egoless in theircareers, and were assured full confidentiality of their inputs.Reliability AssessmentIt is important to conduct a thorough measurement analysis on the survey instrument. It gives assurancethat the findings reflect accurate measures and that the results are trustworthy. Test reliability furtherindicates the extent to which individual differences in scores can be attributed to ‘true’ differences. Weused the most popular measure - Cronbach Alpha for assessing reliability of the collected data. Table 2shows the Alpha values, calculated using Minitab Version 16, for the data collected for each of thesubsets. TABLE 2: CRONBACH ALPHA VALUE FOR THE INSTRUMENT Subsets
institutions abroad. In 1996,the Bradley University’s International Program was limited to the summer months. Theinvolvement of engineering students and faculty was extremely limited for at least two reasons.First, many course offerings were for language studies or general education. A more importantreason was that most engineering students preferred or were obligated to work during thesummer months. Summer employment was important to gain experience and for financialreasons as Bradley is a private institution. Yet faculty and students could benefit greatly frominternational exposure. More importantly, the internationalization program inspired the facultyto modify the curriculum to better reflect the changing realities of our engineering
the recipient class of this newly acquired knowledge(Customer). The development of these forms was done in an iterative process to allow for theproper allocation of topics and matching subject–to-class. The mapping was complemented by acourse flowchart reflecting the course sequence and time of offering as shown in figure 2,allowing for the different stakeholders (students, faculty, administrators, employers, parents, etc.)to see a clear road map leading to better planning and resulting in a timely graduation. Uchiyamaet al (2009) have stated that creating a visual representation of the curriculum based on real timeinformation is a way of increasing collaboration and collegiality in higher education. On thecourse flowchart, the core classes
communicate effectively’(ABET criterion 3d and 3g).2 However, assessing a student’s ability to work on a team and tocommunicate effectively is often difficult in traditional classroom settings. Collaborative learning, for the purpose of this paper will mirror those of Göl and Nafalskias written in their award winning paper “Collaborative Learning in Engineering Education”;“Collaborative learning is increasingly recognised as giving students an opportunity to engage indiscussion and to exercise a positive influence on the group’s learning outcomes by assumingresponsibility for their own learning. Critical thinking and reflective evaluation are implicit in theapproach.”3 While many tout the advantages of collaborative learning: “Results
. Page 24.937.14AcknowledgmentsWe would like to acknowledge Dr. Eric Vance and Jennifer Cheng of Virginia Tech’sLaboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (LISA) lab for their suggestions andadvice regarding the statistical analysis of this research.We would also like to thank Dr. David Knight of Virginia Tech’s Department of EngineeringEducation for his statistical consultations.This material is based upon work supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation,under grant # EEC-1159813. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References1. National Action Council for Minorities in
associated with getting to know teammates from other cultures, and/ormore reflection about what the project entailed – perhaps also stemming from a reductionin shared notions of what was important due to the linguistic/cultural heterogeneity of thegroups. This could be an interesting area for future research.ConclusionsTaking linguistic issues into account in team formation in highly multicultural classroomshas the potential to improve student engagement and reduce specific language-basedproblems that were known to occur when students were left to form their own teams.Given the increase in multiculturalism in Western countries in general (e.g. [11]), and theCanadian government’s push to increase the number of international students in Canadato
developing PLAY!, an educational collaboration platform helping learners tap into broad interest based peer communities as well as exploring new forms of reading and writing through dynamic book prototypes. She most recently published her first digital book, Flows of Reading, to inspire educators to reflect on what can be considered as reading and what kinds of reading they perform in their everyday lives. She was Research Director for Project New Media Literacies at MIT and also has conducted classes as a Visiting Lecturer at MIT’s Comparative Media Studies Department and Harvard University’s Project Zero Summer Institute. Reilly is a graduate of Emerson College and has her Master of Fine Arts degree from Maine Media
different models of interpretation. Finally, homework is an assimilativeexperience where the student reflects on learning and practices integrative thinking.Table 1 - Kolb Learning StylesConverging The dominant learning abilities are Abstract Conceptualization (AC) and Active(AC+AE)/2 Experimentation (AE). People with this learning style are best at finding practical uses for ideas and theories. They have the ability to solve problems and make decisions based on finding solutions to questions or problems. In formal learning situations, people with this style prefer to experiment with new ideas, simulations, laboratory assignments, and practical applications.Assimilating The dominant
TransducersIn this laboratory session, the directivity pattern is determined analytically and measuredexperimentally [7]. During the experiment, a projector and a hydrophone (two transducers) areseparated by the minimum acceptable distance, x, to minimize interference from reflections. Thestandard criteria for uniform circular pistons are d2 x≥ (4) 4λwhere λ = c/f is the wavelength, f is the resonant frequency of the transducer, and d is the
professional profile. That matrix relates skills and knowledge with courses. Inevery cell of the matrix there is a numeric value in the interval [0, 1] that reflects the expectedimpact that a course would have on an specific student’s skill or knowledge. The values has beenestimated by the same group of experts.Notice that every row of the matrix represents a skill or knowledge that belongs to the last level(a leaf node in the tree). In order to find the values of the higher levels where there are no desig-nated values, we apply a kind of OWA operator that has been explained in “Aggregation Opera-tors”.The impact matrices are the basis to create an individual profile. We use them in conjunction withthe student’s academic record to estimate the
Mini Breadboard $10.00 CodeWarrior Freescale free Total $298.00 Table 1: Bill of Materials for ECET-365course project with Tower Fig 2. Robotic Car with TowerThe Dragon Plus-2 Board with the MC9S12DG256B microcontroller is different in somerespects from the Tower Board (MC9S12G128), and the algorithm, physical design and codescreated reflect that. The two groups who used the Dragon board had to make continual changesto each part in order to achieve the best performance from their microcontroller, sensors, and caroperation. Their kit came with the H-Bridges, the sensor module
results was692 students. We have two reasons for pooling the data across the multiple terms reflected in thisstudy: (1) Student profiles (majors, undergraduate status, etc.) and numbers in each sample haveremained quite similar over the multiple years included in the study; and, (2) Notwithstandingminimal changes to the instruction manual (e.g. formatting and numbering) used in thesecourses, the structure and content of the laboratory experiments have remained intact.In Figure 1 we show the results of the assessment. The graph shows the percentage of ourstudents and those from the published national sample that correctly answered each test question.The graph also separately displays the performance of students in our calculus-based lectureclass
school, 27 middle school, and 16 high school teachers as well as 3 university and 6college faculty members, 5 “other,” and 2 school district administrators from 2 counties. The fullday session included FLATE-guided brainstorming sessions, presentations, and a panelshowcasing exemplary women in STEM careers. Major themes of collaboration, encouragement,and leadership by example emerged from the qualitative data collected in an online survey fromteachers. Fifty one percent of participants responded; this paper reflects a collection of theirideas.Collaborate Participants were encouraged during collaboration sessions to learn new ways to collectdata to determine if female enrollment increases at their schools. The majority reported accessonly
motif analysis. Network motifs has been proposed by Milo and colleagues 18 as recurrentpatterns of local inter-connections that occur in complex networks at frequencies that aresignificantly higher (reflected by the Z-score) than those occurring in randomized networks withequivalent number of nodes, in degree and out degree. Motifs are typically small sub-graphs oftypically three to seven nodes and represent the basic building blocks of most networks 19 toprovide insights into the topology of complex networks 18, 19.Motif analysis originated from the field of bioinformatics where it has been used to analyze genenetworks and the World Wide Web and had found its way into the research of social networks 20.Findings from the use of network motif
with sensors.The Robotics camps were very successful and, as expected, attracted many student members orpotential members of FIRST teams in our area.In 2013 faculty in the Division of Engineering and Technology discussed expanding the summerhigh school camp to cover broader engineering topics, and also to attract a wider population ofstudents than the FIRST Robotics participants. As the College is located in a county with someeconomically depressed areas, the desire was also to attract students from disadvantagedbackgrounds and introduce them to engineering. To reflect the new camp content the name waschosen as “Explore Engineering and Technology Camp”. The paper describes the organization ofthe new camp, its curriculum, the evaluation results
sections of this course, with approximately 90 students, in FallQuarter 2013. It will be taught again in Winter Quarter 2014. Several lessons were learned in theFall Quarter that will be incorporated into the Winter Quarter classes. The primary conclusionwas that we tried to include too much content and that more time needed to be spent on buildingconfiguration issues. This will be addressed in several ways. The calculational content of thecourse will be reduced, somewhat. The intent is to make it more focused and to apply moredirectly to the configuration issues. The Winter Quarter classes will also be reorganizedsomewhat. The Fall Quarter courses were organized into small building and large buildingmodules, reflecting the two original courses
(required bi-weekly synchronous chats) Message activity (messages are similar to email within the LMS system and can be forwarded to outside email as an option) Course Letter grade earned (A, B, C, D, F) Course Grade percentage earnedThe main PI collected and then coded the data for the research team to work with under IRBapproval. Only the main PI had access to the original data with student identifiers. Theinformation gathered is not identifiable and does not reflect which section the student was Page 24.1112.4enrolled into or completed. A random number was assigned to each student as an identifier. Thedata was stored
Revenue $42,000AssessmentStudents were evaluated using quantitative and qualitative data. Students completed surveysbased on the National Engineering Students’ Learning Outcomes Survey at the start and end ofthe program. Each year the survey questions varied slightly to reflect unique changes made to theprogram or new labs that were introduced. Student’s grade point averages (GPAs) and retentionrates were also used as a form of assessment. The program participants GPAs and retention rateswere compared against women and minority non-participants and with College of Engineeringstudents as a whole.Program OutcomesProgram ParticipantsIn year one (2011) 18 students participated in the program. 14 of these were women, and
thistask. The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed herein are that of the author and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Military Academy or U.S. Army.REFERENCES: ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission. 2005. Criteria for accrediting engineering programs, Baltimore,MD: ABET, Inc. Aldridge, M.D., “Professional Practice: A Topic for Engineering Research and Instruction,” Journal ofEngineering Education, vol. 83, no. 3, July 1994, pp. 231-236. Borrego, M. and Newswander, L.K., “Characteristics of Successful Cross-Disciplinary Engineering EducationCollaborations,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, no. 2, April 2008, pp 123-134. Raju, P.K., and C.S. Sankar, ”Teaching Real-World Issues Through Case Studies
solutions in cases where the problem is tightly constrained enough that astudent can be expected to match a target diagram.UMLGrader uses an iterative approach to matching diagrams. It starts by matching classes andthen proceeds to matching associations, attributes, and methods. This reflects the nounidentification technique for constructing models. More specifically, it applies the following rules: • Classes are matched by name. The entire name must be matched exactly, though spaces, underscores, and capitalization are ignored. Requiring an exact name match helps catch the common error of using a plural noun when the class represents a singular item. To allow some variation in naming, the instructor can specify alternative
would reflect a Page 24.1253.2change in test scores for the first and second sections of the classes. The evaluation is done at a95% confidence level (α = 0.05).The rest of this paper is broken down into Background on the use of videos to support the class,Methods used to develop the additional coursework, Results of the courses evaluated and howthe use of videos affected the test grades, and Conclusion, which ties up the paper and discussesnext steps.BackgroundMost of the students we are currently teaching are from the Millennial generation. These studentsgrew up with the internet and digital technology. 2, 4 They are the first generation to
offices for technology transfer and business incubation, plus complementary resourcesfrom the community. This part of the project sought to build a cross-UT System ecosystem forinnovation and entrepreneurship, which proved to be more difficult than anticipated. Theprincipal stumbling block is that processes and offices for technology transfer and businessincubation differ markedly across campuses, even across the four campuses of the UT-TRANSFORM partners. While these differences likely reflect local priorities and history, theydetract from providing UT System innovators a clear and consistent path for commercialdevelopment of their ideas. Thus while the project’s Web site provides useful information foruniversity researchers interested in
of the author and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesCapobianco, B. M., Diefes-Dux, H. A., & Mena, I. B. (2011). Elementary school teachers' attempts at integrating engineering design: Transformation or assimilation? In Proceedings of the 118th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia.Charyton, C., Jagacinksi, R. J., Merrill, J. A., Clifton, W., & DeDios, S. (2011). Assessing creativity specific to engineering with the revised creative engineering design assessment. Journal of Engineering Education, 100(4), 778-799.Forbes, C. T. (2011). Preservice elementary teachers’ adaptation of science
of Engineering Education and Centers undergrant number EEC-0343214 (Department-Level Reform Program), by the NSF Division ofUndergraduate Education under grant numbers DUE-0618571 (CCLI Phase 2), DUE-0622466(STEP Type 1) and DUE-0817332 (CCLI Phase 3), and by a Teaching Enhancement Fund grantat Wright State University. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation or Wright State University.Bibliography1. McKenna, A., McMartin, F. and Agogino, A., 2000, "What Students Say About Learning Physics, Math and Engineering," Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, Vol. 1, T1F-9.2. Sathianathan, D
research in the fields of game theory and optimization applied to public health and humanitarian logistics systems. Support for this work was provided by National Science Foundation award number CMMI-1228110. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding organization. Page 24.1267.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Toward Broadening Participation: Understanding Students’ Perceptions of Industrial EngineeringIntroductionAdvances in engineering are critical to
for Traffic Signal Engineering. 120th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Conference Compendium.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE-1235896. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. Page 24.1270.9References1. Antonucci, N.D., K.K. Hardy, K.L. Slack, R. Pfefer and T.R. Neuman, "Nchrp Report 500 Volume 12: A Guide for Addressing Collisions at Signalized Intersections." Transportation Research Board
conclusions we have drawn are of particular interest, sincethese affect persistence studies in all disciplines.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) underGrant 1129383 in the Research on Engineering Education (REE) program. The opinionsexpressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.References1 M. W. Ohland, C. E. Brawner, M. M. Camacho, R. A. Layton, R. A. Long, S. M. Lord, and M. H. Wasburn, (2011). “Race, Gender, and Measures of Success in Engineering Education,” Journal of Engineering Education, 100(2), 225-252. Won Wickenden Award as Best Paper in the Journal for 20112 S. M. Lord, R. A. Layton, and M. W. Ohland, (2011
classes were held in the laboratory. For this course, thissetting eases the flexible adoption of a variety of teaching methods, depending on thecharacteristics of different course topics in sequence. The main teaching formats and materialemployed in this course are presented as the following.At the beginning, we used power point slides presentation and class discussion to introducestudents the topics on defining real-time systems. These topics are basis for further learning.Thus, it is important to help students to set up a solid and comprehensive foundation. In the classdiscussion, some questions are designed to enable students to reflect on key concepts in real-timesystems, and to encourage active learning. Here are some examples: 1) Are real
toindividual student assignments without providing connections to previous or future work, ordirectly to learning outcomes. Monitoring proficiency toward each standard allows for a richerassessment and reflection of student achievement.Various educational benefits from SBG arise as a result of the personalized, clear, andmeaningful feedback provided to students regarding their learning and development.Assessments are made about the quality of student work based on specific objectives thatstudents are made aware of at the beginning of a course.1 This provides fairness and transparencyby grading each individual student based on the quality of their current work alone, regardless ofhow other students in the course perform or on the student’s previous
this paper is to provide details of theunified bioengineering “overview” curriculum. The curriculum development of Temple University’s (TU)department has been hiring faculty from a wide variety of Bioengineering program as an example to other programs thatbioengineering specialties and the difficulty came with the may wish to include a broader spectrum of areas within theirdevelopment of the curriculum that reflected this diversity. undergraduate bioengineering curricula.The bioengineering curriculum was modified using thebackward course design concept [1] by looking at the contents II. CURRICULUM NEEDSof the proposed senior capstone classes and redesigning theseven