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counts towards their degree requirements. We recommend mentoring students about taking an appropriate course load.References[1] S. R. Gregerman, J. S. Lerner, W. v. Hippel, J. Jonides, and B. A. Nagda, “Undergraduatestudent-faculty research partnerships affect student retention,” The Review of Higher Education,22(1):55–72, 1998.[2] M. Barrow, S. Thomas, and C. Alvarado, “ERSP: A Structured CS Research Program forEarly-College Students”, in Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovation andTechnology in Computer Science Education, 2016, pp. 148 – 153.[3] J. Stout, N. Burcin Tamer, C. Alvarado, “Formal Research Experiences for First YearStudents: A Key to Greater Diversity in Computing?”, in Proceedings of the 49th ACM
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learning environment was How students feel in class (curious, comfortable uncomfortable, stupid, confident, Environmental successful, unhappy) [21] Home Highest educational status of par- Highest education status of stu- ents/guardians [20], [21] dents’ parent(s)/guardian(s) If they had an encyclopedia or a newspaper in the home [14], [18] Peer-group If schooling and grades are impor- How often peers helped their under- tant to friends [20], [22] standing of SS
Paper ID #32880Deanna Craig, Clemson University Civil Engineering Clemson University 2021 graduate American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Implementation of a Guided Mentorship Program in a STEM Community of Practice at a Two-Year CollegeAbstractCommunities of Practice (CoP) have become powerful models for facilitating social learning inhigher education. The Engineering Scholars Program (ESP), funded by an NSF Scholarships inScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM) grant, is a CoP designed toenhance the social learning experience of two-year college students preparing to transfer to a four-year university. A key feature of
-person camp with greater number of participants. Besides, following changes tocation usage. The findings of the paper suggest that the overall perspective remained posi- the applications is proposed:tive with application usage amongst the students. Similarly, a literature by Lehman, S., et al. •Currently, the water application only supports two of the buildings inside Au-(2018). [2] proposes an AR app that helps cognitively impaired elderly
opportunities in which to remove barriers for womenwithin the engineering and computing discipline by understanding their experiences and participation in the fields.I. INTRODUCTION Recent reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF) have indicated that while the number of women in Science and Engineering (S&E) related jobs continue to grow, the group remains underrepresented in the S&E workforce relative to their overall presence in the population [1]. The lack of women in STEM transcends traditional narratives on the importance of broadening participation and increasing STEM diversity because of the nuanced issues women face in a male dominated field. Issues concerning women feeling unwelcomed in STEM begin at the academic level and
societal ramifications, inclusion of broad user bases, andperspectives of diverse team members? The National Center for Science and EngineeringStatistics [8] reported that in 2017, the Science and Engineering (S&E) workforce consisted ofthe following: 29% women, 5.6% Black or African American, 7.5% Hispanic or Latino, 19.8%Asian, and 65% White. How can representation of the user base be accurately represented whensuch representation is not present in the career fields (see Table 1)? The recruitment, retention,and inclusivity of underrepresented groups within STEM education programs is a problem wecontinue to face, but if the representation in the classroom is skewed, then the demand forenlightenment and acknowledgement of diverse users must
either a DC motor or Stepper motor to determine torque and/or speed relationships in a weightlifting experiment. This latter experiment introduced auxiliary power requirements and motor controllers. This module was introduced fairly early in the course since most students needed to use some form of motor as a control mechanism in their open-ended project. Inclusion at this point of the course allowed students the chance to develop familiarity with the motors in line with the design schedule. Learning the applications of each motor type helped the student select appropriate motor(s) for their open-ended project.Module 4: Aerosol Concentrations. Small concentration changes can make a big difference when it comes to safety, be it a breath
observations. Finally, complexity had the lowest number ofobservations at 18; this constitutes only 8% of the total observations. The results showed that average scores in all 3 phases of the course and the final score havedecreased in recent years. The results of Welch's T-Test demonstrate that Spring 2019's averagehas been significantly lower than all other previous semesters. The box plots also demonstrate thatthe median results for each phase and final score of Spring 2019 are outside the box range of someprevious semesters. This suggests that there might be a significant difference between them, butthis result needs more investigation to understand how significant the difference may be.Additionally, the boxes leading to Spring 2019 have
[4] C. Latulipe, A. Rorrer, and B. Long, “Longitudinal data on flipped class effects on performance in cs1 and retention after cs1,” in Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ser. SIGCSE ’18. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2018, p. 411–416. [Online]. Available: https://doi.org/10.1145/3159450.3159518 [5] L. Deslauriers, L. S. McCarty, K. Miller, K. Callaghan, and G. Kestin, “Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 116, no. 39, pp. 19 251–19 257, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.pnas.org/content/116/39/19251 [6] D. Gross, E
Lawrence TechnologicalUniversity in Southfield, Michigan and Shanghai University of Engineering Science in Shanghai, China.AUTHOR INFORMATIONLisa Anneberg has been an Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor at Lawrence Technological University located inSouthfield, MI since 1991. Her email is lanneberg@ltu.edu.Jiao Luo has been an Automotive Engineering Professor, Shanghai University of Engineering Science since 2010. Her emailis jo-jiao@hotmail.com.Suyun Luo has been an Automotive Engineering Professor, Shanghai University of Engineering Science since 2002. Heremail is lsyluo@163.comREFERENCES[1] Chine e S den mo i a ional belief abo Engli h lea ning , Miao Y ,http://www.readingmatrix.com
planned and implemented, depends on: faculty foresight,available resources, and the commitment-on the part of the faculty and the administration-to themission.The paper reports on a success story of such a merger in a geotechnical/foundation class. Thesuccess achieved was attributed, in large measure, to the proper coordination that precededcourse delivery. In this exercise, an experienced and willing practitioner was sought out tosupplement the regular lectures offered in an elective course to 4th year civil engineering .S a a , , and overall impressions (during-and atthe end of the course) have been very encouraging to say the least! The positive outcome of thisexperience has lead other faculty
-power pulsed laser(s), sheet optic(s), digitalimager(s), and processing software. Figure 1. A simple laboratory PIV system consisting of a digital camera, a pulsed wave laser, sheet optics, and seeding particles. To date, each of these hardware/software technological problems have been individuallysolved. The modern availability of LED “laser” pointers, increasing quality of smartphonecameras, and improvements in smartphone processing speed now provide economical, safe, andaccessible illumination, imaging, and image processing capabilities for smartphone PIV.However, while open source algorithms exist for PIV [12], they a) do not port to modern mobiledevices and b) are not equipped with interfaces that guide
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland; the University of Stuttgart (US),Germany; and the University of Pretoria (UP), South Africa. These four teams providedcomplementary technical skills. The team at University of Pretoria had contact with the KrugerNational Park organization.AREND is a PBL initiative aligned to a real-world challenge with an overarching problem statement: “Team AREND will design a technological solution to aid Kruger National Park (KNP) rangers in the protection of black and white rhinos from poaching. The solution shall constitute, but not be limited to, an unmanned aircraft (18kg, 4.2m wingspan, cruise speed 20m/s, stall speed 15m/s) capable of conducting, efficient, quiet and remote surveillance of large
] C. P. Koshland, “Liberal arts and engineering,” in Holistic Engineering Education, Springer,2010, pp. 53–67.[15] V. A. Cicirello, “Experiences with a real projects for real clients course on softwareengineering at a liberal arts institution,” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, vol. 28, no.6, pp. 50–56, 2013.[16] L. L. Bucciarelli and D. E. Drew, “Liberal studies in engineering–a design plan,”Engineering Studies, vol. 7, no. 2–3, pp. 103–122, 2015.[17] S. Bell, A. Chilvers, L. Jones, and N. Badstuber, “Evaluating engineering thinking inundergraduate engineering and liberal arts students,” European Journal of EngineeringEducation, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 429–444, 2019.[18] S. Bevins, “STEM: Moving the liberal arts education into the 21st
Relative Motion and Acceleration Kit15) TQ Gear Train Kit Rotation, angular velocity, and acceleration16) TQ Simple Mechanism Kit Translation, General plane Motion Figure 1: Xpult catapult that can be clamped on a flat surface allow to throw a ping pong ball at an angle (left), Student performing hands-on projectile motion testing (right) Table 3: Selected textbook problems for projectile motion [22] Projectile motion problem 1: Given: Travel time t from A to B, (where B represents the maximum height), distance S x = 18 . Find: The velocity v A , angle , and maximum height h? Projectile motion problem 2: Given: Angle , traveled distances in X and Y direction. Find: The velocity v A , velocity while passing point
science and engineering (S&E).” [1] The lack of representation and diversityin the science and engineering fields may negatively impact innovation and productivity. [2] Inaddition, the demand for skilled STEM workers is projected to increase. Although many effortshave been taken to increase STEM interest and STEM career pursuit, shortages in the STEMfield continue to exist. STEM fields do not attract and retain enough workers from youngergenerations.[3],[4],[5] As a result, the current and estimated supply to the STEM workforce doesnot meet the growing demand. [6],[7] Additionally, there is a need to address the disparateimpact of race/ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status on students’ access to andengagement with STEM opportunities
realm of the IoT and create a smart home ecosystem that can be monitored and managedusing a single application or device [3, 23]. While this intelligent home ecosystem aids in theefficiency of everyday life, the security risks involved in implementing these IoT devices arestill under investigation [24]. Authors in [4] examined the security vulnerabilities of IoTdevices present in consumers' homes in an experimental environment.Furthermore, most IoT devices present cybersecurity risk(s) associated with the devicesaffecting several IoT platforms in the market. In this work, students focused on the Arm PelionIoT platform throughout this research because it offers comprehensive and accessible onlinedocumentation for beginners. Students used the
fall 2006 1. Stating definitions from a posted list of terms from Thermodynamics I 2. Reading the Steam Table 3. Using Enthalpy Departure Calculations 4. Determining by-pass ratios for regenerated Rankine cycles 5. Drawing T-s diagrams for “real” air power cycles 6. Using p-h diagrams to solve “real” vapor compression refrigeration cycles 7. Reading the Psychrometric chart 8. Calculating thermal loads and mass transfers with psychrometric charts 9. Calculating molar and mass air-fuel ratios for complete combustion 10. Calculating molar and mass air-fuel ratios for incomplete combustionTopics for Closed Book Quizzes for fall 2007 1. Stating definitions and units conversion factors from a posted list of terms from
entrepreneurs' definitions, but mentioned only afew times throughout student interviews, for example, Participant 42 stated; "Entrepreneurialmindset is really just creating a new form of mental habits that will allow you to see the biggerpicture of things to make connections and values through what your work is." However, it seemsthat some of the more frequent codes such as Innovation and Business Skills were nothighlighted by entrepreneurs in previous studies. This could be due to students' lack ofexperience in the field and the fact that students are only learning about entrepreneurial mindsetin the classroom, as opposed to entrepreneurs who have real world experience with the benefitsof EM.Faculty in Zappe et al.’s study said that they believe that
on designer one “frequently if not always” for transitional tasks such asplanning, setting team goals, and developing strategies. The number “1” in the (1,2) positiondepicts designer 2’s reliance on designer 1 for the same function. The relations reflect the surveyresponses of the designers and are directional and of equal magnitude. The disconnect of nodesthree, four, and five to the other designers in this DSM indicates a weak connection of the networkat this particular threshold and function [61]. Twelve DSMs are constructed representing the threeleadership functions and three communications modes at two distinct frequency levels. Designer (Sink) 1
belong there, I don’t feel like I connect with the school … I just have that mentality of, “I just need to go through this part. I’m just passing by” … And I’m fine with that, that doesn’t bother me anymore [interview 4]Decades of research focused on college student’s college departure affirm that students are morelikely to withdraw from their institution, all together, when they are not sufficiently integratedsocially and academically [31]–[38]. Kitatoi’s resignment to “just passing by” and her lack ofconnectedness with the institution are worrisome. Seymour and Hewitt [39] and Marra et al.’s [40]work emphasized that women who leave STEM disciplines decide to switch into non-engineeringdegree programs due to feeling as though they didn’t
ateam. The MRP roles include the team and students, engineering expert(s), the client(s) andbusiness expert(s). There are strong evidences form the literature that including the soft skillssuch as management, entrepreneurship and leadership can boost the retention and enrollment inengineering programs. Entrepreneurship education has been found to boost GPA and retentionrates of the engineering students, provides the students with the skills and attitudes needed toinnovatively contribute to the existing organizations and pursue their own ventures, and has thepotential to address current and anticipated workforce demands. We strongly believe that byintegrating entrepreneurship into engineering courses, specifically in the ones that are
judgement, the instructors decided to allow studentswith appropriate prior experience/practice in land surveying also enroll in this course withoutmeeting the course prerequisite.Student Learning Outcomes: The objective of this course is to expose students to the fundamentalsof T-LiDAR and engage them in specialized activities involving this modern technique tosuccessfully complete 3D point-cloud models of real, service-learning projects. The course wasdesigned to attain the following four Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): 1. Know the operation of laser-based scanner(s) to acquire spatial, color, and light intensity data. 2. Attain intermediate-level proficiency on the use of computer software to generate virtual 3D point-cloud models
? response describes their action(s) relevant to the situation Why? Any specific examples where you and task. used verbal communication to articulate an 3. Results - rate the degree to which the student's important point? Were you successful? response describes the results of their actions. Any specific examples where you used written communication to articulate and important point or communicate something important? Were you successful?3.2 Qualitative AnalysisToward understanding the ways in which student mock interview responses may have changedfrom pre to post, we conducted a qualitative analysis of the interview
Evaluation Association affiliate organization and is a member of the American Educational Research Association and American Evaluation Association, in addition to ASEE. Dr. Brawner is also an Exten- sion Services Consultant for the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) and, in that role, advises computer science and engineering departments on diversifying their undergraduate student population. She remains an active researcher, including studying academic policies, gender and ethnicity issues, transfers, and matriculation models with MIDFIELD as well as student veterans in engi- neering. Her evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and
practitioners might. When requested by thestudents, faculty would provide suggestions based on student ideas and/or concerns. Self-selecting software remains the course standard as long as the software was within the resourcesavailable to the AE program. Over the years and amongst teams, selected software varied in typeand number of platforms relative to how teams wanted to customize their experience.Considerations for software were based on perceived benefits that the software could aid theteam towards meeting the capstone goal of designing integrated engineered system(s) solutions.Faculty observations found that software could be grouped into two overarching categories: Design documentation software that students use to convey solutions to a