wish to acknowledge the National Science Foundation under grant No. 1725674 forsupporting this work. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] A. Villalta-Cerdas, D. E. Thompson, S. L. Hegwood. “Integration of Research-basedStrategies and Instructional Design: Creating Significant Learning Experiences in a ChemistryBridge Course” In 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2021.[2] L. D. Fink, Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designingcollege courses. Jossey-Bass Inc Pub., 2003.[3] M. A. Reyes, M. R. Anderson-Rowland, M. A. McCartney. “Freshman
and the critical role of systems engineers in guiding how systems engineering should be utilized. • Roles Focused on Teams That Build Systems – Systems engineering does not occur in a vacuum; it is, instead, an intensely social discipline. The roles in this category are those that focus on enabling diverse, multi-disciplinary teams to be successful. Table 1. The roles of systems engineers identify by Hutchison, Wade, and Luna [2017].Role Name Role Description Focused on the Systems Being Developed Concept An individual who holistically explores the problem or opportunity space and Creator develops the overarching vision for a system(s) that
Paper ID #36905Works-in-Progress: Introducing Active Learning inSemiconductor Device CourseHansika Sirikumara Hansika Sirikumara, Ph.D., is an Assistant professor of Physics and Engineering at E. S. Witchger School of Engineering, Marian University Indianapolis. She completed her MS and PhD degrees from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Her research expertise/interests are in engineering material properties for semiconductor device applications using computational methods. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by www.slayte.com
wassignificantly varying. The authors plan to continue testing with a larger population of studentparticipants to understand the effectiveness of the information communication of the applicationin learning.AcknowledgmentWe are obliged for the financial support of the McElhatan Foundation for the research. We alsothank volunteers who joined us to test the application.7 References[1] J. Carmigniani and B. Furht, Handbook of Augmented Reality, no. November. 2011.[2] R. Azuma, Y. Baillot, R. Behringer, S. Feiner, S. Julier, and B. MacIntyre, "Recent advances in augmented reality," IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl., vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 34–47, 2001, doi: 10.1109/38.963459.[3] J. Carmigniani and B. Furht, Handbook of Augmented Reality, no. July
with program coordinators and students. A summary of the LA studentrespondent characteristics is provided in Table 1.Table 1. LA student survey respondents Institution Surveys Surveys % % % % Time as LA with with useful Eng STEM female+ URM^ (S = semester; consent data major* major Q = quarter) PublicVLgR1 155 145 13 81 64 10 46% 1S, 32% 2S, 14% 3S PrivateMedDocHi 23 16 50 100 67 6 31% 2Q, 25% 4Q PublicVLgMasters 55 41
circuits course(s). Because mastery of each of thesefundamental concepts is essential for future courses, the use of standards-based grading (SBG) isappealing, as it measures proficiency on an objective-by-objective basis.SBG has been implemented in several fundamental undergraduate engineering courses, includingfluid mechanics [2], thermodynamics [3], signals and systems [4, 5], and software verification[6]. In electric circuits, other grading strategies and interventions have been used, such as usingteam-based learning [7], reflection and metacognition [8], and mastery-based grading [9]. Itshould be noted that, while SBG and mastery-based grading are quite similar approaches, onemajor difference in the author’s approach to SBG is that all-or
United States, the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professionsremain disproportionately white and male when compared with the overall population [1]. This is also thecase with higher education degree attainment [1]. Our university has one of the more diverse studentpopulations in the U. S. [2], and a stated commitment to social justice, equity, and inclusion [3].However, our faculty demographics reflect the national trends in the STEM professions. Thus, ourstudents may not see people like them represented in our faculty or their chosen professions. Representation does matter for college STEM students. STEM college students from historicallyunderrepresented gender and ethnic groups indicated that watching STEM
Consortium.reported among the participants. Table 1 shows the outcome of each KI and whether or not itstarget level was achieved. Table 1 - Overall Project Success Key Indicators REFERENCES [1] Gottlieb, Michael, et al. "Rethinking the approach to continuing Key Target Actual (M)et, professional development conferences in the era of COVID-19." Journal Indicator Achievement Achievement (U)nmet, of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 40.3 (2020): 187-191. (KI) (S)ame [2] Price
encouraging. The reality is that disciplinary siloes can formwith a navel gaze focus. We need more collaboration, open minded discussion, and integration,promoting a continuum of knowledge that engenders creative and productive activities.This material is based upon work supported and ispired by the National Science Foundation(NSF) under award EEC-1623125. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe NSF. References1. Gamire E, Pearson G, editors. Tech tally: Approaches to assessing technological literacy. Island Press; 2006.2. National Research Council. Technically speaking: Why all Americans need
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respondents’ personality trait of extroversion has a correlation with theirresponses to the questionnaire. The study has provided useful insight and baseline data. It hashighlighted the opportunity to increase the tolerance of ambiguity of undergraduate students. Thefuture work entails the designing and implementing of interventions to assist the students inincreasing their tolerance to ambiguity.AcknowledgementsThe research is supported by NSF Grant # 1832041.References[1] S. Schrader, W. M. Riggs, and R. P. Smith, “Choice over uncertainty and ambiguity intechnical problem solving,” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, vol. 10, no. 1-2, pp. 73–99, 1993.[2] E. Frenkel-Brunswik. “Tolerance of ambiguity as an emotional and perceptual
courses.References[1] NCES https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2014/2014001rev.pdf[2] National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Barriers and Opportunities for2-Year and 4-Year STEM Degrees: Systemic Change to Support Students’ DiversePathways (The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2016).[3] J. A. Fredricks, P. C. Blumenfeld, and A. H. Paris, “School Engagement: Potential of theConcept, State of the Evidence,” Review of Educational Research, Vol. 74, No. 1, Spring, 2004.pp. 59-109. Published by: American Educational Research Association Stable URL. [Online].http://www.inquirylearningcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Fredricks2004-engagemt.pdf[Accessed on January 29, 2022].[4] G. D. Kuh, T. M. Cruce, S. R. houp, J. Kinzie, and R. M. Gonyea
forward.Ultimately, with these instructional interventions being implemented into engineering curricula, we canprovide an educational path to improve engineering students’ systems thinking skills.References[1] N. H. Sabelli, “Complexity, technology, science, and education,” J. Learn. Sci., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 5–9, 2006.[2] N. Wengrowicz, Y. J. Dori, and D. Dori, “Meta-assessment in a project-based systems engineering course,” Assess. Eval. High. Educ., vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 607–624, 2017.[3] P. Godfrey, R. D. Crick, and S. Huang, “Systems thinking, systems design and learning power in engineering education,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., 2014.[4] C. E. Hmelo, D. L. Holton, and J. L. Kolodner, “Designing to learn about complex systems,” J
Powered by www.slayte.com[WORK IN PROGRESS] Interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to integrating stream studies into campus curriculaAbstractProject based learning (PBL) is a type of experiential learning in which students are presented with acomplex problem(s) that could have multiple feasible solutions and are tasked with developing a plan orproduct that addresses that problem. A lot of emphasis has recently been put into integrating PBLexperiences into the undergraduate curriculum. Students are often presented with projects that aretailored to fit within the time constraints of a given course. However, when that project is a subset of alarger whole, then a comprehensive solution is rarely
Education Research (J-PEER), vol. 9, no. 2, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.7771/2157-9288.1244.[2] A. Godwin, G. Sonnert, and P. M. Sadler, “Disciplinary Differences in Out-of-School High School Science Experiences and Influence on Students’ Engineering Choices,” Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), vol. 6, no. 2, Jan. 2017, doi: 10.7771/2157-9288.1131.[3] F. Lewis, J. Edmonds, and L. Fogg-Rogers, “Engineering science education: the impact of a paired peer approach on subject knowledge confidence and self-efficacy levels of student teachers,” International Journal of Science Education, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 793–822, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.1080/09500693.2021.1887544.[4] M. Riojas, S. Lysecky, and J. Rozenblit
this promising pedagogical tool.References[1] J. D. Novak and A. J. Canas, “The theory underlying concept maps and how to constructand use them,” Technical Report IHMC CmapTools 2006-01 Rev 2008-01.[2] J. Wheeldon and J. Faubert, “Framing Experience: Concept Maps, Mind Maps, and DataCollection in Qualitative Research,” International Journal of Qualitative Methods, vol. 8, no. 3,pp. 68–83, Sep. 2009.[3] S. M. Ferguson, R. W. Foley, J. K. Eshirow, and C. C. Pollack, “Refining Concept Mapsas Method to Assess Learning Outcomes Among Engineering Students,” presented at the 2018ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, Jun. 2018. Available:https://peer.asee.org/refining-concept-maps-as-method-to-assess-learning-outcomes
Paper ID #38077Comparing Course Outcomes of Hybrid Delivery withClassroom-based Instruction in an Introductory EngineeringManagement CourseSuzanna Long Dr. Suzanna Long is professor and chair of engineering management and systems engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Long earned a B.S. in physics and B.A. in history in 1984, an M.S. in engineering management in 2004 and a Ph.D. in engineering management in 2007 from the University of Missouri-Rolla, now Missouri S&T. She also earned an M.A. in history from UM-St. Louis in 1988. She joined the S&T faculty in August 2008. Prior to joining
participation.The Economic, Technological and Demographic factors that will influence demand andeducation paradigms within the MNT workforce over the next twenty years must be addressed. Current Field CAGR Market (Yr) Market Energy 12.0% $5.7B $10B (2023) Composites 29.5% $2B $7.3B (2022) Filtration 18.9% $518M $1.2B (2023 Table 1. Applications MNT Figure 2. Economic Impact MNT Ceramics Impacts 8.6% $16.9B $24.5B (2024) applications by 2023Economic Factors: In 2014, research and development investments and outcomes led to $370billion in final output from MNT applications in the U. S. (Fig. 3)6 which grew
Section T4C2 Fatigue of Epoxy a-Zirconium Phosphate Nanocomposites B.R. Varadharajan, W.N.P. Hung and H-J. Sue Department of Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 AbstractThis study aims at understanding the fatigue behavior and fracture mechanisms ofEpoxy/a-ZrP nanocomposites. Due to size constraints, a new fatigue testing techniquewas implemented. The fatigue stress and fatigue life of different nanocompositespecimens were plotted in a traditional stress-life (S-N) curve. Experimental results showthat fatigue life of
Annual Conference Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationData Reduction (NOTE: tube wall and outside tube resistances were ignored) 1. Calculate the duty of the copper coil: • qout = m Cp (Tout – Tin) (1) 2. Calculate the surface area of heat transfer: As = π di lc (2) 3. Calculate the LMTD: ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ (T − T ) − (T − T ) ⎟ LMTD = ⎜ s in s out
the literature. A full exploration of that literature is beyond the scope ofthis paper; however, the following paragraphs report on terminology, benefits of inmateeducation, opportunities for improvements in inmate education, and gaps between what is knownand what is unknown about teaching university-level engineering education to incarceratedstudents.1.1.1 TerminologyThe U. S. correctional system is a collection of correctional institutions, including prisons andjails, whose purpose is to punish for the purposes of rehabilitation, incapacitation, specificdeterrence, general deterrence, and denunciation [1]. In 2019, federal and state prisonsincarcerated more than 1.4 million adults and released more than 600,000 individuals to return totheir
historicallyunderrepresented students. To initiate this pursuit in your classroom, reference Arif et al.’s (2021)Ten simple rules for supporting historically underrepresented students in science. Lastly, exploration of positionality can help facilitators pick content that is relevant to thestudents. In the case of our intervention, the undergraduate students were primarily in their secondyear of college. Due to their current experience level as engineers, we found that most students feltthe questions posed in the workshop pertaining
project by Q4a. How do you define CRP in your classroom context? X XQ4b. How did the infusion of CRP change this project?Q4c. Do you see room for infusing CRP pedagogy in other curricular projects you are currently using?Q5. What connection/s have you made between EDP and CRP? Please describe the connections you see or lack X thereof.Source: Adapted from Castillo-Montoya [62] Teaching Philosophy Statements. In addition to interviews and reflection journals, theparticipants also provided their philosophy statements. These statements generated an additionalself-reported data source that gave insights
research,thematic analysisIntroductionIn this research paper, we examine episodic moments of professional shame as experienced bystudents when they interacted with faculty members. Anchored in theoretical foundations ofpsychology and sociology [1-4] and in empirical foundations of our prior work [5-9], we useHuff et al.’s [9] conceptualization of professional shame as “a painful emotional state that occurswhen one perceives they have failed to meet socially constructed expectations or standards thatare relevant to their identity in a professional domain” (p. 414).The findings of this study provide suggestions to engineering faculty members on how they canimprove overall well-being outcomes and cultivate systemically inclusive environments
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pandemicconditions permit, we have also learned a great deal about how to facilitate effectively online andwill work to refine and disseminate those experiences in the near future.AcknowledgementsWe are indebted to the dozens of volunteers who have participated in the TTT program, anddeeply appreciate their contributions to the success of the CyberAmbassadors project. Thismaterial is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1730137. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] “Defining Deeper Learning and 21st Century Skills | National Academies.” https
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