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Conference Session
Undergraduate Students' Professional Skills and Reflection
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Virginia Charter, Oklahoma State University
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Educational Research and Methods
themselves as more competentthan their white peers for several of the generic skills, most of which are often considered to besoft skills. These findings have implications on research and practice in the engineeringeducation of minorities in order to grow and build a stronger more diverse engineeringworkforce.Introduction Assessment and continuous improvement of student outcomes in contemporaryengineering higher education programs are focal points in program-specific accreditation. ABET,one of the largest accreditors of engineering programs, has an accreditation model that includesthree elements: student outcomes, self-assessment, and continuous improvement. According toDuff [3], outcomes assessment becomes most successful when everyone
2021 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Meeting
Kofi Nyarko, Morgan State University; Sacharia Albin, Norfolk State University; John Okyere Attia P.E., Prairie View A&M University
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lectureseries by STEM faculty and researchers across all partner institutions and collaborating industrypartners. At the end of the summer, students write a project report while teachers complete theirlesson plans and associated activities. The REU/RET teams present their work at a virtual researchsymposium coordinated by the lead institution. They also create a video ‘elevator pitch’ on theirexperience that is made available on the program website. All students are encouraged to continuetheir research at their home institution. The top 9 students across the whole program are selectedto receive stipends during the academic year specifically for this purpose.High school teachers are often tasked with providing quality education with very few resources
Conference Session
Using Technology to Support Learning in Mechanics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ning Fang, Utah State University
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documented aswell [12] [13] [14] [15]. The most significant scientific contribution that the present study makesis the development of an unconventional method of implementing clickers in the classroom. Inthis method, clicker technology is employed in class for multiple times to detect and assessstudent understanding of the same learning topic until student misunderstanding is corrected.To the best of our knowledge, this unconventional method has not been reported in existingclicker-related literature.In the present study, clickers were used as a tool to collect real-time data, as computers are usedas a tool to write papers and essays or pianos are used to play music. Through the use ofclickers, the present study reveals that many engineering
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 1: Mechanical and CAD Track
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Robert J. Kerestes, University of Pittsburgh; Anthony M. Popovski, University of Pittsburgh; Feng Xiong, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
problems • Work in groups, effectively communicate with peers, and produce periodic status reports • Construct their design using COMSOL and simulate this design using multiple different materials and boundary conditions • Write a report on this design detailing; (1) a statement of the design problem and its constraints, (2) the behavior of the design for different materials used and different boundary conditions, (3) economic analysis of design in comparison with other design options, (4) global and ethical considerations in gathering materials in comparison with other design options • Present their design to the rest of the classImplementation of COMSOL
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jacqueline Gartner Ph.D., Campbell University; Michele Miller, Campbell University; Anastasia Marie Rynearson, Campbell University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
thoroughly enjoyed the mentoring aspect of the program. . . my mentor for the last year . . . helped me in more ways than I could imagine.”In year 3 we continued with virtual professional development sessions, peer and facultymentoring, and one social event each semester. It is challenging to navigate communitybuilding during a pandemic, but we have found ways to get together. In fall 2020 we hadan outside bonfire and served dinner. In spring 2021, we had a star gazing party withbonfire and dinner. Mentoring sessions have continued either virtually or online (at thediscretion of the mentoring pair) and we look forward to reporting from Spring 2021.Finally, we ordered shirts for everyone with a design inspired by a
Conference Session
Perspectives on Engineering Education During COVID-19
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ahmed Dallal, University of Pittsburgh; Mohamed A. S. Zaghloul, University of Pittsburgh; Amr Hassan, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
other hand,"feeling connected" was the main reason for being in-person in a hybrid setup.For synchronous online meetings, the frequently reported problems were related to technology,internet connection, and getting everyone to participate. However, when interviewed, instructorsindicated that they would continue to pursue remote meetings until everyone is vaccinated. On theother hand, the need to wear a mask and teach for the entire class period was inconvenient for theinstructors who opted for in-person hybrid mode. Also, coordinating between students attendingonline and their peers attending in-person was a little bit tricky and time-consuming. All instructorstaught in a hybrid setup indicated that they would consider a remote online format
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emily Bongiovanni, Colorado School of Mines; Brianna B. Buljung, Colorado School of Mines; Alexander Luis Odicino, Colorado School of Mines; Allyce Horan, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
this movement meant encouraging faculty on a large scaleto adopt, adapt, and create OER. Peter Reed noted in his 2012 study, “Awareness, Attitudes andParticipation of Teaching Staff towards the Open Content Movement in One University,” thatteaching faculty are open to sharing their work, but “they are not doing so to any large-scaledegree, that is, through specific OER repositories and open licensing.” 1 The challenge ofencouraging faculty to understand and incorporate OER can often derive from their unfamiliaritywith terms and policies related to copyright. 2 3 These concerns are compounded by facultyquestions regarding OER content quality and the peer review process. 3 However, these issues canbe mitigated by informational courses offered by
Conference Session
Motivation, Goal Orientation, Identity, and Career Aspirations
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Heather Perkins, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Brianna Benedict McIntyre, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Herman Ronald Clements III, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, and her storymay be similar to other students who do not make it through the gauntlet of engineering, andinstead find fulfillment outside of engineering.Additionally, an extensive body of research shows that students’ personal epistemologies–howthey think about the nature of knowledge and knowing – affect how they approach learning inscience, mathematics, and engineering [14-19]. A disconnect between how students perceiveknowledge and engineering pedagogy fosters a lack of belonging in engineering. For example, inone study, “Michael,” a student who valued sense-making over memorization, felt different andisolated from his peers and community [11]. His approach to solving engineering problemsresulted in a deeper understanding, more creative
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kenechukwu Churchill Mbanisi, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Purvi Shah, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Gbetonmasse B. Somasse, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Dhvani Gangadia, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Michael A. Gennert, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Walter Towner, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Torbjorn S. Bergstrom, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Pre-College Engineering Education
involved writing aprogram to automate the cube stacking task performed TABLE 1manually in the previous week. In the subsequent weeks, to ensure that students build intuition about howcobots are used in manufacturing, two practical projects were formulated with strong relevance to real-world manufacturing processes: (1) automated part assembly and (2) machine tending. i) Automated part assembly: The manufacturing process of all sorts of items/equipment involves one ormore steps of part assembly. The use of robots enables the automation of this labor-intensive, repetitive,and oftentimes, dangerous process. In this project, students were tasked to develop a LEGO vehicle (truck)assembly station (see Fig. 1). With the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Aly A. Farag, University of Louisville; Asem Ali, University of Louisville; Islam Alkabbany, University of Louisville; James Christopher Foreman, University of Louisville; Tom Tretter, University of Louisville; Marci S. Decaro, University of Louisville; Nicholas Carl Hindy, University of Louisville
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
on measuring student engagement and evaluating teaching methods, such thatclassroom sessions can now be re-engineered to improve engagement. This is illustrated in Fig 1. Figure 1: Closing the engagement measurement loop in the classroom.In the past several years, much work has been accomplished to change the dynamics of theclassroom environment and of the delivery of course material, such as with flipped classrooms,team-based and peer-assisted learning, etc., in an effort to increase academic success,presumably by increasing engagement. In all of these scenarios, evaluation of the success of thenew method largely rests on the evaluation of instructor observation, student surveys, andacademic performance. Instructor observation
Conference Session
Instrumentation Division Technical Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Madhumi Mitra, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Travis Ford, University of Maryland Eastern Shore ; Jesu Raj Pandya, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
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Natural Sci- ences at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. She is also the coordinator of Biology and Chemistry Education. Dr. Mitra is actively involved in teaching and research in the areas of biofuels and renew- able energy; applications of algae in food and environment; and water quality. She has published several peer-reviewed articles in journals and conference proceedings, and is the recipient of various awards and competitive grants. Dr. Mitra received her baccalaureate degree from Presidence College in Kolkata, India with honors in Plant Biology, Geology, and Physiology. She received her master’s degree from University of Calcutta, India, and her doctoral degree from North Carolina State University
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Laura Jill Carroll, University of Michigan; Cynthia J. Finelli, University of Michigan
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research focused on thecollege experience and academic success of college students with ADHD.Introduction Approximately 6.5% of incoming college freshman are students with attention deficithyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [1], [2]; yet, the college experience and academic success ofthese students remain understudied [3]. Students with ADHD commonly identify high energylevels, resilience, courage, and the ability to hyper-focus on tasks of interest as strengths [4]-[6],which are likely advantageous for academic success. However, college students with ADHDearn lower grades than their peers on average [2], [7]-[9] and are less likely to graduate [10].Researchers attribute these students’ lower than average academic achievement to difficulty
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Curriculum and Programs
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Chen Xu, New York City College of Technology; Lili Ma, New York City College of Technology
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Engineering Technology
. Design 8. Design control systems in the frequency domain using Bode/Nyquist techniques. 9. Be familiar with the most common controllers in industrial use. Lab 10. Integrate the concepts of feedback control systems with real-time simulation using MATLAB.2.2 Create inclusive learning environment using different technologiesIn distance learning, students can feel disconnected from instructor and their peers [3]. Weexplored various technologies to create a friendly and inclusive learning/teaching environment. Zoom was used in synchronous virtual meetings. Professional zoom license was providedby the institution. Instructor and students hold synchronous weekly meetings
2010 North Midwest Section
Beckry Abdel-Magid
course, wherestudents follow prescribed procedure to run the equipment, test specimens, obtain results,analyze data and write a report in which they discuss and interpret the data and drawconclusions. However the first element of “designing an experiment” is rather difficult toaddress in an undergraduate course. The difficulty is due to many reasons including lack of timeto cover essential laboratory tests in the curriculum, lack of preparation of undergraduatestudents to design and perform their own experimental work, and the extra training needed tooperate expensive equipment.Some educators argue that it is better to have students run fewer but more open-endedexperiments than many well-prescribed and guided experiments [1]. This paper
Conference Session
Instrumentation Division Technical Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Martha L. Torres, University of Texas at El Paso; Virgilio Ernesto Gonzalez, University of Texas at El Paso
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the type of learning process for each student. Somestudents are audio learners, while others are visual learners or need the instructor or peer interactionto understand the concepts. Online education allows several options personalizing the learningprocess for each student. Fig.1 shows the advantages of online education [5],[6]. The mostcommon disadvantages of the online learning system are technical issues, such as internetconnectivity, computer or peripheral component failures, and the difficulty of getting thecomponents or specific devices for the courses or laboratories. Figure 1. Virtual Education AdvantagesBased on these circumstances, the University of Texas at El Paso, Texas, in the USA border withMéxico
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Declan Thomas Mahaffey-Dowd, University of California, Berkeley; Shannon Ciston, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Negar Beheshti Pour, University of California, Berkeley
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Chemical Engineering
online collaborative tools,including the Google file-sharing suite. These tools are used for all members to contribute ideas: “When we research improvements to the battery, or want to tune a certain variable, every person has to write something down in the Google doc…” “...we can have everything in one place like and it’s all shared with us.”The use of these sharted tools for developing and annotating presentations, and making plans,were implemented before the onset of the pandemic, and have continued as important tools tosupport collaborative work remotely.Limitations A limitation the researchers observed in conducting the virtual interviews was thatparticipants typically discussed their experience
Conference Session
Outreach and K-12
2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
Mary Elizabeth Foltz, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Sotiria Koloutsou-Vakakis, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
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Outreach and K-12
students was “where can we get more of these test strips?”showing that they were excited to independently explore this topic further. In addition, studentsshowed initiative to investigate the topic deeper. They would write for example: “I would like torun a test on the unfiltered tap water and see how effective the refrigerator filter really is, especiallyconsidering the filter is old by now” and “This was straight from tap indoors, but we recentlyinstalled a whole-house filter to keep the hardness down, which explains some of the results (thewater in our area is very hard).” Overall, 187 students across the United States submitted waterquality data for their water sample (Figure 4 that we showed to students in the synchronoussessions
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Cory J. Prust; Stephen M. Williams
thisdemonstration are: to give students experience at writing and executing a test plan, to proveconceptual feasibility of one major subsystem, and to provide the students with experience atconstruction in an open-ended design problem. This last objective is critical for the students priorto their committing a detailed technical design to paper in the second term.Each student composes a proposed Personal Growth Plan near the end of the term. In this plan,the student identifies one skill area they are targeting for improved performance over theremainder of the project. Skill areas include personal abilities such as performing analysis,solving problems, and designing to meet needs. They describe their present state, describe theirdesired state with
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Orla LoPiccolo M. Arch, PDip (CM), Architect, State University of New York, College of Technology at Farmingdale
Architecture peers. Bycomparison, this is one year longer than engineering technology graduates pursuing a ProfessionalEngineering (PE) license. This time lag places BSc Architectural Engineering Technologygraduates who plan to pursue architectural licensure at a disadvantage, and may affect theenrollment, retention, and graduation rates for this type of program. The objective of this paper isto compare course offerings of a four-year B.Sc. Architectural Engineering Technology Programto NAAB-accredited five-year Bachelor of Architecture programs, examine qualitative feedbackfrom students regarding the Architectural Engineering Technology Program and their career goals,and assess the continuing viability of the architectural engineering technician
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Dennis A. Silage, Temple University
the College is the Chemistry for Engineers course, a science course concernedwith topics for professional development. GenEd is the University core requirement whichsatisfies the social sciences and humanities requirement. The common freshman year curriculumfor the BSE EME and EPE programs is as follows: First Semester Second Semester Calculus I Calculus II Chemistry for Engineers, Chemistry Lab Elementary Classical Physics I Introduction to Engineering Intro to Engineering Problem Solving GenEd Analytical Reading and Writing Engineering Computation
ASEE 2021 Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference
Randy Hugh Brooks, Texas A&M University
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differingclientele as the vision evolves.Impetus for this study is comprised of literature-based studies, peer and performance-evaluatingadministration observations, and my personal experiences regarding the chasm existing between(1) the understanding of engineering and the supporting knowledge and skills of the typicalcollege of engineering-bound high school students, and (2) the level of knowledge and skill setsexpected to exist in first-year college of engineering students by the college of engineering first-year professors.My unique perspective and experience (bulleted below) has afforded me diverse front-lineexperiences involving a range of instructional differentiation practices required to address thevarying levels of preparation observed in a wide
Conference Session
Continuing Professional Development Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Moses Olayemi, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Collins N. Vaye, Florida International University; Viyon Dansu, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Jennifer Deboer, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Continuing Professional Development
methodologies that have been conductedregarding the professional development of secondary school STEM educators in sub-SaharanAfrica. We limited our review to articles that were peer-reviewed within the past 60 years.Twenty-three articles satisfied our inclusion and exclusion criteria and formed the primarystudies for the synthesis. Based on our findings, we discussed how the lens of STEM teacherPD has tended to focus on numbers rather than the quality of pedagogical instructionalpractice. Our study also revealed that the recruitment of participants of the PD interventions,more often than not, failed to cater to the gender diversity of teachers in the respectivesettings. Recommendations offered by teacher trainers and researchers analyzed
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cynthia C. Fry, Baylor University; Zachary Michael Steudel; Joshua Craig Hunter, Baylor University
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Software Engineering Division
, development, and consultation firm. She joined the faculty of the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Baylor University in 1997, where she teaches a variety of engineering and computer science classes, she is the Faculty Advisor for the Women in Computer Science (WiCS), the Director of the Computer Science Fellows program, and is a KEEN Fellow. She has authored and co- authored over fifty peer-reviewed papers.Mr. Zachary Michael Steudel Zachary Steudel is a 2021 graduate of Baylor University’s computer science department. In his time at Baylor, he worked as a Teaching Assistant under Ms. Cynthia C. Fry. As part of the Teaching Assistant role, Zachary designed and created the group project for the Computer Systems
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Johnny C. Woods Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Homero Murzi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Tahsin Mahmud Chowdhury, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Natali Huggins; Karen Dinora Martinez Soto
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Tagged Divisions
experience or idea, write 1-2 paragraphs where you explore the topic in more detail by asking yourself questions and writing your answers. 2. This reflection process should focus on making connections, exploring ideas, challenging your beliefs, recognizing patterns, or identifying applications of things you have learned. 3. You can write about what happened and what you did if you would like, but 1-2 paragraphs should focus on reflective topics specifically.Meanwhile, the post-trip reflection summarizes the participant’s overall experience. The promptsprovided for the final reflection are the following: 1. Think about where you grew up, your experiences prior to this trip, and the
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Learning and Teaching Experiences
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emine Celik Foust, York College of Pennsylvania; Inci Ruzybayev, York College of Pennsylvania
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
truly had an effect on my exams”Difficulty in staying focused during synchronous Zoom classes – (3%) “It is so easy to not pay attention at home my lack of focus added to the stress of classes” “It was difficult to find time to have one-on-one help with professors” “Very hard to learn this way.”Student’s comments/suggestions on ways to reduce stress Survey participants were also asked to write comments/suggestions that would help toreduce stress during upcoming semesters. Their suggestions are included below.Include a day off/a break, slowing down, assign less work /allocate more time to complete tasks “A day off with no added videos or any assignments to take care of built into the schedule from the
Conference Session
Adaptation of Laboratory-based Courses During a Pandemic: Experimentation and Laboratory-oriented Studies Division
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Madalyn Wilson-Fetrow, University of New Mexico; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Ardeshir Raihanian Mashhadi, University at Buffalo; Tracy L. Mallette, University of New Mexico; Andrew P. Shreve, University of New Mexico
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
[16]. We extended the approach reported elsewhere ofidentifying evidence of framing agency [17]. Such techniques build on observations that agencycan be detected in talk, such as by evaluating the subjects of sentences (“I” versus “we” versus“it”) and the kinds of verbs used (“did” versus “should” versus “must”) [18, 19]. Extending suchtechniques to the analysis of written artifacts presents additional challenges, as studentscommonly use passive voice in technical writing, a trend that is reflected as well in publications[20]. We therefore considered other evidence for agency and ownership, such as detailed first-hand depictions and clarity about decisions.Results and discussionWe organize our results by research question, first detailing the
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Cornucopia
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kelsey Joy Rodgers, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach; Angela Thompson P.E., University of Louisville; Matthew A. Verleger, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach; Farshid Marbouti, San Jose State University; Nishith Shah; Pujan Thaker, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
create a mathematicalmodel to meet particular criteria and constraints for a stakeholder based on provided, relevantdata [1]. While MEAs have demonstrated success across a broad spectrum of characteristics(e.g., improved retention of women, increased experience with peer review, improvedprofessional skills attainment), adoption of MEAs can be challenging, in part because MEAs aretime consuming to meaningfully implement and evaluate, as well as initially design and develop[10-12]. Not only is there a lot of resistance for faculty buy-in, many students complain about theworkload required to complete the activities. In part of this larger project, the team has workedon utilizing the Models and Modeling Perspective (M&MP) design principles and
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 2: Solar Track
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Matt Aldeman, Illinois State University; Jin Ho Jo, Illinois State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
performance of the home’s roof overhangs anddetermines whether the design criteria have been met. In addition to constructing the home, thestudents write a two page single-spaced paper explaining the design and features of the home.The assessment of the project is based on 1) whether the home meets the design criteria, 2)professionalism of the model home, and 3) clarity of the written description. The project tiestogether several important concepts in this course, and provides students with an opportunity tocreatively apply what they have learned. Student feedback on the project has beenoverwhelmingly positive.Introduction A Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy (RE) degree program was established byIllinois State University in 2007. The
2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference - "Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption"
Harly Ramsey, University of Southern California
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Paper ID #35183Lessons from Listening to Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: UsingSelf-Determination Theory to Contextualize Course Evaluations and BestPractices for Online TeachingDr. Harly Ramsey, University of Southern California Dr. Harly Ramsey has over 20 years teaching experience. She has taught in USC’s English Department, the Dornsife Writing Program, and currently in the Engineering Writing Program as a Senior Lecturer. She has taught both undergraduates and graduate students; currently her primary teaching assignment is upper-division Advanced Communication for Engineers. Her teaching is grounded in active
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 3: Education Track
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Radian G. Belu, Southern University; Alexandru Belu; Zhengmao Ye, Southern University
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Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
promote the application of theoretical concepts.4. To provide students with the ability to find solutions to the problems and to enhance theircritical reasoning needed to choose the appropriate solution in accordance with specific criteria.5. To enhance other competencies within the engineering, such as: the ability to write goodtechnical reports and to make presentations, project management and economics, and team-work.Having defined the course objectives, goals and outcomes, based on the available educationalresources and support, the instructor have to select the most suitable methods to obtain thesegoals and outcomes. PjBL and PBL methods were chosen because it prompts the students toencounter the core concepts and principles, while managing