skills in the following areasare needed to effectively manage construction projects: teamwork, leadership, communication,conflict management, motivation, and trust building [10] [16].Some of these soft skills are correlated with personality traits in past studies. Using the Big Fivepersonality assessment model, [7] discovered that project managers that had the openness toexperience and conscientiousness traits possess the inborn abilities to be good leaders, do not onlydemonstrate concern for projects but would take corresponding actions to ensure project goals areachieved. [13]’s study compared the personality traits of construction workers using the HEXACOPersonality Model. The study found that field leaders had lower inquisitiveness than
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choose the grading option before the end of the semester at a specific deadline: 04/28/2020, 11/06/2020, or 04/30/2021. All deadlines, even in Spring 21, were before Final Exams.Description of SurveyOur study participants (second, third-, and fourth-year students who had taken at least one APMA course)completed a ~50-question online survey [1] early in Spring 22 semester about their experiences in APMAcourse(s) from Spring 20 to Spring 21 semesters. Survey questions were related to demographic data,motivation, technological tools/ applications used, office hours, help sessions, quizzes/tests in an onlinesetting, grading options, and questions comparing APMA courses with major-related core courses.Analysis Methods, Results, and
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Paper ID #38319IMPLEMENTING CURRICULAR AND CO-CURRICULAR BEST PRACTICES TO INCREASE ANDRETAIN FEMALE ENGINEERSKatrina Donovan (Lecturer)Jon J Kellar (Professor)Paula H Jensen (Ph.D. Candidate) Paula Holmes Jensen is a Ph.D. Candidate at Texas Tech University and was the Co-PI of the NSF S-STEM grant Culture and Attitude at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SD Mines). She taught at SD Mines for ten years and is now pursuing her Ph.D. in Systems and Engineering Management at Texas Tech University full-time. Her research interests are in Engineering Education and Lean Six Sigma in the service industry. She also
by manufacturingeducators and students. The knowledge blocks covered by this paper were collected by a diversegroup of educators who hold positions in educational organizations. CM was provided as anexample in searching the capabilities of these systems but it is clear that the platforms reportedhere contain a high number of topics in current advanced manufacturing practices. In the future,the plan is to add more information from the practitioners of these systems with a qualitative andquantitative survey tool.References[1] “COVID-19 Pandemic.” (accessed Feb. 03, 2022).[2] D. Masato and S. Johnston, “Project-Based Teaching of a Manufacturing Class During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” J
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replace academic advisors. Instead, we hope to use thisdashboard to give students more power over their academic career and give them tools to get themost out of advising sessions and instructor meetings.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) underGrant No. 1745347. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References:[1] F. S. Kia, S. D. Teasley, M. Hatala, S. A. Karabenick, and M. Kay, “How patterns of students dashboard use are related to their achievement and self-regulatory engagement,” PervasiveHealth Pervasive Comput. Technol. Healthc., pp. 340–349, 2020
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resources: funding and team A Organizing course notes (if available) A S: studentPlanning collaborators Consultation with open education S A librarians Defining the scope and audience A L: open Selecting open license, open platform S L A education and book style librarians Creating book style guide A L
Paper ID #37262Board 273: Engineering PLUS (Partnerships Launching UnderrepresentedStudents) - Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES National AllianceDr. Karl W Reid, Northeastern University Karl Reid, Senior Vice Provost and Chief Inclusion Officer, Professor of the Practice at Northeastern UniversityMrs. Claire Duggan, Northeastern University Claire Duggan is currently the Executive Director for The Center for STEM Education at Northeastern University and Co-Principal Investigator for The Engineering PLUS Alliance. She is also current the Co-Principal Investigator for the REU site, REU Pathways and the S-STEM initiative, S-POWER.Dr
these participants. We will also enhanceour recruiting strategies and assess what prevents students from volunteering. We will continueto expand our data size and we will continue to collaborate with more local community partnersand student organizations within Wright College to organize volunteering opportunities. Withmore activities and larger data size, we will compare the impact of all terms on the STEMidentity and STEM efficacy of volunteers.V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE-1832553. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience
, F. Aqlan, J. Brockman, D. Lapsley, and K. L. Meyers, "Building andReplicating a Community-Engaged Educational Ecosystem - a STEM Learning Commons,"presented at the National Science Foundation Improving Stem Undergraduate EducationSummit, Washington, D.C, June 1-3 2022, 2022.[10] D. Wood, A. Gura, and J. Brockman, "Critical Findings in the Development of theCommunity-Engaged Educational Ecosystem," in American Society for Engineering Educationproceedings: ASEE, 2020.[11] D. Wood, A. Gura, J. Brockman, A. Rayna Carolan-Silva, S. Boukdad, and J. C. Alarcon,"Informing Replication of the Bowman Creek Educational Ecosystem Pilot," in American Societyfor Engineering Education proceedings, A. Genau Ed.: ASEE, 2019.[12] D. Wood, A. Gura, J
Science and Engineering Road Show mobile lab and creates programs for local youth to educate and entertain with hands-on projects to challenge students’ math and science skills.Tala Katbeh, Texas A&M University at Qatar Tala Katbeh is a STEM Instructor and Program Coordinator at Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ) where she applies her enthusiasm for engineering to create curricula and engineering courses for school students. Katbeh is currently also pursuing her PhD at Texas A&M University, having graduated from TAMUQ with a BSc and MSc both in chemical engineering.Prof. Hassan Said Bazzi, Texas A&M University at Qatar Dr. Hassan S. Bazzi is the senior associate dean for research and advancement and