perceived grade increaseOverall Student PerformanceFinal course grades were compared for each of the 7 design courses before, during and upon back-to-normal, Figure 2. Online and hybrid delivery are identified by the highlighted rectangles on thecharts. The courses are identified by the level, 1A representing first year students to 4Brepresenting 4th year students. Apart from 3A and 3B course during Fall and Winter terms,respectively, there was no significant change of cohort overall performance during the onlinepandemic teaching. (a) (b) (c) Figure 2: Final grade of BME design courses by term (a)Fall (F), (b)Winter (W), (c)Spring (S)The final grades of the design focused course were compared
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also offerscourses pertinent to the transportation and automobile industries through its ManufacturingEngineering and Industrial Technology programs.Table 2: Transportation components in ENE & WRM curricula at Central State University Course Transportation-related component(s) – not a complete list Water Transportation Systems Elective Engineering Hydrology Flooding, Culvert Design Introduction Applied Hydraulics Culvert Design Principles Water Model Applications Culvert Design software (Culvert Master) Urban Water Problems Water Quality issues related to land and water transportation Air Quality Engineering Transportation-related Air & Noise issues
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influence class activities and assignments throughout the term.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE-2111052. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. References [1] T. J. Lund and M. Stains, "The importance of context: an exploration of factors influencing the adoption of student-centered teaching among chemistry, biology, and physics faculty," International Journal of STEM Education, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 13, 2015/08/18 2015, doi: 10.1186/s40594-015-0026-8.[2] M. Borrego, J. E. Froyd, and T. S. Hall, "Diffusion of
system(s) that are mimicked and engineering discipline(s) that bio-inspireddesign is used and applied to.STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, art, and math. It is an innovative expansion fromSTEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) that incorporates artistic elements (the study of thehumanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design, new media and more) into STEMeducation [26][27]. Due to artistic elements, engineering students are engaged and motivated when learningengineering subjects. The challenge of STEAM is how to effectively relate engineering subjects to art.2.4 Contribution to LiteratureThis research demonstrates how bioengineering and bio-inspired design can be used to engage students
serves on the ASEE Board of Directors as Zone IV Chair.Anna WolffMr. Patrick Burnett, Whatcom Community College Pat currently teaches engineering at Whatcom Community College after 13 years of teaching in the En- gineering Department at Edmonds Community College, including holding the chair position. He earned an MS in Physics from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois of Urbana-Champaign. Over the past 7 years, Pat has been working with various K-12 organizations to incorporate engineering practices in classrooms as they incorporate Next Genera- tion Science Standards into their curriculum. Pat has served as co-PI on NSF S-STEM and STEP grants. Pat is
documents andoutcomes of the work.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Racial Equityin STEM grant No. 2140696. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.ReferencesAcker, S. (2001). The hidden curriculum of dissertation advising. In E. Margolis (Ed.), Thehidden curriculum in higher education (pp. 61–77). New York: Routledge.Ahearn, L. M. (2001). Language and agency. Annual Review of Anthropology, 30(1), 109–137., W. R., Epps, E. G., Guillory, E. A., Suh, S. A., & Bonous-Hammarth, M. (2000
reviewing and correctingstudent work is that we see students as more likely to do their homework correct the first time ifthey will be asked to make corrections and resubmit. A mostly correct submittal is quicker toreview than one fraught with errors and omissions. The student desire to do less work works tofaculty advantage here, in superior initial submissions. This held true at both mid-term and finalacross the semester(s).The process has not been without its struggles. After several years and multiple courses,consistent issues have emerged. Key among these issues is uniform and class-wide homeworksubmittals in a timely manner, and then in getting the homework revisions in in a timely manner.Initial iterations of the ungraded approach had no
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Distribution Center and as an Operation Manager. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Engineering Management from the Stevens Institute of Technology and a master´s degree in Quality Systems and Productivity from Tecnologico de Monterrey. ˜ Tecnologico de MonterreyJonathan Cuevas-Ortuno, Jonathan Cuevas-Ortu˜no is a full-time professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Tec- nol´ogico de Monterrey. He holds a Ph.D degree in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering from CIATEC (CONACYT Public Research Center) and a master´s degree in Quality Systems and Produc- tivity from Tecnol´ogico de Monterrey. Also, he is Industrial and Systems Engineering from Tecnol´ogico de Monterrey. Since August 2003, he has
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sketch or prototype their designs. To address thisgap, we will include a lecture on prototyping and provide examples of medical device development fromideation to prototype phase. When reflecting on their civic and community engagement, studentsassociated the ability to respond to a cardiac arrest more strongly than their ability to apply design-thinking skills to address community needs. This may indicate a stronger association with medicalprofessionals helping the community. The results from this qualitative analysis will be used to develop asurvey to examine other preconceptions about engineering as well as evaluate the efficacy of the module.References[1] Kotche, M., Felder, A. E., Wilkens, K., & Stirling, S. (2020). Perspectives on
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theNational Science Foundation.References[1] B. N. Geisinger, and D. R. Raman, “Why They Leave: Understanding Student Attrition from Engineering Majors*.” International Journal of Engineering Education. vol. 29. No. 4, pp 914-925, Mar. 2013. Available: [Accessed May 16, 2022][2] S. L. Arena and J. L. Davis, “The Concept-Specific Effects of Cooperative Learning in an Introductory Engineering Mechanics Dynamics Course,” Innovations in Education and Teaching International, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 387–397, Jul. 2021, doi: 10.1080/14703297.2020.1777886.[3] D. A. Amos, C. M. Pittard, and K. E. Snyder, “Active Learning and Student Performance in a Materials and Energy
makerspace trainings and maker-integrated courses. The flexibilityand accessibility afforded by online learning, combined with the tactile nature of usingmakerspace tools to design and create, has created an effective model for blended makerspacelearning at UNC-Chapel Hill.References[1] M. F. Morado, E. M. Ayelén and A. Jarman, "Learning by making: A framework to revisit practices in aconstructionist learning environment," British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 52, (3), pp. 1093-1115,2021. DOI:[2] T. Trust, R. W. Maloy and S. Edwards, "Learning through Making: Emerging and Expanding Designs forCollege Classes," TechTrends, vol. 62, (1), pp. 19-28, 2018. DOI:
speakers to bringin female role models from industry to highlight their innovative and collaborative work in thefield. We will train the CS Frontiers teachers on these materials in summer 2022, before they pilotin virtual summer camps prior to implementing the units in their academic courses.acknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants1949472, 1949492 and 1949488. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References [1] S. Grover and R. Pea, “Computational thinking: A competency whose time has come,” Computer Science Education: Perspectives
transferring. Belonging and Self-efficacy survey data especiallyduring the pandemic will be carefully analyzed and correlated with students’ performance longitudinally.Practices that generated results will be expanded and disseminated for replication.7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-1832553. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The PIespecially acknowledges the late Melissa Mercer-Tachick, President and Lead Consultant of MUSEEducational Consulting. Melissa designed, meticulously administered, and analyzed the survey and
modules for subsequent students to learn by experiments which can beadded as a lab module in upper level classes.ObjectivesThe main objective was to educate the Engineering Technology (ET) undergraduate studentsabout Vibration Analysis and perform relevant research. Shaking Table II, two accelerometers,and data acquisition kit were used to serve this purpose. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the detailsof the equipment and data acquisition kit. The used accelerometer allows the analysis of severalvibration conditions with measurement of RMS or Peak Vibration Readings over wide range offrequencies, measurement of acceleration up to 490 m/sec 2, with sensitivity of 10.2 mV/(m/s²).MethodologyA team of three undergraduate students enrolled in ET494 (the
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