Session 1358 Experiences with Academic Publishing on the Internet: A Look at the Technology Interface Jeffrey S. Beasley, Charles T. Townley New Mexico State University AbstractThis paper discusses the experiences of publishing academic papers through Internet journalssuch as the Technology Interface. While Internet publishing creates many opportunities forexchanging information, this can also cause concern for ownership, proper cataloging, citing,and archiving. Also, the Internet is a dynamic environment. Many questions
Session 2555 A Graduate Engineering Program at a Liberal Arts College Bernard J. Weigman, Glenn S. Kohne Loyola College, Baltimore, MDIntroductionLoyola College in Maryland is a small liberal arts college. In 1977, Loyola, then predominantlyan undergraduate college, started a graduate program in Engineering. There existed at that timean undergraduate department in Engineering Science, Computer Science and Physics(ENSCAP). The goal of the undergraduate department was to provide a rigorous engineeringprogram for students who also wanted to
Session 3615 HANDS-ON GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING AT THE UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL Gregg L. Fiegel, Jay S. DeNatale Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407INTRODUCTIONDefining the characteristics of a subsurface profile is a challenge that is unique to geotechnicalengineering. It is important, therefore, that aspiring geotechnical engineers have knowledge ofsite exploration strategies and sampling techniques before entering professional practice
Session 2659 Industrial Automation Using OLE Dr. Bruce E. Segee, Kevin S. LeBlanc University of Maine AbstractOften, industrial automation software is a single monolithic program that must handle all aspectsof control, data gathering, architecture, and reporting. Design of such software is timeconsuming and error prone. Furthermore, maintenance or modifications to the code is difficultand can “break” other functions. A more powerful approach is to use the multiprocessingcapabilities of Windows95 along with the
Session 1268 Integrating Design Projects into an Introductory Course in Mechanics of Materials David S. Cottrell, Stephen J. Ressler United States Military AcademyAbstractThis paper describes the use of design projects in an introductory mechanics of materialscourse at the United States Military Academy. These projects serve to reinforce topics taughtin the classroom and to introduce students to the engineering design process with their firsthands-on design experience. Three representative examples of actual projects are presented.Students’ end-of-course
Session 3675 Dual Careers vs. Dueling Careers: Engineering the Two-Profession Household Melissa S. Tooley, Michael D. Tooley University of Arkansas/ Lucent TechnologiesAbstractBalancing professional and personal obligations is a continuing challenge for today’s educators.Two-income families are particularly common among new faculty, where partners are requiredto share all the duties of family life. This paper presents the methods used by one professionalcouple to share the responsibilities of raising children, maintain a home for the family, andbalance the
Session 1655 An Education Course for Engineering Graduate Students Phillip C. Wankat, Frank S. Oreovicz Chemical Engineering, Purdue UniversityI. IntroductionWhat educational experiences do PhD students in engineering need ? In class: We want all of our graduates - both BS and advanced - to meet the spirit of ABET Criteria 2000.1 Since approximately half of the PhD students have not graduated from an ABET accredited undergraduate program, the graduate courses should supply the same educational experiences as undergraduate courses, but studying advanced
Session 1606 The Architectural Engineering Institute - A Professional Society for Architectural Engineers Patricia S. Brown, P.E., Paul A. Seaburg, Ph.D., P.E. Architectural Engineering Institute/University of Nebraska at OmahaOn October 1, 1998, the National Society of Architectural Engineers (NSAE) merged with theArchitectural Engineering Division (AED) of the American Society of Civil Engineers to createthe Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI).It has long been recognized that lacking a strong national professional society, graduates ofArchitectural Engineering programs quickly
Session 2547 The Fundamental Digital Circuits Laboratory at The University of Central Florida Bahman S. Motlagh, Alireza Rahrooh University of Central FloridaAbstractA course in Digital Circuits is an essential part of a well-rounded Electrical EngineeringTechnology (EET) curriculum. With hands-on experiments significantly improving theunderstanding and visualization of complex subject matters, a series of laboratory experimentshave been developed in order to enhance the teaching and learning processes of Digital Circuitsat the University of Central Florida. The
Session 1664 Materials Matter in Mechanical Engineering at RIT S. K. Gupta and M. R. Scanlon Department of Mechanical EngineeringSuccess in design and manufacture of a product depends critically on the properties of materialsselected. For a given material, the set of properties desired during processing may be quitedifferent from that needed in service. Thus, a mechanical engineer needs to know about theproperties, performance and processing of a wide range of materials, and be able to use thisknowledge in designing a product. Eight years ago, our department initiated major laboratorydevelopment and curricular
3548 TS/2 RECONFIGURABLE LOGIC IN LABORATORY INSTRUCTION Shelton L. Houston and Kamal S. Ali School of Engineering Technology University of Southern Mississippi Box 5137, Hattiesburg MS 39406ABSTRACT:Traditionally, laboratory instruction in computer and electronics engineering technologyhas relied mainly on SSI and MSI integrated circuits. This placed a limitation on thenumber of components per lab experiment, and hence, a limitation on the complexity ofthe laboratory tasks presented to students. Exasperated by the
Session 2525 Re-Engineering Open-ended Problems & Computer Simulations For Effective Development of Student Design Skills R. J. Eggert and S. A. Tennyson Boise State University Boise, Idaho 83725ABSTRACTConsidering the broad philosophy of Design Across the Curriculum (DAC), a variety ofstrategies can be employed to integrate engineering design coursework during the four-yearcurriculum using just-in-time learning, an increasing breadth-then-depth approach. Thesophomore and junior years, in particular, can be used to reinforce
Session 2251 Role Models and Environmental Education: The Good, The Bad, and the MIA Fiona S. Crofton, The ORCAD Group Inc., Vancouver, Canada Cynthia A. Mitchell, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, AustraliaStudents 'know' that learning about communication, sustainability, social issues, evenenvironmental issues, is "not very important." They know this because many, perhaps even most,of their engineering professors do not pay much attention to these things; they know becauselearning about such things means picking up a couple of courses outside of the engineeringfaculty as part of
Session 1547 THE SMARTE ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS: PERCEPTIONS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS ABOUT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Mulchand S. Rathod, Joella H. Gipson Division of Engineering Technology College of Education Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202SUMMARY women, are depicted to comprise about 70% of the new entrants into the labor force by the year 2000
Session 3226 A Student Controlled Two-Degree of Freedom Vibration Laboratory S. D’Souza, N.W. Scott & B.J. Stone The University of Western Australia Abstract student controlled, safe and may be done at any time. LyonsIn recent years there has been a significant increase in the use [2] concluded that “a laboratory designed with this in mindof
Session 3151 Teaching the Business of Engineering Harriet S. Cornachione, Michael A. Cornachione Oregon Institute of TechnologyIntroductionTypical of most civil engineering programs, the Civil Engineering and Surveying Department atOregon Institute of Technology (OIT) requires civil engineering majors to take senior-design, orcapstone courses. These courses are intended to expose students to engineering problems similarto those they will encounter when they begin their careers. In keeping with traditionaleducational methodology, the classes generally become part lecture, part
Paper ID #43302Board 11: Work in Progress: Development and Assessment of an Innovative,Student-Centered Biomechanics CourseDr. Pattie S. Mathieu, Marian University Dr. Pattie Mathieu joined Marian University in August 2023 as an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering. Her research interests include cardiovascular mechanobiology and metabolism. Her Ph.D. work at Trinity College Dublin focused on how collagen structure and tensile strain affect vascular stem cell and vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype and proliferation. In her postdoctoral work at the University of Maryland she investigated how glutamine metabolism
Paper ID #43561Elementary Student Teams’ Design Failure Experiences and Factors that Affecttheir Opportunities to Learn from Failure (Fundamental)Dr. Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Towson University Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Ph.D., is Professor of Science and Engineering Education in the Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences at Towson University. She has integrated engineering into courses for PreK-8 teacher candidates, developed and directed a graduate STEM program for PreK-6 teachers, and partnered with teachers to implement PreK-8 science-integrated engineering learning experiences. She has authored numerous
AC 2011-686: MAKING ELEMENTARY ENGINEERING WORK: LESSONSFROM PARTNERSHIPS AND PRACTICETHE SYSTEMIC PROJECT, MARY-LANDPamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Towson University Dr. Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue is an Assistant Professor of Science Education in the Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences at Towson University. She began her career as process engineer, taught high school physics and pre-engineering, and has been involved in both Project Lead the Way and Project FIRST robotics. She was a Hub Site Partner for Engineering is Elementary (EiE) through their National Dissemination through Regional Partners program. As a pre-service teacher educator, she has added engineering to her elementary and early childhood
AC 2011-628: CLASSROOM TEACHER - ENRICHMENT TEACHER PAIRS:CO-TEACHING AS A MEANS TO IMPLEMENT ELEMENTARY ENGI-NEERING EDUCATIONPamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Towson University Dr. Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue is an Assistant Professor of Science Education in the Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences at Towson University. She began her career as process engineer, taught high school physics and pre-engineering, and has been involved in both Project Lead the Way and Project FIRST robotics. She was a Hub Site Partner for Engineering is Elementary (EiE) through their National Dissemination through Regional Partners program. As a pre-service teacher educator, she has added engineering to her elementary and early
AC 2011-1471: COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TO PROBLEM SOLVINGIN SOME ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY COURSESB. S. Sridhara, Middle Tennessee State University Dr. Sridhara is a professor in the Engineering Technology Department at Middle Tennessee State Uni- versity, Murfreesboro, TN. He received his BSME degree from Bangalore University, India and MSME degrees from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey. Dr. Sridhara received his Ph. D from Auburn University, Alabama. He has published several articles in the areas of acoustics, vibration, noise control and engineering education. Dr. Sridhara has reviewed several articles and books in his area of expertise
Session 2366 A Laboratory Experiment for Finding the Radiation View Factor Between a Differential Area and a Plane Aaron Renner, William S. Janna University of MemphisAbstractThe unit sphere method was developed in order to measure the view factor betweena differential and a finite plane area. This method was used to design an experimentfor the undergraduate Heat Transfer Laboratory, and is described in this study.Using methods of descriptive geometry, a graphical equivalent of the spheremethod was also developed, which is used additionally in the experiment. Theapparatus for measuring view
Session 3659 Lathe Instrumentation utilizing LABVIEW S. A. Chickamenahalli, Venkateswaran Nallaperumal Wayne State UniversityAbstractThis paper presents an innovative instrumentation project that consists of instrumentation on alathe using National Instruments Data Acquisition (NIDAQ) tools and display using Labviewsoftware. The aim was to carryout real-time measurement and display acquired waveforms on aPC screen and also store these waveforms for later use. This work is part of a NSF fundedGreenfield Coalition’s New Manufacturing Engineering curriculum project. Sensing and displayof
Session 3613 LEADING UNDERGRADUATES ALONG STRUCTURED PATHS TO THE BUILDING OF GOOD PROCESS MODELS Alan S. Foss1, George Stephanopoulos2 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 2 Department of Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ABSTRACT Students are led to crafting a process model before writing any equations. This isaccomplished by leading them through a structured modeling methodology
Session 3565 Mathematical Support for an Integrated Engineering Curriculum Bernd S. W. Schroeder1, Jenna P. Carpenter Louisiana Tech University Background, Goals, and Objectives. Seeking improvements over the curriculum currently in place, during the academic year 1996-97, faculty from several engineering programs and the programs of mathematics, physics, and chemistry at Louisiana Tech evaluated the integrated engineering curricula at several universities with the goal to implement a similar program at Louisiana Tech University. Upon this review it was
Session 2548 THE SMARTE ENRICHMENT PROJECTS: SUMMER ACADEMY FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS Mulchand S. Rathod Joella H. Gipson Division of Engineering Technology College of Education Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The Southeast Michigan Alliance forReinvestment in Technological Education Based on the 1986 report, A Nation
Session 3322 Training Partnership Between an International Labor Union And the Academia: A Case Study Sohail Anwar, Shamsa S. Anwar Penn State AltoonaAbstractThe subject of professional training has become increasingly important in a rapidly changingglobal economy. All organizations, regardless of their nature, face the challenges of nextmillennium. Searching for answers to the challenges of the next millennium, attention must bepaid to educational processes and programs. Numerous trade union organizations areaddressing the professional training needs of