program dedicated to that purpose is essential to prepare them for their future roles asleaders in their respective fields [2]. All should be encouraged to build up their individualleadership portfolios [3]. The graduate students in such a program can acquire knowledge andlearn and practice distinct and direct skills and values relevant to leadership. Included in these areethical decision making, communication, and networking [2–6]. Throughout its course, theprogram can continually improve in terms of both its curriculum and the leadership skills it confers[4], adapting to the current academic environment and reflecting the members’ evolving leadershipgoals. The following work outlines a pathway to address the need for leadership
much betterDoes your system display a low pass response or a high pass response? How do you know?Students displayed errors in identification and terminology that are anticipated for any laboratoryexperiment on frequency response. In their written reflections, some students correctlyqualitatively described a highpass response, but incorrectly classified it as a lowpass response.Students in both the speaker completed first and resistor completed first groups bothemphasized the behavior of the speaker when justifying whether their circuit was high or lowpass. One student in the resistor completed first group reversed their judgment of the filternature after doing the speaker version of the experiment. After completing the resistor-onlyportion of
due to the COVID-19 pandemic),approximately 30 students from three middle schools participated. Some students attended boththe academic year activities and the summer academy. In contrast, others took part in one or theother. Although demographic information of the students was not collected, 100% of studentparticipants were from underrepresented minority groups, and 100% qualified for free/reducedlunch.Data Collection Qualitative data was collected from the participants and facilitators to understand theprogram's impact on students. 40 students completed reflections via Google Forms at the end ofthe Summer Academy. At the same time, two facilitators participated in semi-structuredinterviews. Using a grounded theory approach, we
was high (95.3%), it was not perfect. We were unable to obtainthree books. Of these, two were different editions of Moran et al., which we substituted using the6th edition. The final unobtained book was a textbook on combustion by Turns (ISBN:9781260477696). Given the small fraction of the corpus that this single book represents, thisomission does not seriously threaten the external validity of our findings.While reserve lists reflect an important aspect of curricula, textbooks are only an approximationof the curriculum as-taught and as-intended. Textbooks are often only partly aligned with theteaching goals of a particular class; in some cases, there is no textbook that reflects the content ofa course. Given this approximate alignment, our
-solving approaches. This approach values each person’s experiences, including those fromhistorically underrepresented populations in engineering and computer science [2].One intervention, adapted from Finelli and Kendall-Brown [3], uses observation and role-play todemonstrate how to approach biases within peer group settings, behave inclusively, and createinclusive and productive environments within their field [2]. Students in a first year “EngineeringProblem Solving 1” course at a large, R1 institution in the mid-Atlantic region were required toattend an Interactive Theatre Sketch and answer several reflection questions about the contentand their own related experiences.Before COVID, the sketch was performed live in an auditorium and students
experiences and instructionalactivities with acceptable evidence.[18] To ensure a longitudinal study, we will include at leastone reflective exercise in each major program element, including recruitment meetings, summercamps, courses, JEDI seminars, and research/practice experience. Finally, the researchers willobserve student, faculty, and stakeholders' interactions during these activities. We will usegrounded theory to identify emerging patterns and themes for the analysis. We will use instrumentsfrom the works cited in the previous section to provide a coding scheme of expected categories.[19]5. Design of the Sustainable Engineering MinorThe new Minor will establish and enculturate a Sustainability Engineering Mindset – to bedeveloped through
[8,12] and positive mindset [11].Academic coaching was placed centrally into program components. Goal setting and relationshipbuilding are key components of the academic coaching philosophy which aligns with many ofthe common elements seen across the literature that was used to create the Scholars Program.Academic coaching also has similarities with the practice of Reality Therapy [4] which was usedas the framework for the personnel responsibility pillar in the model developed by Kamphoff andcolleagues [2]. Reality Therapy is an ongoing process of creating a trusting environment andusing techniques to help an individual discover and reflect on their true goals. In addition to thegoal of building on social capital, there are positive academic
were guided by specific pedagogicalprinciples: small-group work with trained facilitators, group-worthy open-ended problems todevelop critical thinking and interest-based design projects to connect students to the material.Curricular development was supported by regular collaboration meetings with expert guidanceon pedagogy and incorporating social justice content. Altogether, more than 1500 students wereenrolled in the first-year program during the academic year. A student survey each term resultedin an average of over 900 survey responses across the three-course series. Reflections were alsocollected from participating faculty. This paper focuses on the adoption of promoted pedagogicalprinciples by the faculty, and the resulting outcomes and
prepare students to dedicate themselves todiversity that values the richness of human society as a divine gift and to pursue justice bymaking an action-oriented response to the needs of the world.[12]” Given the uniquely holisticaims of the LUM community, the practice of reflection laying at the core of the Jesuit traditioninvigorates all corners of the university to respond to nationwide calls for social, political, andeconomic justice.At present, LUM’s strategic plan places a strong emphasis on DEI through the recruitment ofstudents and faculty from underrepresented groups and the creation of more inclusive classroomsand curricula. The university’s stated diversity aims include “awareness of the structural sources,consequences, and
Success," to improve advisingpractices for chemical engineering faculty and provide guidance for the successful mentoring ofgraduate students. The workshops aim to elicit reflections and encourage discussions amongfaculty to identify their beliefs about mentoring, explore how they align their mentoring practiceswith their research agenda, and how they define success for their students. This paper describesthe development and implementation of the first workshop in the series “Facilitating EngineeringFaculty Advising Success: Effective Strategies for Mentoring Graduate Students,” which wasoffered during the Fall 2022 semester. Emergent themes from participant contributions duringthis workshop highlighted collective difficulties in navigating and
thepostdoc program is to create well-rounded scholars versed in research, teaching, and service.Using artifacts and postdoc reflections, this study aims to explore the experiences of the firstcohort of LEGACY postdoc scholars to understand how a newly created intersectionalmentorship model facilitates scholars’ progression toward faculty positions while curating aninclusive community and culture for scholars. The intersectional mentorship model framing this postdoc program is based on researchconducted by Dr. Cox, with some adaptations from Walker et al.’s (2009) The Formation ofScholars, which presents a multiple apprenticeship framework that offers a holistic approach tomentoring for scholars. The three mentor types in the program are primary
printing to teach these topics in an integrated manner within the time constraints ofa three-credit-hour course. Couplings between CAD and CAE tools (motion simulation andanalysis) and 3D printing were leveraged to reinforce student learnings on topics frommachine elements and mechanics, and provide opportunities through project-basedassessments to reflect on their design choices and use economically-available designperformance results to introduce design refinements.The course was very well-received by the students who reported that they found itmotivating and stimulating, and that it enhanced their knowledge, skills and confidence. Thepaper presents an overview of the course and summarises experiences, challenges, lessons,recommendations and
techniques for ships and thereported potential of each technique. It clearly shows the need for alternative fuels forshipping to achieve the goals set. However, although research into the energy transition hasdominated the output since then, it is still very uncertain, which fuel or fuels will replace thedominance of fossil fuels in shipping. Already for 2022 alone 136 papers appear in a Scopussearch on “fuel AND alternative AND maritime" and this only covers one aspect of theenergy transition. As a result, the landscape of the ship designer has and continues to change.Something that should be reflected in its education as well.Similar to the energy transition, the term fourth industrial revolution was first used in apublication of the world
could alsocause stress when it came to interactions.Qualifying Exams. Theme: Milestones: Preparing for and completing the qualifying exam was amajor stressor for participants; students in later stages of their programs also reflected on theirstressful experiences with qualifying exams. Oral exams were generally described as moreacutely stressful compared with written exams. Preparing for the exam led to conflicts withresearch progress or course deadlines, while the risk of consequences of failure (such as beingremoved from the program) led to stress due to the high stakes nature of the exams. A fewparticipants failed initial attempts at their qualifying exams and described very high stress interms of repeating preparations for the exam
incomecan meaningfully engage youth in STEM learning. However, understanding how to design,implement, and evaluate these programs can inform future innovative ways to engage youth intechnology-rich learning and motivate them to pursue technical career pathways [2,13,21,31].Furthermore, it is important to understand how youth experience these programs and reflect ontheir own learning. Research has long recognized the educational value of technology-richmaking activities, such as 3D modeling and printing, physical computing, hobbyist robotics,among others, for engaging youth and adults in self-directed STEM learning activities[4,9,23,26]. Many aspects of making echo key principles in engineering education as recentlyarticulated in the Framework for P
with a binarydecision that determines what will happen next in the story. Historically, this game had been ledby an instructor and played weekly, as a whole-class assignment, completed at the beginning ofclass. The class votes and the majority option is presented next. In addition to the centraldecision, there are also follow-up questions at the end of each week that provoke deeper analysisof the situation and reflection on the ethical principles involved.This prototype was initially developed within a learning management system, then supported bythe Twine™ game engine, and studied in use in our 2021 NSF EETHICS grant. In 2022-23 thegame was redesigned and extended using the Godot™ game engine. In addition to streamliningthe gameplay loop and
workshop.The workshop was held using Zoom, a popular remote meeting platform. With the elimination ofgroup meals and a company tour, and the schedule was adjusted to allow more time for hands-onactivities. Sessions for curriculum design, hardware and software considerations, and opendiscussion were retained. The Complete schedule is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Workshop schedule. Wednesday Thursday Friday 11:00 Introductions Welcome back Welcome back :15 Overview Intro Act. 4 Summary & Reflection Adv. Activity 2 Summary & Reflection :30 M&R
thinking and reflection on their work's impact. This study emphasizes the needfor comprehensive education and training tailored to scientists and engineers to address complexsocietal challenges effectively and responsibly in their professional roles.Keywords: social responsibility, engineering ethics, engineering formation, undergraduateresearch, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)1. IntroductionSociety is facing challenging problems that threaten both the present and future of justice, peace,sustainability, and the overall well-being of humanity. Given that the responsibility of scientistsand engineers implies a duty to address those challenges for society [1], how could research-intensive universities prioritize transformative
program at theUniversity of Michigan. The lesson introduced students to one macroethics topic, orbital debris,that directly connects to the “technical” topics of the course. We believe this socio-technicalintegration stressed to students that engineering cannot be separated from its societal impact.This paper reviews previous macroethics work, context about the course, the content andstructure of the lesson, a distributed post-lesson survey and its results, and author reflections ofthe lesson.Previous workHekert offers a formal definition of macroethics after reviewing and combining severalengineering ethics frameworks: “‘macroethics’ applies to the collective social responsibility ofthe [engineering] profession and to social decisions about
annual conference. The Engineering and Humanities Special Interest Group(SIG) is one of approximately twelve SIGs operating as communities of practice within CEEA-ACÉG that bring together individuals working and researching within a particular area. TheEngineering and Humanities SIG in particular aims to create space for those who study theintersections of engineering and humanities, those who teach at these intersections, and non-engineers who bring their perspectives to engineering environments. As in most large academicorganizations, the SIG’s membership and engagement is not necessarily representative of thewider landscape of Canadian engineering education. While our SIG aims to reflect the work ofscholars, teachers and practitioners at the
engagement on a scale that I have not achieved before, andalso rewards other kinds of learning and metacognition that enhance the context of the corecontent. Sure, some students still arrive unprepared and do not adequately participate (in whichcase a penalty or direct failure can occur), but on the whole, no one can hide from me, the tutors,or their teammates, and this level of engagement drives attention to task, which appears to driveimproved performance. All of this is to say that the new grade weighting is merited.As a final reflection, I find the class is more enjoyable to conduct, I feel that I am getting toknow the students much better, and I can do deeper grading but in less total quantity. Rather thangrading 100’s of test questions per
Calgary report no link between their laboratories and coursecontent or future career development. Therefore the goal of this research endeavour is to identifyactions that can be taken to improve the students’ learning experience in undergraduateengineering laboratories.Critically reflective surveys were developed using Ash and Clayton’s Describe, Examine,Articulate Learning (DEAL) model and the revised Bloom’s taxonomy and released to currentengineering students in a third-year materials science course at the University of Calgary’sMechanical and Manufacturing Engineering program. The purpose of these surveys was toevaluate where students feel their laboratories do not connect to their classes or careers, and whatsteps can be taken to improve
promising nature of job shadowing techniques and the familiarity of jobshadowing as an experiential learning technique makes it a good candidate for introducing studentsto academic careers.The National Society for Experiential Education has established eight guidelines for allexperiential learning activities [2]. These guidelines are as follows: 1. All participants shall be clear on the intentions and educational outcomes of the experience. 2. All participants shall be prepared and plan to follow program intentions. 3. The program shall be authentic to the real-world scenario. 4. Participants shall reflect on their experience in order to create a learning experience. 5. Orientation and training shall be provided to give context about
achievingcommunity engagement long-term goals. To use TOC, the long-term change needs to beidentified and the conditions necessary to achieve the change should be established. The TOCapproach has been used in a wide range of CBR projects, including those focused on healthpromotion and environmental sustainability. However, the difficulty of measuring intangibleoutcomes and the power dynamics between university and community partners can make theevaluation of community engagement challenging (Stoecker et al., 2010).An effective community-university partnership positively impacts students and CBR projectquality. Students involved in CBR engage in active learning. They engage in some activity thatforces them to reflect and think about what they are doing
1. Alsodiscussed is the pedagogical background required for designing realistic engineering problems.Finally, an example project for sophomore-level electrical and computer engineers is explained indetail, with the author’s own experiences in assigning this project explored. The project is anopen-ended problem with multiple solution options. Students have scaffold-ed experiences withinthe course to guide them towards several possible techniques. Students follow a fullproblem-solving structure through defining their problem, exploring options, planning a method,implementing said method, and then reflecting upon the success of their design.IntroductionThe first of the seven ABET outcomes is stated as “an ability to identify, formulate, and
responsibilities ofengineers to the public and environment [6]. Both domains are reflected in the accreditationcriteria for engineering programs in the United States [3]. Accreditation can be a significantexternal influence in shaping engineering ethics instruction [7] [8]. However, there are multiplefactors that can affect an educator’s decision to teach ethics in the context of engineering. Thesefactors can be personal, such as their intrinsic motivation and professional background [9].Within the academic environment, factors such as course type and discipline can affect facultymembers’ views of engineering ethics education [10] [11].CultureThe study of culture is rooted in anthropology, sociology, and social psychology [12]. Comingfrom different
overarchingthemes identified across all responses include a struggle to keep track of responsibilities in manyareas (typically classes, research, and personal needs), transitioning from student life toadulthood or feeling “stuck” between student life and adulthood, problematic cultures of stress indepartments or in engineering as a field, and a need to dissociate/disconnect from academicresponsibilities in order to feel relaxed (referencing anything from time with friends to alcohol).These trends were additionally examined by stress level (low/moderate/high). Results indicatethat graduate students with low levels of stress tend to practice self-reflection and disconnectionfrom their academic responsibilities to relax, while students with higher stress
in the School of Engineering since 2005. His research interests include control systems, MEMS, engineering education, stochastic processes, and additive manufacturing. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Microfinance in an Engineering Economics CourseMicrofinance involves the making of small loans to borrowers who otherwise would not haveaccess to credit, to help them build successful businesses. Many borrowers are women. In Fall2022, students in EGR 461 Engineering Management and Economy at Oral Roberts Universitywere introduced to microfinance through several background assignments, selecting andfinancing a loan through Kiva and writing a reflection paper.Microfinance was
change isneeded, making this change, and then reorienting the change into one’s life [13], [14]. Much ofthis learning is done by self-reflection of the content, process, or context where schemareorientation is required and can lead to a better understanding of diverse perspectives and newideals. By promoting self-reflection and transformative learning, individuals can find themselveswith broader perspectives and open themselves to the promotion of systemic changes. Similarly,transformative learning may also take place through a collaborative or team-oriented processsuch as proposal review panels, particularly where senior reviewers are able to reorientexpectations in younger reviewers [11].Using a lens of transformative learning theory, this
,individual scenario assignments, a team-based ethics simulation (previously developed andpresented at ASEE), design project reflections, discussions of ethics through the lens of the threepillars of sustainability, and an individual final paper related to an on campus sustainabilityethics scenario. In addition to providing an overview of ethics activities and assignments, thispaper will compare course-level student learning outcomes between the current and prior yearsand how content in the course affected students’ perception of engineering ethics. We expect thatby more closely integrating ethics content with the student projects, students will engage moredeeply with ethics and appreciate how engineering ethics affects everyday engineering practice