(see Figure 1). The myDAQ platform (an NI USB-6009 upgrade) addsa ±5/±15 V power supply (0.5W), a software-controlled function generator (frequency ≤ 100kHz), a digital multimeter, and two audio I/O jacks. It hosts two analog inputs (16-bit, 200 kS/s),two analog outputs (16-bit, 200 kS/s), and 8 TTL/CMOS digital I/O lines. Drivers and VIs arebased on the NI ELVISmx software11 used with NI ELVIS II12. Available VIs include anoscilloscope, a waveform generator, a digital multimeter, a power supply, a digital I/O interface,and a frequency-domain Bode analyzer. Page 25.892.3 Figure 1. National Instruments myDAQ® personal instrumentation
, C. E., Ferguson, J., & Cryer, J., (2009). The influence of apprenticeships of observation on STEM recitation instructors’ practices and epistemological flexibility. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), April, 2009, San Diego, CA. 8. Kirby, J.R., Knapper, C., Lamon, P., & Egnatoff, W.J., (2010). Development of a scale to measure lifelong learning, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 29,(3), 291-302. 9. Deakin-Cric, R., Broadfoot, P., & Claxton, G. (2004). Developing an effective lifelong learning inventory: the ELLI project. Assessment in Education, 11(3), 247-272. 10. Wielkiewicz, R. M., & Sinner, A. S., (2010). A Life-Long
price of a textbook, is available at any timeand any place; students and instructors have a portable lab at their fingertips through which“constructionist learning” is again possible. With a good start provided by interested anddedicated teachers, student accomplishments are limited only by their imagination. Since theMobile Studio provides a portable lab facility, students can apply the tools they use in theclassroom in their personal projects. The most obvious examples involve tinkering with cars(e.g., finding security system workarounds for someone building a car from an early 90’s GMdrivetrain) and robotics (e.g., adding a real electrical engineering component to a project for arobotics competition). Less obvious are the kinds of student
responsible for keeping track of units. As can be seen in Figure 2,the object domain is in the unit of inches. Note the Papervision3D library was used for 3Drendering purposes. As a result, all 3D rendering is done in a left-handed coordinate system as isdefault in the Papervision3D library15.2. Selecting boundary and loading conditionsOnce the geometry is loaded, the user is able to select any faces which are fixed and any faceswhich have a uniform pressure applied to them. Fixed faces are fixed in all three directionsincluding all nodes on the selected face(s). Faces selected to have no displacement will behighlighted in red. The user is able to select multiple faces which are fixed or which are loaded.Loads are applied as a uniform pressure to
Page 25.517.5responsibility and that success or failure is the work of the leader. Students, not in the leaderrole, seem likely to shun accepting responsibilities and particularly lack a feeling ofresponsibility for failures.Leadership Differentiated. At this stage, engineering students are able to differentiate their viewand recognize leadership being non-positional, and “as-needed”. Leadership is starting to berecognized as a process. Those in positional roles engage in shared, participative leadership.Their responsibilities shift from making things happen to facilitator and community builderwithin their group(s). In so doing, students recognize that that leadership can be demonstrated byanyone in the group. Students not in positional roles
distresses are unique and complicated. Thus, there is no ideal procedure to identify orevaluate concrete distresses. In contrast to some sophomore and junior level courses which focuson fundamentals of materials, this class uses the PBL approach in addition to lectures, andthereby enables students to confront open-ended workplace problems. To promote criticalthinking through the course of the whole class, the instructor emphasized the point that inaddition to being aware of the options in the “Tool Box”, it is equally (if not more) important tobe cognizant of what “Tool(s)” to use. As there are various equipment or approaches that can beused to evaluate concrete distresses or to repair or strengthen existing concrete structures, inorder to promote
elements in the N-gram occur together.First we consider Dice’s coefficient, which is defined only for bigrams. Consider two sets ofbigrams: the set of bigrams in which a particular problem number, p1 , is the first element Page 25.305.9of each bigram and another set of bigrams in which some other problem number, p2 , is thesecond element of each bigram. Dice’s coefficient provides a measure of “similarity” forthese two sets, computed as: 2|X ∪ Y | S= (1) |X| + |Y |Here, |X| is the
and Mathematics: Upping the Numbers, R. J. Burke and M. C. Mattis, Eds., ed Northhampton: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2007, pp. 3-27.5. R. P. Ondracek and D. Leslie-Pelecky, "Science Works: A university-based science outreach group," in ASEE Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., 1999.6. W. S. Swail and L. W. Perna, "Pre-College Outreach Program," in Increasing Access to College: Extending Possibilities, W. G. Tierney and L. S. Hagedorn, Eds., ed Albany: State University of New York, 2002, pp. 15-29.7. L. D. English, et al., "Middle school students' perceptions of engineering," in STEM in Education Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Qld., 2011.8. A. T. Jeffers, et al
International Science andEngineering demonstration project to ascertain the merit of such an overseas study opportunityfor A.S. degree students. This paper summarizes the construction of two programs, one inSpain and the other in Germany, with a focus on the lessons learned and faculty identifieddifferences between in the United States community college technical education system and itscounterpart in these two European countries. The paper outlines the curriculum developmentrational and its resultant course of study the A. S. degree seeking students will experience duringtheir time in these two countries in 2012. Finally, the recruitment strategies to attract bothtraditional and non-traditional students into this program will be discussed. It is
general model for developinginterdisciplinary STEM curricula at PUIs. Assessment plan to measure students understandingand knowledge is clearly laid out viewing on student learning objectives (SLO) through bothformative and summative evaluations. Page 25.460.10References: 1. De Welde, K. Kristine , Laursen, S. and Thiry, H. (2007). Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), Fact Sheet: Women in STEM published by Sociologists for Women in Society, an international organization of sociologists and social scientists who work together to improve the position of women in sociology, and in society
assessment, to evaluate their corresponding Global Learning outcome, the appropriateECE program outcome and ABET objective(s). 1. Global Engagement (a) Contemporary issues and the impact of electrical engineering on global society: En- gineering Design (required course). Students present a slideshow as a group on team- Page 25.486.4 selected contemporary ethical topics in electrical engineering. Current assessment ef- forts in this course evaluate regional ethical concerns, with no mention on global ethics. (b) Historical perspective and biographical information on inventors and scientists: pre
Skills for Engineers, Vol. 88, No. 8, August 2000. 3. Chin, C. O.,Gaynier, L. P. (2006), Global Leadership Competence: A Cultural Intelligence Perspective, 2006 Midwest Business Administration Association conference. 4. Pulko, S.H., Parikh, S. (2003), Teaching ‘soft’ skills to engineers, International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 40(4). 5. Global Communities (2011), The University of Maryland’s Premier Global Engagement Living & Learning Program, Retrieved on December 27, 2011 from: http://www.globalcommunities.umd.edu/BrochureGlobalCommunities.pdf 6. Levine, M.H. (2005), The World into Our Classrooms: A New Vision for 31st Century Education, April 2005. 7. Committee for Economic Development
(Eds.) Handbook of research design in mathematics and science education (pp. 591-645). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.2. Diefes-Dux. H. A, Hjalmarson, M., Miller, T., & Lesh, R. (2008). Chapter 2: Model-Eliciting Activities for engineering education. In J. S. Zawojewski, H. A. Diefes-Dux, & K. J. Bowman (Eds.) Models and modeling in Engineering Education: Designing experiences for all students. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.3. Salim, A. & Diefes-Dux, H. A. (2009). Problem identification during Model-Eliciting Activities: characterization of first-year students’ responses. Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium, Palm Cove, QLD, Australia.4. Fry, A., Cardella, M
strays far from the minds of this cohort.From an employer’s perspective, hiring senior retired workers can be a financial windfall, in thatmany of this cohort are receiving income from other sources, including Social Security, pensionsand a lifetime of savings. Additionally, this cohort may already have medical coverage fromprevious employment or through Medicare. In these scenarios, this cohort demands less and willcost less to employ than their non-retired younger counterparts.As we chronologically mature, as humans we tend to go through somewhat predictable patterns.In our 30’s, we generally are collecting those material items we perceive to be required orwanted. Our 40’s may prove to be transitional years as our children frequently grow
Education," Technology Review, MIT, October 1987.[2] Weaver, W. W., Anderson, C. L., Naber, J. D., Keith, J. M., Worm, J. J., Beard, J. E., Chen, B. "An Interdisciplinary Program for Education and Outreach in Hybrid and Electric Drive Vehicle Engineering at Michigan Technological University", 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference,[3] Naber, J. D., Worm, J. J., Allen, J., Anderson, C. L., Beard, J. E., Burl, J. B., Keith, J. M., Hackney, S. A., Weaver, W. W., Woychowski, T., Smith, R. (2010). "Curriculum and Delivery in Engineering for Hybrid Electric Drive Vehicles, Meeting the Needs of the Automotive Industry for New Engineering Talent and Retraining", Ed. Naber, J. D., Worm, J. J., Society of Automotive
EngineeringColleges. Page 25.122.7To try to understand today’s state of engineering education in the Region, it is important to cometo grip with the challenge that the Region’s pre-university educational systems are facing today.Pre-University Education in the Gulf Region: The most significant change in the pre-universitysystems occurred in the decades of the 70’s and 80’s, as a direct result of the substantial wealthderived from oil revenues, which have found its way to the Region. Public schools, in particular,were substantially and positively impacted by the increase in revenues. The major improvementsrealized, as a consequence of increased funding, have
. MQP Presentation Evaluations: In April every year all graduating students present their MQPs to their departments and the public. The RBE faculty evaluates every presentation using a standard form. The resulting data are mostly used to evaluate presentation skills. Advisor's Evaluation of MQP: Every MQP has a faculty advisor who provides an evaluation of every completed MQP. The resulting data are used to provide a view of how well MQPs are supporting outcomes. Page 25.215.5The specifics of the assessment process can be highlighted using an approach that is two-fold.First, the faculty advisor(s) of a
, and test reviews. The course instructor, with help of a graduate assistant, developed this content over an eighteen-month period. The course instructor developed this content using various combinations of software to test the quality of the finish product and software capabilities. Table 2 – Course Multimedia Applications Course Application Software(s) Utilized Result(s)Online Lectures Panopto Link to streaming audio/video file MS Expression 3 Link to pdf file of presentation slides CamstudioPre-lab Prep Panopto Link to streaming audio/video file
Displays on Information Recall,” The Journal of Experimental Education, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 293-308, 2000.[10] J. D. Novak and D. B. Gowin, Learning how to learn. Cambridge University Press, 1984.[11] D. J. Martin, “Concept mapping as an AID to lesson planning: A longitudinal study,” Journal of Elementary Page 25.1365.12 Science Education, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 11-30, Oct. 1994.[12] K.-E. Chang, Y.-T. Sung, and S.-K. Chiou, “Use of Hierarchical Hyper Concept Map in Web-Based Courses,” Journal of Educational Computing Research, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 335-353, Feb. 2003.[13] J. W. Coffey, “LEO: A Concept Map Based Course
Partnership for Technical Communication, in Writing Across the Curriculum2006: Clemson, SC.9. Kampe, S.L., et al., Leveraging the “Traditional” MSE Degree with an Intensive Communications-across-the-Curriculum Program, in What Makes an Good Materials Engineer and How Best to Educate Them – Best Practices, Materials Science and Technology 2005 Conference and Exhibition2005: Pittsburgh, PA.10. Pembridge, J.J. and M.C. Paretti. The Current State of Capstone Design Pedagogy. in American Society in Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exhibition. 2010. Page 25.1394.11 Louisville, KY.11. Howe, S., Where are
, contrast sensitivity, and motionperception.The driving simulator10 at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) istypically used to analyze driver behavior under different roadway conditions. Figure 1 shows thedriving simulator, which uses three LCD projectors, each having 3,000 lumens and controlled bya PC. Page 25.1408.3 The driving cabin is instrumented with optical encoders for measuring the input of the steering
of practice. Information and events thatare pertinent to the broader NC State K12 STEM community is also being shared via an emaillistserv that was created and is currently maintained by the MISO Project Coordinator.Over the course of the summer and fall, nine NCSU K-12 STEM outreach programs officiallybecame “pilot project partners.” They signed a Memo of Understanding, committing to piloting Page 25.1414.3either the teacher or student survey. They were: • New Literacies Collaborative Teacher Leader Institute • Kenan Fellows Program for Leadership and Curriculum Development • Imhotep Academy • Sustained STEM Support (S – cubed
of technological innovation in architecture,engineering, and construction education: integrating recent trends into the curricula, Journal of InformationTechnology in Construction (ITcon), Vol. 16, pg. 411-432, http://www.itcon.org/2011/24[5] Eastman, C., Teicholz, P., Sacks, R., Liston, K. (2008). BIM Handbook, Wiley & Sons[6] Bazjanac, V. (2008). IFC BIM-based methodology for semiautomatic building energy performance simulation.In L. Rischmoller (ed.), CIB W78, Proc. 25th conf., Improving the management of construction projects through ITadoption, Santiago, CL: 292-299. Universidad de Talca. ISBN 978-956-319-361-9.[7] Azhar, S., Brown, J., and Farooqui, R., “BIM-based Sustainability Analysis: An Evaluation of BuildingPerformance
institution, an economic status variable, and the interaction of the two. Thisallows us to determine how much more variance is explained by including the economic statusvariable.Raudenbush and Bryk assert the importance of using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), ormultilevel modeling (MLM), in education research, especially when using variables that areaggregated at a higher level than the outcome variable(s) 18. In our case, six-year graduation is astudent level outcome while PES and DES are variables that are aggregated at the school anddistrict levels, respectively. MLM takes into account the interrelatedness of variables at multiplelevels, which violates the assumption of independence in ordinary least squares (OLS) regression19 . While MLM
by S. Brown and A. Glasner, 1999 (Society for Research into Higher Education/Open University Press: Buckingham). 7. Goodman, C. Cunningham, C. Lachapelle, M. Thompson, K. Bittinger, R. Brennan, and M. Delci. FINAL REPORT OF THE WOMEN’S EXPERIENCES INCOLLEGE ENGINEERING (WECE)PROJECT. April 2002. http://www.grginc.com/WECE_FINAL_REPORT.pdf 8. G. Lichtenstein, H. Loshbaugh, B. Claar, B. Chen, S. Sheppard, and K. Jackson, An engineering major does not (necessarily) an engineer make: career decision-making among undergraduate engineers, Journal of Engineering Education, 2009. 9. L. O’Moore and T. Baldock. Peer Assessment Learning Sessions (PALS): an innovative feedback technique for
successfulprogram has provided evidence that these elements should likely be part of any successful STEMeducation program targeting middle and high school students.Bibliography Page 25.1056.111. Harris, T.R. and Brophy, S.P., “Challenge-based instruction in biomedical engineering: A scalable method toincrease the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching and learning in biomedical engineering”, Medical Engineering& Physics, 27, pp. 617-624 (2005).2. Klein, S.S. and Harris, A.H., “A User's Guide to the Legacy Cycle”, Journal of Education and HumanDevelopment, 1 (1), 2007.3. Fuentes, A. A., Crown, S., Freeman, R., Vasquez, H., Villalobos, C
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that are present in a number of core educationtheories. The observations of student gaps and repair/remediation issues are the everyday, reallife exemplars of what happens when there is a mismatch between principles of theory andpractice. The learning cycles approach, first articulated in the late 1950’s and 1960’s by RobertKarplus and J. Myron Atkin (physics/elementary science education) and independently Page 25.1160.3developed by Chester Lawson (biology education) (Lawson, 1989), is one of these corephilosophies which informs this research. Karplus and Atkin based their Learning Cyclesapproach on observation and Piaget’s work on
by contributing to ongoing faculty research projects or pursuing anindependent research topic. More than 555 participants have completed the USRG program sincethe summer of 2000.The objectives of the program are to: 1) provide immersive research experience(s) forengineering undergraduates; 2) increase participant’s interest in pursuing graduate studies withan emphasis on the Ph.D. program; 3) increase participant’s awareness of the graduate schoolexperience; 4) provide an outlet to enhance participant’s writing and communications skills; 5)increase participant’s understanding of the graduate school application process for admissionsand fellowships; and subsequently, 6) position participants to be more competitive for graduateadmissions and