Blended learning models G7. EDUCATIONAL G8. DIGITAL TOOLS AND G9. STUDENTS ENGAGEMENT ASSESSMENT METHODS APPLICATIONS AND MOTIVATION Competency-based Educational software Student-centered learning assessment Simulation tools Engagement strategies Peer assessment Learning management Motivational techniques Self-assessment systems Interactive learning environments Rubrics Education apps Gamification in Education Formative and summative Online quizzes and exams evaluationG10
reimaginingengineering education as one informed by tensions (Cheville and Heywood, 2016) and inherentto the “wicked” or sociotechnical pursuit of engineering design (Coyne, 2005; Norman &Stapper, 2015).We are writing from our positions as founding faculty members of an engineering department ina liberal arts institution coming from scholarly traditions in science and technology studies andengineering/engineering design education. In this paper, we hope to conceptualize “engineeringas conflict” as an analytical framework for engineering liberal education and share examplesfrom our curricular and program development work.Context and positioningBelow we share our disciplinary backgrounds and current teaching contexts to help situate howwe use the analytical
such as LOPUS and COPUS [4].However, unlike manual observations, this study’s AI model will use computer vision and deeplearning techniques to automatically analyze the classroom videos and provide objective andtimely data on the learning process.Figure 2: Experimental-centric Learning cycle. 2. Social Constructivism and Collaborative Learning: Idaresit’s work [25] emphasizes the essential role of social interaction in constructing knowledge . Building on this, the study adopts the theory of social constructivism, acknowledging the significant role of collaboration and peer learning within experiment-centric classrooms [26]. Therefore, this study’s AI model will therefore go beyond individual analyses, utilizing graph
, persistence, and has beenlinked to a boost in students’ motivation to learn (Ditta, Strickland-Hughes, Cheung, & Wu,2020). Undergraduate research experience was also found to better equip students for graduateschool or careers (Sell, Naginey, & Stanton, 2017; Altman, et al., 2019). Through undergraduateresearch, students learn professional skills such as maintaining notes, identifying researchproblems, reading scientific literature, collaborating with peers in a research setting, and writingand presenting findings to an audience in their field of discipline (Carpenter & Pappenfus, 2009).Undergraduate research is said to be one of ten high impact practices shown to enhance andimprove college student performance and success (Kuh, 2008). A
Engagers: Show hesitation or uncertainty, need additional support to engage moreactively.'Z' (Assessment Wants) explored are: - Direct Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve submitting workdirectly, such as assignments, projects, or exams. - Indirect Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve feedback orevaluation from others, like peer reviews or self-evaluations. - Qualitative Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve non-numericalevaluation, focusing on quality of writing, understanding, or creativity. - Quantitative Submission Assessment: For submission assignments that involve numericalevaluation, such as grades or scores. - Direct Formative Assessment: Assignments
), and individualuniversity professors [4, 14]. At present, the paradigm of primarily using ethical theories andcodes of ethics has been challenged (e.g. [15]) and seems to be in decline [16, 17], and ethicspedagogies additionally include the development of case studies, codes of ethics, or decision-making processes by students, community-based engagement and learning, peer mentoring,critiquing ethical theories, and gamification of ethics education [18]. Specific strategies forpositioning course activities and modules further include stakeholders and the perspective-taking, communication, and engagement process surrounding different participant roles [19, 20,1 ABET requires continuous improvement of engineering programs and in the long run
Paper ID #41559Preparing Students to Thrive in Industry: The Critical Role of a LearningCoachDr. Darcie Christensen, Minnesota State University, Mankato Dr. Darcie Christensen is a probationary Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrated Engineering at Minnesota State University Mankato. She teaches for Bell Engineering, which is a subset of Iron Range Engineering on the Mesabi Range College Campus. Dr. Christensen received her Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Utah State University in the Summer of 2021. The title of her Dissertation is ”A Mixed-Method Approach to Explore Student Needs for Peer Mentoring in a
which we have created that are inalignment with ABET standards.Table 3. Course Learning Outcomes. Learning Outcomes Specific Goals 1. Demonstrate Independently use PyTorch to implement and analyze various Proficiency in PyTorch deep learning models. 2. Apply Deep Learning Apply deep learning techniques to solve engineering problems; to Engineering Problems demonstrate the ability to choose appropriate models for specific tasks. 3. Evaluate Model Evaluate the performance of deep learning models using relevant Performance metrics and make informed decisions based on the results. 4. Collaborate Collaborate with peers on coding projects
, yielding findings that suggest thatwomen and non-white students who received the letter-grade C in an introductory STEM courseare less likely to complete a STEM degree than white male counterparts. Despite Black andHispanic students declaring STEM majors at the same rate as their white peers, they are pushedout of STEM at disproportionate rates regardless of academic preparation, intellectual ability, ortheir affinity for STEM [8], [17],[18]. Additionally, they are often depicted as being without ormore so, at a deficit to be academically successful in STEM.Meritocratic ideologies or the belief that individuals are successful because of their own merit asopposed to historical, social and institutional barriers in place underscore STEM culture for
140 paired with PHYS 211, andPHYS 212 paired with EE210. This approach is designed to foster a sense of community amongstudents and provide them with a more meaningful education, where abstract mathematicalconcepts gain practical significance in physics, and challenging physics concepts are elucidatedthrough applications in engineering. Moreover, students enrolled in this program receive supportthrough peer tutors, dedicated academic advisers and faculty mentors, and tailored mentorshipfrom alumni engineers possessing industry experience. These additional resources aim to furtherbolster the academic and career success of the students involved.The program aims to offer valuable insights to faculty and institutions currently engaged in
], but less is known regarding howengineering students develop these recognition beliefs. Existing identity work has illustrated that students perceive recognition differentlydepending on who the recognition is coming from [10], [13], [14]. The difference betweensources of recognition is most often explored in terms of the prevalence of recognition fromdifferent groups including peers, family, and faculty. Engineering faculty have been identified ashigh impact sources of recognition, but this has been mostly explored with respect to thefrequency of interaction with engineering students in an educational context [13], [15], [16].While recognition from engineering faculty has been considered supportive of students’ overallrecognition beliefs
image processing that find markers in acomplex background or control a background to find an object in an image.An example of the first type of task—find markers in a complex background—is used in aproject where students create a semi-automated toy for a hypothetical child with a disability.The toy launches a ping pong ball at a target. The distance and angle to the target is found usingmachine vision, and then the launcher is turned and raised or lowered to reach the target. Todetermine the distance, fiducials are placed on the target and the students must write code to takean image of the target in a complex background and find the pixels in the image that correspondto the fiducials. The size and or distance in pixels between fiducials can be
ofthematic analysis. The first round consisted of reading each of the three educator's reflectiondocuments week by week in chronological order beginning with week 1 and ending with week10. The reflections were read in order of Gabby, Paige, and Fiona. While reading through thecontent, Gabby wrote pen/paper notes of things that stood out and then prepared memos. Thisinitial round of coding led to the initial three themes -- existing material, the work of a secondsection, and acting on core values.The second round of coding consisted of writing out the initial themes on paper to referencethem while reading through the reflections again. While reading the reflections, Gabby wascoding for the themes. This time, Gabby read all of one educator's entire
courses is uniquely important. It is also uniquely difficult to do. Leydens and Lucena acknowledge that some of their engineering for social justice (E4SJ)criteria are easier to implement in design than ES courses, but they also write, “Whereaslistening contextually is greatly facilitated by design projects that feature a client…, suchlistening is more abstract in the absence of clients… However, students can identify the kind oflistening they would do with hypothetical clients” [13]. This quote suggests both that it isdifficult to integrate an equity focus into science courses, but also that similar approaches can beused in ES and design courses, though the connections to real-world impacts might be moreabstract or hypothetical in the
and becomes a larger percentage of the class.We have several activities that help students to develop their engineering identity and exposethem to real world examples of engineering in our lives. Students write a “microstory” tointroduce themselves by describing an event or experience with engineering that led them to takethis class. Student also conduct an interview with a non-engineer to discuss the impact ofengineering on their work.For another activity, students give a short presentation on an “innovation in engineering”. Thegoal is for students to explore the engineering considerations behind recent innovative products.These are fun and interesting two-minute presentations in which a student describes a recentengineering innovation. They
course has an introductory Physics class in Mechanics and a Writing course asprerequisites. Participants consist of students enrolled in the course (1,2). Enrolled students aretypically in their first or second year and often select this class to explore engineering as theirmajor. Students learn engineering design and manufacturing techniques, utilizing their learningto solve ill-defined problems on teams. Projects require both conceptual design and tangible,mechanical solutions for an external client. In addition to engineering design, students learnteamwork through activities centered in giving and receiving feedback, resolving conflict, andleadership. Teams create contracts, meeting agendas, and project management documents as theywork
sentiment analysis Its value comes fromanalyzing large amounts of text data [2]. For example, its applications have been used to analyzesocial media posts to track public opinion and identify trends (e.g., O’Connor [8]). In the field ofeducation, it has been applied to the analysis of student essays to provide feedback, teamworkreview analysis, and students’ feedback loop [1], [3], [9]. Another application is in the generationof natural language text (e.g., machine translation systems use NLP to translate text from onelanguage to another) [10]. In addition, it has been used to generate feedback on student writing [11] and to createpersonalized study materials [12]. It also can facilitate more personalized and effectiveinstruction [13]. By
faculty to develop linked engineering and writing classes; they emphasizedanalyzing data and tailoring communications to a particular audience [12]. Another schoolintegrated chemistry, mathematics, engineering, and physics [13]. They maintained a cohort ofstudents throughout all four courses, students worked in the same teams of four in all of theirclasses, they quickly became friends and formed study groups, and retention was improvedcompared to traditional (non-cohort, randomized) students.Several engineering programs have incorporated service learning into their courses, to emphasizethat the engineer’s role in society is to solve problems in the service of humanity [14, 15]. Somecolleges have partnered with local non-profit organizations [16
?” It was a multiple-answer question.Answers are categorized into six areas that reflect how AI tools are used in an academic setting.Students were asked to choose which of these options applied to them. Responses areas areillustrated in Figure 4.Figure 4. Representation of how students utilize AI.The data highlights the varying degrees to which AI tools are utilized across differenteducational aspects. The most common use is for understanding complex concepts, chosen by 14students, followed by 13 students using AI for research and information gathering. This suggestsa trend towards utilizing AI as a learning and discovery tool, like a search engine. While severalstudents also reported using AI to enhance writing quality and generate project
: "Collaborative group discussion," item 12: "Present my work to everyone duringclass," and item 14: "Discuss my work with my teacher during class." These items indicate anincrease in the frequency of engagement in collaborative activities, such as group discussions andpresenting work to peers and teachers. This positive change suggests that students mayparticipate more actively in classroom interactions, share their ideas, and work with others.On the other hand, the rest of the items had a negative change. That is, they decreased in theirresponses about the frequency of the item. The items included item 10: "Interact with my teacherin synchronous sessions," item 11: "Interact with my classmates in each group activity," item 13:"Discuss my work with
study groups. 3. Active learning methods engage students in the learning process by encouraging them to discover, process, and apply information. Empirical support for the positive impact of active learning on student achievement is extensive. Examples:The instructor... • Challenges or engages student assumptions • Demonstrates active listening • Models thinking and problem-solving; works through problems, scenarios, arguments with students • Assigns student activities that involve one or more of the following1: o active use of writing, speaking, and other forms of self-expression o opportunity for information gathering, synthesis, and analysis in solving problems
name afew.By their very nature, fundamental engineering courses do not easily lend themselves to anintegrated design or open-ended element that meaningfully enhances student learning. This isespecially true in the case of Statics, where the primary learning objectives of drawing correctfree-body diagrams and applying them to equilibrium equations to solve for unknowns are usuallyassessed through well-posed problems with unique solutions. An in-depth review of papers inASEE’s PEER repository reveals that the most common open-ended project utilized byinstructors in their Statics courses involves designing, analyzing, constructing, and testing scaledmodel truss bridges using elements made from spaghetti 5 , wooden popsicle sticks 6 , straws 7
) Adding to the summary table (see example Summary Table below in Part B): - Direct students to appropriate column and activity. - Students will come to consensus on how the task demonstrates the phenomenon. - Students will come to consensus on why this task is important for understanding the phenomenon. Task #3: Agenda: Justice and Writing - Reintroduce students to initial hypothesis Wrap-Up - Justice 12: show students below picture and answer
foundations of equilibrium that will be applied in manylater courses. At a large R1 university in the southeast students take the course in a flipped,mastery-based classroom environment. The mastery-based approach is employed for theassessments where students are evaluated for how they demonstrated the course mastery objectiveson each assessment in the course. The students solve a single assessment problem every other weekwhere they are asked to organize their solution following the mastery objectives. The masteryobjectives are the key pieces of the solution solving process for every statics problem. The studentsare required to write, draw, or include equation(s) for each objective for each problem, but thework is unique to the type of problem being
Paper ID #41712The Justification Effect on Two-Tier Multiple-Choice ExamsDr. Pablo Frank Bolton, Smith College I am a Lecturer in the Computer Science department at Smith College. I received my PhD. from the George Washington University under the direction of Professor Rahul Simha. I currently teach a variety of undergraduate courses and have taught graduate courses in the past. My research is currently focused on STEM, especially on the areas of identifying misconceptions, creating scalable and informative assessments, and in the use of active learning techniques such as learning-by-teaching, and peer learning
investigators on this project. These collaborators allow for peer review anddebriefing (Creswell & Miller, 2000) as we analyze the data together and each provide our ownperspective on the results (I am a “traditional” engineer by background, one of my collaboratorsis a social scientist and the other is an engineering faculty member who has worked in the fieldof educational research for several decades). The sampling of multiple participants also allowedfor each to provide contributions to the same themes as the interview protocol was so heavilygrounded in the chosen conceptual framework that examining each a-priori theme in the light ofevery participant was embedded into the research process.3.4 Limitations of StudyIn addition to the issues with
ownership. Her learners then analyzedtheir results and completed a written analysis report over their findings utilizing what theylearned in their English Language Arts class regarding technical writing. The results of theircross-curricular learning were then presented to their peers. At a Junior High School STEMcampus, letting learners experience a real-world problem and using industry equipment toinvestigate and analyze results is extremely important. This project allowed her students to testout several types of insulation available and see that the R-values did not impact the overallenergy usage enough to push for the higher R-value product. This went against what theyhypothesized and expected from their research on insulation. Without the NSF
possible. The revised course includes: (1) a weekly sociotechnical lab withsmall-group activities and discussions on curriculum-aligned real-world justice topics, (2)weekly post-lab readings and written reflections, (3) week-long projects where codingassignments are embedded in a justice topic, and (4) a final project that explicitly considerssocial impacts of numerical analysis or design. Each course section is supported byundergraduate equity learning assistants who help facilitate the sociotechnical labs and act asapproachable peer mentors who can push students to think differently. Every assignment,including these written reflections, is graded and contributes to students’ overall courseassessment.While there were several artifacts, topics
mature and regular study habits. As different as this format was from literally all of my other classes, it fit very well how I could schedule my time. Overall, it was a huge adjustment, but it's an adjustment I am glad I was able to make. As far as work periods, I enjoyed coming to them. It was a place I could not only work with [Instructor], but also with peers, because sometimes all you need is an extra pair of eyes. • The flexibility has been great, as the pre-recorded lectures essentially allowed for 5 office hours periods per week. Sometimes I have been ahead on lectures, and other times behind. My favorite feature is being able to rewind and pause videos if I ran out of time to write something
institutions towards the adoption of computer-based exams [1, 2, 5, 6]. Studies like those by Lappalainen et al. [1], who found improvedoutcomes by beginning with paper-based exams and continue with computer-based exams, andGrissom et al. [4], who reported higher success in writing recursive solutions through computer-based exams, underscore this trend. Deloatch et al. [15] further highlighted a preference forcomputer-based exams, citing perceived improvements in quality, speed, and anxiety reduction.Computer-based exams present both opportunities and challenges, particularly in terms oftechnical stability and academic integrity.. For example, Rajala et al. [2] developed anexamination platform for Java programming, integrating multiple-choice