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Displaying results 481 - 510 of 1055 in total
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Victoria Matthew, VentureWell/Epicenter; Thema Monroe-White, SageFox Consulting Group; Shelly Engelman, SageFox Consulting Group
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
ideas shared, (4) “realized value” are theoutcomes of any applied value and (5)“reframing value” is a reflective process wherebyparticipants reevaluate their strategies and measures of success34.More recently however, network researchers indicate the need for a more sophisticated approachto analysis that takes into account the myriad factors outside of the network that impact results,including the evolving nature of networks. This indicates a need to analyze networks starting attheir emergence and onwards. Effectiveness of any network and the definition of effectivenessare, in addition, context specific, and so too should be the approach for evaluating networkeffectiveness30. This more progressive approach, when combined with social network
Conference Session
Effective Use of Technology in Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Myrtede Christie Alfred, Clemson University; Morris Branchell Lee III; David M. Neyens, Clemson University; Anand K. Gramopadhye, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
qualitative research process.5 After several interviews the researcherrevisited the notes from the individual interviews and then compared the notes to identifytrends.6 This process was repeated with every four set of interviews and again at the end of theinterview process. In the research memos, the lead researcher also reflected on theseinterpretations, noting her own thoughts, feeling, and preconceptions about the phenomena beingstudied.After all of the 20 interviews were completed, the researcher defined an initial set of conceptsusing the memos from the interviews as well as the transcriptions. Thoughts, quotes andparaphrased excerpts from the different interviews were grouped based on similarity using aprocess comparable to an affinity diagram
Conference Session
Writing and Communication I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Pulford, Auburn University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
choices; so when we see students whoare not motivated to learn, a reasonable first hypothesis is that their task value motivation is low.This is a hypothesis shared by much of the engineering community. A very commonpresumption regarding students’ low learning motivation is that they simply don’t know thatengineers have use for writing skills, that “real” engineers write; and if only they did, surely theywould apply themselves in their writing classes. We can see some fleeting evidence of this kindof unmotivated student in qualitative data. For example, in case studies and interviewsengineering students have reported that they don’t see writing as important 1, or they viewwriting as incidental to the real work of engineering, reflecting cultural
Conference Session
Automation, Instrumentation, and Computer Simulations
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas E. McDermott, University of Pittsburgh; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
. The greater the specificity of the task and theclearer the expectations, the more likely students will accomplish it and/or meet the expectations21, 22 . These objectives can serve as study guides for exams, as was done in this course22.Format of the 2015 CourseThe course was scheduled for 75-minute lecture periods on Monday and Wednesday, with a 110-minute lab period on Friday afternoon. This change was important, as it allowed for betterdistribution of classroom activities and more time for student reflection and learning betweenperiods. The instructor also adopted a different textbook23 with more narrative, and the studentevaluations reflected high satisfaction with this book. However, it was necessary to supplementwith more updated
Conference Session
Works in Progress: Faculty Perspectives and Training
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sam Spiegel, Colorado School of Mines; Stephanie Ann Claussen, Colorado School of Mines; Renee Falconer, Colorado School of Mines; Allison G. Caster, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
homework assignments, midterm and final exams,and a final project. The final project required students to propose an electromagnetics-relatedproblem they would like to explore computationally, develop a computational model for theirproblem using MATLAB or a similar software package, and present their results in the form of ascientific journal paper. Example problems included finding a way to reduce lossy reflections offsolar cells and determining the maximum distance a railgun can launch a projectile.The professor perceived a few problems in this previous version of EENG 386. Students wouldfrequently clamor to see more example problems and applications during class time. While aclear attempt was made to devote time to these aspects of the course
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5A: Work-In-Progress: 5 Minute Postcard Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Clara Novoa, Texas State University - San Marcos; Araceli Martinez Ortiz, Texas State University - San Marcos; Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
with LEGO Mindstorms software and Excel. Thesoftware allowed the teams to program the robots, collect the data, plot a graph and come upwith a hypothesis about the time the robot would require to traverse an arbitrary distancespecified by the faculty and/or an undergraduate student leader. The teams who did the mostaccurate predictions won prizes. After the competition ended time was allotted to reflect on theexercise and the lessons learned.In the last part of the orientation, students watched some highlights from videos related to robotapplications previously collected by the faculty and the undergraduate students planning theorientation. A magazine article15 related to humans and robots interaction was provided as areading. Freshman engaged
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 1: Using Technology and/or Technology Tools to Enhance Learning
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tareq Daher, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Stuart Bernstein, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Brett Meyer, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
provided them in the online videos. In addition,there was time for live student presentation and group discussions with a Q & A on thepresentations. Groups would meet not only on their own out of class to complete a courseassignment, but additionally in-class to apply the concepts they learned in the online modules.For example, groups would spend time on plan reading exercises and the instructor was able tospend time providing feedback to each group.4.3 Data gathering and analysis. Data was gathered through a reflective journal kept by theinstructor and a survey administered quarter into the semester and towards the end (AppendixA). 4.3.a Instructor notes: Given the new approach to teaching the instructor kept weeklynotes about the
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas D. Fila, Purdue University; Todd M. Fernandez, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Austin Spencer Bohlin, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
through INSPIRE. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Innovation and the Zone of Proximal Development in Engineering EducationAbstractRecent scholarship has emphasized incorporating innovation experiences into engineeringcurricula. These experiences are often positive, especially when students have the opportunity tosolve novel but challenging problems, navigate their own processes, critically reflect on theirexperiences, and receive appropriate levels of support and scaffolding. This study furtherexplores the role of scaffolding on innovation and non-innovative projects through the lens ofVygotsky’s theory of proximal development. Ten engineering seniors participated in
Conference Session
Potpourri: Various Issues and Topics in Graduate Studies
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gurlovleen Rathore, Texas A&M University; Jeffrey E. Froyd, Texas A&M University; Ibrahim H. Yeter, Texas Tech University; Matthew Pariyothorn, Texas A&M University; Nandita Kohli, Texas A&M University ; Prasad N. Enjeti, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
 dealing with difficult work issuesEach topic was addressed by an expert or a panels of experts in research, teaching, leadership,and/or service.To receive credit, students were required to attend at least 12 of the 14 classes. In addition, theysubmitted pre- and post-surveys, a curriculum vita, teaching, research and service philosophies,questions for panels, course segment reflections, and e-portfolios. By the end of this seminar,students were expected to (a) describe realities of the academic job market, (b) articulate theirprofessional aspirations and competencies, and (c) develop materials to compete for and succeedin the academic job market.This seminar and its evaluation emphasize development of doctoral students’ understanding offaculty
2016 ERC
Keith Roper
Winning Large NSF Proposals D. Keith Roper Engineering Research Centers Program Leader Network for Computational Nanotechnology Program Leader Engineering Education and Centers Division, Engineering Directorate National Science Foundation ASEE Engineering Research Council Annual Conference Bethesda, MD Mon Mar 7 - Wed Mar 9, 2016Disclaimer: The comments in this presentation are of the author, and do not necessary reflect those ofthe National Science Foundation (NSF)Thanks to: D. Brzakovic, R. Gupta, C. Hemingway, P. Kharghonekar, S. Lim M. Molnar
Conference Session
Assessment of Learning in BME
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leann Dourte Segan, University of Pennsylvania; Emily R Elliott, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Pennsylvania
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Tagged Divisions
mechanics to a mathematicaldescription. These kinesthetic/tactile activities can be directly connected to deeper thinking aboutthe how and why of the results.14,15 This type of activity reflects a fundamental aspect of theengineering modeling process where an engineer observes a physical phenomenon, e.g.mechanical behavior of a material, and develops ways to quantify the behavior to use in apredictive manner in the future. It is important to note that in this paper we use the termkinesthetic learning or hands-on activities to mean a physical activity that is meant to teach aconcept and develop a deeper understanding of the material, not just the performance of a skill orobservation of a phenomenon.The scope of this paper focuses on the conceptual
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Sustainability and Interdisciplinary Practices in K-12 Engineering Education Curriculum
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Skot Wiedmann, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
with theircurriculum10.Pedagogical GoalsThe touch synthesizer workshop began as a means to fill a gap in the existing UniversityElectrical and Computer Education and to enrich student experiences beyond the classroom byteaching surface mount soldering techniques. By introducing electronic assembly, analysis, andrework, in the context of making sound and music, we aimed to inspire students to connect theirinterests, hobbies, and passions with their chosen field of study, even if they are traditionallyisolated practices11. We hoped to draw a diverse audience that reflected the varying perspectiveson these practices, and encouraged high school outreach and pre-college involvement. Wewanted participants to gain exposure to manufacturing processes
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Lisa Benson, Clemson University; Geoff Potvin, Florida International University; Jacqueline Doyle, Florida International University; Hank Boone, University of Nevada, Reno; Dina Verdin, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
identity are allowed to naturally separate themselves in this picture of theexperiences of the individuals. For example, students may be traditionally identified as comingfrom one or more underrepresented groups in engineering and, hence, assumed (wrongly) tohave some “different” attitudes about engineering, without attention to the diversity within suchgroups. Instead, the TDA approach allows for the “normative” or popular attitudinal clusters tobe first identified in the data, and then traditionally underrepresented individuals will appearwithin these attitudinal clusters in a way that is faithful to each individual's response (e.g., atraditionally underrepresented student who reflects dominant attitudes towards engineering willappear in that
Conference Session
Engineering Physics Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yumin Zhang, Southeast Missouri State University; David K. Probst P.E., Southeast Missouri State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
concepts inNewtonian mechanics.Acceleration is a concept of crucial importance, which is connected to velocity and force inkinematics and dynamics, respectively. However, this concept is rarely used directly in everydaylife, and there is a lack of vocabulary to describe it. In the specifications of automobiles,acceleration is not listed directly; instead, it is described in the acceleration time from 0 to 60mph. This example reflects the definition of acceleration, which connects the two relatedparameters: the change of velocity and the time interval. With the unit converted, students canfind the acceleration easily from the provided time interval.The concepts of centripetal acceleration and force are a little challenging for most students
Conference Session
Solid and Structural Mechanics in Aerospace Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gozdem Kilaz, Purdue University - West Lafayette; Ronald Sterkenburg, Purdue University - West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
studied innovative teaching methodology inthe past forty years. Though, the definition of experiential learning has changed quite some overthe years, the main motivation stayed the same since was first defined by Dewey (1971):“thestudent learns by doing”. Therefore, if the students are immersed in an environment where theyare mentored to reflect, collaborate, and assess (Qualters, 2010), learning may then become alifelong process. According to Kolb and Kolb (2005), experiential theory allows students toapproach learning as a holistic process of adapting to the world. Hence, they, not only comprehendinformation more effectively, but also take active roles in creating further knowledge throughsynergistic interactions with their environment.One
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandy Chang, University of Calgary
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
about the pervasiveness of technology in our daily lives, and how unconscious andinsidious (e.g. cell phones and social media) as well as tremendously beneficial (e.g. medicineand transport) that enmeshment can be. Some students responded that they have changed theirphone usage because of what they learned in the class and as a consequence increased theirproductivity and sleep time. Other students reflected on how their projects have made them muchmore mindful of their personal contribution to their project topic, such as waste disposal. Inhis/her internship, one student stated that s/he “now always think[s] about the social andenvironmental consequences of the work I do.” By supporting the students’ qualitativecomments with quantitative
Conference Session
Student and Other Views on Engineering Leadership
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Ann Marasco, University of Calgary; Robyn Paul, University of Calgary; Stephanie Hladik, University of Calgary; Marcela P Rodriguez, University of Calgary; Laleh Behjat P.Eng., University of Calgary; Lynne Gradon Cowe Falls P.Eng., University of Calgary
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division
report. Students must report back to the fund indicatinghow the awarded funds were spent and how they brought their experience and knowledge backto campus. All successful applicants must submit a final report afterwards describing the impacton their learning experience, a reflection on their personal and leadership development goals, anda description of their contribution.Impact on the Engineering LeadershipSince its inception ten years ago, the SSAF has provided support for an immense variety andnumber of student activities. These opportunities range from local to international, and provideleadership development possibilities to hundreds of students each year. In 2015, 471 studentsreceived funding to pursue activities and opportunities of their
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Fundamental: K-12 Student Beliefs, Motivation, and Self Efficacy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brenda Capobianco, Purdue University, West Lafayette; James D. Lehman, Purdue University; Qiming Huang, Purdue University; Chell Nyquist, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
- Pre-/post- with students’ science learning? based Classroom Knowledge Tests Observational RubricTeacher participant dataInterviews. Semi-structured interviews (n=20 total) were conducted at the beginning and end ofthe school year to identify and characterize teachers’ perceptions of engineering design,expectations and reflections of task implementation, and challenges they experienced throughoutthe year. Analysis and interpretation of teacher interviews involved the use of grounded theory.18During this process, members of the research team focused on identifying indicators of conceptsand categories that fit the data. Repeatedly
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computing and Information Technology Programs I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alka R Harriger, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Mayari I. Serrano, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
construct elements of a program, and a built-insimulator.4 The simulator allows the user to observe and test the behavior of the programthroughout execution by watching memory elements change in response to the environmentand/or user input/actions. Once the program has been thoroughly tested with the simulator, theIDE is used to download the program to the actual controller.Figure 2 shows the eight key symbols that may be used in a flowchart. As with traditionalflowcharts, the shape of a particular block denotes its function. For example, the two diamond-shaped symbols, compare and decision, reflect branch points in the program logic from whichthere are two exits
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Research-to-Practice: Principles of K-12 Engineering Education and Practice
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Steimle, University of Cincinnati; Anant R. Kukreti, University of Cincinnati; Catherine Maltbie, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
, completed two of her four professional development requirementsby presenting at High Schools That Work and in a department meeting at her school, Felicity-Franklin. However, she also chose to provide one-on-one mentoring to a fellow teacher from herschool by meeting with her and explaining the pedagogies associated with the program. Thatsame teacher, BF, decided to apply to the program, was accepted, and now serves as an advocateof program pedagogies throughout Felicity-Franklin.BF made a tremendous impact on one particular science teacher in her rural school throughprofessional development. She mentored “Holly” through the process of creating andimplementing two engineering design challenge units and reflected upon the experience: My first
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeannie S Stephens, University of Delaware; Sarah Ilkhanipour Rooney, University of Delaware; Elisa S. Arch, University of Delaware; Jill Higginson, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
university, we use a DesignManifesto to guide the students through the four-phase design process. The manifesto outlinesthe deliverables for each of the phases and the phase subcomponents. Two of the clinicalprojects, Otolaryngology and Anesthesiology & Pharmacy, were more experimental-focusedproject than design focused project. By experimental focused project we mean the projectrequired more experimental design and analysis rather than the building of a prototype. Toaddress a new design manifesto (Research Manifesto) was written to reflect procedure forexperimental-based approach verses design-based approach. The honors students on theseprojects, five of the eight students, were tasked with writing the new research manifesto as theirhonor
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 3; The Best of All the FPD Papers
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie M. Gratiano, Roger Williams University; William John Palm IV P.E., Roger Williams University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
than a student whoexpresses extrinsic motives. Codes that reflected students’ expression of self-image, such ascodes relating to self-efficacy, are denoted to provide insight on another hypotheses: studentswho indicate interest or efficacy in math and/or science will perform better and be more likely tobe retained than those who do not indicate such interest or efficacy.Codes for Question 3 were organized into categories that denote the influences that affected astudent’s decision to study engineering. These categories relate to People, Experiences,Technology, and Other Influences. The “Family” section of the People category distinguishesbetween simply mentioning a family member and mentioning that a family member is anengineer or does related
Conference Session
Homework, Learning, and Problem Solving in Mechanics
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julian Ly Davis, University of Southern Indiana; Thomas McDonald, University of Southern Indiana
Tagged Divisions
who do not get facultyinput on homework solutions, may not ever be taught how to present an understandable technicalsolution. There is no doubt that online teaching tools are beneficial and that students perceptionsand interactions are positive.[2] Some students, at the moment of the interview, state that theyprefer online homework systems. However, these students are NOT surveyed at a later date andasked to reflect on their freshman learning experiences. Although many studies have investigated the use of online homework systems in math [3],science [4–6], or engineering [3,7–10] courses, few have assessed the ability of a student to present alogical solution during the course. Authors in these studies usually correlate homework grades
Conference Session
Graduate Student Needs and Experiences, Exploring Graduate Funding and Undergraduate Research Experiences
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erika Mosyjowski, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Diane L. Peters, Kettering University; Steven J. Skerlos, University of Michigan; Megan Kaczanowski, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
to illustrate a point. In describing how she would identifywhat needs to be and can be done related to a particular problem, Olivia referred to “whateveryone would say to do” (a literature search, in this case), which highlights again an emphasison what others might do in a given situation, but is also a rather simple answer that seems tosuggest a straightforward, “correct” way to address a problem.Category 2. Defining the middle of a continuum is perhaps the most challenging and allows forthe most variation. The responses in Category 2 reflected a range of themes and emphases.Overall, participants whose responses fell into Category 2 demonstrated a greater awareness ofelements that might be considered key to embarking in engineering
Conference Session
Interactive Session - Community Engagement Implementation for K-12 Settings
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Molly Y Mollica, The Ohio State University; Rachel Louis Kajfez, The Ohio State University; Elizabeth Riter, The Ohio State University; Meg West, The Ohio State University; Peter Vuyk, The Ohio State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
not necessarily reflect the views of the BETHAEndowment.Bibliography1. Missiuna, C. & Pollock, N. (1991). Play deprivation of children with physical disabilities: The role of the occupational therapist in preventing secondary disability. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 45 (10), 882-888.2. Besio, S. (2004). Using assistive technologies to facilitate play by children with motor impairments: A methodological proposal. Technology and Disability, 16(3), 119-30.3. Jones, M. A., McEwen, I. R., & Hansen, L. (2003). Use of power mobility for a young child with spinal muscular atrophy.” Journal of American Physical Therapy Association, 83(3), 253-262.4. Casey, J., Paleg, G., & Livingstone, R. (2013). Facilitating
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 11
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael S. Lehman, Lehigh University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
are workingon their own products/services and associated business models, across a variety of industries, the“dedicated model” provides a common platform. Through the dedicated curriculum, the theorycourses were specifically designed to accommodate students from different undergraduatedegrees and real-world experiences. The project courses, tightly integrated with the theorycourses, accommodate the variety of directions the students may take. The dedicated space andassociated 3D printing technologies were designed and continue to evolve to support thecurriculum. And the dedicated faculty are aware of the many moving parts of the program,allowing for “real time” adjustments to reflect what is happening in technical and businessarenas.What
Conference Session
1st and 2nd Year Instruction in Design
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cory A. Cooper, United States Air Force; Michael Lawrence Anderson, United States Air Force; Daniel D. Jensen, U.S. Air Force Academy; Joseph M. Fulton, U.S. Air Force Academy; Kristin L. Wood, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
largely experiential course, the capstone can support the inductivelearning style well. The necessary deductive-style teaching of accepted engineering design steps Designettes in Capstone: Characterizing the Impact of Early Design Experiences in Capstone Education with Emphasis on Designette Project Choiceshould be balanced with the inductive learning of the students. The challenge lies in allowingthe experiences of the students’ inductive learning to occur with enough time to reflect and buildtheir cognitive framework.Finally, a look at the Kolb cycle (Figure 1) and its application to the design curriculum andcapstone program could be informative. The Kolb model is characterized by a cycle that beginswith concrete experience, proceeds
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Grimsley Michaeli P.E., Old Dominion University; Paul Moses; Gene Hou, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
at home. Recordingsare available as archive lectures through semester.Expanding teaching and research lab capabilities in the Marine Dynamics Lab, Marine Power andEnergy Lab, Fluid Power Systems Lab and Advanced Manufacturing Lab will further enhancestudent learning in marine engineering courses.ASSESSMENTStudent feedback has been very positive, and reflects that faculty are enthusiastic and veryknowledgeable about the subjects; that lectures and in-class examples complement the textbook;and that the course work is challenging.Some of the anonymous student feedback:  The class was interesting as well as the instructor.  The instructor was exceptional! Her knowledge of the material was vast and she did an excellent job in
Conference Session
College-Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session I: Students
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Niranjan Hemant Desai, Purdue University North Central; George Stefanek, Purdue University, North Central
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
average student grade) reflected that the course was successful insharpening the professional skills of engineering students.An undergraduate project-based learning engineering pilot program 6 was investigated in 2010 toinvestigate the impact of this type of learning on student attainment of ABET identifiedprofessional competencies. In the pilot program, students did not take classes but spent their timesolving complex industry problems that were not well-defined like theoretical textbookproblems. It was found that graduates emerged with integrated technical/professional knowledgesupported by ABET competencies. This initial study indicated that the aforementioned project-based learning program was more beneficial to students’ attainment of
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. Koretsky, M., Falconer, J., Brooks, B., Gilbuena, D., Silverstein, D., Smith, C., and Miletic, M. 2014. The AIChE Concept Warehouse: A Tool to Promote Conceptual Learning", Adv. in Eng. Ed.2. Meyer, J.H.F. and R. Land. 2003. Enhancing Teaching-Learning Environments in Undergraduate Courses Occasional Report, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Assessment, The University of Edinburgh.3. Male, S.A. and C.A. Baillie. 2011. Threshold capabilities: an emerging methodology to locate curricula thresholds, Research in engineering education symposium. Madrid.4. Champagne, A., L. Klopfer, and R. Gunstone. 1982