college consistently ranked at the bottom of student concerns across everyyear and engineering major. We also needed a better understanding of how the studentsexperienced the program structure of our women in engineering program and if it could beimproved to better reflect the needs of this new student cohort. Finally, we wanted to know howprevalent these declining engagement trends were on campus and what, if any, steps could betaken to improve them. This paper focuses on focus groups held with undergraduate women inengineering students, and contextual interviews held with other campus programs, clubs andorganizations. First, we present a summary of what we learned about this new cohort of studentsas well as the key survey findings that informed
approaches related to airport challenges. The design competitionrequires student teams to interact with airport operators and industry experts to get input on theirdesign ideas and solution [2]. This paper explores the number and value of these interactions byevaluating the winning design proposals.Statistics are used to analyze trends in the winning design proposals which may reflect theimportance of number of the experts contacted by student teams and their demographics. Thewinning design proposals contain written sections that discuss the team’s reported benefits oftheir interactions with industry experts. Thematic analysis is used to identify themes for designproposals from first, second, and third place teams. The paper presents a study of
departments.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) No.EEC-1653140 and 2123016 given to the second author. Any opinions, findings, and conclusionsor recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect those of the NSF. Wewant to give a special thanks to the institutional liaisons, Dr. Hector Cruzado, Dr. Sindia Rivera-Jimenez, Dr. Heather Shipley, Dr. Kimberly Cook-Chennault, and Dr. Paul Barr who assisted uswith collecting participant data in the first stage of sampling. We also want to thank theparticipants for sharing their experiences with us and the readers of this work.References[1] National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, “Women, Minorities, and Persons with
for women in science expanded but gendersegregation still existed. In the nineteenth century, women participated in aspects of science butmainly engaged in data-gathering rather than idea-creation [26] and were largely invisible andconcentrated in nurturing career tracks [39]. Prior to the 20th century and beyond, womensupported science but not pioneers in the field; reflective of the patriarchal society they lived in.Commonly known as biological determinism, the physical, psychological, and intellectual natureof women prohibited them from producing great science [38]. The Nineteenth and earlyTwentieth centuries posited if women were incorporated into scientific employment, they weresegregated in it with stereotypes of appropriate sex roles
rooted at the intersection of my identity as ablack woman. I have had to defend myself at times against tenured professors and illuminatemaltreatment and disrespect. The most frequent abuses I have experienced were at the handsStaff Researchers that direct and maintain campus user facilities (like a cleanroom, or an opticalanalysis laboratory). A Staff Researcher or technician (white males in my instances) either threwaway equipment while I was using it (disposing of my gloves while I was using the scanningelectron microscope) or antagonizing and questioning my “right” to be in the space, in aninstance where I was using an x-ray diffraction tool in a characterization laboratory.Summary: Panelists describe both internal reflection and external
all perspectives.Heuristic for an Accomplice’s Ethic of Care and AccountabilityIn order to establish coalitional accomplice relationships that appreciate and celebrate difference,the authors suggest three heuristic activities that can establish trust and build a sharedunderstanding. This heuristic reflects a Black Feminist epistemology, not only because it is builtin pursuit of an ethic of care but also because it invests in knowledge-making in action. ForBlack Feminist theorists, this means that the experiential knowing that occurs in situ establishesthe basis for relationships. Importantly, we use a heuristic because there is no one-size-fits allapproach to activist work or to establishing ally, advocate or accomplice relationships. Yet
, findings, and conclusions, and recommendations expressed in thisreport are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] R. Sowell, Doctoral Initiative on Minority Attrition and Completion., Washington, DC: Council of Graduate Schools, 2015.[2] M. Ong, C. Wright, L. L. Espinosa, and G. Orfield, “Inside the double bind: A Synthesis of empirical research on undergraduate and graduate women of color in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics,” Harv. Educ. Rev., vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 172–208, Jun. 2011, doi: 10.17763/haer.81.2.t022245n7x4752v2.[3] M. Cabay, B. L. Bernstein, M. Rivers, and N. Fabert, “Chilly climates, balancing acts, and shifting pathways: What happens to
science (statistician,computer scientist, industrial engineering, operations researchers, etc.) are in-demand and requirehighly skilled professionals with knowledge of data science, which has resulted in a highlycompetitive labor market. While the median annual salary for data scientists is quite high, about$122,000, according to the BLS, this reflects the higher educational, experience, and skill levelrequirements needed for such positions, as well as geographical differences related to keyemployer locations.Employers have recognized that data science professionals will be a critical resource to theiroperational excellence, as well as for the future of their innovation ecosystems. This need fordata science professionals has naturally driven an
varyconsiderably and we found no evidence of programs sharing the same assessment instruments orprotocols. A few examples are below. They describe evaluation from different viewpoints and we presentthem here to show examples of the diversity of methods employed, and some research outcomes andreflections. • One paper described the use of specific assessment methods including competency rubrics, individual development plans, and ePortfolios for evaluation (Chang, Semma, Fowler, & Arroyave, 2021). The rubrics encompassed professional and technical skills including: 1) interdisciplinary knowledge generation, 2) collaboration, 3) conflict resolution, 4) oral communication, 5) written communication, 6) self-reflection, 7
perspective, we assume the following principles: problematize status quo,look at the use of language as clues to how ways of thinking and behaviour are structured, lookfor existing mechanisms of inequality, and look for creative alternatives for a more just/equitableoutcome.First, in order to describe what mechanisms of exclusion exist and become significant in studentexperiences, we looked for student accounts of their direct experiences (e.g. of barriers to fullparticipation in engineering education). Students also reflected on their observations on thecontrast between exclusion and inclusion. This resulted in the identification of: the location ofrepresentation gap that became influential; socially-mediated mechanisms that actually lead
level contributes to this vision. Despite some gains in recent decades, women faculty inengineering are still underrepresented. Between 2006 and 2016, the proportion of women facultyin engineering grew from 16% to 23% at the assistant level, from 11.9% to 18.3% at theassociate level, and from 3.8% to 10.6% at the full professor level [2], [3]. While the proportionof women faculty at the lower ranks has increased significantly, the limited representation ofwomen at higher faculty ranks limits their potential for reaching leadership roles andcontribution with significant decision-making to influence engineering education [4]. Althoughthe presented gains are of value, and may already reflect the effect of multiple initiativesimplemented to support
Source.Simulation of microwave transmission lines andmicrowave filters (Alabama A&M University)Participants simulate two popular microwavetransmission lines and two microwave filters.First, participants use two simulation software:AppCAD and Sonnet Lite. They learn thestructures of the two transmission lines and theoperations of two software. They use AppCAD tosimulate both transmission lines and to investigatehow the dimension parameters influence thecharacteristic impedances. They use Sonnet Liteto simulate the microstrip on reflection coefficientand insertion loss. Participants also simulate a Figure 6. Coplanar waveguide on AppCADmicrostrip band stop filter and a microstripbandpass filter using AppCAD, and then simulateboth filters using