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Displaying results 451 - 480 of 1185 in total
Conference Session
Design Tools and Methodology I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Guerra, NASA; David T. Allen, University of Texas, Austin; Richard H. Crawford, University of Texas, Austin; Cheryl Farmer, UTeachEngineering
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Identify solution(s) designs tradeoffs 4 Choose the Select the most Select best Model the Select the best Choose & best solution promising solution design possible justify your solution solution(s) optimal design 5 Create a Construct a Construct Execute the Construct a Develop a prototype prototype prototype design prototype prototype 6 Test and Test and Test and Test and Test and evaluate evaluate
Conference Session
Innovatiive Methods to Teach Engineering to URMs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bette Grauer, Kansas State University; LaVerne Bitsie-Baldwin, Kansas State University; Emily Wilcox, Kansas State University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
3.2 Preference for a Value 3.1 Acceptance of a Value 2.0 Responding 2.3 Satisfaction in Response 2.2 Willingness to Respond 2.1 Acquiescence in Responding 1.0 Receiving 1.3 Controlled or Selected Attention 1.2 Willingness to Receive 1.1 AwarenessAdapted from Krathwohl, D. R., Bloom, B. S., & Masia, B. B. (1964). Taxonomy of educationalobjectives: The classification of educational goals, Handbook II: Affective Domain. New York:David McKay
Conference Session
Improving IE Course Content
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leonardo Bedoya-Valencia, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Nebojsa I. Jaksic, Colorado State University, Pueblo
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
Operations Research, John Wiley & Sons, New York.2. Hillier, F. S., and Lieberman, G. J., 2001: Introduction to Operations Research (seventh edition), McGraw-Hill, New York.3. Hosein Anexa, Aczel James, and Clow Doug (2006). “The Teaching of Linear Programming in Different Disciplines and in Different Countries”, In: 3rd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics at Undergraduate Level, 30 Jun-5 Jul 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.4. Albritton M.D, McMullen P. R., and gardiner L. R. (2003). “OR/MS content and visibility in AACSB- acreditted U.S. business schools. Interfaces 33 Num 5 page 83-89.5. Winston, W. L. and Venkataramanan M., 2003: Introduction to Mathematical Programming, Brooks/Cole- Thomson Learning
Conference Session
Methods, Techniques, and New Programs in Graduate Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert M. Brooks, Temple University; Jyothsna Kavuturu; Mehmet Cetin, Temple University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
AC 2012-2972: APPLICATION OF INTERRUPTED CASE METHOD FORTEACHING ETHICS TO GRADUATE STUDENTS IN TRANSPORTATIONENGINEERINGDr. Robert M. Brooks, Temple University Robert Brooks is an Associate Professor of civil engineering at Temple University. He is a Fellow of ASCE. His research interests are engineering education, civil engineering materials, and transportation engineering.Jyothsna K. S., Jyothsna K. S., Department of English, St.Joseph’s College, Bangalore, secured a gold medal for the high- est aggregate marks in the Post Graduate English Literature Course at St.Joseph’s College (autonomous). K. S. has been working for the Department of English, St.Joseph’s College for almost two years now, teaching both
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching and Research in Physics or Engineering Physics I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marie Lopez del Puerto, University of Saint Thomas
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
assessments will help the instructor tailor the followinglecture(s) to address any remaining difficulties, and will also guide the revision of thelaboratories. Students’ responses to exam questions will then be used to assess students’understanding once again.(2) Modeling + Experiment: Computation is now a ubiquitous tool in science and engineering,complementing theory and experiment. There have been several successful efforts to introducecomputation in the introductory physics sequence and upper-level curriculum (for example,Matter and Interactions,8 the course developed by J. Tobochnik and H. Gould,9 and projects atLawrence University10 and Brigham Young University,11 among others12), using VPython,Maple, and other computational languages. However
Conference Session
Pedagogical Approaches for Software Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin A. Gary, Arizona State University, Polytechnic; Yegeneswari Nagappan, Unicon, Inc.; Supreet Verma, Delasoft, Inc.; Russell J. Branaghan, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
that can be used to show that a student Page 25.213.2has acquired knowledge, and can organize that knowledge into an evolving structure. The abilityto evolve is pedagogy independent and content “volume” independent. That is, it is not asimportant how much “stuff” the student learns or by which method s/he learns it, it is moreimportant that the foundation of that knowledge is organized so it may be extended as the studentmatures. Concept maps are a formative tool educators may use to determine if the student is on aproper learning trajectory.Concept maps have been around for some time and have been employed in a number ofdisciplines, so what
Conference Session
Retention of Women Students II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heidi M. Steinhauer, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
professional engineering, (c) applying skillsand knowledge gained in the classroom to a real-world problem, (d) learning to work with teamsin a professional atmosphere, (e) gaining hands-on experience in a real-world situation, (f)learning to develop and compare multiple approaches to solving complex open-ended problems,and (g) increasing their opportunity to be hired post-graduation. The success that the CollegiateDesign Series has sustained since its establishment in the 1970’s indicates that participationyields high-performing and exceptional students. Page 25.1311.2Many universities tout co-operative education opportunities to help bridge the
Conference Session
High School Students Thinking and Performance
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tamecia R. Jones, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Engineering Design Course. Paper presented at: 36th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, 2006; San Diego, CA.13. Bracewell RH, Ahmed S, Wallace KM. DRed and design folders: a way of capturing, storing and passing on-knowledge generated during design projects. Paper presented at: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC' 04), 2004; Salt Lake City, UT.14. Brown BA. Discursive identity: Assimilation into the culture of science and its implications for minority students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 2004;41(8):810-834.15. Brown BA. “It isn't no slang that can be said about this stuff”: Language, identity, and appropriating science discourse. Journal of Research in Science
Conference Session
The Best of Design in Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven C. Zemke, Gonzaga University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
apparent during the first designcycle, or were of second tier importance, can be remedied in the redesign cycle. This safety netof the second cycle allows students to succeed on challenging design projects. Finally, a doublecycle provides another aspect of authenticity to a design course. Professional designers learnfrom prototypes with the intent of redesign for many of these same reasons.The author thanks the students whose participation, creativity, and follow-through made thisstudy possible. The author also thanks the reviewers for offering thoughtful perspective andimprovements. Finally, the author thanks Dr. Diane Zemke for her helpful critique of thedeveloping manuscript and embedded ideas.References1. Viswanathan, V. K., and Linsey, J. S
Conference Session
Track 2 - Curriculum and Laboratory Development
2012 ASEE International Forum
Yongming Tang, Southeast University; Susan M Lord, University of San Diego
Tagged Topics
Track 2 - Curriculum and Laboratory Development
. These can provide ideas of best practices that can belearned from these different institutions in different cultural contexts for other engineeringeducators across the world.AcknowledgementsS. M. Lord would like to thank all those at USD and SEU who made her sabbatical time at SEUin Spring 2012 possible. Page 17.9.11References[1] Unique features of USD’s Engineering Programs available at Last Accessed 14 May 2012.[2] McKenzie, L. J., M. S. Trevisan, D. C. Davis, and S. W. Beyerlein, “Capstone Design Courses and Assessment: A National Study,” Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake
2012 ASEE International Forum
K. P. Isaac, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
. Page 17.30.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION IN CURRICULUM AND LABORATORY DEVELOPMENT Dr. K. P. Isaac Member Secretary, All India Council for Technical Education, India kpisaac@yahoo.comAbstract The aim of any country‟s higher education system is sustainable developmentand achieving higher growth rates. India aims to increase the higher educationenrolment rate from about 12 percent at present to 30 percent over a decade. Technicaleducation at all levels in India is witnessing a consistent growth by establishing newinstitutions, addition of courses and increase in seats
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet Y. Tsai, University of Colorado, Boulder; Daria A. Kotys-Schwartz, University of Colorado, Boulder; Beverly Louie, University of Colorado, Boulder; Virginia Lea Ferguson, University of Colorado; Alyssa Nicole Berg, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, Boulder Daria Kotys-Schwartz is the Faculty Director for the Mesa State College-University of Colorado Mechan- ical Engineering Partnership program and an instructor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder. She received B.S. and M..S degrees in mechanical engineering from the Ohio State University and a Ph.D. in mechanical rngineering from the University of Colorado, Boul- der. Kotys-Schwartz has focused her research in engineering epistemology, engineering student learning, retention, and diversity. She is currently investigating the use of oral discourse method for conceptual development in engineering, the impact of a four-year hands-on design curriculum in engineering, the
Conference Session
Design Cognition III
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jean-Celeste M. Kampe, Michigan Technological University; Douglas E. Oppliger, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Conference Session
Research on Engineering Design Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lindsey Anne Nelson, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
Software and Web-based Learning in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin P. Pintong, Binghamton University; Douglas H. Summerville, Binghamton University; Kyle Temkin, BInghamton University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
expected tocomplete two to three modules per week, allowing for flexibility to accommodate differences intheir schedule. The timing of this course could be described as a mix between a traditionalcourse, where there are hard due dates, and a correspondence course where most of the work isusually due at the end of the course.A large reason for the modularization of material and reduction in actual lecture and laboratorytime stems from various research. In the 1980's, Johnstone and Percival indicated that theaverage attention span was approximately 10-20 minutes.5 In addition, during an average 45-90minute lecture, each required refocus further decreases the attention span. It is believed byresearchers such as Dr. Carr that attention span has
Conference Session
First-year Programs Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jess W. Everett, Rowan University; Patricia Dee Zobel, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
StudentsIntroductionThe College of Engineering at Rowan University, a four-year, mid-sized, suburban, publicuniversity in the North East, is in the fourth year of a six year NSF S-STEM grant (Scholarshipsfor Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). In addition to providing two cohorts ofstudents with four year $3,000 dollar annual scholarships, students are provided targetedmentoring, participate in an Engineering Learning Community (ELC) in the first year, and areprovided with tutoring-on-demand for core engineering courses throughout the four-year degreeprogram.Only students with financial need were accepted into the S-STEM scholarship program and ELC.Students from under-represented groups in Engineering were aggressively recruited, i.e., women,African
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Experiences and Assessment in Environmental Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
forengineering overall of 12.7%.15 The URM student applicants were primarily Hispanic (36 of 46URM applicants in 2006-2011). The increase in applicants from non PhD-granting universitiesis presumed to be due to recruiting targeted to the ASEE list serve (which was not done in the2000-2004 grant cycle).Table 1. Demographics of Applicants to the CU Environmental Engineering REU Site % non % non % # Average % % %Years PhD host CEE/E/S students GPA female URM Fr/ So / Jr / Sr
Conference Session
Online Learning
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lance Kinney P.E., University of Texas, Austin; Min Liu, University of Texas, Austin; Mitchell A. Thornton Ph.D., P.E., Southern Methodist University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Instruction." Computers & Education 55(2): 733-741.8 Ariadurai, S. A. & Manohanthan, R. (2008). "Instructional Strategies in Teaching Engineering at a Distance: Faculty Perspective." International Review of Research in Open and Page 25.630.16 Distance Learning 9(2): 1-11 MURL: E-Journal Full Text.9 Davis, F. D. (1989). "Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology." MIS Quarterly 13(3): 319-340.10 Mitra, A., Hazen, M.D., LaFrance, B., & Rogan, R.G. (1999). "Faculty Use and Non-Use of Electronic Mail: Attitudes, Expectations and
Conference Session
Laboratory Exercises for Energy, Power, and Industrial Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hyun W. Kim, Youngstown State University; Yogendra M. Panta, Youngstown State University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
actualprogress of project activities. Students assemble all the hardware needed to make apparatus andinstruments for the completion of their project. They develop detailed experimental proceduresthat allow them gather reasonable data and conduct their experiments. Students also findsolutions to the problems they encounter during the process through discussions with faculty,which strengthened students’ understanding of the subjects. Table 1. Outcome (b) – Ability to design and conduct experiments Below Expectations Progressing to Meets Criteria Exceeds Criteria Metric & (Score, S=1) Criteria
Conference Session
International Research Experience, Quality Improvement, and Programs/Curriculum Around the Globe
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lorraine N. Fleming, Howard University; Jennifer O. Burrell, Howard University; Wayne Patterson, Howard University; Afiya C. Fredericks, Howard University; Mohamed F. Chouikha, Howard University
Tagged Divisions
to the principal contacts at eachparticipating international institution. There were several criteria for participation, includingsuccessful completion of the Introduction to Engineering course, a declared engineering major, agrade point average (GPA) greater than 2.5, thorough verbal and written command of the Englishlanguage, exceptional interpersonal skills, and willingness to serve as ambassadors for theprogram and as mentors for future students. Participants were US citizens or permanentresidents and were scheduled to graduate after May 2011.Participating students were grouped in teams of four to conduct research on a project(s) of localimportance to the host institution with an equal number of international students. During thesummer
Conference Session
Capstone Design I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robb E. Larson, Montana State University; David A. Miller, Montana State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
project details, which may have affected your design. Did you do a better job of design, including design for manufacture, as a result of this arrangement? Please give example(s) if so. 6. One potential advantage of this methodology is that knowledge gained is passed along directly to new group members, as is the ‘culture’ of the project. Was this apparent? Examples? 7. Would you recommend that this methodology be discontinued or continued for competition projects? Why? 8. Do you think that this methodology should be expanded to include non-competition projects, where the build phase might involve a completely different project than the subsequent design project
Conference Session
Design Across Disciplines
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith G. Sheppard, Stevens Institute of Technology; John Nastasi, Stevens Institute of Technology; Eirik Hole, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
who will work directly for DoD and for their suppliers, develop SEcompetencies that they can successfully apply to military systems development and deployment.In order to achieve this goal, DoD sponsored, via the Assistant Secretary of Defense forResearch and Engineering (ASD(R&E)), a consortium of 14 universities and military academiesto pilot various projects whose results can help establish a framework for building SE into thecapstone design courses of engineering programs nationwide. Each school chose their project(s)to address one or more focus areas identified by DoD as providing a scope for SE whileaddressing a need of some value to DoD. Our institution addressed the focus area of “green”expeditionary housing, specifically a
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher B. Williams, Virginia Tech; Jacob Preston Moore, Virginia Tech; Aditya Johri, Virginia Tech; Robert Scott Pierce, Sweet Briar College; Chris North, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.NSF DUE –1044790, a TUES Type 1 project. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.7. References[1] National Academy of Sciences (2003). Beyond Productivity: Information Technology, Innovation and Creativity, NAS Press, Washington, DC (2003).[2] Bransford, J. (2007). Preparing People for Rapidly Changing Environments. Journal of Engineering Education, 96(1):1-5.[3] Schwartz, D. L., Bransford, J. D., & Sears, D. (2005). Efficiency and Innovation in Transfer. In J. Mestre (Ed.), Transfer of Learning from a Modern
Conference Session
Faculty and Program Developments, Exchanges, and Best Practices
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Holt Zaugg, Brigham Young University; Alan R. Parkinson, Brigham Young University; Spencer P. Magleby, Brigham Young University; Greg Jensen, Brigham Young University; Randall Davies, Brigham Young University; Aaron G. Ball, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
teamcollaboration provides students with a meaningful, but cost effective cross-cultural and virtualteam experience. Students and faculty are stretched in their understanding, resourcefulness andabilities. Students also prepare themselves for the global workforce.AcknowledgementsThis research is supported by U.S. National Science Foundation grant EEC 0948997. Thissupport is gratefully acknowledged.
 References[1] G. P. Ferraro, The cultural dimensions of international business, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 2006.[2] S. Morris, “Virtual team working: making it happen,” Industrial and Commercial Training Journal, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 129-133, 2008.[3] L. Laroche, “Keeping global
Conference Session
FPD III: Innovation in Design in the First Year
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan K. Donohue, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
QuestionsMidterm Section 13 Section 18 OverallEngineering Design Process (15) 82% 89% 85%The Role of Failure in Engineering (25) 92% 91% 91%Solution Development and Selection (10) 88% 90% 89%Nature of the Design Process (10) 93% 89% 91%FinalImportant Process Steps (30) 94% 97% 95%Table 5. Summary of Errors and Omissions in Student Vignette Analyses (Midterm) Didn't mention problem identification and 15 research at all Student stated that s/he needed more 14
Conference Session
Remote and Network-based Laboratories
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Matthew Long, Deakin University; Ben P. Horan, Deakin University; Robynne Hall, Deakin University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
-Innes, M.F., and Garrison, D.R. (editors), An Introduction to Distance Education : Understanding Teaching and Learning in a New Era (New York: Routledge), 2010.3. Evans, T., Haughey, M., and Murphy, D. (editors), International Handbook of Distance Education (Bingley, UK: Emerald), 2008.4. Moore, M.G. (editor), Handbook of Distance Education (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates), 2007.5. Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., and Zvacek, S., Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education, 5th ed. (Boston, Pearson), 2012.6. Long, J.M., and Baskaran, K. “Engineering Education Down Under: Distance Teaching at Deakin University, Australia,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference
Conference Session
Engineering Education Ties and Engineering Programs in the Middle East and Latin America
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer A. Acevedo-Barga, University of Washington; Charles Pezeshki, Washington State University; RunLu Li, WASEDA University
Tagged Divisions
proposedactions to reality to answer: is China predictable?Five Principles of Peaceful ExistenceChina and Latin America have been developing relations since the 1950’s1. Zhou Enlai, PrimeMinister of China in the early 1950’s, “suggested setting the Five Principles as a base forestablishing friendly, cooperative relations between countries of different social systems2. TheFive Principles are: 1) mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, 2) mutual non-aggression, 3) non-interference in each other's internal affairs, 4) equality and mutual benefit,and 5) peaceful coexistence. Using the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, China hassuccessfully established diplomatic relations with 21 Latin American and Caribbean countries.Today, China
Conference Session
Research Informing Teaching Practice I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George D. Ricco, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Noah Salzman, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Russell Andrew Long, Purdue University; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
such time variant models, colloquiallyreferred to as growth curve models by HLM researchers, Morrell et al.’s research provides anexample of avoiding such a quagmire. 29 By investigating in both a visual and statistical manner,Morrell et al. demonstrate the importance of considering how HLM time measurements areimplemented. Specifically, they compare a growth curve model based on the first age of patients,and then introduce a “follow-up” patient time variable, leading to significantly different results.Their conclusion notes that implementing another time variable allowed them to compare andcontrast a true, longitudinal model with a more cross-sectional one. Whereas Morrell et al.’s work warns us of the folly inherit to considering a
Conference Session
K-12 Teachers: PD, Implementation, and Beyond
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yan Sun, Purdue University; Nikki Boots, Purdue University; Johannes Strobel, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Conference Session
Improving the Pedagogy of Laboratory Courses
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tomas Estrada, Elizabethtown College; Sara A. Atwood, Elizabethtown College
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
effectiveness of the approaches to mitigating ofstudent frustration level that we suggest here. Furthermore, if these approaches are indeedsuccessful in mitigating frustration, it would also be of interest to determine whether, in turn, thelower levels of frustration do indeed result in higher student performance.References1. M. Sundberg and G. Moncada, Creating Effective Investigative Laboratories for Undergraduates, BioScience,Vol. 44, No. 10 (1994), pp. 698-704.2. L.D. Feisel and A.J. Rosa, The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Enginering Education, Journal ofEngineering Education, Vol. 94, No. 1. (2005), pp. 121-130.3. S. McQuiggan, S. Lee, and J. Lester, Early Prediction of Student Frustration, ACII Proceedings of the 2ndinternational