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Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 5: From Functions to Big Data–A Hands-on Challenge
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emre Tokgoz, Quinnipiac University; Hasan Alp Tekalp; Elif Naz Tekalp; Berrak Seren Tekalp, Quinnipiac University
Tagged Divisions
research ([4]). Cooley, Trigueros and Baker reported results in 2007 ([5]) usingthematization of schema with the intent to expose those possible structures acquired at the most sophisticatedstages of schema development. Responses of research participants to a calculus graphing problem was analyzedin [2] by using APOS theory. The components of the APOS theory can be briefly explained as follows ([6]):  An action is a transformation of objects perceived by the as essentially external and as requiring, either individual explicitly or from memory, step-by-step instructions on how to perform the operation...  The individual reflects upon an action when the action is repeated and he or she can make an internal mental construction
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Metacognition, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation #1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nisha Abraham, University of Texas at Austin; Nina Kamath Telang, University of Texas at Austin
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First-Year Programs
skillimplementation.As the SI program’s effectiveness is assessed by aiming to reduce the DFWQ rates in first yearengineering courses and in turn retain more students to the ECE program, we provide a moreaccurate reflection of the effects of SI by comparing students’ grade outcomes using SAT scoresas a gauge of preparedness. Over the course of implementing the SI program in EE 306 and EE307E, we have endeavored to identify the components to emphasize that promote success whilemaintaining the authenticity of the SI model. This led us to explore the concept of explicitinstruction of metacognitive practices in SI sessions. The SI model implicitly involves taking thetheoretical underpinnings of metacognition and applying them in active and engaging SIstrategies [11
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Design
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Foad Hamidi, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Shawn Grimes; Stephanie Grimes; Adena Moulton, Digital Harbor Foundation; Andrew Coy, Digital Harbor Foundation
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
experience delivering maker programs. In the current project, wedeveloped three variations of a maker educator training program based on a successful makercurriculum that has been developed and refined over 5 years. We deployed the program in threeparticipating sites where educators and administrators learned to set up a maker learning spaceand deliver the curriculum to youth. Through interviews, program observations and call-in focusgroups with the educators and administrators, we found participants preferred hybrid trainingmodels that combined in-person training and space setup with online resources that could beaccessed any time. The participants also enjoyed having a curriculum to start with and expressedinterest in customizing it to reflect
Conference Session
Learning Mechanics Through Experimentation
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
William E. Howard, East Carolina University; Colleen Janeiro, East Carolina University
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 degrees 0 ‐0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 Strain, % Figure 9 Stress-Strain Response of LaminatesOf course, the specimens were not fabricated with strict quality-control standards, and the testresults reflect that fact. For example, the students’ spreadsheet based on “typical” carbon-epoxyproperties would predict a modulus of 18.5 million psi for the modulus of the 0° specimens, andthe 700,000 psi published fiber strength would correlate to 420,000 psi tensile strength for a 0°specimen (assuming a 60% fiber content by volume). However, in the
Conference Session
Empathy and Human-Centered Design 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Pamela L Dickrell, University of Florida; Lilianny Virguez, University of Florida; Andrea Goncher, University of Florida
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
; Pictures of Final Prototype; Flowchart; CommentedCode; Design Limitations; and Appendix. The required sections and structure of the final designproject deliverables aim to facilitate students in reporting and reflecting on the integrative,iterative nature of the design project in this course. Figure 2: Module 01: Course Introduction and Makerspace Safety Figure 3: Module 02: Human-Centered Engineering DesignFigure 4: Module 03: Teamwork, Memos, Ethics & Environment Figure 5: Module 04: Solid Modeling & 3D VisualizationFigure 6: Module 05: Additive Manufacturing & 3D PrintingFigure 7: Module 06: Sensors, Microcontroller, & Actuators Figure 8: Module 07: Programming & Flow DiagramsFigure 9: Module 08: Final
2017 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Magdalena Grohman; Eun Ah Lee; Nicholas Gans; Marco Tacca; Matthew Brown
specifically on how they engaged inethical reflection as a team during the development of their design projects. We haveintentionally focused on teams, because they provide a more valid unit of analysis for Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference Organized by The University of Texas at Dallas Copyright © 2017, American Society for Engineering Education 2017 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conferenceunderstanding and improving the role of ethics in actual engineering practice, than an analysis ofindividual behaviors do. To further emulate real-life engineering practice, we adapted theapproach of “team cognition”8, “distributed
2020 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Kyle Trenshaw; Emily Weber; Rachel Monfredo
evolved over the semesters. The course was first offered in the F2015 semester fora total enrollment of 59 students; it included bi-weekly course meetings and most of thereflective assignments, team projects, guest speakers, and final oral presentations discussedabove. Unfortunately, many of the students taking CHE 150 in the F2015 semester were alsoenrolled in organic chemistry together, and this course conflicted with the academic successworkshop, so only 28 students attended the in-person component. The 31 students concurrentlyenrolled in organic chemistry wrote reflective essays instead to replace those in-personexperiences. In the F2016 semester, the academic success workshops moved to being offeredweekly, and students received additional
2020 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Joel Abreu; Chris Cassidy; Jamie Kubeck; Jon Laos; Matthew McGarvey; Alexander Loui; Raymond Ptucha
of error. This device operates byutilizing a combination of magnetometers, accelerometers, and gyroscopes to independently calculate thelinear and rotational acceleration of an entity in relation to known heading. These positional changes arebest used when other sensors are incapacitated or deemed unreliable. The shortfall of solely using an IMUis that the calculated positional changes are only relative to its previous state at an earlier time. Withoutinformation relative to its environment, it is incapable of identifying changes occurring in the outsideenvironment.LiDAR: LiDAR is short for light detection and ranging. These sensor units function by emitting pulses oflight, in the form of lasers and measuring the return of the reflected
2019 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Amardeep Kaur; Theresa Swift
reflect the change. Although the TAs made students aware of the changes, thattook away time and often led to confusion. As is good practice with any teaching tool, it wasobvious that there was a need to update the manuals to accurately reflect the equipment and toolsbeing used in the experiments.Survey resultsTwo surveys were designed, one to get feedback from current and past students as well as asecond for current and past TAs to understand the main points and determine the priorities of theredesign. The questionnaire used to survey the TAs is attached as Appendix A and thequestionnaire used to survey the students is attached as Appendix B. The survey questions listedin the appendices exclude the demographic type questions that were not related
2018 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Jikai Du
Buffalo Undergraduate Summer Research Program BackgroundThe program supports eight weeks of full-time research, scholarly, and creative activities eachsummer. Program fellowships provide a student stipend and support for travel, supplies, and/orequipment if necessary. The program is designed for frequent face-to-face interactions betweenthe student and a faculty mentor. The student is expected to devote a minimum of eight weeks offull-time scholarly activity. The program starts in May (after spring semester) and ends in August (before the next fallsemester). Before research begins, each student completes a “Pre-Research Reflection” andforwards to an assigned mentor; the mentor will review the student’s response and meet with thestudent to
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Students and the Pipeline
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah Rodriguez; Brian Le, Iowa State University ; Maria L Espino M.A, Iowa State University of Science and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
interviews conducted, and along with this, some students completed reflection journalentries every other month (bi-monthly). Within the interviews, the focus was understanding howthe community college that they were at, where there was an S-STEM program established, wasable to help them develop their science or engineering identity. In the reflection journal entries,the questions revolved around STEM recognition, interests, and performance/competence.Finally, the study triangulated findings from all forms of data (e.g. interviews, reflection journalsto understand the students’ STEM identity.Findings There were multiple themes that were formulated when looking at the findings from thestudy. Some of the themes that came from the study were
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators 3 - Grading: Grate or Great
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kurt M. DeGoede, Elizabethtown College
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New Engineering Educators
, 11, 12, 13, 14]. Some reported improvement inrelated exam scores [9, 10, 11]. Others found the practice increased students’ perception of theirown learning [13, 14]. Other approaches similar approaches require post-grading HW and examreflections where students must analyze their errors, reflect on what when wrong, and proposeadjustments to their study moving forward [15].Current Proposal/MethodsThe following approach has been used in 3 courses, ranging from a first-semester mathematicalmethods for engineers course to a 400-level analytical mechanics and vibration analysis course.Consistent with others emphasizing quizzes and exams over HW for grading [3, 5], the transitionin HW paralleled switching to a mastery-based grading scheme. Grading
Conference Session
Approaches to Curriculum and Policy
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jinlu Shen, Zhejiang University; Tuoyu Li, Zhejiang University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
engineeringeducation reform, and give suggestions for the construction of the second round ofnew engineering research and practice projects.2 BackgroundAt the end of 20th century, international engineering education reform was surging.Return to Engineering Practice, STEM Education, Engineering IntegrativeEducation, Engineering With a Big E, An Integrative & Holistic EngineeringEducation, CDIO, Holistic Engineering, Systematic Engineering, EngineeringEducation as a Complex System, Engineering Education Ecosystem, and otherconcepts have been proposed successively, all of which reflect the internationaldevelopment trend of innovative engineering education.[5] With the gradualtechnological breakthroughs in cutting-edge technologies such as
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cecilia La Place, Arizona State University; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division
experience. Thoughit was not a requirement that they have graduated, the results of the sampling led to onlygraduated students being available for interviews. The use of graduated students provided theopportunity to have the participants reflect on their past experiences having completed theircapstones and hackathons. As a result of the selection criteria, some of the participants sharedeither a capstone experience or a hackathon experience with at most one other participant.Demographic data for these participants were not collected.Data CollectionParticipants were asked to bring two artifacts, their capstone project and a recent hackathonproject, and then participate in artifact elicitation interviews (Douglas et al., 2015). Artifactelicitation
Conference Session
Empathy and Human-Centered Design 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alexander Pagano, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Saadeddine Shehab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Leon Liebenberg, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
memorizedand recited a definition provided in the training session, while the other reframed it in their ownwords. A short video was also used to familiarize students with some core activities of human-centered design, such as interviewing and ideating. Students then worked in dyads or triads tocomplete an activity aimed to simulate an HCD process while TAs facilitated discussions betweengroup members as needed. Students were instructed to interview each other about their experiencesrelated to staplers, staple removers and other paper fasteners. These interviews were repeated inseveral rounds to allow for reflection. Students often needed additional guidance from TAs to findnew questions and perspectives to better approach the problem. Students were
2020 ASEE North Central Section conference
V. Dimitra Pyrialakou, West Virginia University; Kakan C Dey P.E., West Virginia University; David Martinelli, West Virginia University; John Deskins, West Virginia University; Julia Daisy Fraustino, West Virginia University ; L Christopher Plein, West Virginia University; Md Tawhidur Rahman, West Virginia University; Karen E Rambo-Hernandez, Texas A&M University; Abhik Roy, West Virginia University
attitudes and policy sentiments towards publicutilities. Namely, the advent of cellular phone technology was used as an example. This helpedto set the context for student reflection and discussion on some of the potential ethical anddistribute justice dimensions of AV technology. A simple question was posed to the students toorganize some of the broader sociopolitical and economic ramifications of AV development andadoption. To wit: “Do we design AVs to accommodate existing road infrastructure, or do wedesign roads to accommodate AVs?” This provided the opportunity to discuss how economicand political choices may effect changes in the built environment and influence decisions onpublic investments in infrastructure. A big “take away” from the
Conference Session
DISTINGUISHED LECTURE: 2019 Best PIC, Zone, and Diversity Papers Live Q&A
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eric Davishahl, Whatcom Community College; Todd Haskell, Western Washington University; Jill Davishahl, Western Washington University; Lee Singleton, Whatcom Community College; Wade H. Goodridge, Utah State University
Tagged Topics
2019 Best Zone & PIC Papers
questions as a timed section of the first exam in fall 2018statics courses at both Whatcom Community College (WCC) and Western WashingtonUniversity. Analysis of students’ unprompted use of vector representations on the open-endedproblem-solving section of the same exam provides evidence of the assessment’s validity as ameasurement instrument for representational competence. We found a positive correlationbetween students’ accurate and effective use of representations and their score on the multiplechoice test. We gathered additional validity evidence by reviewing student responses on anexam wrapper reflection. We used item difficulty and item discrimination scores (point-biserialcorrelation) to eliminate two questions and revised the remaining
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 3
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Camilo Andrés Navarro Forero P.E.; Odesma Onika Dalrymple, University of San Diego
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
this work, in the earlyeighties, Jackson [2] in his book, “Towards a Systems of Systems Methodologies,” divides the typesof complex social systems into six different categories and reflects on the engineering tools that canbe used in each.This article presents a developing methodology that through the application of pluralistic multi-methods from critical systemic thinking, seeks to reduce the complexity of Social Complex Systems(SCS) from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. This new methodology can help decisionmakers to identify what knowledge or information should be considered when implementing anintervention, then they can decide who should participate and how this participation should takeplace. This new methodology and its
Conference Session
Design Mental Frameworks
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Laura R. Murphy, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Colleen M. Seifert, University of Michigan; Eytan Adar, University of Michigan; Sophia Brueckner, University of Michigan
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
be an impediment during the design process.In psychology, sketching and drawing has long been thought to reflect how individuals think.Children’s sketches of human figures (the Draw-A-Person Test) have been considered to reflecttheir developing intelligence [45], [46]. Cognitive milestones have been tied to featuresreflecting the complexity of spontaneous drawings, with older children including articulatedparts such as fingers [47]. Research has also identified drawing as a cognitive aid, showing it ishelpful in organizing and remembering information [48]. Because sketches reveal designers’thinking [49], we reason that designers’ mindset about HCD may be similarly evident in theirsketches.MethodResearch GoalThe goal of our research was to
Conference Session
Cultural Issues in Engineering: International Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nicholas Andres Brake, Lamar University; Oleksandra Sehin, Texas State University; John Wade Partain, Universidad Politecnica de Guanajuato; Damian Valles, Texas State University; Alberto Marquez P.E., Lamar University; Jesus Alejandro Jimenez, Texas State University; George Saltsman, Lamar University; Rosario Davis, Texas State University
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Tagged Divisions
solutionswere required. Students identified and adopted useful vocabulary and grammar structures, usingthese to design and deliver a group presentation which addressed an international engineeringconcern. • Foundations of leadership and leadership theory. • Leadership strengths assessment and explored how strengths uniquely empower the students a leader. • Exploration of students’ native culture using Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions [5] and compared against other cultures. o Included oral presentation regarding similarities and differences between cultures, expected business etiquette, potential team dynamics. • Reflection of individual values as a person and robustly engaged in discussions
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: S-STEM 4
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eun-Young Kang, California State University, Los Angeles; Jianyu Jane Dong, California State University, Los Angeles; Matthew Jackson Ph.D., California State University, Los Angeles; Emily L. Allen, California State University, Los Angeles; Daniel Galvan, California State University, Los Angeles
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
program added a training session focusing on various aspects of intersectionality as it relates to individual’s social identities, and how mentors can use these knowledge to better interact with mentees. The Fall 19 training session began with a warm-up activity where participants were asked to map out their social identities (e.g. race, age, gender, language, etc.) and reflect on how their most salient social identities may influence how their students/mentees may perceive them, and how they may present themselves. This warm-up activity included asking the participants (mentors), to reflect about their own experiences in interacting with their mentors while they were navigating their higher education experience, and to
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: K-12 Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Constance M. Syharat, University of Connecticut; Alexandra Hain, University of Connecticut; Arash E. Zaghi, University of Connecticut
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
the design, delivery,reflection, and subsequent redesign of the program to meet the needs of middle school students.Major observations from the middle school program will be presented, along with key programcomponents. It was found that: students with ADHD benefit from a personalized learningenvironment that is centered around student interests and features flexibility and choice; thatinteractions with role models and mentors with ADHD in the context of engineering canencourage students to consider engineering as a career path; and that roundtable discussionshelped to build relationships between participants. A comparison of the middle and high schoolprograms indicates that the age in which the students were introduced to a strength
Conference Session
International STEM Education: International Division Technical Session 6
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rachel A. Brennan, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Julio Urbina, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Jose F. Oliden, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; Juan Martín Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria
Tagged Divisions
Module 2 were reported previously [4] and were slightly modified (based on both faculty andstudents’ feedback) for the second offering of the program. The critical aspects of Module 2 arebriefly reported here for completeness and a summary of the students’ reflection essays of thismodule are presented in Appendix 1. The rest of the paper focuses on Module 3 that concentrateson the Application of the UN SDGs through Drawdown.3.1 Learning objectives of the course:At the conclusion of this program, students should be able to: • Describe how the UN SDGs relate to Peru; Apply intercultural knowledge in communication scenarios connected to the Strategic Vision and Themes of Peru, and the US National Academies’ Grand Engineering
Conference Session
Promoting Communication Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lisa R. Volpatti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Alex Jordan Hanson, University of Texas at Austin; Jennifer M. Schall; Jesse N. Dunietz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Amanda X. Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Rohan Chitnis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Eric J. Alm; Alison F. Takemura, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute; Diana M. Chien, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
, our primary research question was: is the Comm Lab succeeding inimproving clients’ work according to our own metrics of success? I.e., do sessions bring clientscloser to our standards for a given communication task, which are informed by both rhetoricalprinciples and real-world field standards? To do so, we designed a quantitative, rubric-based,pre-post evaluation of authentic writing products: drafts for graduate school and graduatefellowship applications, assessed by authentic evaluators -- a team of our own peer coaches. Inorder to build a broader picture of the client’s analytical and reflective experience, wecomplemented the quantitative core of the study by collecting qualitative reflections about thecontent of the coaching session
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Skills Development Across the Undergraduate-to-Workforce Transition
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrea Chan, Troost Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering (ILead); Cindy Rottmann, University of Toronto; Doug Reeve P.Eng., University of Toronto; Emily Moore P.Eng., University of Toronto; Milan Maljkovic, Troost Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering; Emily Macdonald-Roach
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development
crucibles of leadership, and organizational culture tointerpret the experiences and learning of the engineering leaders. The significance andlimitations of the research are discussed. For engineering educators, the findings authenticate forstudents the complexity of leadership under adversity in the workplace.IntroductionTo struggle or to fail is to be human. How we reflect and learn from such universally humanexperiences is what ultimately contributes to our personal and professional growth anddevelopment. As part of a larger project on engineering leadership, and with a central focus onthe theme of “struggle,” this paper presents findings from a focused analysis of 29 career historyinterviews with experienced engineering leaders. The larger
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Richard J. Aleong, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
second, as a futureelementary education teacher creating a learning experience. As such, we needed a frameworkthat could transition with students as they first experience design as a pedagogy for learningscience and then later enact design as a pedagogy in elementary education classrooms. It alsoneeded to support teacher noticing in both contexts—preservice teacher preparation classroomsand elementary education classrooms—as a way to monitor and facilitate learning as well assupport reflective practice and sensemaking [26]. With specific reference to Berland [22], wesought a fundamental expansion of what it means to know and do engineering design byreframing how we think about the kinds of knowledge involved in being able to enactengineering
Conference Session
Empathy and Human-Centered Design 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Luke Kachelmeier, University of New Mexico
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
point. Try to come up with different ways to meet the needs you identified, not just minor variations of the same solution.After 10-15 minutes, ask a few participants to share their beneficial ideas, including whether theynoticed something about the problem they had not previously thought about.ReflectReflection is an important part of the learning process [46]. Whether participants are learningabout the problem or how to do the process, reflection deepens the learning. The facilitatorshould guide a reflective conversation or ask participants to reflect in writing. Consider questionssuch as: • Can you share a little about how you felt as you went through the process, from defining the problem, to posing harmful &
Conference Session
Teaching Statics: What and How?
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
David Allen Evenhouse, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Charles Morton Krousgrill, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jeffrey F. Rhoads, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Edward J. Berger, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jennifer Deboer, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
to 12 total, 4-hour days of in-class instruction, scattered over thecourse of 3.5 weeks. As a result, this transition process and the resulting course provides a uniqueopportunity for both personal reflection and for future research. This work-in-progress paper combines literature on study abroad programs and acceleratedlearning with instructor and student feedback regarding this instance of accelerated Statics offeredabroad through PUWL. More specifically, it examines the successes and shortcomings of thecourse in light of the logistical and pedagogical decisions made by the instructors, the students’own experiences abroad, and the literature-based best practices reviewed after the course’scompletion. By observing stand-out successes
Conference Session
ENT Division Technical Session: Entrepreneurship and IP
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Thomas M. Katona, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Joe Tranquillo, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
onstudents.This paper reflects a study on curricular pedagogical methods used to teach engineering studentsparticipating in entrepreneurial programs and ventures about failure and the research being doneto advance the community’s understanding of how to positively teach students about and throughfailure. We conducted a systematic literature review of student failure in the overlapping contextof engineering education, entrepreneurship, and psychology. The primary research questionbeing explored is: How is failure studied in the engineering entrepreneurship educationliterature? This research question is broken down into several sub-questions: 1) Whattheoretical frameworks are used to study entrepreneurial failure in this literature?, 2) How hasfailure been
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 3
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Juan C. Lucena, Colorado School of Mines
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
in Fig 1), ECD projectshave been motivated by faculty and students desire to help, personal and career goals, desires tostudy and work abroad, and desires to solve problems and to gain hands on experience onimpactful work [1][2]. Since then, some scholars have called our attention to how the focus ofwell-intentioned ECD projects on technological fixes and deliverables tend to leave out criticalreflections of engineers’ motivations to be in these projects, and of the processes required tobuild trust and determine communities’ priorities and desires [3][4]. Unfortunately, these calls tocritical reflection in the ECD space are often overshadowed by the continued emergence ofmilestones and challenges (e.g., UN Sustainable Development Goals, NAE