pique the interest of engineering students, introduce them to the engineeringdesign process, and enable them to apply skills learned in the classroom to real-worldapplications.(2) Methods The design consists of three major components: the pump(s), the storage and distributionnetwork, and the slow sand filter(s). Each of these can be scaled up or down to fit the particularneeds of the site; the process of modifying the design to make it “site-specific” presents anexcellent opportunity for engineering students to accomplish a limited amount of design work. “River pumps” harness the energy of the flowing water to pump the water out of the river.One such example is the Rife RP-300 (Rife Hydraulic Engine Manufacturing Co., Nanticoke, PAUSA
correlation coeff. rQQ s 9 8 0 7 6 −0.1 5 −0.2 4 3 −0.3 2 1 −0.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
. She is passionate about active learning and strategies to improve electrical and computer engineering education, as well as increasing the number of women in engineering. She is a PI on an NSF S-STEM ECE Scholars grant, which provides scholarships and academic support to finan- cially needy and academically strong transfer students. Dr. Miguels teaching interests include MATLAB, circuits, linear systems, signal processing, digital image processing, and data compression. Dr. Miguel is a member of the IEEE, ASEE, SWE, and Tau Beta Pi. She has held several officer positions within the American Society for Engineering Education (Campus Representative, 2012-2013 ECE Division Chair, and 2013-2015 Chair Elect of the ASEE
engineering and twoprofessors from chemical engineering, all of whom have years of experience in teaching fluidmechanics courses, to meet and answer the following questions: Question #1. What are the misconceptions you have seen students have when you are teaching Bernoulli’s principle? Question #2. Which misconceptions about Bernoulli’s principle persist in students even after completing your class? Step 1 - Identifying students' misconception/s in topic/s of interest
the feedback they received; the intent was to discern if therewas a difference between the Tegrity and Standard written feedback sections in this respect. Thisquestion was utilized in the Fall, 2013, Spring 2014 and Fall 2014 semesters. Forty four studentsin the Tegrity feedback sections and 66 students in the Standard Written feedback sectionsanswered this particular question. It was phrased as follows: Page 26.279.8Answer the following question(s) about feedback and circle all that apply: a. I understood the feedback my instructor gave me. b. The feedback I received conveyed enthusiasm and helpfulness on the part
. (2013). Women, Minorities,and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2013. Special Report NSF 13-304. Arlington, VA.Available at http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/wmpd/2. National Academy of Engineering. (2005). Educating the engineer of 2020: Adapting engineering education tothe new century. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.3. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering and Institute of Medicine. (2007). Beyond biasand barriers: Fulfilling the potential of women in academic science and engineering. Washington, DC: NationalAcademies Press.4. Foor, C. E. Walden, S. E. Trytten, D. A. & Shehab, R. L. (2013). “You choose between TEAM A, good grades
31st January 20154. Ali, A. and Smith, D. 2014. Teaching an introductory programming language in a general education course. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 13, pp. 57-67.5. Wilck. J, IV, Lynch, P. C. and Kauffmann, P. J. 2014. Economics as a General Education Course to expand quantitative and financial literacy. 121st ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Paper ID #8581.6. Bechtel, L. J., Cross, S. L., Engel, R. S., Filippelli, R. L., Glenn, A. L., Harwood, J. T., Pangborn, R. N. and Welshofer, B. L. 2005. An objectives-based approach to assessment of general education. Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Session 3461.7. Laki, S. L., Nedunuri, K. V
) Education. 5-Year Strategic Plan," 2013.[6] K. J. B. Anderson, . S. . S. Courter, T. McGlamery, T. M. Nathans-Kelly and C. G. Nicometo, "Understanding engineering work and identity: a cross-case analysis of engineers within six firms," Engineering Studies, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 153-174, 2010.[7] Great schools parternship, "The glossary of education reform - 21st century skills," 2014. [Online]. Available: http://edglossary.org/21st-century-skills/. [Accessed 10 01 2015].[8] P21, "Framework for 21st Century Learning," [Online]. Available: http://www.p21.org/our-work/p21- framework. [Accessed 20 January 2014].[9] P. Nilsson, "Taxonomy of creative design," 24 March 2012. [Online]. Available: http
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author and reviewer(s) were selected for analysis. 3.3 Analytical Framework Student comments were coded using a typology based on Smith Taylor [20], [21] and Smithand Patton’s [22] work characterizing engineering instructor comments and Straub andLunsford’s [19] characterization of expert writing teacher comments. Each comment was coded Page 26.1482.10along three axes: focus, mode, and tone. The focus of a comment identifies what the commentrefers to in the original text; mode and tone refer to the qualities of the comment itself.Focus Categorizations of comment focus include form, content, and extra-textual. Form commentsrefer to the text
double as transfer counselors. They provide financial aid information and other information for students. They are not content specific.”Program Planning & 53 (30.1) “The STEM advisors stick with our s STEMExecution Support Academy students from the day they arrive until they transfer. They have rapport and
illustrates a cognitive engine (artificial intelligence to provide an optimized communi-cation performance) taking as inputs the wireless environmental parameters to turn the knobs andmeters of the radio or radios it controls based on the acquired knowledge and policies. The cog-nitive engine in Figure 1b is the student, who observes and controls the radio(s) and learns fromtheir own and other students’ actions. (a) (b)Fig. 1. Cognitive radio system (a) and gamification concept for education (b).This paper will present a prototype of a wireless testbed using the educational gaming approach.We will discuss example scenarios, visualization tools, class modules, and evaluation
94.1 (2005): 103-120. 4. Bucciarelli, Louis L. Designing engineers. MIT press, 1994. 5. Sheppard, S. D. "A description of engineering: an essential backdrop for interpreting engineering education." Proceedings (CD), Mudd Design Workshop IV. 2003. 6. Savransky, Semyon D. Engineering of creativity: Introduction to TRIZ methodology of inventive problem solving. CRC Press, 2000. 7. Goel, Parveen S., and Nanua Singh. "Creativity and innovation in durable product development." Computers & Industrial Engineering 35.1 (1998): 5-8. 8. Suh, N. 2001. Axiomatic Design: Advances and Applications. Oxford University Press, UK. 9. Fellows, Sharon, et al. "Instructional tools for promoting self-directed learning skills
those practicalbarriers.There has been a shift in education abroad in recent decades. As part of the growing awarenessof Globalization, both students and employers have become more interested in education abroadas a means to develop intercultural skills, instead of simply going abroad to “soak up” the cultureor embarking upon a “Grand Tour” of Europe to become cosmopolitan. Within engineering, thisshift to an intercultural emphasis has been translated into the pursuit of “global competency.”The specific term for, and the component elements of, this set of knowledge and skills can vary,but Downey et al.’s definition of what it means provides a useful umbrella: global competencefor engineers involves the “knowledge, ability, and predisposition to
preferences is shown in Table 1. The value of nshown for each cohort is the total number of students registered (summing the numbers forMBTI preference pairs in the table yields a slightly lower value since not all students reportedtheir MBTI). The distribution of MBTI by gender is shown for all years in Table 2. Page 26.813.5Table 1: Distribution of MBTI Types by Cohort. I: Introversion, E: Extraversion, S: Sensing,N:iNtuition, T: Thinking, F: Feeling, J: Judging, P: Perceiving. Gender MBTICohort N M F I E S N T F J P 2013 121 91 30 66 54 64 56 92
), non-technical constraints (C),stakeholder considerations (S), broader considerations about cultural ecosystems (BC). We thencame to consensus on how we rated each consideration.Based on our analysis, the students of the CTSS class made a distinctive shift how theyprioritized design considerations for the energy-conversion playground design, as demonstratedin Figure 1. Notably, the aggregate number of considerations that centered on socioculturalconsiderations increased from 7 (10.3% of total responses) to 29 in the second iteration (41.4%of total responses). Moreover, the aggregate frequency of technical centered responses reducedfrom 26 in the first iteration (38.2% of total responses) to 4 in the second iteration (5.1% of totalresponses
. (2009), Application of lean thinking to health care: Issues and observations, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21(5), 341–34712. Hagg, H., Suskovich, D., Workman-Germann, J., Scachitti, S., Hudson, B., Swartz, J., & Vanni, C. (2007), Adaptation of lean methodologies for healthcare applications, Proceedings of the 2007 Society for Health Systems Conference, New Orleans, LA, February 2007.13. Mozammel, A., Mapa, L., Scachitti, S. (2011), Application of lean six sigma in healthcare: A graduate level directed project experience, Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education, Paper no. AC 2011- 60414. Kanakana, M.G. (2013), Lean in service industry, SAIIE25 Proceedings, 9th – 11th of July 2013
2 In the context of arguing for the term “neurodiversity”, Griffin and Pollack (2009) arguethat focusing on “difference rather than difficulty” is more empowering as it “rejects adeficit approach to supporting students in higher education”. The term “disabledstudent(s)” is used to refer to any student who has a sensory, cognitive, physical, orpsychological impairment. These students may benefit from using technological tools andrelated services to support and promote access to equitable educational experiences andoutcomes.Many disabled students can only access learning resources and experiences if they haveassistive technologies (Banes & Seale, 2002; Scherer, 2004). However, all studentswould benefit from using the same technology
good relationship both instructors and knew the material very well, so we made the exception.We also added the requirement that SI Leaders need to be active members of the Society of PeerMentors, a student organization that focuses on mentoring and leadership; this organization alsoserves as a pool for recruiting new SIs.Each week SIs were expected to attend the lecture for their designated course(s), to lead twoactive learning sessions (90 minutes each), to hold office hours, to meet with the courseprofessor, and to attend the weekly SI training meeting. Once a semester, the SIs also attended ahalf-day training workshop and were required to observe and report on at least one fellow SI’ssession. Once a year, SIs were invited to a faculty
., Cardella, M., Turns, J., Mosborg, S., & Saleem, J. (2007). Engineering design processes: A comparison of students and expert practitioners. Journal of Engineering Education, 96(4), 359-379.5. Crismond, D. (2001). Learning and using science ideas when doing investigate-and-redesign tasks: A study of naive, novice, and expert designers doing constrainted and scaffolded design work. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(7), 791-820.6. Crismond, D. (1997). Investigate-and-redesign tasks as a context for learning and doing science and technology: A study of naive, novice and expert high school and adult designers doing product comparisons and redesign tasks. Ed.D. Harvard University
studyincludes analysis of the individual contributions (both verbal and physical) of students to each team tounderstand how individual students might have influenced the patterns of team behavior presented. Page 26.1038.15REFERENCES[1] C. Dym, A. Agogino, O. Eris, D. Frey, and L. Leifer, “Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning,” J. Eng. Educ., no. January, pp. 103–120, 2005.[2] C. Dym, “Design and design centers in engineering education,” AI EDAM, vol. 12, no. 01, pp. 43–46, 1998.[3] R. S. Adams, L. Mann, S. Jordan, and S. Daly, “Exploring the Boundaries: Language, Roles and Structures in Cross-Disciplinary
trend in the UK is similar. For example, the UKPassport Office instead of seeking a witness for the applicant of a passport from the traditionalprofessions now includes the statement “…or professionally qualified person e.g. lawyer, engineer,doctor, school teacher, police officer or person of similar standing” [5].Engineering, although long considered a profession, has not remained static in this changing space.Ever since the engineering institutions were established in the UK they have sought prestige andstatus. In the 1950’s and 1960’s engineers in the UK argued for an equivalent organization to theRoyal Society and they were rewarded by the establishment of a Royal Academy of Engineering.Several years before that, American engineers had won
assimilationist goals, ratherthan attacking and undermining the very processes by which (some) subjects become normalizedand others marginalized” (3).9 Relatedly, as McRuer summarizes, representation is not a once-and-for-all attainment: “visibility and invisibility are not after all, fixed attributes that somehowpermanently attach to any identity” (2).5 Rather, we believe that small-n studies, relying ontechniques such as qualitative analysis or narrative reporting by subjects, may shed light onindividual and collective experiences that are far more layered than conventional STEMeducational research normally admits.Most profoundly, researchers’ very definition of their “n”s as small or large reiterates theanalytic value or necessity for established and
CPLD Provides a Third Option in the Introductory Logic Circuits Course,” ASEE National Convention, 2012, session W516, AC 2012-53025 D. Hodges, H. Jackson, and R. Saleh, Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits in Deep Submicron Technology, third edition, copyright 2004 by McGraw-Hill.6 S. Kang and Y. Leblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits, third edition, copyright 2003 by McGraw-Hill.7 D. Kolb, “Chapter Two: The Process of Experiential Learning,” Experiential Learning, Experience as The Source Page 26.1252.15 of Learning and Development, copyright 1984 by Prentice-Hall.8 K. Nickels, “Pros and Cons of replacing
interdisciplinary learning, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 2. Thomas, J. W., Mergendoller, J. R., and Michaelson, A. (1999). Project-based learning: A handbook for middle and high school teachers, Novato, CA: The Buck Institute for Education. 3. Moursund, D. (1999). Project-based learning using information technology, Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. 4. Diehl, W., Grobe, T., Lopez, H., and Cabral, C. (1999). Project-based learning: A strategy for teaching and learning, Boston, MA: Center for Youth Development and Education, Corporation for Business, Work, and Learning. 5. Krajcik, J. S., Blumenfeld, P. C., Marx, R. W., & Soloway, E. (1994). A collaborative model for
. Page 26.1405.14Funding for the study came from Utah State University’s Office of Graduate Studies via thePresidential Doctoral Research Fellowship for Benjamin Call, the Utah State UniversityResearch Catalyst SEED Grant for Maria Manuela Valladares, attained from Dr. IdalisVillanueva, and the College of Engineering for Christopher Green as the lead Statics teacher’sassistant and undergraduate researcher.References1. Presidents Council of Advisors. (2012). Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduateswith Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Washington D.C.: Executive Office of theWhite House.2. Steif, P. S., & Dantzler, J. A. (2005). A Statics Concept Inventory: Development and Psychometric
environment anunderstanding level of learning is expected. As students progress to performing project work, orcollecting flight test data in a student only event an application level of learning is expected. Forboth practical and written final exams a correlation level of learning is expected.Finding the proper level of student engagementMost students at USAF TPS are atypical for a university environment. Entrance to the school ishighly selective, and as such most students already possess at least one post graduate degree, haveadvanced study skills, are extremely competitive and motivated, are usually in their late 20’s orearly 30’s, and all have shown significant military career progression potential. Student pilots areconsidered experts in their
S drivve the motorr back and foorth with theeirArduino RoMeos to make m sure itt works.PPP: Stuudents are asssigned textb book problem ms only, leavving time to study for mmidterm.Figure 8. 8 Linear Mo otion Stage (Lab 6) and d Reloader M Mechanism m (Lab 6b)Lab 6bProgrammming Objecttive: None (study for miidterm).Project Objective: O Assemble A and d test reloadiing mechanissm consistinng of Makebblock servom
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fellow in the American Society of Engineering Education, is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Education, and past chair of the Educational Research and Methods Division of ASEE.Dr. Trevor Scott Harding, California Polytechnic State University Dr. Trevor S. Harding is Professor of Materials Engineering at California Polytechnic State University Page 26.247.1 where he teaches courses in materials design, biomedical materials, and life cycle analysis. He has pre- sented his research on engineering ethics to several universities and to the American Bar Association. He serves as Associate Editor