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Displaying results 3781 - 3810 of 6366 in total
Conference Session
Design throughout the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anurag Purwar, Stony Brook University
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Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
democratization of manufacturingand programmable electronics. The design experience in the class provides students an outlet forexercising their creativity at the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy. ∗A web-based, private beta version was provided to students in the Fall 2015 to assist them with their projects.Figure 5: A few pictures of the projects from the Final Robot Design Project Demo day, Fall 2015;see complete gallery of pictures at Shen, Q., Al-Smadi, Y. M., Martin, P. J., Russell, K., and Sodhi, R. S., 2009, “An extension of mechanism design optimization for motion generation”, Mechanism and machine theory, 44(9), pp. 1759–1767.2 The National Academy of Engineering, 2005, Educating the
Conference Session
Construction Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ifte Choudhury, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
construction projects in Florida and cannot be generalizedbeyond the sample size.Bibliography1. Bromilow F J, Hinds M F and Moody N F (1980) “AIQS survey of building contract time performance.” Building Economist 19(2): 79-82.2. Choudhury I and Rajan S S (2008) “Time-cost relationship for residential construction in Texas.” The American Professional Constructor 32(2): 28-32.3. Ireland V B E (1985) “The role of managerial actions in the cost, time, and quality performance of high-rise commercial building projects.” Construction Management and Economics 3 (1): 59-87.4. Kaka A and Price A D F (1991) “Relationship between value and duration of construction projects.” Construction Management and Economics 9(4): 383-400.5
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Academic Programs
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
D. Cenk Erdil, Marist College
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
degrees. However, professionals with health informatics degrees, and computerscience and engineering degrees each approach problems differently from their particularperspective(s), and resulting multidisciplinary teams can only provide short-term solutions. Thus,resulting data architectures and support infrastructures are both inefficient and incomplete in mostcases.This article provides a basic analysis of twelve existing health informatics undergraduate majorprograms, and proposes a more STEM-focused, engineering-oriented degree options tocomplement these programs to help narrow the skills gap. In particular, we argue that at leastsome of the health informatics professionals on-the-field should be providedopportunities—during their
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kendra A. Erk, Purdue University; Jerome Jamal Nash, Purdue University; Hannah K. Woods, Purdue University
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Tagged Divisions
their specimens, a benchtop mechanical tester (MTestQuattro; ADMET,Inc., Norwood, MA, USA) was used by the students to deform their specimens in tension at afixed deformation rate of 0.5 mm/s until failure was observed. Engineering stress-strain curveswere constructed from the resulting data, and the students determined the Young’s modulus (E),yield stress (σy), and strain at failure (εf) for each specimen. A full list of materials, step-by-stepinstructions, discussion questions and a glossary of engineering terminology is publicallyavailable.8 While only one deformation rate is investigated here, activity extensions could beperformed to investigate the effect of rate on the deformation response. As many polymericmaterials are viscoelastic
Conference Session
Issues in Engineering Technology Education II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia Fox, Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis; Charles McIntyre, Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis; Tiffany Erin Whinery, Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
volunteer or lead within the ETD or ETC; thebarriers to volunteer; and specific issues of why future leaders may not want toparticipate in ASEE ETD and ETC activities.One question in both the past and current leader surveys addressed whether the facultymember’s dean, chair, or supervision supported their leadership role(s) in ETD or ETC.The results were strikingly similar. A vast majority, (87%) in both groups, reported thatthey had support of their dean, chair or supervisor, shown in in Table 1 - Question 1. Table 1 - Question 1 Question Past Leaders % Current Leaders %1. Did your dean, chair, or supervisor supportyour leadership role
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Skills Development
2016 ASEE International Forum
Jaby Mohammed, Petroleum Institute; Mary Ragnhild Hilja Hatakka, Petroleum Institute
Tagged Topics
Diversity, International Forum
truue in relationn to the first three categooriesof epistemmic knowled dge and again w the resuults in studiees [7] and [8]]. In other words n coincides withthere is very v little diffference betw ween the episstemic viewss of Freshmaan and sophoomore studennts.Considerring the amou unt the studeents have stuudied and thee level of diffficulty they reach in theiirsophomo ore year, it caan only be deeduced that students s conntinue to relyy on their insstructors for ttheright answwers. It wouuld be interessting to find out why theyy do not vennture into moore uncertainnareas or towards t highher order thinnking
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yashu Kang, Chung Yuan Christian University; Yao-Jen Chang, Chung Yuan Christian University; Shaou-Gang Miaou, Chung-Yuan Christian University; Chen Li-Yu, Chung Yuan Christian University; Yao-Sheng Chang, Department of Tourism and Leisure Management, Chung Chou University of Science and Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
project, they did not have experiences involuntary services or working with people with cognitive impairments. Some studentswitnessed the special care system and then realized how much the teachers contributedto the quality of life of people they cared for, what a different life the people withdisabilities lived, and how hard the people with disabilities had to try to become self-contained. Students considered the project a life changing experience.ReferencesChang, Y. J., Kang, Y. S., & Liu, F. L. (2014). A computer-based interactive game totrain persons with cognitive impairments to perform recycling tasks independently.Research in developmental disabilities, 35(12), 3672-3677.Chang, Y. J., Wang, T. Y., Chen, S. F., & Liao, R. H. (2011
Conference Session
ET Peripherals
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
the Miville-Guzman Universality Diversity Scale (M-GUDS-S) to assesspre and post activity thoughts regarding culture, thoughts, and beliefs. The data gathered from thestudent population was evaluated using descriptive statistics as well as content analysis. Theinstrument provides an indication of how the student perception changes for both individuals andthe aggregate population experiencing the material provided during the trip.Overall the engineering technology students learned more about other ways of life and wereencouraged by their peers to become more open minded. Their observations proved that theapproach to renewable energy in Germany and Europe as a whole is very different from the UnitedStates or other countries, such as India. The
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dennis O'Connor, California State University, Chico
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
helped bridge the gap between students and faculty, encouragedcommunity, and facilitated an incredibly successful program in helping underrepresentedminority students succeed in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.V. References1. A.L. Zydney, J.S. Bennett, A. Shahid, and K.W. Bauer, “Impact of Undergraduate Research Experience in Engineering,” J. Engineering Education, 91: 151-157. (2002)2. R.S. Hathaway, B.A. Nagda, and S.R Gregerman, “The Relationship of Undergraduate Research Participation to Graduate and Professional Education Pursuit: An Empirical Study,” J. College Student Development. 43: 614-631. (2002)3. May, G. S. and Chubin, D. E., A Retrospective on Undergraduate Engineering Success for Underrepresented Minority
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Technical Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michele Miller, Campbell University; Saeedeh Ziaeefard, Michigan Technological University; Brian R Page, Michigan Technological University; Lauren Nicole Knop, Michigan Technological University ; Guilherme Aramizo Ribeiro, Michigan Technological University; Mo Rastgaar; Nina Mahmoudian, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
/fa Fu Lo od Go s nd ie Reason for Robotics Interest
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Patberg Morin, North Carolina State University; Elena Nicolescu Veety, North Carolina State University; Pam Page Carpenter
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
societally relevant researchopportunities to engage unique and diverse cohorts of students into the research community. Notonly does this provide a valuable opportunity for the student, but it brings unique skills andperspectives into the Centers, helping to drive research and innovation.References[1] S. Russell, M. Hancock and J. McCullough, "THE PIPELINE: Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences", Science, vol. 316, no. 5824, pp. 548-549, 2007. Available: 10.1126/science.1140384.[2] D. Carter, H. Ro, B. Alcott and L. Lattuca, "Co-Curricular Connections: The Role of Undergraduate Research Experiences in Promoting Engineering Students’ Communication, Teamwork, and Leadership Skills", Research in Higher Education
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelli Paul, Indiana University; Euisuk Sung, Indiana University; Adam V. Maltese, Indiana University; Karen Miel, Tufts University; Merredith D. Portsmore, Tufts University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
. 67, no. 2, pp. 255-265, 1983.[12] B.M. Capobianco, H.A. Diefes‐Dux, I. Mena, and J. Weller, “What is an engineer? Implications of elementary school student conceptions for engineering education,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 304-328, 2011. doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2011.tb00015.x[13] E. Frick, S. Tardini, and L. Cantoni, “White paper on LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®: A state of the art of its applications in Europe,” Lugano: Università della Svizzera Italiana, 2013. Retrieved from http://www.s-[14] S. McCusker, “Lego, seriously: Thinking through building,” Intl. J. Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, vol. 2, no
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Perkins, North Carolina State University; Matthew Bahnson, North Carolina State University; Marissa A. Tsugawa, University of Nevada, Reno; Derrick James Satterfield, University of Nevada, Reno; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Cheryl Cass, SAS Institute
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
status [23]). Stratified random sampling was used to select a representative national population: strata were created based on location (state), program type (e.g., electrical, chemical, industrial, etc.), and program size (small, medium, and large, determined based on number of Ph.D.’s previously awarded) [24]. Data from approximately 2300 EGSs was collected until spring 2018, and confirmatory factor and missingness analyses were conducted before beginning analyses detailed in the section below [19], [25], [26]. ● Phase 3.​ As analysis of quantitative data from Phase 2 commenced, the final qualitative phase began. Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was used to create 11 identity and motivation
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Pinnell, University of Dayton; M. Suzanne Franco, Wright State University; Mary-Kate Sableski, University of Dayton; Todd Bennett Smith, University of Dayton
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
)., accessed Sept 2017.DPS Success Stories - District Data. (2018), Accessed March 2019.Bagchi-Sen, S. (2001). Product innovation and competitive advantage in an area of industrial decline: The Niagra Region of Canada. Technovation, 21, 45-54. doi:10.1016/S0166- 4972(00)00016-X.Cervetti, G., Barber, J., Dorph, R., Pearson, D., & Goldschmidt, P. (2012). The impact of an integrated approach to science and literacy in elementary school classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 49(5), pp. 631-658. doi:10.1002/tea.21015Guthrie, J. T., & Ozgungor, S. (2002). Instructional contexts for reading engagement. In C. Collins Block, & M. Pressley (Eds
Conference Session
Expanding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Engineering Cultures from a Theoretical Perspective
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Joel Alejandro Mejia, University of San Diego; Renata A. Revelo, University of Illinois at Chicago
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ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity
, which indicates that race and races are theproduct of social thought that “invent[s and] manipulate[s]” what can be considered “pseudo-permanent characteristics” for race when convenient by the dominant race, and are “retired”when no longer convenient [8, p. 8-9]. For example, there have been a wide list of categories andcharacteristics used to measure race in the United States that have changed over the years. Peoplecould not self-select their own racial category in the census until after 1960 – instead, they wereassigned a race based on phenotypical and linguistic features that conformed to the censustakers’ conceptual models of race [13]. In some parts of the US, race was assigned primarilybased on skin color and this determined what
Conference Session
Works in Progress I
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Bahnson, North Carolina State University; Heather Lee Perkins, North Carolina State University; Marissa A. Tsugawa-Nieves, University of Nevada, Reno; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Cheryl Cass, North Carolina State University
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
to share their voices and experiences and those who assisted with access theseparticipants. The authors also wish to thank Blanca Miller, Jessica Chestnut, Daniel Briggs, andAaron Lando for their contributions to the project.References[1] S. Cho, K.W. Crenshaw, and L. McCall, “​Toward a field of intersectionality studies: Theory, applications, and praxis,” Signs, vol. 38 no. 4, pp. 785-810, ​2013.[2] A.-M. Nunez, “Employing Multilevel Intersectionality in Educational Research: Latino Identities, Contexts, and College Access,” Educational Researcher, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 85–92, 2014[3] S. M. Lord, M. M. Camacho, R. A. Layton, R. A. Long, M. W. Ohland, and M. H. Wasburn, “Who’s Persisting in Engineering? A
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cherish C. Vance, Texas A&M University; Bria Perkins, Texas A&M University; Jaida Bannister; Janie M. Moore, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
. Matusovich, “A Model of Co-Curricular Support for UndergraduateEngineering Students,” Journal of Engineering Education 105(3): 406-430, 2016.[7] F. S. Julal, "Predictors of undergraduate students' university support service use during thefirst year of university," British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 44, 4, 371-381, 2016.[8] D. Couzens, S. Poed, M. Kataoka, A. Brandon, J. Hartley and D. Keen, “Support for studentswith hidden disabilities in universities: a case study,” International Journal of Disability,Development and Education, 62, 1, 24-41, 2015.[9] S. A. Allen-Ramdial and A. G. Campbell, “Reimaging the pipeline: advancing STEMdiversity, persistence, and success,” Bioscience, 64, 7, July 2014.[10] R
Conference Session
Track: Pre-college - Technical Session 3
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Whitney Gaskins, University of Cincinnati; Darryl Dickerson, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Virginia Lynn Booth-Womack, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Delano White, The Gaskins Foundation
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Pre-College
to enroll in the program. Each session lasts two hours, generally from 9 – 11am. The first hour of each session is spent using the “​A​ssessment and LE​​arning in ​K​nowledge ​S​paces” (ALEKS) web-based instructional software. Students work through the program individually with monitoring from volunteers. For the 2​nd​ hour of the session, the students participate in hands-on and/or group projects that 1) help reinforce the lessons learned in their classroom and ALEKS and 2) help increase student excitement and efficacy towards learning STEM concepts.  Students enter the program at the beginning of their 3​rd​ grade year. These students are grouped as a cohort. The first cohort in West Lafayette launched in 2017. The first cohort for
Conference Session
Track: Pre-college - Technical Session 6
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Malle R Schilling, University of Dayton; Margaret Pinnell, University of Dayton
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Pre-College
testing and analysis. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 The Effectiveness of Engineering Camps as Pre-College Recruitment Tools Author Name(s) Malle Schilling and Dr. Margaret Pinnell School of Engineering University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio 45469 Email: schillingm3@udayton.eduABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of the college recruitment ofsummer engineering camp participants. Summer engineering camps hosted by colleges anduniversities have been in existence since the middle of the 20th century. These
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
David Pinkerton, Boise State University; Krishna Pakala, Boise State University
Tagged Topics
,”, 24-Sep-2017.[Accessed December 24, 2018].[7] H. R. Abachi and G. Muhammad, “The impact of m-learning technology on students and educators,” Computersin Human Behavior, vol. 30, Jan. 2014. [Accessed January 9, 2018].[8] S. L. Boatright-Horowitz, “Useful Pedagogies or Financial Hardships? Interactive Response Technology(Clickers) in the Large College Classroom,” International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,vol. 21, no. 3, 2009. [Accessed January 15, 2018]. [9] Y.-T. Chuang, “SSCLS: A Smartphone-Supported Collaborative Learning System,” Telematics and Informatics,vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 463–474, Aug. 2015. [Accessed December 20, 2018].[10] B. Kerr, “The flipped classroom in engineering education: A survey of the research
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Design I
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin Goldschneider, Virginia Tech; Nicole P. Pitterson, Virginia Tech
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
disciplines. While the current connected capstone course was designed with the fourinvolved departments in mind, a future goal is to provide the opportunity for collaborationbetween or among any number of disciplines. One main anticipated project output is a model fora multi-disciplinary capstone course that can be implemented across related and unrelateddisciplines at higher education institutions.References:[1] B. L. . Hartmann and C. T. . Jahren, “Leadership: Industry Needs for Entry-Level Engineering Positions.,” Journal of STEM Education: Innovations & Research, vol. 16, no. 3. pp. 13–19, 2015.[2] T. Clardy, S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi, “Preferred job competencies of engineering leaders in DOD,” Def. Acquis. Res. J. A
Conference Session
Innovative Approaches to Improving Student Learning
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cara J. Poor, University of Portland; Heather Dillon, University of Portland; Jeffrey Matthew Welch, University of Portland; Nicole C. Ralston, University of Portland
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
for this work was provided by the Kern Engineering Education Network (KEEN) aspart of a grant to the University of Portland.References1. Hyde, R.A., and Karney, B.W. (2001). Environmental Education Research: Implications for Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education 90(2): 267-275.2. Rugarcia, A., Felder, R.M., Woods, D.R., and Stice, J.E. (2000). The Future of Engineering Education I. Vision for a New Century. Chemical Engineering Education 34(1): 16-25.3. Felder, R.M., Woods, D.R., Stice, J.E., and Rugarcia, A. (2000). The Future of Engineering Education II. Teaching Methods That Work. Chemical Engineering Education 34(1): 26-39.4. Grasso, D., Callahan, K.M., and Doucett, S. (2004). Defining
Conference Session
Emphasizing Communication and the Humanities in Environmental Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah K. Bauer, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
andunderstanding of the broader context of various environmental engineering work, this study willcontinue in subsequent semesters and will include comment sections for students to provideexamples when responding to various survey statements. Additionally, in future semesters,direct measurement assessment methods (i.e., problem-solving challenges and open-endedassessment questions) will be added to this study.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) underIUSE/PFE:RED Grant No. 1623053. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of NSF.References[1] C. S. Pedersen, “The U.N. Sustainable
Conference Session
Approaches to Assessment and Student Reflection
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sabrine Griffith, Harvey Mudd College; Spencer Rosen, Harvey Mudd College; Eleanor Byrnes, Harvey Mudd College; Laura Palucki Blake, Harvey Mudd College; Matthew Spencer, Harvey Mudd College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. Educ.,​ vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 283–294, Jul. 2009, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2009.tb01025.x.[3] S. Rosen ​et al.​, “Relating Level of Inquiry in Laboratory Instructions to Student Learning Outcomes,” p. 15.[4] S. Nikolic, “Training laboratory: Using online resources to enhance the laboratory learning experience,” in ​2014 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE)​, 2014, pp. 51–54, doi: 10.1109/TALE.2014.7062584.[5] L. D. Feisel and A. J. Rosa, “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Engineering Education,” ​J. Eng. Educ.,​ vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 121–130, Jan. 2005, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2005.tb00833.x.[6] S. Nikolic, C. Ritz, P. J. Vial, M. Ros, and D. Stirling, “Decoding
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Julee Farley, Montgomery County Public Schools and Virginia Tech; Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
majority of boundary-spanning liaison positions between schools and universitiesare short-term or project-based (e.g., Castelli, Centeio, Boehrnsen, Barclay, & Bundy, 2012;Hoppey, 2016). In contrast, the role we discuss is a long-term position that spans multipleprojects and was constructed explicitly for boundary spanning between the organizations.MethodsTo determine whether the educational liaisons who facilitate partnerships between a researchuniversity and formal education sites fit the criteria of a boundary spanner, we designed aqualitative study in which we analyzed documents such as activity reports using ​a priori c​ odesadapted from Jesiek, et al.’s synthesized model. The data originates from our own reflectivepractice, so we
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jiahui Song, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Douglas Eric Dow, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Gloria Guohua Ma, Wentworth Institute of Technology; James R McCusker PhD, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
who enroll in STEM fields for college after they finish Girl Scouts STEM activities.References:[1] Sahin, A., Ayar, M. C., and Adiguzel, T., "STEM Related After-School Program Activities and AssociatedOutcomes on Student Learning", Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 14(1), 309-322, 2014.[2] Ma, G., and Ma, L., "Retaining Female Students in a Robotics Program", Proceedings of the 2017 AmericanSociety for Engineering Education conference and exposition , 2017.[3] Crowe, S., "Robotics playing a bigger role in STEM education”, Robotics Business Review, May 27, 2005. URL: , accessed March 13,2018.[4] Zywno, M. S., Gilbride, K. A., and Gudz, N
Conference Session
Introduction to the Field of Biomedical Engineering - June 25th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rachel C. Childers, University of Oklahoma; Handan Acar, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
BME departments and identify best practices and practicalsolutions is necessary to help retain women and URM in BME.References:[1] Joseph Roy, “Engineering by the Numbers,” 2019.[2] E. Seymour and N. M. Hewitt, Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997.[3] T. J. Weston, E. Seymour, A. K. Koch, and B. M. Drake, “Weed-Out Classes and Their Consequences,” in Talking about Leaving Revisited, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 197–243.[4] L. A. Hechtman et al., “NIH funding longevity by gender.,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., vol. 115, no. 31, pp. 7943–7948, Jul. 2018.[5] D. K. Ginther et al., “Race, ethnicity, and NIH research awards.,” Science
Conference Session
Capstone Design Practices
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Zhinan Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Houzhi Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Lu Chen, Shanghai JiaoTong University; Yaxin Huang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Jiabin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
-operate framework in a mechanical engineering capstone project.” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 32-54, 2020.[7] M. Beshoy, J. Shraddha, J. D. Summers, “Investigating the impact of requirements 11 elicitation and evolution on course performance in a pre-capstone design course,” J. Eng. Design, vol. ED-30, pp. 155-179, Apr. 2019.[8] E. B. Walker , D. M. Boyer, “Using Studio Culture to Foster Epistemic Change in an Engineering Senior Design Course,” IEEE Trans.Educ, vol. ED-62, pp. 209-215, Aug. 2019.[9] S. Howe, L. Rosenbauer, S. Poulos, The 2015 Capstone Design Survey Results: Current Practices and Changes over Time. Northampton, MA
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 5
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alireza Kavianpour, DeVry University, Pomona
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
data for the REETsenior project was analyzed. Several recommendations for improving student’s outcomes aresuggested.References1. Alternative Energy Systems and Applications, by B. K. Hodge, 2010, John Wily & Sons, Inc.2. Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 5th, S. Chapman, 2011 McGraw-Hill3. Power Electronics: Principles & Applications, Jacob, J. Michael, 20024. Renewable Energy - Sustainable Energy Concepts for the Future, engenmayr, Roland andBührke, Thomas, Eds., 2008.0 Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA., Weinheim, Germany5. Alternative Energy Systems in Building Design Gevorkian, P. (2010), New York: McGraw-Hill.6. Techniques for a Wind Energy System Integration with an Islanded Microgrid Goyal, M., Fan,Y., Ghosh, A., & Shahnia, F. (2016
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Adriana Rios Santiago, Texas Southmost College; Anabel Pineda-Briseño, Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico/Instituto Tecnologico de Matamoros; Jesus A. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Uriel Saul Huerta P.E., Tecnologico de Leon
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Tagged Divisions
Architectural Engineering, Construction Engineering
, 2, 34-42.[6] Pinter-Wollman, N., Penn, A., Theraulaz, G., & Fiore, S. M. (2018). Interdisciplinary approaches for uncovering the impacts of architecture on collective behaviour. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B37320170232[7] Self, J. A., & Baek, J. S. (2017). Interdisciplinarity in design education: Understanding the undergraduate student experience. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 27(3), 459-480.[8] Yocom, K., Proksch, G., Born, B., & Tyman, S. K. (2012). The built environments laboratory: An interdisciplinary framework for studio education in the planning and design disciplines. Journal for Education in the Built Environment, 7(2), 8-25.