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Displaying results 481 - 510 of 1000 in total
Conference Session
Design of Laboratory Experiments
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Rubaai, Howard University; James Johnson, Howard University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
with respect to therobustness concepts. The discussion by the students can address the effect of the externaldisturbance on the performance of the system. At this stage, the design appears to be satisfactoryeven under sudden external disturbance. Disturbance at 5s Disturbance at 45s Disturbance at 24s Disturbance at 6s Disturbance at 14s Disturbance at 38s Disturbance at 18s Disturbance at 37s Fig. 15 Square-wave position tracking, Fig. 16 Sine-wave position tracking, X=5 s/div, Y=10 rev/div X=5 s/div, Y=10 rev
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching Methods in IE Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Judith Norback, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ron Billings, Georgia Institute of Technology; Garlie Forehand, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
. Bibliography1 Griffin, P.; Griffin, S.; & Llewellyn, D., “The Impact of Group Size and Project Duration on CapstoneDesign,” Journal of Engineering Education, v93, n5 (July 2004): 217-222.2 ABET requirements “2000-2001 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs,” Accreditation Board ofEngineering and Technology, Baltimore, 2000.3 Norback, J. Shaul; McNair, L.; & Forehand, G.A., “Improving Audience Analysis of Real-World Clients Page 11.665.7in Industrial Engineering Senior Design.” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for EngineeringEducation Conference, June 2005.4 Norback, J. Shaul, and Hardin, J. Integrating Workforce
Conference Session
International Exchange/Joint Programs in Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Rowe, Sheffield Hallam University; Tim Mulroy, Sheffield Hallam University; Ian Robinson, Sheffield Hallam University; Boon Han Lye, Kolej Bandar Utama International College
Tagged Divisions
whereby an academic member of staff from another HEI is appointed toprovide oversight of the operation of courses, normally from a subject point of view. This processoperates universally in the UK and with the SHU/KBU scheme the external examiner appointed tothe SHU course(s) will also support the KBU course(s).DiscussionTwo examples of international inter-institutional partnerships have been described here and anumber of observations can be made about them. Firstly, in both cases the fundamental drivingforce behind the developments has been student demand, whilst the institutional pull has beenmore complex. In the case of the SHU-TARC partnership the decade long gestation of theprogramme is evidence of both groups of engineering academics
Conference Session
Moral Development, Engineering Pedagogy and Ethics Instruction
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christan Whysong, Virginia Tech; Jenny Lo, Virginia Tech; Kumar Mallikarjunan, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
cattle. The moral theory of virtue ethics mayalso be introduced at this level. The following is more information on these case studies.Genetic engineering also occurs in animals raised for consumption. In the mid-1980’s theBeltsville research facility, operated by the United States Department of Agriculture, worked toincrease the growth rate of pigs by incorporating a gene coding for human growth hormone intothe genome of the pig embryos. These pigs, known as the Beltsville pigs, created negative presswhen they developed spinal deformities and severe arthritis, became cross-eyed or blind, andwere impotent.8Although similar transgenic animals would contribute to the food production and perhaps to theprofits being made in the industry, one must
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Krisztian Dancs, University of North Florida; Vanja Gadzic, University of North Florida; Tyler Dao, University of North Florida; Truong Nguyen, University of North Florida; Chiu Choi, University of North Florida
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
four control systems. Eleven commands were devisedto control the vehicle’s functions: 1. “A” – accelerate (depress gas pedal) 2. “S” – decelerate (release gas pedal) 3. “B” – brake (apply brake) 4. “U” – release brake 5. “P” – move transmission stick to Park Page 11.139.15 6. “R” – move transmission stick to Reverse 7. “N” – move transmission stick to Neutral 8. “D” – move transmission stick to Drive 9. “F” – steer left 10. “H” – hold the current steering wheel position 11. “J” – steer rightThe program did not support multi-tasking, for
Conference Session
Innovative Curriculum & non-Technical Skills
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Dues, Purdue University-New Albany
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
calculations needed.1 FEArequires an extremely large number of calculations to solve and is only practical today due tomodern advances in computer speed and capacity. In the 1970’s, general purpose finite elementsoftware was developed due to the increasing availability and power of digital computers.Digital computers in the form of mainframe computers provided an efficient tool to performfinite element calculations. Since then, computer hardware has rapidly increased in speed and Page 11.264.2storage capacity and the FEA software has gained better interfaces, pre and post processing ofthe data and improved graphics.2Since the early days of FEA, there
Conference Session
ECE Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lihong (Heidi) Jiao, Grand Valley State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
throughShockley-Haynes experiment” which illustrates the concept of carrier action in semiconductors.A final project on solar cell application provides students with the real world design experience.In the future, the structure of the course will be modified continually to increase the effectivenessof students’ learning. More challenge-based learning techniques will be incorporated.AcknowledgementsThe author would like to thank Professors Harold Larson and Hugh Jack for the valuable discussions during thedevelopment of this course.Bibliography 1. Murarka, S. P. and Peckerar, M. C., “Electronic Materials, Science and Technology”. Academic Press, 1989. 2. Streetman, B. G. and Banerjee S. K., “Solid State Electronic Devices”, Prentice Hall
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Hanson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
. W18x46 6.20 k HS S 4x 4x 1/4 W12x35 8.16 k W18x46 HS S 4x 4x 1
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Education in ET
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
JoDell Steuver, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
organization during the memorable semester. Page 11.1444.9 Donated Foods for Spaghetti Dinner 90 80 70 60 pounds 50 40 30 20 10 0 er ti p es s
Conference Session
ECE Pedagogy and Assessment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joni Spurlin, North Carolina State University; Hatice Ozturk, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
of the UNESCO-ASPEN Workshop on Active Learning in Physics, Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, December 2002. 8. R.R. Hake, “Interactive engagement versus traditional methods: a six thousand student survey of mechanics test for introductory physics courses”, American Journal of Physics, Vol. 66, pp. 64-74, (1998) 9. Zeilik, M., C. Schau, N. Mattern. Conceptual astronomy. II. Replicating conceptual gains, probing attitude changes across three semesters. Am. J. Phys. 67(10): 923-927, 1999. 10. Zeilik, M. 2002 "Birth of the Astronomy Diagnostic Test: Prototest Evolution," Astronomy Education Review 1(2); online at . 11. Allgood, S. & W.B. Walstad. 1999. "The longitudinal effects of economic education on teachers
Conference Session
Digital Communications Systems
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Hoffbeck, University of Portland; Andrew Melton, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Spectrum Analyzer Antenna Figure 1: Experimental Setup for Most of the Database RecordingsThe Tektronix RSA3408A Real Time Spectrum Analyzer captures the inphase component x(n)and quadrature component y(n) of the complex envelope[4] of the signal as shown in Figure 2.The value of the center frequency ω c in Figure 2 is determined by the center frequency setting ofthe spectrum analyzer. The decimate operations reduce the amount of data required to representthe signal. LPF Decimate by X N x(n) ADC 2cos(ωcnT) s(t
Conference Session
Innovative Curriculum in ET
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Scachitti, Purdue University-Calumet; Heather Woodward-Hagg, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; Lash Mapa, Purdue University-Calumet
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
withIET faculty at IUPUI on this long term initiative to apply expertise in QualityManagement to the Healthcare Industry focusing on the Northwestern Indiana/ SouthSuburban Chicago regions. Purdue West Lafayette faculty and Purdue North Centralfaculty joined the effort in Fall 2005.Use of IE techniques in healthcareNoted pioneer of IE techniques, Frank B. Gilbreth, realized the beneficial application ofthe IE profession in the healthcare arena in the early 1900’s. He witnessed hundreds ofsurgical operations and began intensive studies with hospitals in 1910 including workwith the Mayo Clinic. One of his most noted improvements resulting from these studieswas the now common practice of doctors, as they perform an operation, to extend theirhand and
Conference Session
Practice/Partnership/Program Issues
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edmond Saliklis, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
. and Roth, M. (2004) “Undergraduate Research: The Lafayette Experience”, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition.(8) Saliklis, E., Kurtz, S. and Furnbach, S. (2003) “Finite Element Modeling of Guastavino Tiled Arches”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, Halkidiki, Greece, pp. 257-266.(9) Saliklis, E., Billington, D. and Tregger, N. (2004) “Buckling Studies of the Trojan Tower” Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Natural Draught Cooling Towers, May 20- 22, Istanbul, Turkey, 115-120.(10) Saliklis, E. and Billington D. (2003) “The Hershey Arena: Anton Tedesko’s
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Curricula
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kurt Paterson, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
Michigan Technological University (MichiganTech). This paper details the course objectives and design, the educational modelsinfluencing its form, and some preliminary outcomes.Learning PreferencesThere are several methods to assess learning preferences1. One method applicable toscience and engineering students is the Index of Learning Styles2. This forty-fourquestion assessment is easily administered via a web-based questionnaire3. In this methodlearning preferences are determined with results along a spectrum of four learningpairings: sensing-intuitive, global-sequential, active-reflective, and verbal-visual. No twostudents learn exactly alike. Learning style is simply a preferred way of learning – oftenthe way(s) that knowledge “sticks” most
Conference Session
Achieving the Civil Engineering Body of Knowlegde
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fred Meyer, U.S. Military Academy; Allen Estes, U.S. Military Academy; Ronald Welch, U.S. Military Academy; David Winget, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
others have noted5. Further use in CE492 will establish historical data that willassist in identifying the effectiveness of changes to address program shortcomings.References1. Meyer, K., Morris, M., Estes, A., and Ressler, S. “How to Kill Two Birds with One Stone – Assigning Grades and Assessing Program Goals at the Same Time.” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. American Society for Engineering Education. June 2005. Session 1834.2. Welch, R., Estes, A., Winget, D., “Assessment of Squishier Outcomes: Open-Ended Problem Solving through Client-Based Projects,” Proceedings of the 2005 ABET National Conference. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. November 2005.3. Farmer, D.W
Conference Session
Mechanical ET Design & Projects
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Cooley, Purdue University-New Albany; Terrence O'Connor, Purdue University-New Albany
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, with its characteristic parabolic shape, and overlaying thehorizontal (X) and vertical (Y) distances required for impact. Next the chronometric method wasanalyzed. V (X) V (Y) Deviation from Kinematic Sources V (q) 39.00 37.00 Velo city D eviatio n , (fp s) 35.00 33.00
Conference Session
Programs for High School Students
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Patrick Rousche, University of Illinois-Chicago; Michael Cho, University of Illinois-Chicago; Yang Dai, University of Illinois-Chicago; Hui Lu, University of Illinois-Chicago; J Hetling, University of Illinois-Chicago; jie liang, University of Illinois-Chicago; Susan McCormick, University of Illinois-Chicago; David Schneeweis, University of Illinois-Chicago; Richard Magin, University of Illinois-Chicago
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
timecommitment incumbent on all participating faculty. The administration/college/departmentmust be willing to provide lab supplies, faculty summer salary, graduate student assistantsalaries, and extensive clerical and planning support. Decisions on whether to implementsuch a program must obviously be made on a case-by-case basis. With essentials in placehowever, a bioengineering camp could be offered yearly and become a fixture on the 9-12academic scene. We suggest that similar programs could easily be implemented in any of theother engineering disciplines.VI. ReferencesMalgorzata S. Zywno, Member, IEEE, Kimberley A. Gilbride, Peter D. Hiscocks,Judith K. Waalen, and Diane C. Kennedy, Member, IEEE , Attracting Women intoEngineering: A Case Study
Conference Session
New trends in ECE education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Qian Du, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
applications. They alsomake the historically boring classes much more interesting. They may even inspire someinterested students get into these research areas. Up to now, the preliminary outcome includesvery positive feedback.The extension of this experience to an undergraduate-level course, MA4533/6533 Probabilityand Random Processes, is also discussed. Basically, a project in ECE8803 will be cut intoseveral small projects for MA4533/6533. Considering the background level of ourundergraduates, more explanation work needs to be done before project assignments. This alsorequires a smooth collaboration between faculty members in the ECE and MATH departments.References1. A. Papoulis and S. U. Pillai, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Conference Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Study, Virginia State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
/reports.html 4 Virginia State University admissions requirements. Retrieved September 27, 2005, from 5 National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics. (2003). Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering: 2002, NSF 03-312. Arlington, VA. 6 Ahuja, S. (2005). Including math remediation in a 1st semester engineering technology course. Abstract submitted for the 2006 Southeastern Section Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL. 7 African-American college graduation rates: Intolerably low, and not catching up to whites. (2002, October 31). The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 37(89), 89-105. 8 Guay, R.B. (1980
Conference Session
Successful Grant Proposals
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Kuyath, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Deborah Sharer, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Engineering Educators Annual Conference and Exposition, 2005, Portland, OR[3] Clark, J.V., Minorities in Science and Mathematics: A Challenge for Change, Virginia Parent Information and Resource Center, 2000[4] Clark, J. V., Minorities in Science and Math, ERIC Clearinghouse for Science Mathematics and Environmental Education, ED433216, May 1999[5] Milbourne, L. A., Encouraging Girls in Science and Math, The ERIC Review, Vol 6, Iss. 2[6] Takahira, S., Goodings, D., and Byrnes, J., Retention and Performance of Male and Female Engineering Students: An Examination of Academic and Environmental Variables, Journal of Engineering Education, 87(3), 1998, pp. 297-304[7] Swann, W.B. Jr., Kwan, V. S., Polzer, J.T., and Milton, L.P
Conference Session
Innovation in Teaching Engineering Economics
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen Bursic, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
following: The Situation and Decision: • Description of the situation • Specific economic decision(s) involved • Societal implications of the decision • Description of available data • Assumptions you have made The Solution: • Description of the economic analysis techniques that are applicable to the problem or situation and calculations associated with those techniques • What decision you would make Note that since you may not have complete information about the situation, you may use reasonable estimates of various figures in your analysis. Figure 1: Project Report FormattingThe survey identified students by course section, discipline, and which project they
Conference Session
Capstone Design Projects in Mechanical Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Wesner, Carnegie Mellon University; Richard Hoff, Carnegie MellonUniversity; Cristina Amon, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
.” Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, 2004. 2. Subrahmanian, E., Westerberg, A.W., Talukdar, S.N., Garrett, J., Jacobson, A., Paredis, C., Amon, C.H., Herder, P.M. and Turk, A., “Integrating Social Aspects and Group Work Aspects in Engineering Design Education,” Int. J. of Engineering Education, Vol. 19 (1), pp. 75-80, 2003. 3. Amon, C.H., Finger, S., Siewiorek, D.P. and Smailagic, A., “Integrating Design Education, Research and Practice at Carnegie Mellon: A Multi-disciplinary Course in Wearable Computers,” ASEE J. Engineering Education, pp. 279-285, 1996. 4. Finger, S. and Amon, C.H., “Designing and Prototyping Interactive Fluid Dynamics Exhibits for the
Conference Session
Design for Manufacture and Industry
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rudolph Eggert, Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
mutually exclusive question, they could select either:a) in one or more required courses, b) in elective course(s), c) both or d) neither. The results areshown as percentages in Table 7. Learning Experiences Provided. Perhaps the most significant column is the “Neither.” This column shows the percentageof respondents whose schools do not require the learning experience or offer it as an elective.The largest percentages occur for non-classroom experiences, items 7, 8 and 9 (visits, summerinternships and Co-op’s). While non-classroom experiences are meaningful and desirable, thesenumbers are understandable considering the resources required and the national trend to reducetotal curriculum credit hours. To determine the total “supply
Conference Session
Energy Resources, Efficiency, and Conservation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Schumack, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Page 11.1297.121) Deffeyes, Kenneth S. Hubbert’s Peak – the Impending World Oil Shortage, Princeton University Press (2001).2) Kunstler, James Howard, Smil, Vaclav. “Peak Oil: a Catastrophist Cult and Complex Realities,” World Watch Magazine (January/February 2006).4) Culp, Archie W. Principles of Energy Conversion, McGraw-Hill, Inc. (1991).5) Sorensen, Harry A. Energy Conversion Systems, John Wiley & Sons (1983).6) Hinrichs, Roger A. and Kleinbach, Merlin. Energy – Its Use and the Environment, Brooks/Cole (2002).7) Ristinen, Robert A. and Kraushaar, Jack J. Energy and the Environment, John Wiley & Sons (1999).8) Hubbert, M.K. “Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels,” in American Petroleum
Conference Session
Web-Based Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Harish Eletem, Lamar University; Fred Young, Lamar University; Kendrick Aung, Lamar University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
. Bhattacharjee, S. 2002. TEST (The expert system for thermodynamics). Appanaboyina, S. and Aung, K., (2004), “Development of a VRML Application for Teaching Fluid Mechanics,” Proceedings of 2004 ASEE Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.5. The Java virtual wind tunnel. (1996). Retrieved July 2,2003, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Web site: Carmichael, R. 2005. Public domain aeronautical software. Compressible Aerodynamic Calculator. Purdue University. Compressible flow calculators. http
Conference Session
EM in a Global Environment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Halvard Nystrom, University of Missouri-Rolla
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
|OmanAll Disciplines: Sultan Qaboos UniversityAward #6437Category: Lecturing or Lecturing/ResearchNumber of Awards: 3Deadline: August 1, 2005Grant Activity: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses or carry out a combination oflecturing and research activities. Contribute to curriculum and program development,administration and student advising. Classes meet 2 to 4 hours weekly, 15 to 20 students perclass.Specialization(s): Preferred fields include, but are not limited to, environmental sciences,oncology and veterinary sciences.Language: Instruction is in English for sciences, medicine and some other disciplines. FluentArabic is required for Islamic studies and most humanities and social sciences. Interpreters areprovided where necessary for other
Conference Session
Use of Technology in Teaching Mathematics
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Avitabile, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Jeffrey Hodgkins, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Tracy Van Zandt, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Tagged Divisions
”, Grossman, New York, 1973.4 Vygotsky,L., “Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes”, Harvard University Press, MA, 1978.5 Starrett,S., Morcos,M., “Hands-On, Minds-On Electric Power Education”, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 90, No. 1, pp93-100, January 20016 Felder,R., Peretti,S., “A Learning Theory-Based Approach to the Undergraduate Laboratory”, ASEE Conference Proceedings, Session 2413 , June 19987 Pavelich,M.J., “Integrating Piaget’s Principles of Intellectual Growth into the Engineering Classroom”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, pp719-722, 1984, Wash, DC8 Dale,E., “Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching”, 3rd Edition, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 19699 Wolkson,A
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mario Castro-Cedeno, Rochester Institute of Technology
Frontiers inEducation Conference2002, Session S1A.[3] Smith, B. L, McGregor, J., Matthews, R., Gabelnick, F., Learning Communities: Reforming UndergraduateEducation, Wiley, 2004.[4] Hurd, S. N., Building and Sustaining Learning Communities, Anker, 2004.[5] Walsh, M., Jenkins, D., Powell, K., Rusch, K., “The Campus Lake Learning Community”, Journal of CollegeScience Teaching, Vol. 34, No. 5, Mar/Apr 2005, pp. 24-27.[6][7] Castro-Cedeno, M. H., “A Quantitative Assessment of the Benefit of a Learning Community Environment” inProceedings Frontiers of Education Conference 2005, Session F4C.[8] McKenzie, K. and Schweitzer, R., “Who succeeds at university? Factors predicting academic performance infirst year
Conference Session
Engineering in High School
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Venkat Chandrasekhar, Northwestern University; Marcel Grdinic, Glenbrook North High School; Nathan Unterman, Glenbrook North High School; R.P.H. Chang, Northwestern University; Emma Tevaarwerk, Northwestern University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
works may helpstudents to better appreciate and understand the atomic nature and structure of matter,relevant for high school chemistry classrooms. Instructional Learning Goal(s) Standards Link New Nano-concepts materials Section Activity 1: A Many ways to measure NSES/5-8/B/3,a, c A nano-nose can be used to detect Sense of Distance distance other than with eyes NSES/9-12/B/3, c, d small amounts of vapors. and ruler; concept of reference NSES/9-12/B/4, a, b A nano-ear can be used to listen to 2061/6-8/12B/5 small vibrations. Activity 2
Conference Session
Virtual and Distance Experiments
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Schuyler, University of Hartford; Tom Eppes, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
programs.Bibliography[1] Eppes, T. and Schuyler, P., “A Robust and Scalable Distance Laboratory Platform”, Proceedings of the 2004ASEE Conference & Exposition, Session 2426.[2] Eppes, T. and Schuyler, P., “A Distance Laboratory System Using Agilent Test Equipment”, 2004 Frontiers inEducation (FIE) Conference, Session T3C.[3] Esche, S.K. & Chassapis, C., “An Internet-Based Remote Access Approach to Undergraduate LaboratoryEducation”, Proceedings of the 1998 Fall Regional Conference of the Middle Atlantic Section of ASEE.[4] Esche, S. K. & Prasad, M. G. & Chassapis, C., “A Remotely Accessible Laboratory Approach to UndergraduateEducation”, Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 3220.[5] Gurocak, H., “Initial Steps