Asee peer logo
Displaying results 661 - 690 of 8077 in total
2004 GSW
Jenna Terry; Paul Ruchhoeft
“underprepared” upon universityadmission achieved final grades at or above the mean final grade of their “prepared”peers. This model has been adapted for English as a Second Language (ESL) compositioncourses, with similar results.Effective Writing is Discipline-SpecificEffective communication is the expressed goal of writing instruction. However, asintellectual demands change by discipline, rules, practices, and values of writing alsochange. In response to the need for discipline specific assistance in writing and with thesupport of the Provost’s Office, the WID program was established in Fall 2002 within theWriting Center. Whereas the Writing Consultant model addresses the diversity ofacademic preparedness among students with individualized programs of
Conference Session
Technical Session 12 - Paper 3: Increasing Minority Student Applications to STEM Graduate Programs: Lessons Learned and Outlook for a New Program
2022 CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity)
Kingsley Nwosu Jr, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Tremayne O'Brian Waller, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Mandy J Wright, Fields Wright Consulting; Mike Ekoniak, Youngstown State University - Rayen School of Engineering
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
do you plan to study? What kind ofresearch interests you?" And "Who are you? What is your story?" With peer review,revision plans, and ultimately pulling the writing together into a polished statement;with a day long closing institute in September. 20 Program Design 2021: Adapting and Changing Mid-Stream ▪ GRE scholarships ▪ GEM Grad Lab ▪ NSF GRFP workshop ▪ Graduate school research & personal statements workshops ▪ Monthly asynchronous group workshops ▪ By mid-summer, completely asynchronous, individual & small group ▪ Graduate school research, personal
Conference Session
Innovative College-Industry Partnerships for the Future
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen F. Gygi, University of Washington; Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
; andthat locating and choosing appropriate artifacts produces anxiety for most students. Studentswere able to overcome these challenges and found both the process of constructing the portfolioand having the portfolio to be valuable. The studio setting provided a number of opportunitiesand benefits that other reporting requirements do not, including: 1) meeting other participants inthe program and sharing reflections with their peers; 2) addressing how the experience preparedthem for future practice with employers as the intended audience; and 3) articulating theirunderstanding of what engineers do, and what contributes to effective practice.Our pilot Co-op project suggested that writing the final experience report involves an unknownaudience. Our
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5B: Work-In-Progress: 5 Minute Postcard Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin Fowler, University of Michigan
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
teamsatisfaction and student assessments of team contributions. In first year team-based studentdesign courses, instructors use student self- and peer-assessment information to gauge teamfunctioning and even to affect student project scores. However, students’ identity characteristics,such as their gender and race, may impact the scores they receive from others as well as thescores they assign. The poster will also describe the creation of and results from a learning-analytics style investigation of the researcher’s own student team assessment data, and the posterpresentation will allow others to query the data set with their own questions. The final data setincludes assessment information from 620 first-year engineering students working in 132 teamsof 4
Conference Session
Improving Laboratory Education in Chemical Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Cooper, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
arbitration of a helpful instructor4, 14-16.Despite the importance of UO courses in chemical engineering programs, many faculty membersavoid opportunities to teach them. Myriad time-consuming and (at times) frustrating tasks arerequired of the UO instructor, including assigning student teams, preparing students forlaboratories, grading reports, and assessing peer evaluation results. Since faculty are often busywith other commitments such as research, grant writing, student advising, etc., it isunderstandable that instructors feel they do not have the time available to do an excellent jobteaching UO courses15, 16.Considering the importance of UO courses to the ChE curriculum, it would be ideal to relieve thepressure of time constraints upon
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division (CONST) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Behnam Shadravan, Florida A&M University
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Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering Division (CONST)
longer for a weaker student to finalize the project. As a result, theproject sometimes does not improve the students' weak abilities, knowledge, and teamworkcapabilities.This research investigates the educator's methods at the undergraduate level for engineering andparticularly construction engineering technology courses to analyze, assess, evaluate, and resolveteamwork problems. In addition to a literature review of the experienced and reported methods,the author shares different methods practiced in several years of teaching in various institutionsand countries.One of the methods with the better outcome is the student involvement in the assessment of theirteammates. How to arrange peer assessment is one of the topics. The related forms, their
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith Sheppard, Stevens Institute of Technology; Peter Dominick, Stevens Institute of Technology; Edward Blicharz, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
teaming skills through a sequence of core design courses starting inFreshman Year is discussed. In the first course in the sequence basic concepts are given foreffective teamwork and related individual behaviors. A survey is used at this point to assessstudents’ prior team and group work experience as well as their attitudes toward team-basedwork. After participation as a team member in the major design project, students are given a firstexposure to a peer feedback questionnaire in which they assess their own attitudes andperformance on the team and as well as those of their team-mates. This thread in teaming iscontinued in the second design course by revisiting the peer-feedback questionnaire at mid-semester and the use of team charters where
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura D Hahn, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Chris Migotsky, University of Illinois
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
from the model in Buskit et al.:1. A pre-observation meeting with the Collins Scholar and two observers.2. The observation itself, often videotaped.3. Observer debriefing: The two observers discuss and write up a summary of their findings.4. Self-reflection: The Collins Scholar is invited to watch the video, and writes a self- Page 26.789.2 analysis of the class session.5. A post-observation meeting to discuss the class observed, the participants’ impressions, and strategies for continued improvement.The findings from Brinko’s review of the literature on the effectiveness of peer feedback haveframed and guided the way we train our observers
Conference Session
A Challenge to Engineering Educators
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa DuPree McNair, Virginia Tech; Wende Garrison, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
curriculum divides the process ofcreating a professional digital portfolio into ten weekly tasks, each of which takes between thirtyminutes to an hour to complete. A fundamental part of the P2P process is the weekly feedbackto students on their portfolio progress provided by faculty. In addition, at each campus, studentshave been offered the opportunity to engage in a peer feedback process—sometimes online andother times in person.Throughout the ten weeks of creating a professional portfolio, students are asked to uploadevidence of and write narratives about their accomplishments in four categories: 1) Research, 2)Teaching, 3) Service, and 4) Lifelong Learning.Typically, students upload published papers or powerpoints used during conference
Conference Session
Innovations in Materials Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacquelyn E. Kelly, Arizona State University; Stephen J. Krause, Arizona State University; Dale R. Baker, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
include instructors, peers, engineers or the general population. Forpracticing engineers this may include colleagues, superiors, clients or manufacturers. Included intenor is the mood that the language communicates. For example, if an engineering student iscommunicating in class with his or her peers, the mood may be casual or inquisitive. In contrast,if a practicing engineer is providing a design recommendation to a manufacturer, the mood mightbe professional and authoritative. Typically, the tenor dictates which mode of communication ismost appropriate. The third variable of register, mode, refers to the medium of communication orspecifically how one will be communicating. For example, communication can occur verbally orthrough writing. The in
Conference Session
International Engineering Education I
2004 Annual Conference
Dyani Saxby; Saeed Foroudastan
enough challenges forcollege students, international students face several additional pressures. These includeadjusting to an entirely new culture and surroundings, as well as building relationshipswith their new peers 1. Page 9.796.1 Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering EducationAdditional pressures are placed on those international students who do not speak Englishas their native language. This is one of the major obstacles facing international students.Language barriers can exacerbate struggles with class work
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Valentin Razmov, University of Washington; Richard Anderson, University of Washington
meetings 1.23 1.43 1.75 Post-milestone in-class retrospectives n/a n/a 1.00 Post-milestone anonymous peer reviews 1.15 1.31 1.38 Iterative format of reflective writing assignments 0.63 1.13 1.38Note that the averages were not uniformly as high among all questions we asked the students, butthese central aspects of agile teaching were generally rated much higher.Additional free-form feedback on the reflective writing assignments came from a student in anearlier course who found the virtual “conversation” (of responding to the instructor’s responses)stimulating and wrote, “The
14th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference
Victoria Bill, New York University Tandon School of Engineering; Rui Li, New York University; Jack Bringardner, Colorado School of Mines; Ingrid Paredes, New York University Tandon School of Engineering
and assessment tool [13]. However, they do not make or teach anexplicit connection between portfolio documentation and project communication for future jobapplications or other career opportunities.SettingThis first-year engineering course is taught in a large, private university in the US Northeastregion. The course is one semester long, with lecture, lab, recitation, and a semester-long designproject. Roughly 350 students take the course in the Fall semester, and 300 enroll in Springsemester. Lectures are led by the first-year faculty director and invited faculty, administrators, orindustry guests and introduce students to relevant topics in engineering education. In recitation,engineering and writing faculty lead active sessions on
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching and Research in Physics or Engineering Physics II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marie Lopez del Puerto, University of Saint Thomas; Jeff Jalkio, University of Saint Thomas; Paul R. Ohmann, University of Saint Thomas
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
course.IntroductionThe study we present in this paper arose from two separate trends in our university and the largerhigher-education community, plus an observation. The first is the trend in Physics education tofocus on teaching for conceptual understanding, for example, through Peer Instruction1 orWorkshop Physics (which is part of The Physics Suite).2 The second trend is the push to improvestudent writing through programs such as Writing Across the Curriculum, and in particularthrough Writing to Learn, where short writing exercises are used to help students think through aconcept or a problem.3 The observation was that a considerable fraction of our students, whiletalking to other students in class or asking the instructor a question, was referring to
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session - Ethics in the First Year
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gunter Bombaerts; Karolina Doulougeri, Eindhoven University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
specificdifferences are not possible in this course. Cases will be developed about topics that are ofinterest for the different students. This will be done in collaboration with teachers fromstudents’ major departments to increase the chance to success. The real-life cases will involvereal stakeholders that are considered experts by the students and will bridge the gap betweenthe technical content they are interested in and the historical and ethical aspects. Onlinetutorials on reading and writing will be provided to assist students’ academic skills. Afeedback platform will be used to facilitate peer and teacher feedback. More time duringtutorials will be given for individual feedback for each team. Finally, students will have thepossibility to form their
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education (DEED) Engineering Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reid Bailey, University of Virginia; Michael C Smith, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
class were to provide better formativefeedback more quickly to students, to continue to integrate authentic work in the class throughcase studies, and to provide a more active and collaborative learning environment.The blended experience for this class has several components, including • Student teams recording presentations with video-capture software (instead of just turning in PowerPoint files for feedback). • Peer review of aforementioned recorded presentations and other deliverables, utilizing an online peer-management system (called “PRAZE”) to reduce the complexity of administering peer review for a large number of students • In-class polls using Google Docs • Discussion board forums for student questions
Conference Session
Capstone Design I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Cheville, Oklahoma State University; Steven Welch, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
the participants. In early after actionreviews a large number of students alluded to “being so close to success but not making it”.Another common sentiment was that the teams had made a large number of avoidable mistakes,none of which was fatal in and of itself but which in combination doomed the project. Reflectingon these statements and making inquiries of other faculty and students in the program it wasdiscovered that nowhere in the degree program was there formal instruction in the process ofengineering design. Comparisons with programs at peer universities found similar curricula.Information on the design process is available in several textbooks that have been published inthe past five years 3,5.There were two hurdles to adoption of
Conference Session
Foundations for Pedagogical Success
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Lucchesi, Michigan Technological University; Jennifer Sams, Michigan Technological University; Lauren Movlai, Michigan Technological University; Erin S Matas, Michigan Technological University; Nora Allred, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
-tenure Librarians.” Collaborative Librarianship 4, no. 4 (2012): 165-174.17. Samson, S., and D.E. McCrea. “Using Peer Review to Foster Good Teaching.” Reference Services Review 36, no. 1 (2008): 61-70.18. Chionski, E., and M. Emanuel. “The One-Minute Paper and the One-Hour Class: Outcomes Assessment for One-Shot Library Instruction.” Reference Services Review 34, no. 1 (2006): 148-155.19. Watson, S.E., C. Rex, J. Markgraf, H. Kishel, E. Jennings, and K. Hinnant. “Revising the ‘One-Shot’ Through Lesson Study: Collaborating with Writing Faculty to Rebuild a Library Instruction Session” College & Research Libraries 74, no. 4 (2013): 381-398.20. Association of College & Research Libraries. “Standards
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Kenneth Van Treuren
, manufacturing, and servicing jet engines.” Fig. 3 Example of a Student Team Logo, Name, and Mission Statement [10] students very familiar with the details surrounding the re- engine project. While writing this position paper, the teams were to pick a team name, a logo, and a mission statement (Fig. 3
1998 Annual Conference
Elaine L. Craft
handbook on distance communications which has been shared with all projectparticipants. Effective use of distance communications technology can dissolve walls betweenbuilding and miles between colleges.The project web page ( works well as a basic resource site for interestedparties seeking information about the project. Establishing an intranet for use as an "in-house"bulletin board is also a good idea.To facilitate project communications, listservs have been established. There is a general listservfor all project participants and a listserv for each discipline peer group. The dialogue and sharingon the general listserv have helped faculty review project threads and issues. Faculty who attendproject-sponsored conferences and
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stephany Coffman-Wolph, Ohio Northern University
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Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
column (the maximum grade is the total number of badgesavailable). In the comment section, the instructor adds the recently earned badge name. Thestudents are encouraged to write (or draw) each badge earned onto their name signs.Below are the specific EM/KEEN course objectives [3] that students will gain with throughoutthe course if you implement this type of system. KEEN Related Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives [3]: • Develop an appreciation of hard work & recognize the benefits of focused and fervent effort • Accept responsibility of their own actions and credit the action of others • Demonstrate an ability to set, evaluate, and achieve personal & professional goals • Be able to teach and learn from peers
Conference Session
Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wenli Guo, Queensborough Community College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
Paper ID #8451Take Ownership of Learning Outside Classroom:Dr. Wenli Guo, Queensborough Community College Dr. Wenli Guo is a professor of physics and her experiences include spectroscopy, pedagogy, etc. Page 24.1152.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Take Ownership of Learning Outside Classroom: Reflection through Journal Writing in a Conceptual Physics Course
Conference Session
Innovations in Freshman Engineering
2002 Annual Conference
Rachel Callison; Bob Lorence; Dan Budny; Kate Thomes
, form, and grammar. Anadditional lesson learned during the Fall 2000 semester was that there was a need to include apeer review in which every student would be assigned another student’s paper to review. Thus,in the Spring 2001 Term, a peer review process was implemented. The usefulness of thisapproach has been widely documented [13-14].ResultsTo date, we have 2 years of experience with ENGR 0011 and ENGR 0012. During the first year(2000-2001) we were able to design the basic concept of the writing and library integration intothe freshman curriculum, and during the second year (2001-2002) we modified the concept toaccount for our experiences.Near the beginning of each semester, students had been quite apprehensive about the prospect ofpreparing
Conference Session
Research Frameworks for Identity and Equity: Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division Technical Session 9
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ingrid Scheel, Oregon State University; Gail Verdi, Kean University; Lara Letaw, Oregon State University
cultivating understanding, they wereutilized to explore student reactions to course content including the InclusiveMag/GenderMagmethods and Engineering for Social Justice criteria expanded in subsequent sections. Promptsincluded questions about studio, lecture, homework, group work, group dynamics, coursecontent, and student experience. A few example focused free-writing prompts are included here: What did you learn about your peers’ cognitive styles? What did you learn about your cognitive style? Who is your customer? What does customer discovery have to do with bias reduction? Do you think reliability or efficiency is more important? What are unknown unknowns? How does policy relate to technology
Conference Session
Discipline Specific Topics and Techniques
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tasha Zephirin, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Catherine G.P. Berdanier, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica Farmer Cox, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Suely M. Black, Norfolk State University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
developed andevaluated by the group through presentations to take place during the subsequent IndependentResearch module. To provide time for trainees to review the scientific literature over the winter Page 24.1087.7break prior to the deciding on a research topic, the Ethics module was moved to the beginning ofthe fall. The Y2 writing module syllabus was prepared by a team of trainees over the summer,based on their newly acquired knowledge from that year’s Teaching and Learning module.Year 2 (Fall)Deliverables and outcomes: Trainees will write a short technical document from outline to draft,evaluate their peers' technical writing and provide
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Santangelo, Hofstra University; Lynn A. Albers, Hofstra University; Margaret A Hunter, Hofstra University; Kristin Weingartner; Rosebud Elijah, Hofstra University; Richard Cohen, Nassau Community College; Scott T Lefurgy; Rakhi Agarwal; Lisa Filippi, Hofstra University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
). Responses to prompts on the applicationwere used by the leadership team during online interviews.Scholars entered the program at the beginning of their second term at HU. They enrolled in theSTEM Writing and Metacognition Seminar course meeting weekly. Scholars were assigned tomentoring “squads” composed of peer mentors (successful STEM students) and a faculty mentor,meeting biweekly throughout each semester. They participated in All Program events three timeseach year (beginning of Fall semester, beginning and end of Spring semester), as well asacademic and career-centered workshops hosted by the iAM Program in partnership with therelevant unit (e.g., Center for Academic Excellence, Center for Career Design andDevelopment). Scholars networked with
Conference Session
Issues in Computer Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jun Luo, Ohio Northern University; Robert Hovis, Ohio Northern University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
4.00 course? 2. Does writing a paper help you understand programming language concepts? 3.29 3. Does presentation help you understand programming language concepts? 3.71 4. Does the peer evaluation help you improve the quality of your paper? 4.43 5. Are the scores from the peer evaluations for your paper objective and fair? 4.57 6. Does the peer evaluation help you understand programming language 3.29 concepts?The responses to the questions 1, 4, and 5 confirm our observations 1, 2, and 3, respectively.The responses to the questions 2 and 6 indicate that students need more guidelines and help forwriting
ASEE-NE 2022
Hugh L Mcmanus, Northeastern University; Kris Jaeger-Helton, Northeastern University
, questions, expert guidance, and coaching (Adams et al., 2017).More specifically, Northeastern’s IE Capstone program integrates multiple opportunities forteams to receive feedback. Regular assignments, weekly advisor meetings, frequent clientinteractions, coordinator check-in sessions, open class Q&A, peer-to-peer feedback, and writtenfaculty evaluations during presentations all serve as sources of feedback. The writing coordinatormeets with every team once a term to provide detailed feedback on the writing assignments, andassure the teams are poised to create high-quality documents. The writing program is describedin a recent Capstone Conference paper (McManus, 2022). Further, all teams are stronglyencouraged to seek out faculty members for
Conference Session
Communication in Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen Eichhorn, SUNY Oswego; Cara Thompson, SUNY Oswego; David Vampola, SUNY Oswego; Fritz Messere, SUNY Oswego; Rachid Manseur, SUNY-Oswego
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
limit on the numberof courses or degree credit hours. Consequently, teaching communication skills must be infusedin required courses adding to the general education portion of the curriculum and withoutreplacing cognate or core engineering material. The challenge is to provide a solid and modernengineering education where students will naturally and ubiquitously acquire efficient andmodern communication skills.This presentation discusses some of the research results of this project including the developmentof a modern technical writing course, the integration of communication skills into engineeringmaterials, and multidisciplinary methods that combine students enrolled in the Arts, Media, andCommunication Studies with engineering
Conference Session
Assessments, Assessments, and Assessments
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward F. Gehringer, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
students and automatically record and check their answers. Google forms provide someof the same functionality for free and without the need to install software on a server.Google forms can also be used to survey students. SALG is a specialized survey program toassess how much students have learned. For taking graphical feedback from students ontablet computers during class, Classroom Presenter and Ubiquitous Presenter are twoopen-source tools. The most widely used peer-review application is Calibrated PeerReview. Expertiza is a peer-review system that incorporates functionality for topicselection and team formation by students. Wikis are a well known collaborative space,which can be used by students to write reports and other documents