practice of innovation acrossinstitutional boundaries, would effectively prepare the next generation of innovators andengineers to address systemic and institutional racism and whiteness within STEM. One of theways we wanted to tackle this was by community engagement. Community engagement insome phases of engineering projects is known worldwide. However, community engagement inall phases, including the grant writing process, is minimal.This STEM-focused community-engaged project involves two institutions, including apredominately white institution (PWI) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).These institutions are working together for a common and beneficial goal of creating change ina community, a platform for collaboration and
to the undergraduate education of civil engineers. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Bowling Alone and Leaving Students Behind: Placing ASEE Civil Engineering Division Membership Trends in ContextAbstractMembership in the Civil Engineering Division of the American Society for EngineeringEducation (ASEE) peaked at 680 in 2008. At the time of writing, membership has decreased byapproximately 25% from that peak. This trend is consistent with declines in most divisions inProfessional Interest Council (PIC) IV, which includes the Civil Engineering Division; the onlydivisions seeing growth in PIC IV were First Year Programs and Minorities in Engineering.Overall, membership in ASEE
and Science Education at Clemson University, and the past editor of the Journal of Engineering Education. Her research focuses on the interactions between student motivation and their learning experiences. Her projects include studies of student perceptions, beliefs and attitudes towards becoming engineers and scientists, and their development of problem-solving skills, self- regulated learning practices, and epistemic beliefs. Other projects in the Benson group involve students’ navigational capital, and researchers’ schema development through the peer review process. Dr. Benson is an American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Fellow, and a member of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI
’ institution as it has with manyother institutions across the US.As a Jesuit Catholic university committed to “the ideals of liberal education and the developmentof the whole person,”[11] LUM operates primarily as an undergraduate institution withconsiderable liberal arts requirements. Students who pursue LUM’s ABET-accredited bachelor’sof science in engineering must select one of four concentrations in electrical, computer,mechanical, or materials engineering. At the same time, all students are required to completecourses in the natural sciences and mathematics, as well as in the humanities and social scienceswherein reading, writing, and critical thinking skills are heavily emphasized [12]. The LUMCore Values Statement “calls upon the curriculum to
for diversity,going the extra mile in and outside of class to assist with learning [8], [24], [25], [27], [37].Other student support was evidenced in the form of transfer fairs [25], campus visits, careercenter access, computer support, daycare, writing tutors, academic success workshops, and post-transfer information sessions [24]. It was also noted that often transfer support comes most in thepre-transfer phase but that student support should be provided across three points: pre-transfer,pre-enrollment, and first term post-transfer [6]. Similarly related to student support isengagement. Ways to improve student engagement to increase transfer student capital includedengaging with peers, role models, and peer mentors [6], [46]; developing
shared thestudy with their own professional networks and peers. The initial inclusion criteria forparticipants to be interviewed were as follows: (1) they had to identify as Black, and (2) be agraduate student currently enrolled in a doctoral program in engineering at a predominatelywhite institution in the United States, and (3) have engaged in either NSBE and/or BGLOs as anundergraduate student. A total of 37 interviews were collected from Black graduate students across the nation.Interviews were initiated with a prompt asking participants to share their experiences navigatingengineering through undergraduate and graduate school. Participants were encouraged to reflecton how perceived facets of their identity and engagement with
Department of Education (NYCDOE) in partnership with the Department of Labor (DOL) on the Youth CareerConnect Mentoring Initiative (YCC).Chelsea Bouldin, I am a Black woman PhD fellow who delights in co-creating worlds that embrace expansive processes of being. ”How do us Black women, girls, and femmes know ourselves?” is my most persistent query. Flavorful food, Black sci-fi books, bound-less writing, impromptu exploration, and laughing endlessly fill my dreamiest days. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Inclusive Innovation: Reframing STEM Research in COVID-19 Over the past several years, there has been a consistent increase in the number of scienceand engineering (S
out how to operationalize them in theirclassrooms. Research has shown that faculty interested in pedagogical transformation areoften overwhelmed by the many tools, frameworks, and theories available [13]. One of theobjectives of this paper is to remove this burden on faculty and instructors by providing themwith an organized checklist of inclusive teaching practices stemming from variedframeworks, along with some easy-to-use resources, strategies, and examples, all in a singleresource. Further, our inclusive course design checklist is organized around the variouscomponents of teaching (e.g., writing the syllabus, selecting/training TAs, etc.) so it is (wehope) more pragmatic, accessible, and implementation-ready to educators, all the
facilitate large [7] discussion (4 min.), report out to large group report out. group (5 min.). Each student provides peer feedback An online survey tool (e.g., Google Peer on at least two other team Forms) is used to collect peer [9] feedback presentations. feedback.Beyond modifying existing course activities, the teaching team introduced new course activitiesspecific to the remote environment. Some activities were introduced to provide the sense ofcommunity and camaraderie that is cultivated in the class but often limited in remote settings.For
, especially, the importance of communication and planning with my peers. The collaborationand participation among my group had to be structured, planned, and dynamic when we researched aboutbio-inspired professional reports. I learned the importance of proactive planning ahead of deadlines andconsistently communicating what my progress was on my research.”“Another skilled learned was teamwork. Teamwork in the project was needed to collaborate all of onesideas to make the best possible outcome. Overall this class taught us all the skills needed to perform bestas an engineer in the field.”“It helped me engage in critical thinking and learn more about how to effectively write summaries afterreading various articles. My approach to problems have changed
. • Write on 8.5 in. 11 in., gridded engineering paper. • Use a straight edge, compass, and/or protractor to draw figures. • Consider acquiring engineering tools:• Presentation • Include no more than one problem per page. • Number pages per problem if more than one page is needed. • Write on only one side of each sheet. • Each problem should have a neatly drawn figure(s). • Figures should be large enough to be easily read. • Variables should appear on figures. • Variables should be described using words and symbols. • Write legibly, in clear, easy-to-read print. • Completely erase any extraneous material. • No crossed-out material should appear on the solutions
their individual course redesign efforts. It alsofunctioned as a platform for the participants to share their findings, outcomes, andrecommendations with their peers, with the goal of improving the teaching and learningexperience across the institution in a variety of ways. This learning community was instrumentalin leading to the development of the climate change learning module in CCE 1100.In Fall 2022, the instructor of CCE 1100 added the climate change module into the course. Themodule includes two lectures and the associated readings and homework assignments. The firstlecture mainly covers climate science and literacy, and the second lecture covers the relatedASCE policy statements on climate change, and civil engineers’ role in climate
multidisciplinarity will be used to refer to thebalance of and cognitive distances between majors of students within a student team. Thestudy builds on methods used in measures of interdisciplinary research, so references to thosemethods will use the term interdisciplinary, consistent with writings in that area. With thatclarification given, Rousseau et al. place minimal emphasis on terminology, “Although someresearchers make a distinction between the terms interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary,transdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research, in empirical studies one finds a continuumwhich makes it difficult to distinguish among these modes” [2, p. 70]. 3% % of Papers with Multi- or
instruction), thispaper describes: a) details of course pedagogy; b) details of course content; and 3) outcomesfrom three course offerings over a period of three years to 84 students. Attributes of this coursedescribed in this article, include: 1) students completed lecture content mapped closely to theEnvironmental Engineering Body of Knowledge (EnvEng BoK) and the design criteria describedby the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET Inc.; 2) students preparedpodcasts to teach design principles to specific audiences (i.e., high school students, peers, andpublic officials); and 3) students worked independently and in small groups to perform term-length design exercises. A unique aspect of this course included interdisciplinary
first- and secondyear offerings (groups from Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Civil andArchitectural Engineering, and the first set of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering andIndustrial Technology) are provided in prior publications [20, 21]. The projects describedthere are those listed as items b, and d above.The Chemical and Environmental Engineering cohort included three student teams, two ofwhich were attending the SBP on-site and one that was attending virtually. These threegroups each had a different project, which was beneficial for these students in that they wereable to see their peers working on different tasks in their same discipline area. The first on-site team investigated the potential use of a renewable energy
growth. This perspective isfundamental to deep and lasting learning that persists after the final exam [2-4].In this paper we show that ungraded classrooms have significant potential as a vehicle toenhance engineering education as it models the learning and development of experts. We do thisthrough presentation of student response to ungraded classrooms in terms of both studentopinions and in comparison, of graded instruments.The ExpertConsider a practicing engineer, who is a subject matter expert of renown in industry andrespected by academic peers. This person likely received a formal education at a respectedinstitution of higher education. Leaving the university experience, the person was not an expert,but had a base of knowledge and skills
peers while people in industry juststrive to survive [19]. Another important factor is that industry thinks in terms of short-rangegoals whereas academia has a long-range perspective [24]. The gap also existed as some studentshave limited vision about their role and dream jobs upon finishing their high school degree [25].Another critical reason that plays a significant role in increasing the gap between academia andindustry is the lack of engineering students seeing the classroom as something that can help themimprove their overall skills and abilities [16], [19].3. MethodsThe authors distributed a closed-ended survey to ECE professional engineers and ECEdepartment heads to examine how differently each of the group looks at the demanded
telecommunications chairholder at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, and director of CONNECT – the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Future Communications and Network. DaSilva is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) for his contributions to cognitive networking and to resource management in wireless networks. He pioneered the application of game theory to analyze and design wireless networks, authoring the first book on the topic. He is also responsible for seminal work on cognitive networking and spectrum and network sharing. He has authored two books, more than 300 peer-reviewed papers, and is a frequent keynote speaker and invited lecturer around the world. He has also been an IEEE
of the student team and their communication materials is neat and professional. Style: The team focuses its communication on its intended audience and can maintain audience attention and interest. The presentation is clean, clear, and aesthetically pleasing. If it is a presentation, dress and attire is appropriate. Prescribed Length and Format: The team does not provide an over-abundance of information to the intended audience while addressing the most pressing concerns and interest of that audience. Technical documents will follow a prescribed and expected format.There are several taxonomies of “audience” in technical writing style manuals [6]. We have useda simplified definition of “a
, modeling and system design for cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things. She has published in several peer-reviewed conferences and journals and has been a program committee member at several conferences. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Challenges and Experiences in Implementing a Specifications Grading System in an Upper Division Undergraduate Computer Networks CourseAbstractComputer Networks is an important course in most undergraduate curricula in computingdisciplines. The course learning objectives cover a broad range of topics and skills. The studentsare expected to acquire knowledge about the basic functionality of the layered
projects.Course Learning ObjectivesThe following are the course learning objectives as defined by the college for the capstone course: Form a formal project proposal, create a functional prototype to solve the given problem. Utilize a software scheduling package to plan and track the progress of a project. Weigh design alternatives for customer requirements, efficiency, reliability, and cost. Formulate and apply formal test procedures to the developed prototype. Analyze the data acquired during testing of the prototype. Present the prototype design orally to a specific audience. Write a technical report including conclusions and recommendations for further work.Course GoalsThis course emphasizes aspects of
to all STEM Coreparticipants across the network. The series incorporates multiple workshops focusing on STEMresume writing (plus follow-up 1-on-1 resume writing sessions), LinkedIn workshops forstudents to create and update resumes and profiles specifically for STEM employers.Additionally, students participate in sessions with a STEM Diversity Specialist around DEIcareer readiness strategies. Using research and insight from top employers, the STEM Coreprogram works to dismantle career readiness challenges that impact diverse students frompursuing and/or persisting in STEM-based careers and to excel while job searching.Overall, the STEM Core Internship Development Series works to equip staff and students withspecific techniques and tips to be
from China. Fan received her MS in Elementary Education Science and a graduate certificate in Curriculum Instruction.Dr. Lisa Y. Flores, University of Missouri, Columbia Lisa Y. Flores, Ph.D. is a Professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Missouri. She has expertise in the career development of Latino/as and Latino/a immigrant issues and has 80 peer reviewed journal publications, 19 book chapters, and 1 co-e ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Student perceptions of confidence in learning and teaching before and after teaching improvementsAs part of an overall research program investigating the impact of changes in teachingstrategies on
the product owner. • Weekly sub-goals are based on the software requirements document, but minor changes can be made as issues are encountered during implementation. • Written assignments (beyond the design specification) are technical and non-technical, such as broad reflection essays.Assessment is based on performance on presentations and writing activities, and the deliverableis a final project presentation. Providing a complete product is expected but not a majority oftheir grade. The following changes are suggested for a more inquiry-based experience forstudents: • The premise of the project is a vague question or obstacle to the state of the art. • Students are required to have an authentic project by
professor access to students of anymajor on campus and the students can stay with the VIP team for multiple semesters. VIP teamstypically have 10 to 20 students. The Electronic ARTrium VIP team is co-instructed by Prof.Weitnauer and Dr. Thomas Martin, Chief Scientist of the Electro-optics Systems Laboratory atthe Georgia Tech Research Institute. Enrollments in the Electronic ARTrium team since itsinception to the time of this writing have been 22, 15, 21, and 24, for Fall 2021, Spring 2022,Fall 2022, and Spring 2023. Many if not all the computer science (CS) students on the VIP teamwere using VIP to satisfy their junior capstone design requirement, but this is transparent to theVIP instructors. Engineering students also have the option to use VIP
widespread uptake of this intervention effort with faculty to promoteinstitutional transformation.Despite decades of explicit effort by institutions and faculty to provide Black, Latinx, andIndigenous (BLI) students in STEM with equitable access to educational opportunities andsuccess, considerable gaps in achievement remain [2], [3]. Black and Latinx students have beenshown to have higher interest than their White peers in STEM majors, including in engineering[4]–[6], yet despite this strong interest, they are less likely than their White peers to enroll or persistin the degree path. One factor that has been shown to help lessen this gap in student representationis positive interaction with faculty [7]–[10]. Positive faculty interaction promotes
able to make the most impact. 5DATA CONSTRUCTION & COLLECTIONWe studied our experiences across one semester as faculty apprentices. At the beginning of thesemester, we decided to write individual weekly reflections and meet monthly via videoconference to co-write joint reflections. In addition, we co-created a list of guiding writingprompts focused on our learning experience and metacognitive reflections.In our monthly meetings, we discussed and reflected on our experiences. These meetingsallowed us to have the unique perspective of a peer who was in the same space. We recordedthese Zoom meetings, which served as a primary data source for our
particularly suited to a TA or peer (Optional) tutor.) Finals week Project Demo project The project presentation which Presentation demos the project can be before Submit source code the final project submission Project submission and report Ethical Reflection For you project, consider each of the following and write in brief regarding each of these points of consideration: • Who are the stakeholders for your project? (Note: it could be you, otherwise there is at least the user and the programmer.) • What are the concerns of the stakeholders? • How are the
,including during their pre-college careers. Radunzel et al.’s recent study [7, p. 1] found that“students with both expressed and measured interest in STEM were more likely to persist andcomplete a STEM degree than those with either expressed or measured interest only, as well asthose with no interest in STEM.” Furthermore, research is investigating the troubling phenomenaof extended time to finish college and higher drop-out rates for STEM programs as compared toothers [e.g., 8].STEM by the numbersPines [9] writes that “one of the greatest and most enduring strengths of the United States hasbeen its ability to attract global talent in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics(STEM) to bolster its economic and technological competitiveness
cognitively but also in the affectivedomain, fostering students’ identity as engineers who have an entrepreneurial mindset. We presenttwo accounts of how story-driven learning and focused team development were integrated intodifferent courses and highlight how they can amplify the impacts of activities fostering curiosity,connections, and value creation (the 3Cs), which nurture entrepreneurial mindset. In one, thisresults in students who have more clarity regarding their own engineering identity and the uniqueperspectives their peers can contribute. In the other, students learned and applied principles ofeffective teaming and used stories to reflect on their experiences. Student reflections, individuallyand in teams, show augmented self-awareness