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Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrienne Decker, University at Buffalo; Briana Morrison, University of Nebraska Omaha; Lauren Elizabeth Margulieux, Georgia State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
subgoal label tasks that isrepresentative of the topics that are commonly taught in introductory courses. Throughexperience in teaching introductory programming along with reviewing several best-sellingtextbooks, we determined this list to be:  Assignment  Selection  Repetition (both definite and indefinite)  Procedure / method writing and invocation (parameter passing)  Object usage and class implementation (for object-oriented courses)  Array processingNext, we used the Task Analysis by Problem Solving (TAPS) protocol developed byCatrambone to identify the subgoals of the procedures [12]. Figure 1 lists the subgoal labels thatwere developed. Following identification, worked examples and practice
Conference Session
International Graduate Students
2002 Annual Conference
Julie Jessop
guidelines to assist them in resolving issues they may encounter.An integral part of these exercises is the feedback the students receive, which dictates how theywill proceed on subsequent assignments. All feedback is delivered in a constructive manner,emphasizing the strengths of their work as well as recommending areas for improvement. Inaddition to the instructor, a panel of two to three faculty members (including the student’sadvisor) reviews the literature reviews and proposals. The class and a second faculty panelcritique the oral presentations. Peer review of writing in progress is also used to help thestudents prepare their manuscripts before submission. Finally, the presentation videotape andwriting portfolio draw the students themselves
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Renee M Clark, University of Pittsburgh; Matthew Allan Moss, University of South Florida; Autar Kaw, University of South Florida; Rasim Guldiken, University of South Florida
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
“surroundings” in an engineeringclassroom. We posed an open-ended reflection question to engineering undergraduates at a largeUS university about their classroom surroundings and its impact on their learning andcomprehension. The reflection prompt defined surroundings as the “conditions and objects thatsurround you.” This reflection question was part of an NSF-funded study on the use of weeklyreflection in a flipped fluid mechanics course to drive metacognitive development and lifelonglearning skills. During class, students were encouraged to collaborate with their peers duringproblem solving to achieve collective understanding and interact with the instructor. Based on aninductive, emergent content analysis of the reflection data with two analysts, we
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Renee M Clark, University of Pittsburgh; Autar Kaw, University of South Florida; Rasim Guldiken, University of South Florida
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
university about their classroom surroundings and its impact on their learning andcomprehension. The reflection prompt defined surroundings as the “conditions and objects thatsurround you.” This reflection question was part of an NSF-funded study on the use of weeklyreflection in a flipped fluid mechanics course to drive metacognitive development and lifelonglearning skills. During class, students were encouraged to collaborate with their peers duringproblem solving to achieve collective understanding and interact with the instructor. Based on aninductive, emergent content analysis of the reflection data with two analysts, we obtained anunexpected result. Specifically, the most-frequently mentioned positive classroom “surroundings”was “peers” (46
Conference Session
Trends and Applications in Curricula and the Capstone Experience
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tonya Lynn Nilsson P.E., Santa Clara University; Kevin D. Hall, University of Arkansas; Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
culminating designexperience. Associated questions include:  Do most schools use rubrics for assessment? Are peer and industry assessments likely to have a greater weight in the overall student grade if rubrics are used?  Does the design team size affect content taught and/or assessed in the course?  What does it mean to “involve” an industry mentor? Does the use of industry mentors influence the project types, assessment, grading practices, or use of rubrics?  Does the school type: Ph.D. granting, Undergraduate and Masters (UM), or Undergraduate Only (UO), affect the design experience?Rubrics and Project AssessmentRubrics have become a common tool in assessment3 and much has been covered
2000 Annual Conference
Steven Mickelson
the AE curriculum.These options included Biosystems Engineering, Food and Process Engineering, Power andMachinery Engineering, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, and Structures andEnvironmental Systems Engineering. In all, nine different faculty developed ten labs.Intertwined with the hands-on laboratories was plant trips to local engineering companies, careerguidance, community building, peer mentoring, faculty mentoring, report writing, portfoliodevelopment, and registration guidance. Two sections of the new AE 110 were offered in the Page 5.530.2spring of 1999 and one section was offered in the fall of 1999. Each section allowed
Conference Session
Creative and Cross-disciplinary Methods Part I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig J. Gunn, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
in the factthat engineers were never intended to be creative or in any way able to write anything thatbordered on the creative arts. Over these past years, the College of Engineering at MichiganState University has endeavored to open up the flood gates and let the creative juices flow. Tenyears have passed and many of the naysayers have slipped away into the shadows, mumblingabout their distrust of “soft skills” but unable to completely disregard the quality and quantity ofthe creative works that have been produced by every level of engineer: student, faculty, and staff(and now elementary, middle, and high school students).IntroductionA poetry forum was created eleven years ago to simply provide a place where engineeringstudents could
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yue Bi, University of Virginia; Reid Bailey, University of Virginia; Michael C. Smith, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
―enhancement of student learning by means of reflection, analysis, anddiplomatic criticism‖. Other benefits include the increased amount of more immediatefeedback12 and the potential of extending learning to a public domain13. More recently, online peer review has become popular. DiGiovanni and Nagaswami14conducted a study on online peer review in two English-as-Second-Language classes andobserved that ―when our students were online, they remained on task and focused‖.According to DiGiovanni and Nagaswami, other advantages, compared to face-to-face peerreview, include closer monitoring of student interaction and independence on students’memory to revise draft based on peer feedback. Effects are not only seen in writing classes;Tseng and Tsai15, in
Conference Session
Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Teresa L. Larkin, American University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
student writing as a learning and assessment tool in her introductory physics courses for non-majors. She has been an active member of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) for over 25 years. Dr. Larkin served on the Board of Directors for ASEE from 1997-1999 as Chair of Professional Interest Council (PIC) III and as Vice President of PICs. Dr. Larkin has received numerous national and international awards including the ASEE Distinguished Educator and Service Award from the Physics and Engineering Physics Division in 1998. Dr. Larkin received the Outstanding Teaching in the General Education Award from AU in 2000. In 2000 – 2001 she served as a
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Julie Sharp, Vanderbilt University
peers also evaluate the presentations inclass. Using a checklist to rate presentation skills and write comments, students evaluate thespeakers and give them the checklists. It is gratifying to see speakers pore over these and evenmore gratifying when peer evaluators make the same comments as the instructor.Teamwork Training with the Kolb Learning Style Inventory. Working in teams in theengineering classroom and laboratory is a topic explored in engineering education papers,especially in the last ten years.27 One activity I have used for years is teamwork training with theKolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI). Teaching students how learning styles affect teaminteraction and even leadership styles can help students improve their team's performance
Conference Session
Division Experimentation and Lab-Oriented Studies - Pedagogy of Lab Courses
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arash Mahboobin, University of Pittsburgh; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, CA: John Wiley &Sons pp.120, 231, 247, 261Fulwiler, T. (1987a). The Journal Book. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers, 45-46Fulwiler, T. (1987b). Teaching with Writing. Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton/Cook Publishers,37-44Gragson, D. & Hagen, J. (2010). Developing Technical Writing Skills in the Physical ChemistryLaboratory: A Progressive Approach Employing Peer Review. Journal of Chemical Education,87(1), 62-65Neuendorf, K. (2002). The Content Analysis Guidebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage PublicationsNorusis, M. (2005). SPSS 14.0 statistical procedures companion. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall, 152, 183Olds, B. (1994). Using Draft Reviews to Improve Writing and Thinking in Engineering Classes.Proceeding of the Frontiers in
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 3: Online Learning and the Impact of COVID-19
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna Holcomb, Georgia Institute of Technology; Joy Harris
, thenecessity for active learning is prioritized in the course design. Essential skills cannot beobtained through lecture— capacity in presenting, pitching, interviewing, and writing must bedeveloped through iterative practice. The 2:1 studio mode affords more time in class forstructured workshops, establishing a safe and collegial environment where failure is encouragedas a steppingstone in the students’ progress.Collaborative LearningA secondary, but vitally important objective of the course is to establish a community of peerswithin the School. To facilitate collaboration and relationship building, students often work inpairs and groups during in-class activities and select assignments. Networking is furtherreinforced in standing small groups
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5B: Work-In-Progress: 5 Minute Postcard Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hyun J. Kwon, Andrews University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
. Visual communicationbecame enhanced by 60%; however, writing skill and technical depth decreased by 24%.According to survey results, students favored web publication over conventional term report by92% and felt that it is an effective way to deliver their projects. The results indicate that webpublication could be an exciting and effective way to develop communication skills for thedigital generation. Students still need training in the art and skill of technical writing.Introduction:As we transition from an industrial to digital age, engineering communication must also face thechallenges due to the proliferating use of the internet [1]. The internet provides many types ofcommunication opportunities. Technical communication is evolving because
2024 South East Section Meeting
Larisa Olesova, University of Florida; Ayesha Sadaf, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Ioulia Rytikova, George Mason University; Mihai Boicu, George Mason University; Harry J Foxwell, George Mason University
STEM and non-STEM graduate students when they participated in inquiry-based learning, such as peer reviewactivities and case-based learning. Two hundred and twenty-four graduate students from threeuniversities in the USA participated in the study where STEM graduate students were fromengineering and non-STEM graduate students were from Education. Data were collected througha shared metacognition questionnaire online survey. The results revealed that both STEM andnon-STEM students had high perception of metacognition when they participated in the inquiry-based courses. Additionally, while STEM students considered the value of peer feedback toparticipate in the research-based activities, non-STEM students attended to the ideas of othersduring
Conference Session
Distance Education and Engineering Workforce Professional Development
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cyrus Habibi P.E., Minnesota State University, Mankato; Tina alaei; Andrew Lillesve, IRE
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
related to theirprojects. They must submit a summary of the discussion. They are also obligated to perform atleast 15 hours per semester professional volunteer work for the community. Another requirementis the submission of personal improvement/evaluation assignment; the IRE students must write areflection on their strengths and weaknesses with the help of other team members and thefaculty.Outcome G: an ability to communicate effectivelyThe IRE students must present their projects at least four times per semester; each of theirpresentations are evaluated and given proper feedback from both peers and faculty. Additionally,they must write and submit a number of technical reports and documents regarding their projects.All these documents are
1997 Annual Conference
Ted G. Eschenbach; Robert Madigan; Patricia Linton; Catherine Frank
;5For example, the MLA and the American Psychological Association (APA) styles are distinct, andthose styles are echoed throughout the literature of their respective disciplines. Students or facultywho have not mastered the appropriate style may find that their work is judged more harshly by theirteachers or peers. Strongly technical disciplines such as chemistry and mechanical engineering placerelatively less emphasis on writing and their style guides are less widely distributed. Nevertheless,violations of a journal’s or a proceedings’ style clearly affect a paper’s substantive credibility.Moreover, the potentially disparate technical styles are brought together in engineering management(EM), which does emphasize writing and which brings
Conference Session
Recruiting/Retention Lower Division
2004 Annual Conference
Chih-Ping Yeh
, who are excellent writers, are selected by faculty to help other students by reviewing their written work. These peer tutors receive specialized training by the Learning Assistance Center. There are currently over 26 Writing Fellows on campus. Writing Fellows are also available on-line. • Provide Students with Support and Assistance to Secure Financial Aid: Schoolcraft College received an endowment for scholarships to support academically and economically disadvantaged students from the Thompson-McCully Foundation. WSU also has Presidential Scholarships and Tech Scholars will be encouraged to apply. Often students would not visit with financial aid advisors, particularly, if they had failed to file the federal
Conference Session
Potpourri of First-Year Issues
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rod Paton, University of Auckland; Chris Smaill, University of Auckland; Gerard Rowe, University of Auckland
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
Page 15.587.9this context, the theme that emerged was the use of both self- and peer-assessment in group-work projects and assignments. One important initiative here was the implementation in 2009of peer-assessment exercises. These were conducted fortnightly in tutorials. Prior to “peer-marking tutorials”, students were asked to write solutions to specified questions. At the startof the tutorial these solutions were collected by the tutor who re-distributed them amongst thestudents. A detailed marking scheme was then displayed and the tutor guided the studentsthrough it as they marked the work of one of their peers. The markers were required to awardmarks, write short explanatory notes where marks had been lost, and also write their name
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maureen Tang, Drexel University; Tamara Galoyan Galoyan; Shannon Capps
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED)
all students (372/414) Sophomore/ Winter Preventative; Mandatory for 96% (23/24) junior mass Peer 2023 midterm, final review all students 79% (19/24) transferStudents generally responded positively to the remedial assignment. Most scanned (new) hand-written solutions and recorded audio while screen sharing a pdf on Zoom. A few studentsanimated equations onto PowerPoint, recorded live equation-writing with tablets or filmedthemselves writing on paper. Very few students appeared on camera. Generally, problems werecompleted and explained
Conference Session
Mobile Devices and Apps
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andreas Karatsolis, MIT; Suguru Ishizaki, Carnegie Mellon University; Marsha C. Lovett, Carnegie Mellon University; Mollie Kaufer, Carnegie Mellon University; Stacie L. Rohrbach, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
teachingcommunication are geared towards small class sizes and are difficult to adjust for large groups ofstudents. Directly scaling this approach would require a large number of qualified instructors—i.e., to support and assess students' communication activities—at a significant cost. Someresearchers have addressed these problems by developing online writing centers, resources andtutorials for communication skills4-7 .Online peer tutoring has also been suggested as a potentialapproach8. However, these efforts are still new and further investigations are necessary.Despite the increasing efforts, a large scale survey by Reave9 found that there is still a “large gapbetween the workplace needs and graduating engineers’ communication skills.” Based onReave’s work
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Research and Spatial Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cassondra Wallwey, Ohio State University; Tara Gupte Wilson, Ohio State University; Alexander James Egyed, Ohio State University; Olivia Vick, Ohio State University; Michael Parke, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
to explore nanotechnology they can incorporate into their designprojects, and develops fundamental technical communication skills. Students are responsible foridentifying reliable scientific literature, reading and understanding the technical language used,and presenting it in a way their fellow peers will understand. This requires the ability tocomprehend technical writing and also consider their audience when presenting the information.Students must have a strong, working understanding of the content so that they are able to clearlyexplain ideas and answer questions from peers and instructors.Assignment 3: Laboratory Data CollectionThree labs take place over the course of the eight-week project timeline. The first of the threelabs spans
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Naomi C. Chesler, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Dante Fratta, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Elizabeth C Harris, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Wayne P. Pferdehirt, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Heidi-Lynn Ploeg, Queens University at Kingston; Barry D. Van Veen, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
course design and/or revision.2) The instructor completes a self-assessment and writes a brief, reflective narrative explaining their rationale for the practices implemented in their course.3) The evaluator and instructor schedule at least one classroom observation.4) The instructor provides the evaluator with the narrative and access to their course materials at least two weeks prior to the classroom observation. The instructor may request a meeting with the evaluator to provide additional explanation prior to any classroom observation.5) The evaluator assesses the provided materials and classroom instruction using the Peer Evaluation Guide.6) The evaluator meets with the instructor to provide informal feedback, taking the opportunity
2023 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Calvin Cuddy; Jessica Deters
Online Resources Supplemental Instruction Peer-assisted Labs Homework HelpStudy Groups Writing Assignments Recitation Course Material Comparison”. Some topics maynot be fully represented, as this review is not intended to be fully comprehensive but rather toprovide an overview of different intervention styles and their effectiveness. Articles wereselected for inclusion based on their relevance to the research question.General FindingsOverall, there are many effective ways to improve student success/outcomes in statics. Throughthis literature review, we found that there is no “perfect” solution, and that students and faculty atdifferent institutions respond differently to different interventions. Therefore, an idealintervention would involve
Conference Session
Making, Hacking, and Extracurricular Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Victoria Bill, New York University, Tandon School of Engineering; Anne-Laure Fayard, New York University, Tandon School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Innovation at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, and is affiliated with the Department of Management and Organizations at NYU Stern Business School. Her research interests involve commu- nication, collaboration, culture and space, with a focus on interactions, particularly those between people and technology. Her work has been published in several leading journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Information System Research, Organization Science and Organization Studies. She is also the co-author of a book on The Power of Writing in Organizations. She holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from the Ecole des Hautes-Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), an M. Phil. in Cognitive Science from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrienne Steele, Louisiana State University; Warren N. Waggenspack Jr., Louisiana State University; Charles Algeo Wilson IV, Louisiana State University; Laura Ikuma, Louisiana State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
given the opportunity to attend and present at national conferences, such theAmerican Society for Engineering Education, and they assist with writing the research papers forthese conferences1, 4, 6. The Society of Peer Mentors has also recently implemented a “PeerMentor of the Month” spotlight award to recognize the students who are working hard behind thescenes.References1. King, S., Fadrigalan, S., Steele, A., Dann, S., & Waggenspack Jr., W.N. (2014). Utilizing a Student Organization to Create a Self-Sustaining Mentorship Program in Engineering. Proceedings from the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, IN.2. DiSC Assessment & DiSC Test: Explained. (2015, February 1). Retrieved February 1, 2015, from
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 4
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mary Kay Camarillo P.E., University of the Pacific; Eileen Kogl Camfield, University of California at Merced
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
experiences with peers asa major contributor to their dissatisfaction with engineering. Many of these negative experiencesoccur in team projects that are ubiquitous in engineering programs. In the absence of intentionalinstruction on teamwork and effective collaboration methods, students—especially women—struggle and have negative experiences that stymie the self-efficacy and confidence-building thatshould occur during the senior year. The objective of this paper is to highlight key issues withengineering capstone projects and to identify best practices that result in better outcomes forwomen. This work evolved from the first author’s experience in teaching the civil engineeringcapstone course and from participating in a “Writing in the Disciplines
Conference Session
Work-In-Progress Postcard Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitchell William Buccalo, Bucknell University; Elif Miskioglu, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
benefits of dedicated technical communication training for chemical engineers as abasis for better understanding TC training as a whole.BackgroundAs mentioned, this need to educate engineering students in the written, oral, and interpersonalcommunication skills necessary for career success is manifested differently across manyengineering departments [2]. While some programs provide communication training distributedacross many courses (such as writing or speaking assignments in core technical courses), othershave developed specific Technical Communications (TC) courses targeted for engineers.Dedicated TC courses are at times coupled closely with either a technical course or a capstonedesign course. Other dedicated TC courses in engineering
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - GIFTS
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Ohanian Perez, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Paul Hottinger, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
support general education outcomes and support ABETguidelines in the first year. As the unit progressed it became a way to support those students whowere considered not college ready in English and give a connection to the field for students whowould not have engineering coursework for at least one year. In its current form, this curricularunit provides support for different forms of writing, information literacy (IL), research, andconnects students to their chosen field, the campus and individual instructors throughout thecollege of engineering.This curricular unit consists of five sessions with the embedded engineering librarian and threestand-alone class sessions with the instructor to provide students an opportunity to completevarious forms
2001 Annual Conference
Michael Barker; Mark Virkler; Kristen Sanford Bernhardt
, parents, and alumni;peer visit evaluations; self-assessments; and department chair evaluations. However, the mostcommon second method used appears to be peer visit evaluations. Usually, this peer reviewconsists of a faculty member from the same department visiting a class, perhaps with priorconsultation with the teacher of the class, and subsequently writing a letter for the dossiersummarizing his or her impressions.The faculty in our department had concerns with the peer visit evaluation method and with thelack of standardized procedures. Anecdotal evidence suggests that faculty members oftenpostponed initiating teaching evaluation procedures until very close to when the dossier was due.As a result, peer classroom visits were often arranged at
Conference Session
Best Methods for NEEs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carmine C. Balascio P.E., University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
, the candidate's accessto the Sakai eDossier project is disabled.Read and write access is granted to the chair of the department P&T committee. By this time,external peer reviewers should have been recruited. Any other materials to which the candidatemust not have access for the purpose of maintaining confidentiality have been or are in theprocess of being collected by the department P&T committee. These confidential materials caninclude items such as peer reviews of teaching, internal letters of recommendation, and letters ofrecommendation from randomly selected former students. The chair of the department P&T Page