that the students could see the failings of iLabs more clearly after a year.Moreover, students mentioned that they could not actually “see” the system being tested, as therewas a schematic interface. A recall test was also administered a year after, where students wereasked to recall the laboratory procedures. The students were randomly assigned to two groups.One group was asked to reflect back on the traditional laboratories, while the other was asked toreflect back on iLabs. No difference in test scores was found between the two groups, andtherefore it was concluded that iLabs are as effective, or ineffective, as traditional laboratories[32].3.1.3 Examples of virtual labsVirtual laboratories have been developed for many engineering
upon graduation reflect this emphasis.Respondents expected most or all graduates to be able to: identify and assess safety risks (88%);communicate the importance of safety to a broader audience (80%); identify and implementregulatory safety requirements (71%); develop a safety plan (66%); implement a safety plan(63%); and assess the effectiveness of safety measures (59%). These skillsets map back tocompetencies outlined in the ARTBA certification exam blueprint and reveal that some topicsgain more emphasis at the degree level than others.The authors utilize survey results to develop recommendations on how professional certificationsin general can be used by education providers as “industry benchmarks” to drive curriculumdevelopment. In
. 1 compares the overall (over the four topics included in the experiment) average percentagescore of the control and experimental groups. As seen from the figure, the experimental (KACIE)group average was 10 points higher than that of the control group (59 compared to 49 percent).To verify that this difference is a reliable, the t-test was performed assuming two-taileddistribution with unequal variance samples. The p-value was found to be 0.002 which is less thanthe typical alpha threshold of 0.05 indicating that the difference is reflective of the impact of theKACIE intervention. For additional insight the averages for each individual topic werecompared in the same figure. With a difference of 26 and 18 percentage points for the
, instilling curiosity, connections, and creating value in the students.What results is a mindset and skillset which prepares Baylor students to be competitive in theworkplace. Making our students more aware of what will be faced in industry was a motivationto modify this course project to reflect the company setting when designing a lightweight utilityfighter. The ICE Workshop was a three day, hands-on workshop addressing active and collaboratelearning (ACL) as well as problem/project based learning (PBL) [2]. The workshop, run byLawrence Technological University and sponsored by KEEN, helped faculty understand thefundamental pedagogical techniques of EML, ACL and PBL. Faculty attending the workshop: Experience firsthand examples of EML
for that question (100% wouldmean a student selected only the correct boxes and none of the incorrect boxes), as well as thescores for the individual elements of a question (the percentage of students identifying one of theoptions as correct response, or not selecting an incorrect response). Few students were able to getall elements correct as reflected in the overall score, whereas certain elements were easilyidentified as the correct response.Table 1. Pre- and Post-Assessment Scores Question Pre-assessment percent correct Post-assessment percent correct Which of the following are examples 73% 83% of life cycle thinking? Which
working in industry she completed a Ph.D. is in Interdisciplinary Engineering with a specific focus on engineering education from Texas A&M University. Her research areas of focus are faculty perspectives and growth through curriculum design and redesign, interdisciplinary teaching and learning, reflective eportfolios and professional development of graduate students related to teaching.Dr. Raymundo Arr´oyave, Texas A&M University Dr. Arroyave is a Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. He received his Ph. D. degree in Materials Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His teaching inter- ests include undergraduate courses on materials science and numerical methods and
in between represent the agreement or disagreementto each statement from disagree (2), somewhat disagree (3) to somewhat agree (4) to agree(5). Each question is linked to one of the five MUSIC model components. The MUSIC modelquestions were modified for this study to reflect the program team-student relationship ratherthan a teacher-student relationship. The revised questions were reviewed by Dr. Jones toensure the theoretical integrity was not compromised. The modified Elites MUSICmotivation survey instrument was administered, online using QUALTRICS, during the fall of2016 with 14 (70%) of the Elite scholars responding.Data AnalysisThere were three sets of data that was analysed: data from the Elites program managementtool, the focus group
cyber enabled learning in the academic community build up.Two previous funded NSF projects: (1) TUES Type 2: “Dissemination of MicroprocessorCourses through Classroom and Interactive Cyber-Enabled Technologies” and (2) I-Corp L:“Transform the Innovated Design and Development of an Embedded Design Training Systemand Associated Support Curricula into a Commercial Available Product” addressed the issues ofoutdated microcontrollers (68XXX and 80XXX series) with new microcontrollers from MicrochipPIC and Arduino ATMEL. The introduction of the Texas Instruments (TI) ARM M4 series was adirect reflection of the I-Corp L project results that the academic community is still in need of anadvanced microcontroller platform to meet industry technical
group has an especially high confidencein their understanding of class topics.Table 14 shows a breakdown of final grades in the course. The highest concentration of gradesfor distance students was at the ‘C’ grade, with over 10% of distance students in the D/F/Wcategory. In contrast, no on-campus students finished in the D/F/W range and over 80% finishedin the ‘A’ or ‘B’ ranges. With the exception of the semester project, the average grade forcampus students was higher in each of the grading categories than for distance students(homework, exams, final exam). The difference was smallest on the final exam (72.9% vs.72.5%) and largest in the homework category (108.1% vs. 91.4%). The greater than 100%average on homework for campus students reflects
! ! ! !function centered around x=1 and x=2 respectively. Some of the participating students respond by thinking thatthe “difference” stated in the question is the mathematical difference.Written responses of research participants 1, 4, 8, 13, 14, 16, and 17 given in Figures 3-9 reflected themathematical difference between the given two series approximations. During the interviews the participants wereshown Equation (1) given in Section 1 when f(x) = ex. Participants 1, 4, and 14 could not remember the locationaldifference between the two Taylor series approximations given in the question whereas participants 8, 16, and 17were able recognize the locational difference between the two terms and explain how they differ in center.Participant 13 tried to
of engineering education where students will bring together their gained engineering knowledge and nontechnical professional skills such as teamwork, professionalism, communication, and project management. At the end of the second-semester, the Capstone Design course finishes with a whole-day open house event featuring team presentations, a poster session, and review session with panel judges. The audience is fellow students, faculty, external sponsors, and a panel of judges mostly comprised of the Mechanical Engineering Advisory Council (MEAC) members.Throughout the school year, the EDM and SDP classes are required to interact thus encouragingexchange of experiences, self-reflection, and
most ofthe mental processes students mentioned were exclusively happening in the mind, others wereuniquely different, for example drawing in air. In the case of John, his response reflects somesort of imagination or visualization (drawing from his own words), “I tried to visualize the partsbeing moved away from each other and what they would look like after they had moved apart.”Cindy on the other hand, took a more physical approach as indicated in her response, “Mystrategy for choosing the answer to each problem was drawing it out in the air with my hand andtrying to imagine myself looking down on it in order to figure it out.” Her approach involvedusing a physical process of drawing in the air to help her imagine what she expected to see in
, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, or some EnvironmentalSciences. If we consider attrition from subsequent courses in these sequences, only about 33% ofstudents who enter the CHEM I and II sequence complete it, and only 40 of every 100 do so inthe Physics sequence.These attrition points reflect the reality that the vast majority of Skyline College students,including many interested in pursuing STEM-related careers, are not ready for college-levelmath when they get to the college. On the math placement test administered to students enrollingfor the first time in Fall 2014, only 16% of students placed in Transfer-Level Math(Trigonometry). Far fewer Latinos (5.4%), African Americans (7.1%), or Pacific Islanders(11.1%) did so. In fact, 60% of the
academia (professor,postdoc, research support, etc.) 6Research in industry 10Table 1. Career objectives of respondents (n=14).More than one choice allowed per respondent.Most responding lab members aspire to work in industry either in research or non-researchpositions, while few aim at becoming professors. This inclination may be a reflection of thestrong collaboration and co-op environment present in both our school and in this lab, whichworks closely with industrial partners on research problems with concrete applications.3.2 Setting up the SC-CoPThis pilot project was our first collaboration with an entire research group, and we decided to usean organic management style for its execution: we did not impose a hard
contains multiple probing questions to help participants reflect deeply ontheir experiences as they relate to the research question. The protocol includes probing questionsdesigned to discover why people behave in a certain way by uncovering the assumed, mutualknowledge, symbolic meanings, motives and rules that provide the context for their actions [42].Analysis: Grounded theory was used as an analytic methodology to identify themes, whichincludes a two-stage, open, and axial coding process to analyze the data, followed by memowriting, theoretical sampling, and theoretical saturation [37]. The content analysis consisted ofresearchers coding themes independently followed by the five-member research team meeting asa group to reach consensus about
from allthat is available is problematic. Similar to our counterparts in the industry, educators must selectsoftware which satisfies a number of often competing requirements. Our software acquisitionsmust compliment the curriculum, integrate with the technical capacity of the institution, andprovide sufficient challenge to students, all the while reflecting current industry standards. Weare thus presented with a shared dilemma: how do both educators and industry decide whichsoftware application(s) to acquire?Software acquisition and adaptation decisions often involve comparing alternatives of severalcriteria. However, the end users of the software systems may not necessarily be familiar with theoverall decision-making criteria. To address this
and impede its performanceinclude:• Distance between RFID reader antenna location and the passive tag• Angular orientation of passive tag with respect to RFID reader antenna• RF noise interference• RF signal reflections from ground or walls• RF signal reflection of metal surfaces to which the RFID tags attachedTag Performance Evaluation The following RFID tags were tested by the students under guidance of the advisor todetermine the most suitable tag to be used: The Alien Technology Squiggle Tag, The AlienTechnology ALN-9540-WR 2x2, the Alien Technology ALM-9554-WR Inlay, Omni-ID, andOmni-ID Max Rigid, a metal tag coated in silicon, Key Fob Tag, and Mango Key Fob tag. Threetests were performed to validate the tags’ performance
profiles developed. In contrast to the study described in [6], wedifferentiated between two dimensions of engagement – behavioral and emotional – andseparately explored the levels of engagement in each dimension. We also used a differenttimeframe; rather than considering a single class period, we asked students to reflect on theirengagement across the entire semester. These differences allowed us to develop a comprehensivepicture of student engagement profiles, which we hope will be useful for electrical engineeringinstructors. Specifically, knowledge of students’ engagement profiles may help instructors tounderstand the various ways students engage in a course. This knowledge may also help informinstruction and course management
professions. Thesefeatures range from professional socialization to critical thinking. They require that studentsengage in in-depth analysis of problems and apply creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving,collaborative interaction, negotiation, and teamwork to achieve satisfactory outcomes. Studio-and project-based learning provides a way to increase the relevance of course content byrequiring that students not only synthesize information but apply it to actual projects. It alsorequires that they engage in an iterative process that necessitates reflection as well defense.Finally, in many cases, the studio replicates the collaborative environment in which students willenter as professionals.The Building Construction Science program at Mississippi
, active/reflective, and sequential/global.Complementary teaching styles can be matched to each of the learning styles, and the traditional“chalk and talk” style can in no way encompass all of them. Several institutions found that amixed-mode approach which balances active learning and passive learning is best for teachingstudents, especially in early stages of development [4]. Thus, in order to teach STEM topics toall students, supplementary teaching tools should be utilized.There are some assignable causes linked to the lack of engagement and success in STEMclassrooms. Many times teachers themselves do not have adequate training to teach STEMtopics. This problem was illustrated in a study done in 2007 that revealed the United Statesranked 41 out
?Preliminary findings suggest students’ interpretation of items points to a discrepancy betweenresearcher and student meaning of engagement. Though the survey was intended to target in-class engagement, students often conflated their in- and out-of-class engagement behaviors.Moreover, students did not distinguish between language we intended to reflect different levelsof cognitive activity. As we continue to develop surveys surrounding engagement, this studygives useful insight into how we can interpret student responses and provide meaningfulfeedback to faculty. This is accomplished by understanding the ways in which researchers,faculty, and students talk about engagement differently, and how that might lead us towardsshared
factors affect experimental results, thetensile testing experiment was expanded to incorporate thermoplastic specimens made bythree distinctly different processes. Student roles included manufacture of the specimens,measurement of necessary dimensions, conducting the tensile tests, generating stress-strain curves for each specimen, and determining the corresponding Young’s modulusand ultimate tensile strength values. Reflection on the effects of process and geometricvariation on their property results became a new report requirement. This article willpresent the complete laboratory experience, results, and initial student response to thisenhanced tensile testing experiment.Keywords: Tensile test, Tensile strength, Specimen preparation, Specimen
0.05 isconsidered significant.Table 5. Parameter estimates β and their exponentiated values, and P-values for the effect ofsession, gender, and language spoken at home. Effects Estimate Exp.Estimate P.value Significance (Intercept) 0.45 1.61 3.2×10−3 Yes Gender 0.48 1.6 0.16×10−3 Yes Session Pre −0.61 0.54 0.81×10−5 Yes Session WB 0.26 1.3 0.97×10−3 Yes Language 0.41 1.5 6.4×10−3 YesTable 5 shows the parameter estimates and their exponentiated values, which reflects the
engineering, computer science, human factors,psychology, and aviation technology. In this paper, the inclusion of sustainability in the firstplace design packages from 2007 to 2017 is examined.This paper explores the topics of previous winning design packages, the departments of thefaculty advisors, and the inclusion of sustainability. Insights from students and faculty ofwinning teams are highlighted. Statistics are used to analyze trends. The trends in the winningteam proposals may reflect the level of importance of sustainability in industry and may supportthe need for explicitly including sustainability in courses in engineering and technology. Thelevel and type of sustainability analyses may inform future competition teams and may be usedby
experiments. There are two simple explanationsthat could account for this result. Either the undergraduate student assistants were too helpful inexplaining the process and assisting the CIM students in operating the 3D printers, or the CIMstudents are already so proficient in using FFF 3D printers that the use of DLP 3D printers did notpresent a significant gain in their proficiency. In the future, this question will be changed to onlyaddress DLP 3D printers and the student assistants will be instructed to help only when asked bythe CIM students.Question 5 of the survey was purposefully written in a positively biased form. It was not meant asan assessment tool but as a motivational tool. While self-reflections are important parts ofexperiential
activity and is presented in accurate ways. Inquiry Extent to which youth get to 2.28 4 direct their learning through use of scientific practices (including engineering design) in authentic ways Reflection Extent of youth opportunity to 2.03 3 reflect on their experiences, build new knowledge and discuss how what they learn in the current activity relates to prior knowledgeTable 2: Dimensions of Success Tool Comparative DataThe tool is not available publicly and requires an extensive training for its
the schedule.Student-Veterans’ Contributions to SuccessVeterans have unique qualities when compared to their non-veteran peers. These assets,according to Lord et al, are reflected by their “experience in planning, implementing, and leadingteams” [4]. Additionally, these traits are bolstered by other attributes typically held by veteranssuch as problem-solving, organizational, and time management skills [2], [5]. This indicates alikelihood that student-veterans are better equipped to navigate difficult projects pressured bytime and resource constraints. Student-veterans’ experience and problem-solving abilities makethem well-suited to technological projects and, more specifically, leadership roles within theseprogram types [5], [6]. For this
the syllabus. _____ 4. Worked Practice Problems for understanding, not just to complete them. _____ 5. Taught concepts to others. _____ 6. Asked Dr. Batson (in class or in his office) or a tutor for help when needed. _____ Total: _____ Figure 1. Questionnaire 1 completed by students after the first lecture on metacognition.Questionnaire 1 may also be considered an exam wrapper [8]. A commonly stated objective ofexam wrappers is that of personal reflection among the students, and most authors focus on thispurpose. The Center for
times: one at the beginning of theprofessional development program (fall 2016), and the other at the end of the semester after theworkshops (spring 2017). This study was framed by the following research question: To what extent are faculty beliefs about student-centered strategies reflected in instructional practices in the undergraduate engineering classroom?Literature ReviewStudent-Centered Teaching in EngineeringStudent-centered teaching, or active learning practices, engage key course concepts and materialin an adaptive and interactive manner. Scholars have conducted many empirical studies whichdemonstrate the effectiveness of student-centered teaching practices in higher education. Thesestudies have shown that student
mustfit the criteria established by the constraints of the system. Impractical solutions are notentertained other than to remove them from consideration. Continual reflection (e.g., “Am Icloser to solving the problem?”) guides all the remaining considerations. Pragmatism is forward-looking (what can and should be done) rather than focused on exploring the past. In this way, thepragmatic approach is direct and actionable; practitioners seek a direction and justification to thenext steps one should take.The theoretical frameworks most suited to the Lean LaunchPad®/Customer Discovery processare action research and design-based research (DBR). The practitioners and scholars engaging incustomer discovery, action research, or DBR are vested in the