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emphasis in STEM-H related curriculum experiences at various colleges and universities across the U.S. Gwen’s work with NSF, USDOE, DOE, DOD, HRSA, and DOJ helps in providing the evaluative needs and expectations of federally funded grants with regard to accountability and compliance. In addition, she has served as a panel reviewer for NSF proposals for S-STEM and other EHR programs, GAANN, SIP, and EOC with the USDOE, and is currently an AQIP Reviewer and Peer Reviewer for the NCA Higher Learning Commission. As an administrator, Gwen has served Director of Assessment for 6 years and Executive Assistant to the President for one year at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. She has also served as Assistant to the
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the way.The task of coalition building can be described as the task of selling the idea [12]. Sellingthe idea in this context means finding potential allies for its implementation. Thus, a largepart in the management of innovation is the management of attention [30]. The process canbe described as an interplay of several roles that are taken by several individuals. There isthe “champion” of an idea who is usually the person or the team who generated the idea orwas/were early advocates [31, 32]. The champion tries to gain the attention of people in theorganization that s/he evaluates as indispensable for the realization of the idea [12]. These areusually people in the higher hierarchy of the organization. Galbraith [33] distinguishesbetween
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