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to a lot of other reverse engineering tools thatcater to only Linux and Windows. IDA was written initially by Ilfak Guilfanov in the early2000’s, and has since then expanded to become a combination of not only a disassembler, butalso a decompiler, hex editor, and debugger.IDA is previously known as the best all-in-one tool that predates Ghidra. However, although itseems like a superior application to the others mentioned, it comes with some serious drawbacks:complex and non-user-friendly implementation, as well as a very big price tag.Other facets of IDA include the debugger and the hex editor. Both of these are present in theIDA application and can be used to trace through the AL code. The combination of all thesethings make IDA an
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the results should not be overly generalized due to thesmall number of teachers interviewed, the results indicate that many entering college studentsmay already be somewhat familiar with the importance of EESI in engineering. In addition, thefindings dovetail with recent attention on the preparation of K-12 teachers to educate students onengineering [21], indicating that teachers should be aware of the important role of ethics inengineering.AcknowledgmentsThis study was funded by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1540348. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] National
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-assessment in moralreasoning, at the beginning of the semester all students were asked to complete a surveycomprised of four of the six cases from the Engineering and Science Issues Test (ESIT,described below). Prior to the interactive case study, several lectures and activities introducedfirst-year students to ethical decision making in engineering. In the discussion sections thatimplemented the interactive case study, one class was devoted to students creating their owncode of ethics, then matching their codes to the NSPE Code and generating a list of additionalcodes that are not in the NSPE Code. Next, a lecture introduced all first-year students to theNSPE Code of Ethics and had students play a virtual game in which they chose a building(s
Paper ID #32632Program Encryption Toolkit: A Tool for Digital Logic Education andUndergraduate ResearchDr. Jeffrey Todd McDonald, University of South Alabama Dr. Jeffrey ”Todd” McDonald is a Professor of Computer Science in the School of Computing at the University of South Alabama. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Florida State University in 2006, his Master of Science degree in Computer Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology in 2000, and his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the U. S. Air Force Academy in 1990. His research interests include program protection and
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andStudent 2. When Student 3 moves link connections will cause the group to move in the samedirection and distance that Student 3 moves towards his/her target. Since Student 3 also has aproject connection link, the project location coordinates will also be reassigned to a new centralposition between Students 1 and 3 due to Student 3’s movement.In the model, team progress was determined based on which grid square (see Figure 2) theproject location ended in once the clock cycle was complete. Individual student progress wasdetermined based on the grid location each student ended in. While the model’s simulation isoccurring, data is logged on every input value, movement, and interaction of all agents duringevery time count. This data can then be
, and to your best ability.1. What was your letter grade in each foundational subject? Write the most recent semester (SMR=summer, F=fall, S=spring) and year when you took the course. Mark courses taken at FGCU with an asterisk (*). Algebra: _____ Geometry/Trig: _____ Calculus I: _____ Physics I: _____ Sem. & Yr. taken? _____ Sem. & Yr. taken? _____ Sem. & Yr. taken? _____ Sem. & Yr. taken? _____• Rate your current level of confidence in utilizing each foundational subject on a scale from 1 to 10. Not Confident → → → → → → → → → →→ → → → Very Confident Algebra 1 2 3 4 5 6
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already on the books that are being revised. The review process includes monitoring that Student Learning Outcomes of the course(s) are aligned with the EUSLOs from the Liberal Studies curriculum, that they are measurable, and that there is an assessment mechanism in place. I also evaluate the section of departments’ program reviews that pertains to Liberal Studies. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021Creating Opportunities to Help Students Be Prepared for Careers in a STEM Field Edel Reilly Indiana University of PennsylvaniaThis paper reports on an ongoing National Science Foundation's
. Wilhelm Construction andDoka USA for their contributions and assistance with soil box fabrication along with Mr. DarrenGreen and Ms. Maddy Mueller for their assistance with fabrication. The authors would also liketo thank Wieser Concrete, Superior Steel, Inc., Benchmark Fabricated Steel, and McLaughlinHoist and Crane for their contributions to the development of the structural engineeringlaboratories.References1. Carroll, J.C. and J.W. Benton, Design, Construction, and Performance of the Modular Strong-block Testing System. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2018. 32(5).2. Carroll, J. C., Lovell, M. D., Kershaw, K., Sipes, S. M., Luna, R., Aidoo, J., Hanson, J. H. (2020, June), Rationale and Design Approach for Full-scale
Sixteencollege basketball tournament and seated near the front.The countdown round was a fast-paced competition. In each paring, two students sat on the stagewith pencils and scratch paper. The Coordinator would read and show a problem on the bigscreen. The two students had 45 seconds to figure out the answer. Whoever buzzed in first hadthe chance to answer the question verbally. If his or her answer was correct, a point wasawarded. If the answer was incorrect, the other student had the remaining time to buzz in andanswer the question. The student who had more point(s) after 3 problems won the paring andmoved on to the next round.Soon, the 16 students shrunk down to 8, and then to 4. To determine the top four ranking of thecountdown round, the rule
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Technology (ABET) accreditation criteria forengineering programs that took effect in the 2019–2020 accreditation cycle [1] reflect an increasedemphasis in having engineering graduates that are prepared to participate in the development ofcomplex products and systems.The wide array of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) desired in engineering professionals isevident in references such as the Engineering Competency Model jointly developed by theAmerican Association of Engineering Societies (AAES) and the US Department of Labor (DoL),the CDIO (Conceive Design Implement Operate) Syllabus 2.0 proposed by the CDIO organization,and the U. S. Department of Defense Systems Engineering Career Competency Model [2-5]. Someof the listed KSAs [2-5] highlight
these same goals, theMars2020 mission will pave the way for future human expeditions. Mars2020’s Perseverance rover will also test amethod for producing oxygen from the Martian atmosphere, identify potential In Situ Resource Utilization Targets(such as subsurface water), improve landing techniques, and characterize weather, dust, and other environmentalconditions that could affect the sustainability of future astronauts living and working on Mars.Exploration and Habitation of the MoonInterns form a team that is responsible for the design of a lunar habitat that is capable of sustaining a long-termhuman presence on the Moon. Success in this endeavor required many areas of expertise, and each intern took onone of a variety of engineering or
100% rational and easy to follow solution process, Meets Minimum including required diagrams and figures Competency Incorrect answer due to one or two minor errors II 80% but supported by a correct solution process as described in Level I Does Not Meet Minimum III 0% Incorrect answer due to conceptual error(s) CompetencyIn Level II scores described in Table 2, there are two necessary conditions for classifying anerror as minor: 1. The mistake is a minor algebraic error, computational error, error in units or significant digits, or other human mistake such
leadership today, professional employment tomorrow,” New Directions for Student Leadership, pp. 91-109, May 8, 2019.[16] F. Moshiri and P. Cardon, “The state of Business Communication classes: A national survey,” Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, vol.77 (3), pp. 312-329, 2014. DOI: 10.1177/2329490614538489[17] M.S. Doran and S. Golen, “Identifying communication barriers to learning in large group accounting instruction,” Journal of Education for Business, vol. 73 (4), pp. 221-224, March/April 1998. DOI: 10.1080/08832329809601634 AppendixName: _________________________________ Team
parametric design studies.The authors propose that all variables be retained symbolically, and all equations are writtensymbolically in natural form without any algebraic manipulation. Once all equations aredeveloped, they are solved by the method of choice, i.e., by hand and/or, preferably, a modernengineering tool. The authors strongly endorse using a commercial program equation solver forall but the most straightforward problems, supported by verifying the result. This approachallows the students to focus on the basic fundamental physics of the problem rather than on thealgebraic manipulation required to isolate the required solution variable(s). The proposedapproach allows a natural extension to design since all equations are in symbolic form
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