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Displaying results 391 - 420 of 833 in total
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Steckel, St. Vrain Valley School District; Patty Ann Quinones, St. Vrain Valley School District; Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
students must becomerepresentative of the nation’s population. This call is especially pronounced in the field ofengineering.These representative numbers can only be realized through increased preparation of college-agestudents. Undergraduate engineering has become a test bed for pedagogy to increase studentinterest and abilities, reflecting the progress of cognitive development research in STEMlearning. Analysis of best practices can improve instruction at all levels, including K-12. Aboveall, an environment to nurture problem solving and innovation skills is imperative.Unfortunately, there are few K-12 settings for students to obtain real-world experience that mightattract them to STEM careers. To address this problem, the St Vrain Valley School
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-college Engineering: Educational Policy and Research
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitchell Nathan, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Greg Pearson, National Academy of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
, habitsof mind, and analytic practices of the design sciences (engineering and technology) with those ofthe natural sciences (science and mathematics) (e.g., Ref. 38).In educational practice and in research, the term “integrated” is used loosely and is typically notcarefully distinguished from related terms such as connected, unified, interdisciplinary,multidisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, or transdisciplinary. Defining integrated STEM education isfurther complicated by the fact that connections can be reflected at more than one level at thesame time: in the student’s thinking or behavior, in the teacher’s instruction, in the curriculum,between and among teachers themselves, or in larger units of the education system, such as theorganization of an
Conference Session
Flipping ECE Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jia-Ling Lin, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Paul Imbertson, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
omega slip. We want to control omega M. So… right now omega slip is at 50 and we need to make omega slip much larger, don’t we?”Critiquing / Critically reflecting on “That doesn’t make sense.” EvaluateChallenging interpretations/ reasoning(CR) in which proposals may “I don’t think that those two (IMs and Is) are in be challenged and phase.” counter-challenged. “We don’t need total power. We need power loss.”Conscious Purposeful citations of
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session 2
2014 ASEE International Forum
Rockwell Franklin Clancy III, The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Guangyu Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tagged Topics
Curriculum and Lab Development
Affairs Division of Dalian University of Technology, November 15 Page 20.28.6 Luegenbiehl, H. 2004, “Ethical Autonomy and Engineering in a Cross-Cultural Context,” Techné: Research inPhilosophy and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1.9 Cao, N. 2004, “Dui Zhong Guo Gao Xiao Gong Cheng Lun Li Jiao Yu De Si Kao,” (“Reflection on the Educationof Engineering Ethics in China”), Gao Deng Jiao Yu Gong Cheng Yan Jiu (Advanced Engineering EducationResearch), 5. Wang, Q. 2009, “Gong Kai Ke: Ke Xue Ji Shu
Conference Session
Track 2 - Session 2
2014 ASEE International Forum
Aaron Brown, Metropolitan State University of Denver; Duane B Swigert, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Tagged Topics
Curriculum and Lab Development
appraisal, it was determined that the most appropriate project (7) for the students toengage in was a solar water heater for the local school. The students designed and built a verysimple but effective water heater using local materials and costing less that $100 to build. Thedesign was very specific to the region as the proximity of Costa Rica to the equator allowed ashallow angle for the panel that water flowed over which contributed to a measured 70˚Ftemperature gain which made the design applicable and effective for the design challenge. Upon completion of the trip, students were required to write a reflective project report andpresent the experience to an audience through the avenue of the undergraduate researchsymposium at MSU Denver
Conference Session
Impacts on K-12 Student Identity, Career Choice, and Perceptions of Engineers
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Carrico P.E., Virginia Tech; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Tech; Matthew Arnold Boynton PE P.E., Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
multipleprobes33, 34. The open ended questions were developed to allow rich, deep descriptions ofparticipant’s experiences and beliefs35, 36. Distinctions between the protocols included ensuringthe questions were appropriate to capture participants’ perspectives relative to high schoolexperiences (either current or reflection). The final protocols captured information on theparticipants’ experiences during high school including reasons for choosing their career goals aswell as information related to the other constructs of the SCCT model. Detailed information onthe protocol development was previously documented37.ParticipantsAll high school and college participants were from one of nine counties located in thesouthwestern most portion of Virginia. The
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Noah Salzman, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University and Central Queensland University; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
standards, reflecting the increasing acceptance of engineering at the K-12 leveland its potential value to students. In addition to promoting outcomes that benefit all studentsregardless of career aspirations such as increased math and science achievement and greatertechnological literacy, K-12 engineering programs have been identified as a means of recruitingand retaining potential students in engineering.The growth of precollege engineering programs means that increasing numbers of incomingengineering students will have had some exposure to engineering prior to their enrollment inengineering programs. However, the impact of precollege engineering experiences onundergraduate engineering students is relatively unexplored. To address this lack
Conference Session
Mentoring Minorities: Effective Programs, Practices, and Perspectives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence; Anna V. Elde, The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence; Kate Ambrose, University of Central Florida
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Landscape: Summary of a Summit, 57.11. Payton, F. C. (2004). Making STEM Careers More Accessible. Black Issues in Higher Education, 21(2), 90.12. National Science Board. (2012). Science and Engineering Indicators 2012. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.13. Fifolt, M., & Searby, L. (2010). Mentoring in Cooperative Education and Internships: Preparing Proteges for STEM Professions. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 11(1), 17-26.14. Packard, B. W. L. (2004). Mentoring and retention in college science: Reflections on the sophomore year. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 6(3), 289-300
Conference Session
Student Learning, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natasa S. Vidic, University of Pittsburgh; Nur Ozge Ozaltin; Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh; Larry J. Shuman, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Page 24.911.1 using pre- and post- concept inventories to assess improvement, an online reflection tool to assess pro- cess, and a grading rubric to assess the solution (general model and specific solution). We are identifying numerous problem solving processes used by the student teams, as well as the range of problems that c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Paper ID #10443 can be addressed, to determine how effective the various processes are relative to improved conceptual understanding. Collaborators Mary Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh, Larry Shuman, University
Conference Session
An Examination of Methods to Enhance Transfer Student Enrollment, Retenion, Persistence, and Outcomes
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David B. Knight, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; Inger M. Bergom, University of Michigan; Brian A. Burt, University of Michigan; Lisa R. Lattuca, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
student success is parental education levels, which appear to affectstudents’ likelihoods of majoring in science and engineering26 as well as their probabilities ofearning a bachelor’s degree in any field27.Academic preparation as reflected in high school GPA, high school class rank, and standardizedtest scores is also a significant predictor of college academic performance28,29. One early studyof more than 36,000 college students found that a student’s high school records and SAT scoreswere positively related to academic performance in college18. Similarly, data on over 1,000freshmen engineers at Penn State indicated that high school GPA and grades in calculus andphysics were the best predictors of persistence in engineering in the first two
Conference Session
Raise the Bar – Visions for the Future, Bodies of Knowledge, and Accreditation Vicissitudes.
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stuart G. Walesh P.E., S. G. Walesh Consulting
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
statesof completion, have raised awareness of BOKs and have provided lessons in how todevelop and implement them.Numerous volunteers worked long and hard to develop the NSPE mission-vision-values,produce the NAE report, and initiate BOK efforts in various engineering disciplines. TheNSPE EBOK effort benefitted from those earlier efforts. This reflects a lesson learned asa result of ASCE’s development of the CEBOK. That lesson was to stand respectfullyand thankfully on the shoulders of others. 2The Body of Knowledge ConceptA profession’s BOK is its common intellectual ground – it is shared by everyone in theprofession regardless of employment or engineering discipline. The EBOK, as used inthis paper, is defined as the depth and breadth of knowledge
Conference Session
Spatial Ability & Visualization Training I
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremy V Ernst, Virginia Tech; Diarmaid Lane, University of Limerick; Aaron C. Clark, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
(n) (n) 52 50 0 717.500 <0.0001ConclusionsThis study was conducted with the premise that forms of assessment can be extended orbuilt upon to reflect the needs and values of a discipline. Specifically, the researcherswanted to see if replacing the PSVT-VOR with one that uses pictures of everyday objects(i.e. Pictorial VRT), that by common everyday associations students might do betterusing images on visual-based tests. But, as the findings indicate it is just the opposite,students that participated in this study did statistically better using the traditionalgeometry or isometric drawing version of the same test that was repurposed witheveryday images.Based on the
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Learning 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy K. Lape, Harvey Mudd College; Rachel Levy, Harvey Mudd College; Darryl H. Yong, Harvey Mudd College; Karl A. Haushalter, Harvey Mudd College; Rebecca Eddy, Cobblestone Applied Research & Evaluation, Inc.; Nancy Hankel, Cobblestone Applied Research & Evaluation, Inc.
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
faculty Page 24.1006.2members, who taught in both conditions, also completed reflection papers related to theirexperiences. The following describes guiding research questions for the study.Research questions: 1. Do students in inverted classrooms spend additional time actively working with instructors on meaningful tasks in comparison to those students in control classrooms? 2. Do students in inverted classrooms show higher learning gains as compared to students in traditional classrooms? 3. Do students in inverted classrooms demonstrate an increased ability to apply material in new situations as compared to students in
Conference Session
FPD 7: Beyond Course Content
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Nathan E. Canney PE, Seattle University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
courses contributed to their views of SR. Atthe small public university all of the civil and environmental engineering students worked on SL projects,but 21% still indicated that none of their courses contributed to their understanding of SR. These resultsseem to indicate that the impacts of courses on the SR of students may be more limited than instructorsintend. This may reflect a typical dichotomy between “what is taught” versus “what is learned”. It mayalso indicate that instructors should use reflective essays or in-class discussions to encouragemetacognition and thinking around how engineering can and should try to positively impact society andhelp underserved populations.26Ethics provides a counter example to the minimal impact of courses
Conference Session
Emerging Computing and Information Technologies
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles B. Owen, Michigan State University; Sarah Coburn, Michigan State University; Jordyn Castor
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
rubber bands. Wire allowed the instructor tocreate links that reflected those on the drawing, with bends and a single, sturdy line. Rubber Page 24.1167.6bands allowed the student to modify the diagram herself. Roles were indicated on associationsusing smaller Post-it notes, also with Braille.A set of foam symbols was found at a local craft store that included several symbols close to theUML symbols used on edges. Figure 3 shows some of these symbols and their correspondingUML element. The zero, one, and star symbols represented the most common multiplicities.Inheritance was indicated using a triangle. Composition was indicated with the two
Conference Session
General Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Perry Samson, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
’ learningprocesses, and reflect on their own teaching (Merceron and Yacef, 2005, Romero and Ventura,2007, Baker and Yacef, 2009, Baker, 2010) Several Educational Data Mining studies of student Page 24.1181.4behavior in online and other educational tools revealed differences between groups of students interms of such variables as level of participation in discussion boards (Anaya and Boticario, 2009),Questions & Answers boards, completion of assignments, and annotations (Zakrzewska, 2008,Anaya and Boticario, 2009, Macfadyen and Dawson, 2010). Each of these studies has helped tovalidate these techniques as methods of identifying pedagogically interesting
Conference Session
FPD 4: Peers and Perceptions
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Pow, Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, RIT; María Helguera, Rochester Institute of Technology; Elizabeth Pieri, Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology; Sadie Wolters; Michael Glynn Augspurger, Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology; Briana A. Neuberger, Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology; Victoria Scholl, Rochester Institute of Technology; Elizabeth Bondi, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
succeed, and where institutions support such communities of learners.3 Higher education should produce new frames of understanding by piloting new ideas, tools, and approaches to keep students’ learning on the cutting edge.4In 2010 the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, an imaging systems engineeringdepartment at the Rochester Institute of Technology, developed and implemented a newfreshman-level course, known as the Freshman Imaging Project, which embodies thispedagogical framework. While the architects of this new pedagogy wanted it to reflect the mostrecent research on STEM education, it was also built upon other fundamental beliefs. Forexample, the belief that first year students are capable of understanding advanced
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine L. Cohan, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Alexander C. Yin, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Amy L. Freeman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Javier Gomez-Calderon, Penn State University; Janice M. Margle P.E., Pennsylvania State University, Abington; Jill L. Lane, Clayton State University; Dhushy Sathianathan, California State University, Long Beach; Renata S. Engel P.E., Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
about students’ majors in Year 1 and Year 2 reflecttheir pre-major status or preferences. Retention data about students’ majors in Year 3 reflect themajor into which they were admitted after going through the Entrance-to-Major process. Becauseit reflects objective major status rather than preferences and is available for students exposed tothe three interventions, we focus on retention in Year 3 rather than on graduation rates. Math Tutoring OutcomesTo improve performance and retention in the foundational math classes for STEM majors, wepresent data on two math interventions administered for the eight semesters of the project. Fourcampuses instituted a 1-credit weekly tutoring class taken in conjunction with
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma; Firas Akasheh, Tuskegee University; Gül E. Okudan Kremer, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
solving by connecting diagnosed problems with solution types42. Participatingin review encourages student reviewers to reflect upon their own skills while examining peerwork43-44.Some of the emerging technologies are also enabling new ways of peer review. For example,online videos changed the way we create, view and share videos online today. With smartphoneslike the iPhone, and phones running on Android and Windows operating systems, it is effortlessto create, share and evaluate videos using the basic features phones offer. Videos can be aneffective media to quickly generate content and provide feedback to peers.Overview of Teaching to Learn: The SystemAs part of our work, we intend to test the potential of technology-enhanced peer-learning
Conference Session
Integration of Engineering and Other Disciplines (Including Liberal Arts)
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arthur Felse, Northwestern University; Igor Kourkine
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
instructors from industry, who brought a truly multi-disciplinary character to these courses. Finally, we gave students numerous opportunities topractice their critical thinking skills by answering non-trivial questions, formulating decisions,and reflecting on their actions.Motivation for the sequence of technology commercialization coursesA recent survey of engineering students showed that 41% of them wanted to start their ownbusinesses, and 66% thought that entrepreneurship education would strengthen their careerprospects and improve their learning experiences8,9. Another survey showed that 50% of facultyand administrators believed that access to entrepreneurship programs would improve engineeringeducation10. These statistics show that many people
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Courses and Projects
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
M. Brian Thomas, Trine University; Andrea Mitofsky, Trine University; Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; John Eiler
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
multidisciplinary teams during their senior capstone courses. The design module wasintroduced in the fall 2011 semester, and was repeated in fall 2012 and fall 2013. Anassessment, conducted with current and former participants in fall 2013, demonstrates theefficacy of the project.1. INTRODUCTION.The engineering education community has embraced the concept of multidisciplinary designover the past two decades 1-3. This movement reflects a renewed emphasis on design in theengineering curriculum, particularly at the freshman (cornerstone) and senior (capstone) levels 4.The benefit of training engineers to work in multidisciplinary teams is self-evident whenconsidering the integration of mechanical design, electronics, software, human factors andergonomics, and
Conference Session
Assessment of Learning in ECE
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Youakim Kalaani, Georgia Southern University; Rami Jubrail Haddad, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
) Page 24.124.6Assessment ResultsAs stated earlier, the assessment process of student learning outcomes is based on direct andindirect measurements. Table 3 shows the results of indirect measurements, or surveys, as meanaverages on a scale of 5 of the appropriateness of student learning outcomes as perceived byPAC members, EE faculty and EE students. (Note: twenty samples of students’ responses wereused as feedback). Survey results indicated that all outcomes met the target level (3.5), exceptthat outcome ‘i’ is slightly below (3.4) target, reflecting the faculty’s desire to enhance “students’ability to conduct research in the electrical engineering discipline as part of a life-long learning.” Table 3- Appropriateness of Student Outcomes
Conference Session
The Nature of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Session 4
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Barnes, James Madison University; Susan Kubic Barnes, James Madison University; Michael J. Dyrenfurth, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Page 24.393.3metabolisms, biological (cycles of nature) and technical (cycles of industry), provide anunderstanding of systems of nature, how phenomena in nature exist, and how humans think thoseenvironments ought to be. The concept deals with the integrative relationship of how sciencestarts with a problem and is guided by theory and reflective experience, while technology resultsin solutions which in turn help generate new theories, a new way of thinking about complexsocial problems called naturalistic sustainability3. Not infrequently, the solutions in themselvesgenerate subsequent downstream problems that also must be considered. Having students learnhow to construct and use mental models is essential to develop a new way of thinking
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James M. Widmann, California Polytechnic State University; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University; Michael J. Prince, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
process is beingemployed. An initial mass-pulley demonstration was developed that mimicked question 13 fromthe DCI (DCI – Q13) and was presented to an Intermediate Dynamics Class as a demonstration.Based on initial feedback, the IBLA was finalized and deployed as a hands-on activity tostudents in an introductory Dynamics class. Student learning through the IBLA is supported by ahomework problem assigned during the same week as the activity. Assessment of effectivenesswas provided through pre-post DCI results, in class quizzes, embedded midterm problems andwritten student reflections. At the same time, the authors videotaped individuals from separatecohorts to better understand and identify sources of student misconceptions and how they mightbe
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University (Tech.); Yalcin Ertekin, Drexel University (Tech.); Radian G. Belu, Drexel University (Tech.)
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
including vibration, acoustic emission, cuttingdynamometers (existing equipment) are used for remote process monitoring and control. Dataacquisition and processing for tool breakage and quality control of machined parts has beenadded to the course curriculum. MET316 reflect the competitive trend in the evolution ofmanufacturing towards increased flexibility, high speed machining, remote quality control,sensors, and Internet-based information and communication technologies using CNC systemsand simulators. Students will be able to study parametric programming techniques to run in-process gauging and tool setting probes. The students will convert a CNC machine tool into acoordinate measuring machine, which will eliminate post-process part inspection
Conference Session
Enhancing Success/Peristence at Two-Year Colleges
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan G. Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Jerry O'Connor, San Antonio College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
Algebra. The next program iterations includedIntroduction to Computing and then Introductory Physics as substitutes, along with self-pacedcomputer-based math enrichment programs such as Plato. The substitute courses did not providetransferable credits (for STEM degrees) however, and as enrollments remained flat we continuedto seek new program innovations. One of the annual modifications that turned out to be verypopular was a robotics project. This element has become a permanent fixture of the program.During this period a multitude of engineering summer bridge programs were introduced inalmost every school across the country and in our area 8,9,10, 11. The students had multiple choicesto spend their summers and enrollment reflected these
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jianyu Dong, California State University, Los Angeles; Huiping Guo, California State University, Los Angeles
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
goal under realistic constraints Week 8 –network with optimal performance: 2) Be able to reflect the knowledge and apply skills Week 10An open-ended design project that acquired thru the previous projects to develop design planrequires the student teams to define 3) Develop ability to find and evaluate available technicaltheir design goals, do research on information from various sourcesvarious network components, consider 4) Be able to present the design clearly in both oral andpractical needs and constraints, present written formattheir design plan, do simulations and 5) Be able to use OPNET to evaluate the performance andselect the best design with optimal validate the
Conference Session
Spatial Ability & Visualization Training II
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yingjie Victor Chen, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Zhenyu Cheryl Qian, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
information systems as a new informationvisualization subdomain that complements the focus on analytic tasks, and also providesanalytics, awareness, social, and reflective sights.A Collaborative Design Process The mini-challenge of “Situation Awareness Display Design” started in the beginning ofMay and its submission deadline was on July 8, 2013. We organized a team with two ComputerGraphics Technology (CGT) students, three Interaction Design (IXD) students and two faculties.The seven team members started to actively work on these challenges from the middle of May.The two faculties, one come from CGT, one come from IXD, served in multiple roles –supervisor, teacher, collaborator, and researcher to study the collaboration process. The
Conference Session
Enhancing the Underrepresented Student Experience
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William J. Davis P.E., The Citadel; Kevin C. Bower PE, The Citadel; Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel; Elizabeth Connor, The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
ExCEL-SCstudent cohorts comprised of robust student enrichment components focusing onacademic performance, academic growth, academic success, directed academic reflection,life skills development, learning community participation, and supportive facultyguidance.Objective 3: To provide an enhanced leadership development program focusing onprincipled leadership in civil engineering, as well as developing professional leadershipskills. To develop student leadership skills through a broad-based program for ExCEL-SC student cohorts including interaction with professional mentors, meetings withengineering leaders, involvement in community service projects, engineering field trips,and participation in forums on leadership aspects of overarching
Conference Session
Evaluation of Ethical Development
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jill L. May, Illinois Institute of Technology; Alan Mead, Illinois Institute of Technology; James Kemp Ellington, Illinois Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
practical application. Moreover,most of the work on applied ethics has focused on individual level development.4 Little attentionhas been paid to how students think about ethics and make decisions at a team level. This lack of Page 24.537.2emphasis on different levels of ethical understanding may not be reflective of how applied ethicsare used in real life situations.Creating assessments for engineering ethics has presented a significant challenge. Assessmentsare often created for single interventions and cannot be applied consistently across thecurriculum.5 Little research has focused on how to effectively assess ethical interventions in