Circuits Course for the Changing Student Population Paper presented at ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023, State College, Pennsylvania. 10.18260/1-2--45063 2. Nasri, Maryam. "Implementing Laboratory and Project-Based Embedded Control Sequence Courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering." 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2023. 3. Tinker CAD was developed by Autodesk in 2011. Available: 4. Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices &
, September.[5] Raviv, D., Roskovich, G. and Noguera, P., Understood: A Visual and Intuitive Approach to Teaching and Learning Control Systems. Understood Series. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2014.[6] Bennett, S., A History of Control Engineering, 1930-1955. United Kingdom: P. Peregrinus, 1993.[7] Coller, B. D., A video game for teaching dynamic systems and control to mechanical engineering undergraduates. In Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, pp. 390–395. IEEE. 2010.[8] Karniel, B., Artzi, G. and Barak, M., Introduction to Control (In Hebrew). The Centre for Educational Technology. The Open University. Ramat Aviv. Israel. 2009.[9] Raviv, D. and Roskovich, G., An intuitive approach
by SDU Robotics, which allows for programmatic control of the UR3 arm. The demo will explain key concepts such as controlling joint variables, defining the robot's pose (position and orientation), and using motion commands (movej for joint-based motion and movel for linear motion). Additionally, students will learn how to utilize kinematic functions like getForwardKinematics and getInverseKinematics to calculate positions and joint values for the robotic arm. Students are provided with sample Python code that demonstrates how to control the UR3’s movements and operate the attached Robotiq gripper. The code will serve as a foundation for Lab Assignment #1, where students must modify the
promote the apprenticeship program and preparestudents to apply. The following procedure was used to prepare the apprenticeship cohort underdiscussion here. During the summer prior to the apprenticeship, a full list of all students in theaccepted major(s) was requested from the school and was filtered by GPA and course creditcompletion. Then the remaining students were individually reviewed for program eligibility, andindividual outreach was conducted over the summer to form a cohort of interested and eligibleapprenticeship applicants.Toward the beginning of the Fall semester, a member of Career Services responsible forcoordinating the apprenticeship program began conducting individual meetings with students.These sessions were typically 45
. The Texas Instruments devices have on-board accelerometer and light level sensors. This detailed view is shown in Figure 4(a) 5. CONTIKI THINGSQUARE CLOUD where we are looking at the device PFP-2. PLATFORM The Device Info view has been scrolled down to expose many ofFigure 3(a) shows the current (fall 2014) Thingsquare platform PFP-2's variables. The actual variables defined for a device willstatus screen that offers a complete development and monitoring vary based on the firmware version and past usage. From here allenvironment for inexpensive Thingsquare
incorporate the learning opportunities that this event enables? To answer thesequestions the perception of the syllabi must be that it is expansive enough to flex in response tothe opportunity urgently and currently presented.The first week of studio is a time to review the learning objectives and skill sets to be exercised.This time allows for change in the problem statement(s) to accommodate the current event.4 The problem statement appears in the appendices 4ConclusionOverall, this experience produced surprisingly excellent results both enriching thestudents’ knowledge through service learning. The ‘Haiti’ experience the students toexplore a topic of earthquake design that is usually not
, May 22-24, 2014; see also ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, (last accessed Feb 20, 2014)15. H. Carranza, A. Carranza “Cryptographic validity in network security”, Proc. IEEE Mid-Hudson Section Workshop on Advanced Technology for Next Generation Computing, State University of New York, New Paltz (November 6, 2014)16. S. Zafar, A. Carranza, “Penetration testing using Kali Linux within VMware virtual networks”, Proc. IEEE Mid-Hudson Section Workshop on Advanced Technology for Next Generation Computing, State University of New York, New Paltz (November 6, 2014)17. D. Piure, A. Florez, and A. Carranza, “Cloudstack and Openstack battle for network storage”, Proc. IEEE Mid
from the natural gas. The optimum temperature fornucleate boiling can be found by combining the equations for maximum heat flux (qmax) andsurface temperature in the nucleate boiling regime (Tnuc) shown in Fig. 5. 9Figure 5 – Feedback control loop for a propane burner that heats a brew kettle to boil wort.When the surface temperature (Ts) of the kettle exceeds the optimum temperature (Tnuc, Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 10-11, 2015 Villanova Universityestimated with the equations on the right), the burner is shut off. Vapor properties are denotedwith a subscript v, while liquid properties are denoted with a subscript l. Csf is the surface factorconstant, while s is a constant that depends on the type of fluid being
Learning,from the Visible Knowledge Project. Academic Commons January 2009 issue., Sandy; Parrott, Scott; Mehlhorn, Joey; Burcham, Timothy; Roberts, Jason; andSmartt, Philip. Using Digital Learning Objects to Improve Student Problem Solving Skills,Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Corpus Christ, TX, Feb 6-9,2011, Charles., Paper Based Computing , Educause Quarterly, #4, (2008), Mary F.; Bright, David R.; Bugaj Patrick S. A brief report on the use of paper-basedcomputing to supplement a pharmaceutical
, but not on GPA, because there are more grades that exceed100% that provide no benefit to a GPA increase. Spring 2010 currently has a 94.2% average,while Spring 2009 had an 87.1% average, Spring 2007 had an 86.5% average and Spring 2008had an 88.9% average. Partly contributory to Spring 2010’s higher grade is the incoming GPAof the students. Furthermore, the first midterm exam was completed with an 84.8% averagewhich significantly reduced their course average at this point. The reduction of requiredassignments has hindered the student’s ability to complete an exam satisfactorily within a timelimit due to lack of practice. This was also demonstrated in EE462 Electronic Design thissemester based on the first midterm exam and the removal of
they apply to college students today. These theories are Classical Conditioning,Operant Conditioning and Social Learning. We will all recognize the learning patterns of ourstudents in all three theories. Classical Conditioning Classical Conditioning grew out of experiments to teach dogs to salivate in response to the ringing of a bell, conducted in the early 1900’s by Russian Psychologist Ivan Pavlov.4 This study connects an unconditioned stimulus to a conditioned stimulus and eventually to an unconditioned response. But students seldom learn as a response to a stimulus so this theory doesn’t really apply to college learning. Operant Conditioning Operant Conditioning is much more applicable to
Technical Courses: Procedures, Pitfalls, and Payoffs,” ERICDocument Reproduction Service Report ED 377038, (1994).8. Cooper, J., Prescott, S., Cook, L., Smith, L., Mueck, R., “Cooperative Learning and College Instruction: EffectiveUse of Student Learning Teams,” California State University Foundation, 1990. Proceedings of the 2007 Middle Atlantic Section Fall Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education
. Larson, Janelle M., Stephen M. Smith, David G. Abler and Carolina Trevelli, An Economic Analysis of Land Titling in Peru, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. 42(1):79-97, 2003.8. Waks, S. and Sabag, N., Technology Project Learning versus Lab Experimentation, Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 333-342, Sept. 2004.9. Boyer Commission (1998), Reinventing undergraduate education: A blueprint for America's research universities. Stony Brook, New York: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.10. Nicholas Basta, Opportunities in Engineering Careers, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2003.
converted to grade point averages on a 4.0 scale. The block(s) of instruction each mid-termexamination covered is/are in parenthesis. The differences between the mid-term scores and the population CGPAsfrom Table 1 are also shown. Mid-Term 1 Difference Mid-Term 2 Difference Population GPA from GPA from (Block I) CGPA (Blocks II/III) CGPA Raising Hands
U.S.A. The primary avenue of getting a job in the U.S.A. for a person who is not a citizen or a permanent resident is the H1-B visa (work visa).2 Due to immigration policies, it is easier to get the F-1 (student) visa and convert the status into H1-B after completion of the degree than directly getting the H1-B1 . Anecdotes tell that in the flourishing dot-com era of late 1990’s, many post-bachelor’s Ph.D. students would belured away by the companies. That may be the reason that in some schools it is difficult, de jure or de facto, for afunded post-bachelor’s student to get an M.S. diploma even after completing the equivalent course works.2 Obtaining employment based permanent residency (the “green card”) for getting a
the PLC and switching functions, making the operation of turning the fan on safer.(5) Next, flip the toggle switch “1” of the 1796 SIM1500 Input Simulator to the up position. Note that theblinking red light turns on. This occurs because output 0 (O:0/0) of the PLC is activated from 0, OFF to1, ON. Referencing rung 2 of the ladder logic diagram in Appendix A, it is seen that O:0/0 (portrayed asa load on the right side of rung 1 of the ladder logic diagram) is activated when input 5 (I:0/5, a ladderlogic switch) is activated to 1, ON. This is done by physically moving toggle switch 1 of the 1796SIM1500 Input Simulator in the up position, completing the 24 VDC circuit. The ladder logic also showsa time base switch, or timing delay, S:4/13, in
learning styles, approaches to learning (deep, surface, andstrategic), and levels of intellectual development. (at[5] Army Regulation 25-1: Army Knowledge Management and Information Technology. Headquarters,Department of the Army, Washington, DC. 15 July 2005.[6] Ekstrom, J.J. and B. Lunt. Education at the Seams: Preparing Students to Stitch Systems Together;Curriculum and Issues for 4-Year IT Programs CITC4’03, October 16–18, 2003, Lafayette, Indiana.[7] Sobiesk, E. J., Blair, J. R., Cook, J. D., Giordano, J. C., Goda, B. S., and Reynolds, C. W. 2006.Designing an interdisciplinary information technology program. In Proceedings of the 7th Conference onInformation Technology
. Kahlenberg, ed., The Century Foundation: New York, p. 17-57, 2004.3. Spears, A.K., "Institutionalized Racism and the Education of Blacks," Anthropology and Education Quarterly 9(2): p. 127-136, 1978.4. Hsu, C., "Not Worth the Price," in U. S. News & World Report: Washington, 2003, p. 70-71.5. "How to Get Your Share of the $90 Billion Scholarship Jackpot," in Ebony 2003, p. p. 83A, 84, 84A, 84B, 85, 85A, 86, 86B.6. "Top Dollars for Black Scholars: How to Finance Your Educational Choice," in Ebony 2006, p. p. 178, 180, 182-176.7. Hoover, E., "Pushing the Envelope," in The Chronicle of Higher Education: Washington, 2003, p. 39-42.8. Bayiokos, C., "Uncle Sam Wants You! To Apply for FAFSA," in
Poster presentations. Please be creative but also try to be clear in presenting your main results. Part C This portion should focus on your overall experience of the listed REU activities. You will be provided a print out survey form that you need to fill out and hand-in separately (without your name). In this part, please address any issues that were not covered in the survey. You may also suggest aspects of the REU Program you would like to see improved. Include any item(s) that you would like to be included in future REU activities. In addition, you may be asked questions that may contain similar topics as above.Fig. 3. A sample of Final Project Report Guidelines given to REU students
student design projectThe ABET requirement for engineering standards is in Criterion 4 and specifically calls for the use of standards in design. TheCanadian requirement is broader although it is also focused around design.Relevant standards should be consulted early in the design process and since it is reasonable to assume many companies will wanttheir products to be accepted in the global market, students could be expected to look to see if their product is likely to be covered by aEuropean Union (EU) Directive [10]. According to the most recent report by the U.S. Trade Representative, the EU continues to bethe U.S.’s largest trading partner and, as such, is a large market for US goods and services.The National Institute of Standards and
introductory computer science lec- tures, SIGCSE ’00: Proceedings of the thirty-first SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education (New York, NY, USA), ACM Press, 2000, pp. 134–138.[10] Mark A. Holliday, Animation of computer networking concepts, J. Educ. Resour. Comput. 3 (2003), no. 2, 1–26.[11] Gianluca Iannaccone, Martin May, and Christophe Diot, Aggregate traffic performance with active queue management and drop from tail, SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 31 (2001), no. 3, 4–13.[12] G. Krasner and S. Pope, A description of the model-view-controller user interface paradigm in the smalltalk-80 system, Journal of Object Oriented Programming 1 (1988), no. 3, 26–49.[13] Scot F. Morse and Charles L. Anderson, Introducing
the first semester, the instructors encouraged students to use “DesignThinking” to guide their efforts in defining the elements in the exhibit (which correspond tostudent projects). The Design Thinking steps are: empathizing with the customer (i.e., theparticipant, in the case of the exhibit), defining the elements in the exhibit, ideating about how torealize the elements, and next to make and test low fidelity prototypes (that is, prototypes madewith a relatively small investment in time and energy and just good enough to be able to tell ifthe current approach is good). Design Thinking was developed in the late 1950’s through acollaboration of faculty from the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Art andArchitecture at Stanford
, Requirements, andProcedures System" in [company]-1-01, Management Policies, will be issued to formally grandfather the Page 14.8.16 15existing system of policies and procedures to ensure that the site continues its exemplary record ofcompliance with statutory requirements and customer commitments.Following the issuance of the interim policy, all company-level policies and procedures, source andcompliance documents and various program-specific procedure manuals will be assessed by their ownersand subject matter experts. [company]'s collection of policies, procedures and manuals will be revised