universities.The studying experience of the graduate level visiting scholars can be improved bydeveloping effective communication between the professors in both the sending and theaccepting universities.V. CONCLUSIONThe exchange graduate students are always undervalued, especially engineering students.Properly organized program can help these students to enhance their learning experienceabroad. On the other hand, exchange students should be aware of the research area of theforeign university. A similar background helps to enhance the efficiency of studying abroad.References[1] S. K. McNulty and P. Enjeti, "Connecting Campuses and Building International Competencies with Study Abroad Programs: The Texas A&M University at Qatar Experience," 2010
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are as follows: How was the quality of service delivered from our student volunteers? How was their attitude towards your event/service opportunity? Rate the following statement based on your experience with our service: The college of engineering student volunteer(s) performance was (were) excellent. From 1 to 5, where 5 is the best experience, please rate your overall experience. Additional Comments and areas of improvement.Opportunity Highlight IOne of the many opportunities we had for the service learning course is through Nao robotoutreach team. Nao robot has capabilities of talking, walking, dancing, and etc., which attractspeople at the community outreach events. For engineering students, it is a great way
top researchers across the country. It is preciselythis type of success that ADVANCE grants like ours are designed to foster. Supporting thesuccess of women faculty increases the success of us all. We are thrilled to have been one ofthe catalysts of this effort.” It is the hope that the events that have been created will serve asa model for students, new faculty, and other universities to pursue their passion, collaboratewith colleagues across departments, and engage with the community to create a rich,dynamic, and energizing academic culture.References:1. Anderson, W.A., U. Banerjee, C. Drennan, S. Elgin, I. Epstein, J. Handelsman, G. Hatfull, R. Losick, D. O'Dowd, and B.M. Olivera, Science education. Changing the culture of
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).Future workThe course development support offered by the UFIT Center of Instructional Technology andTraining has the following phases: Design and Development, Implementation, and Evaluate andRevise. We are currently in the design and development phase and will do the implementationsoon. In the future, the ID and I will conduct surveys with students and review the coursefeedback to find other short-term and long-term opportunities to improve the online students’learning experience. References[1] J. A. Barker, Paradigms : the business of discovering the future. HarperBusiness, 1993.[2] S. Coyner and P. McCann, “Advantages and challenges of teaching in an electronic environment: The accommodate
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work in the evaluation data collected. It is important,however, that all sites function under the same framework (i.e. cross-camp collaboration, finalpresentations, etc).AcknowledgementsThis work is sponsored by NASA under it’s 2015 Competitive Program for Science Museums,Planetariums and NASA Visitors Centers Plus Other Opportunities (CP4SMPVC+). We wouldlike to thank the Principal Investigator Darlene Koenig for her leadership and exceptionalmanagement. We would also like to thank all the museums/science centers who have helpedexecute this program at their venues. Lastly, we would like to thank all the high school teachersand students who provided their valuable feedback as the IMEET camp participants.References[1] Basalyga, S. (2003
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foundation engineering, unsaturated soil mechanics, geoenvironmental engineering, advanced soil mechanics, and soil dynamics. His expertise is in innovative levee testing and protection, bio-mediated ground improvement, sustainable infrastructure and geo-environmental area. He has been PI of more than fourteen major research grants from federal and state agencies with total funding amounts of $3.6 Million. Dr. Li is the author or co-author of more than 87 peer-reviewed published articles. He got numerous faculty excellence award and Richard S. Ladd Standards Development Award from ASTM.Dr. Jianjun Yin, Jackson State University Jianjun Yin, Ph.D, is Professor of Education in the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood
improved their academic performance by 52%. The same research showed that thestudents were also significantly more engaged because of the content included in the course.These are substantial indicators of improvement. If this is level of improvement could be seenby all students using online or digital content, the results would show substantial progressthus making the research significant.These are main theoretical concepts that have been implemented into the IEDT curriculumbased on the literature review.3. Methodology3.1 The ProcessThis information was obtained using action research which is a specific variation ofEvaluation Research. McMillan and Schumacher21 state” Evaluation Research focuses on aparticular practice at a given site(s). The
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avaluable experience for their future jobs and this experience would introduce how the projects in theprofessional world would be. The list of the specific skills and tools that the students learned areSolidWorks® , Altium Designer® , Linux O/S (Operating System), and Python programming.Students are preparing the design review and the buoy system is in testing and in integration. After the successful completion of building this prototype and capstone project, the field testingand measurements are planned to be performed and it may expand its value and impact to thegeneral public and scientists in other fields of study. Summary and Conclusions The prototype of this floating buoy system will provide a method to
Paper ID #20249Summer Engineering Experience (SEE) Program - A Program to PrepareFreshmen Students for Engineering StudiesDr. Hossein Rahemi, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology Dr. Hossein Rahemi is a professor and department chair of Engineering and Technology at Vaughn Col- lege of Aeronautics & Technology. He is the author of two books, Vaughn College Journal of Engineering and Technology (VCJET), numerous conference papers in the areas of solid mechanics, computational mechanics, vibration analysis, fracture mechanics and reliability analysis. He is also a principle investi- gator for the NSF S-STEM
class.Stone and Bronze Age: Begins with humans using materials as found in nature (wood, bone,stone, bark, etc.), perhaps changing only the shape. Use of fire to change materials (firstceramics). Development of agriculture and pottery, improvement in tools and establishment oftrade routes. Interactions with native metals and smelting of tin and lead, redox reactions.Smelting of copper, development of significant mining operations. Intentional alloying ofcopper to make bronze, spread of technology from Near East, necessity of long distance traderoutes to supply tin. Development of sophisticated casting technology, particularly in Far East. • The Use of Tin and Bronze in prehistoric Southern Indian Metallurgy, S. Srinivasan, JOM, July 1998, p
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