observestudents’ skills, motivations and attributes to identify potential candidates for employment.Turbocor also participates in the BS-MS program by sponsoring students through summerinternship as well as year-long BS-MS project mentoring. Four students have been recruitedsince 2010 and one more is expected to work in the coming summer. Among those students, twohad already been hired by company Y and both have served as liaisons to continue thepartnership. Turbocor’s past commercial success was built on the advancement of leading-edgetechnology. Thus sustained research and development is critical for its future growth. Arrangedby Turbocor, Shih, along with one colleague, has travelled to Danfoss Inc.’s Danish headquartersand its German subsidiary
-american-engineers5. McDaniel, Anne, Thomas A. DiPrete, Claudia Buchmann, and Uri Shwed. "The blackgender gap in educational attainment: Historical trends and racialcomparisons." Demography 48, no. 3 (2011): 889-914.6. ASEE Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges, ASEE, 2009.7. Brawner, C. E., Camacho, M. M., Lord, S. M., Long, R. A., & Ohland, M. W. Womenin Industrial Engineering: Stereotypes, persistence, and perspectives. Journal ofEngineering Education, 101(2), 288-318, 2012.8. Bowman, Keith J. "Gender diversity changes in a small engineering discipline:materials science and engineering", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An InternationalJournal, 2011, Vol. 30 I: 2, pp.127-144.9. Bowman, Keith J., “African American
and ethicalresponsibility" as one of its required student outcomes.1 There are different approaches todealing with ethical or moral issues. One approach to ethical issues is based on virtues, that is, totake as a reference the moral qualities engineers should have, such as honesty, compassion,respectfulness, etc. Each decision is judged against these qualities or virtues. The decision thatseems to be most in line with the relevant moral virtue(s) is considered to be the best decision,even if it means that certain rules are broken with negative consequences. These approaches canbe found in the ethical codes of professional engineering organizations such as the IEEE Code ofEthics.2 Another approach is based on consequences,3 which requires an
don't always think about the implications the work I am doing may have on other people. The experiential aspects of this course forced me to rethink how I learn in order to put human life into my thought process.”References: 1. Cohen, C. C. D., & Deterding, N. (2009). Widening the net: National estimates of gender disparities in engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(3), 211-226. 2. Brainard, S. G. and Carlin, L. (1998). A Six-Year Longitudinal Study of Undergraduate Women in Engineering and Science. Journal of Engineering Education, 87(4), 369–375. 3. Reichert, M. and Absher, M. (1997). Taking Another Look at Educating African American Engineers: The Importance of Undergraduate Retention
between an open andclosed position in response to changing water temperature caused by heat loss, water demand, orany other reason. This constant, automatic response to water temperature enables each hot waterbranch to quickly and consistently deliver the right temperature of hot water to each connectedfixture. The valve is constructed entirely of stainless steel and is certified to NSF/ANSI 61 and Page 26.972.3California AB1953 [12]. For recirculation pump sizing, Circuit Solver allows the pump(s) to besized exactly without any need to oversize to account for typical manual balancing problems.Therm-Omega-Tech recommends using established
this goal.AcknowledgementsThe authors acknowledge the Idaho Regional Optical Network for support in providing the videocollaboration system and support for both the class and the Resilience Week Grid Game Event.We also acknowledge the University of Denver for providing computers at Resilience Week andthe Idaho National Laboratory’s on Instrumentation Control and Intelligent Systems distinctivesignature for support in organizing Resilience Week and the resilient controls class.References [1] Cecati, C., Mokryani, G., Piccolo, A. & Siano, P., “An overview on the smart grid concept IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,” 2010, 3322-3327 [2] Shladover, S., “PATH at 20 -- History and Major
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LafayetteDr. Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette Robin S. Adams is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University and holds a PhD in Education, an MS in Materials Science and Engineering, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering. She researches cross-disciplinarity ways of thinking, acting and being; design learning; and engineering education transformation. Page 26.1146.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Mentoring African-American Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Undergraduates: An African-American STEM
project proposals and the specific subsystem(s) or tasks that need help fromDeVry Brazil team are prepared by DeVry US team and presented to our partner at DeVryBrazil. Then, a search is initiated to find qualified advisors and EE students who are interestedin joining the team to develop the project. This process may take one to two months. Typically,the teams consist of 3-4 students, including one project manager, at the DeVry US campus and 2-3 students at the DeVry Brazil campus; the number of students will vary depending on thecomplexity of the project. In addition, each site has a faculty advisor and a project coordinator.The student project manager responsibilities includes coordinating the project teams (includingthe remote team(s
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Paper ID #12725University-Industry Partnership for Global Education: Implementing andIntegrating an Engineering International Internship into the Engineering Cur-riculumMrs. Maria Claudia Alves , Texas A&M University s. Maria C. Alves is the Director for Engineering International Programs at Texas A&M University. She has been in this position since July 2012. In this position she is responsible for internationalizing the research and education acticities of the Dwight Look College of Engineering. Under her leadership the college has increased the number of students studying abroad, established new models of study aborad
placed inthe Dropbox. Each item to be submitted is placed as a unique item in the Dropbox and isreleased to the students on a pre-specified date and time. The completed file must be submittedby the student at another time on the same date or any other date. The testing/instruction file(s)to be released are posted in the Dropbox and, upon completion of the item, the students submit itback to the Dropbox. I use this feature for two different types of evaluations. During thesemester, I give three one-question quizzes (20 minutes each) and three four-question exams (50minutes each). Since my class meets in a room equipped with computer workstations, thesequizzes and exams are taken during the class meeting. Upon completion, I upload all the
information on migration patterns of the Black Tip Shark. And yet the web is a fairly young technology Page 26.1358.6 emerging in the early 1990’s out of efforts at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). Figure 2 – Top App (Marine Debris) splash screen It is at CERN that Tim Berners-Lee first assembled the components necessary for the realizationof the web; a browser (client), a server, a protocol for client/server communication (HTTP) and alanguage for presenting information (HTML) 10. Since then the growth of the web has beennothing short of explosive. The rapid growth itself caused one of the inherent
survey of ethics-related instruction in U.S. engineering programs. Journal of Engineering Education, 88, 459-464. doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.1999.tb00474.x6. Pfatteicher, S. K.A. (2001). Teaching vs. preaching: EC2000 and the engineering ethics dilemma. Journal of Engineering Education, 90, 137–142. doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2001.tb00581.x7. Davis, M., & Feinerman, A. (2012). Assessing graduate student progress in engineering ethics. Science & Engineering Ethics, 18, 351-367. doi:10.1007/s11948-010-9250-28. Colby, A., & Sullivan, W. (2008) Ethics teaching in undergraduate engineering education. Journal of Engineering Education, 97, 327-338. doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2008.tb00982.x9. Chang, P., & Wang, D. (2011
(3D) printingmarket is estimated to be around 2.99 Billion USD by the year 2018 according to a globalstrategic business report 6 complied by Global Industry Analysts Inc., a source of WorldwideStrategy and Market Intelligence.As a flipside to Subtractive Manufacturing process where a solid block of material is used tomanufacture products, Additive Manufacturing (AM) is an advanced manufacturing technologyprocess used since 1980’s where parts are built by selectively adding materials as layers alongwith reducing waste. It is an automated technique for direct conversion of 3D Computer AidedDesign (CAD) (digital) data into physical objects using different layer-based additiveapproaches. Manufacturers have been using these technologies to reduce
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module to the main controller. After, the transmitter was connected to the Naza using aservo cable. The S-Bus receiver in the transmitter was connected to the X2 channel of theNaza.At the end, the GPS module was plugged into the GPS port on the PMU. Figure 6 showsall electronic parts connected and fitted in the bottom box. Figure 6: Electronic parts connected and fitted in the bottom boxConfiguration1. Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) CalibrationElectronic speed controllers are responsible for spinning the motors at the speed requested by theautopilot. Figure 7 shows a Turnigy-Electronic Speed Controller used. Most ESCs need to becalibrated so that they know the minimum and maximum PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)values that the
learning components.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported in part by a grant to Rice University from the Howard Hughes MedicalInstitute through the Precollege and Undergraduate Science Education ProgramReferences[1] X. Chen and M. Soldner, “STEM Attrition: College Students’ Paths into and out of STEM Fields. Statistical Analysis Report. NCES 2014-001.,” National Center for Education Statistics, 2013.[2] T.A. Lacey and B. Wright, B, “Occupational employment projections to 2018,” Monthly Labor Review, vol. 132, no. 11, pp. 82 – 123, 2009.[3] National Science Foundation [NSF], “What is the S&E retention rate in U.S. 4-year institutions?” [Online]. Available: https://www.nsf.gov/nsb/sei/edTool/data/college-10.html [Jan
showcased in the course website.IV. Pre-Lesson Quiz a. You just downloaded the popular Angry Birds game. As you play the game (on your phone, or in the lab, or on your computer), try to figure out how the game is implemented. What are the variables you change as you push the bird up or down, left or right?V. Test Your Mettle Quiz a. You shoot a dart at a speed of 10 m/s with an angle of 50. What is the time for impact. b. What is the maximum height and what is the maximum range for the dart in question a. c. You shoot a dart at a speed of 10 m/s with an angle of 45. What is the time for impact. d. What is the maximum height and what is the maximum range for the dart in question c. e
), both with Pearson Prentice Hall. Prof. Notaros served as General Chair of FEM2012, Colorado, USA, and as Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, in Electromagnetics, 2014. He was the recipient of the 1999 Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) Marconi Premium, 2005 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) MTT-S Microwave Prize, 2005 UMass Dartmouth Scholar of the Year Award, 2012 Colorado State University System Board of Governors Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2012 IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award, 2014 Carnegie Founda- tion for the Advancement of Teaching Colorado Professor of the Year Award, 2015 American Society for
students learned, students alsoreported that they learned many others specific things. Terms explicitly used included“patience,” “time management,” “responsibility,” “leadership,” “accountability,” and“discipline.” Some of these responses are included in the table below with a student response toprovide an example in their words. Response Student quote Creativity “Sometimes you have to think outside of the box to come up with the best solution” Brainstorming “It’s better to brainstorm ideas in a group because other[s] offer a new perspective in functionality and creative aspects that you
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