. They haveconfidence that they will be employable when they leave the program because they perceive thathow they are learning replicates how they will function when they get into the work world. Thepresent relationship with faculty gives them confidence that they could continue to seek usefuladvice from their professors after they complete their degree—the continuation of a professionalrelationship that could be life long. As one student said, s/he was “proud to be an engineeringstudent.” Page 7.97.6 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition Copyright American
. Page 7.829.6 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering EducationTable 3: Civil Engineering Curricula at UPM in comparison with the Malaysian Engineering Education Model (MEEM) [11] Skills & 2000 Curriculum Course s MEEM 1984 1988 1996 2000 Competencies CL CL CL CL CL 4-year 4-year 3-year 4-year Global & English Language Strategic Writing
to the assembly processas needed, when needed. In curriculum design, the mathematics and physics are the “parts”(topics) that need to be delivered to the student just as that student begins to study technicalmaterial. The material is first divided into learning objectives that have measurable inputs andoutputs. These objectives are connected in a precedence diagram. See Figure 1 for an example. x = yz MATH OHM'S LAW: PHYSICS e = Ri O H M 'S LA W RESISTIVE TECHNOLOGY TEC HNO LO GY EFFECTS
Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition National Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 24-27, 2001.3. M. Naghedolfeizi, S. Arora, and J. Henry, "Remote Laboratory Operation: Web Technology Successes,” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition National Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 24-27, 2001.4. Peter Eglar, "Sensors for Measurement and Control," Longman, London, 1998.5. A. J. Wheeler and A. R. Ganji, "Introduction to Engineering Experimentation," Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996.6. D. J. Neebel, J. R. Blandino, and D. J. Lawrence, "A survey of Modern Computer -Based Experiments," Published by National Instruments, Austin, TX, 1998
Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering Educationunassign(‘n’);H := [n, f ^ ` ` (n) * ` ` (c), g[n] ^ ` ` (n) * ` ` c]:stackmatrix( H, augment( S.(0..2) ) ); én f ( n) (-2) ù g n( n ) (-2) ê ú ê1 - .1092591180 - .1092591175ú ê2 .0241004865 .0241004864 ú ê ú ê3 .2551495139 .2551495132 ú ê4
extension functions and vice-versa? d. Designing the message we send to potential students 1. From your experience, what are potential students looking for in a graduate program? 2. What are the key points that market us versus other engineering graduate programs? 3. How should we identify potential students in our/other program(s)? e. (other topics that may emerge during the afternoon)6. (3:50 to 4:30) Group reports7. (4:30 to 5:30) Consensus development a. Consensus discussion on graduate programs of study—Can we agree on an approach that adequately prepares students without adding superfluous requirements? b
new roles, but also to expand enrollments in engineering. Thiswill also increase the opportunities for engineering school graduates in the market place. Firmslike Anderson Consulting have become hot new work place for engineering grads. According toa 1998 survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 9.7 percent of offersmade to students with technical majors came from consulting service firms, more than any otherfield. These firms are looking for people who combine technological know how with businessacumen and communication skills. In the business world, the multi-talented have a clearadvantage.Bibliography1. Hofstadter, R., and Wilson, S., American Higher Education, A Documentary History, The Uni versity of Chicago Press
” Session 21213. K’nex Instructions: Big Ball Factory, K’nex Industries Inc., Hatfield, PA, 1995.4. Ressler, S., “The Project Management K’nexercise: Using Role-Playing to Facilitate Learning About Design and Construction,” Proceedings, 1999 ASEE Annual Conference, ASEE, 1999.ALLEN C. ESTESColonel Allen C. Estes is an Associate Professor and Civil Engineering Division Director at the United States MilitaryAcademy (USMA). He is a registered Professional Engineer in Virginia. COL Estes received a B.S. degree from USMAin 1978, M.S. degrees in Structural Engineering and in Construction Management from Stanford University in 1987 anda Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1997.ERIC M. LACHANCEMajor Eric
recognition in the form of gag prizes is distributed.Background The students need to know three basic things before beginning the designprocess. First, they need to understand shear and moment diagrams and the differencebetween simply supported and cantilevered beams. Second, the flexure equation shouldbe introduced: Mc s = ILast, the students need to know what a strain gage is and how it works. This is anexcellent opportunity to introduce students to the basics of electronic instrumentation,including precision and the difficulties of converting analog voltages to digital (numeric
sc gn ca rm di si de s te as cl
Professional Civil Engineer in Oklahoma and is activelyinvolved in environmental research and education. Dr. Everett received B.S.E., M.S., and Ph.D degrees in Civiland Environmental Engineering from Duke University in 1984, 1986, and 1991, respectively.Marianne CinagliaMarianne Cinaglia is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Secondary Education/Foundations of Education inthe Rowan University. Dr. Cinaglia received a B.S. in Biological Science from Drexel University, and an M. S. inSecondary Education and Ph. D. in Urban Affairs and Public Policy from the University of Delaware. She isactively involved in land use issues on a community level. She is responsible for the evaluation of the Garden Cityimplementation at Rowan. Other evaluation work
Network Patient Communication Station(s) Communication channel Network Communication Supervisor Audio/Visual PC communication hardware Figure 2 Block Diagram of Multi-patient Rehabilitation SystemNanotechnology.Cellular drug delivery, the genomics revolution, spinal cord repair, organ growth are among therecent
well prepared.The University SystemThe Thailand Ministry of University Affairs supervises 65 institutions of higher learning,including 24 public and 41 private, with an overall enrollment of one million students and aroundfifty thousand faculty and administrative staff. 10 Of the teaching staff at these institutions, 27.4percent have PhD degrees and 53.5 percent have Masters degrees. 7 Thirty-six of these 65universities have colleges or faculties of engineering granting about 10,000 engineering degreesannually.3These colleges of engineering all appear to be in a growth mode. Thailand enjoyed a rapidlyexpanding economy during the early 1990’s. Heavy national and international investment ininfrastructure and commercial enterprise led to a
Qingdao Satellite Image Analysis of Wave Height David Ing/U. WA. J. Tian/ Oceanography Qingdao Exchange of Nutrients between Sediment Heather Lamb/SUNY S. Liu/ and Water in Coastal Seas Fredonia, Env. Sc. Qingdao The Circulation in a Continental Shelf Sea Stephen Rouch/Vassar W. Sun/ Coll., Comp. Sc. Qingdao Numerical Modeling of Storm Surge Noa Naftali/Barnard J. Wang/ Flooding Coll., Env. Sc. Qingdao Water
. National Research Council (NRC), 1996. From analysis to action: Undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 32 pp.3. National Science Foundation (NSF), 1994. A river runs through it: Interdisciplinary curriculum in 250 schools, in Foundation for the future. National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, 32 pp.4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1996. Watershed approach framework, U.S. EPA 840-S-96- 001, 16 pp.5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1999. Smart growth and the watershed approach: what's the connection? In Watershed Events, fall 1999, U.S. EPA 840-N-99-001.6. Woltemade, C. J. and W. L. Blewett. 2000. "Development of an
want to learn by allowing them to choose theproject(s) on which they work. The model also encourages the students to shoulder most of theresponsibility for their learning, an important attribute of a contemporary engineer.AcknowledgmentThe author acknowledges Mechanical Engineering students, Firas Zeineddine and Barbar Aklefor completing the Neovator project as part of the first mechatronics course at AUB.Bibliographical Information1. Friedman, Thomas, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Anchor Books, 1999.2. Leifer, L., “Suite-210: A Model for Global-Based Learning with Corporate Partners,” 1997, ASME Curriculum Innovation Award.3. Making Sense, ME Magazine, Jan. 2001, pp. 44-46.4. Murray W. R. and Garbini, J. L., “Embedded Computing in
idea selection · Group leader (system integrator) selection · Set up a tentative schedule of tasks, task titles, personnel, and time required for each task · Formation of teams: e.g. product & cell development team, PLC and robotic team2. Designing stage · Design for assembly evaluation (concurrent engineering) · Material and manufacturing process(s) selection · Cell layout · Detailed drawings of product · Assembly operation design · Fixture and pallet design3. Building stage · Fabricating fixtures, pallet, and mechanical hardware · Cell formation and physical arrangement of equipment · Electrical interfacing4. Control software programming stage · Robot, PLC and CNC programming5. Operational testing and
BNCconnectors. Digital inputs and counters use spring-loaded terminals. Throughput speeds of 200kS/s may be obtained. The gains on the board can be set by software for each channel. Majorspecifications for the board are given in Table 2.LabVIEW software was used to acquire and process the acquired signal. ADC channel 0 wasused for the optical encoder. Acquisition start time was triggered by an inductive probe attached Page 7.678.5to cylinder #1 ignition cable through digital trigger input of the data acquisition board. Encoder Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
. 5. Purdue University Handbook for Academic Promotion and Tenure, 1995. 6. Ruggiero, V.R. (1998). Changing attitudes: A strategy for motivating students to learn. Allyn & Bacon: Boston. 7. The university in transformation: Global perspectives on the futures of the university. (2000). Ed. S. Inayatullah & J. Gidley. 8. Whicker, M.L., Kronenfeld, J.J., & Strickland, R.A. (1993). Getting tenure. Sage Publishers: Newbury Park, CA.BEVERLY DAVISBeverly Davis is an Assistant Professor at Purdue University at South Bend/Elkhart, IN. Professor Davisteaches courses in leadership, conflict management, management of change, human behavior, training,gender and diversity, quality, and occupational
thecompressor), the isentropic efficiency of the compressor, Eff. and the coefficient of performance,COP, of the refrigeration system. The summary of these results is shown in Table 2. Table 2: Qin (Btu/hr) Qout (Btu/hr) Win (Btu/hr) Eff. (%) COP 1422.1 1782.5 360.4 89.2 3.95 Page 7.923.8 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering EducationFigure 4 illustrates the T-s diagram with
” category7. Ofthese, 73 were in the U.S., with most programs addressing SE in the context of a functionaldiscipline such as electrical, industrial, or manufacturing, and offer degrees with thenomenclature aligned with the functional discipline. Nineteen of the 73 graduate programs in theU. S. offered MS or ME degrees in SE and of these 11 had disciplinary affiliations, with 5 inElectrical Engineering and or Computer Science, 3 in Industrial Engineering, and 3 in othercategories (Aeronautics, Information Systems, and Mechanical Engineering). According to this1990 survey, only 8 programs in the U.S. appeared to offer an interdisciplinary educationfocused on systems engineering. While a subset of these 8 offered courses in designmethodology, none
deviceincorporates a powerful, imbedded BASIC interpreter that was originally developed by INTELfor process control applications. The source code for this interpreter is available as “freeware”and has been adopted by a number of other manufacturers of embedded controllers.A typical MCS BASIC-52 program is illustrated bellow.MCS BASIC-52 REM *** SELECT THE ANALOG INPUT CHANNEL 10 INPUT "Analog Input Channel ? ",CHAN 20 XBY(7FF2H)=CHAN REM *** CONVERT FROM 2’S COMPLEMENT FORMAT 30 MSB=XBY(7FF2H) : LSB=XBY(7FF3H) 40 HEXVAL=MSB*256+LSB 50 IF HEXVAL>32767 THEN HEXVAL=HEXVAL-65536 REM *** CONVERT INPUT RANGE TO +/-10 VOLTS 60 VOLT=HEXVAL/3276.8
boardmembership, ideally one with both academic and industrial experience.VI. SummaryWe describe the redesign of the electrical systems course to be offered to mechanical engineeringmajors. Major elements include a studio design, on-line quizzes, a variety of educationalmaterials to aid study, active learning, and integrated assessment and continuous improvement.Topics in electrical systems will be presented in the context of mechanical engineering.Demonstrations of the on-line quizzing system, multileveled problem solutions in a point-and-click format, and the CD tutorial videos will be included in the conference presentation.VII. AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE 0088904.REFERENCES1. S
. The root of the problem might be in scholars' unwillingness to crossdisciplinary boundaries. As Ancarani (1995: 653) argued, “there has been relatively little contactto date between scholarship in international relations or political economy and the advances inscience and technology studies.... As a result, basic analytic concepts, including ‘globalization’and science and technology themselves, have been taken for granted and have not beenproblematized to a far greater degree than in more traditional areas of S&T research, such aslaboratory studies or controversies.”Furthermore there are significant conceptual and empirical problems with social theories thatmake implicit a possible role for engineers in globalization. For example
must be performed to establishthis communication. A few examples of outside computer peripheral devices are the modem, the printer,and the CRT terminal. In parallel communication format, all data bits are transferred at the same timethrough a computer data bus, while in serial communication, bits are transferred through one data line ina pulse format. Parallel data must be converted to serial data form prior to transmission to the outsideperipheral device(s). The serial data received by the computer from an outside peripheral device mustbe converted back to a parallel format and then placed on the computer data bus [2]. The parallel dataon the computer data-bus is represented by either zero or five volts (0V or 5V). However, the serialdata
. Kishline, Carl, Francis Wang and El-Hadi Aggoune. (1998) “Competency-based engineering design courses development.” Proceedings of the 1998 Northcon Conference, pp. 202-207.5. Newcomer, Jeffrey L. “Reassessing Design Goals: Using Design Projects to Meet Assessment Goals.” Proceedings of the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 1625.6. Safoutin, Michael J. et al. (2000) “A Design attribute framework for course planning and learning assessment.” IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol 43, No 2, pp. 188-199.7. Tooley, Melissa S. and Kevin D. Hall. (2000) “ Using a Capstone Design Course to Facilitate ABET 2000 Program Outcomes.” Proceedings of the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 1625
could comprise of a solarcollector or more likely a nuclear generator. The exploration robots would come to the motherstation when a recharge is necessary. To add greater versatility, the mother station could movewhen another area needs exploration. Page 7.1219.7 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright Ó 2002, American Society for Engineering Education Several Rug Warrior ™s could be programmed to work together as a robot colony. Adedicated program would handle the communication among the robots. An experiment mightcomprise of the
Math, Statics, Geology, Strength of mater, x x x x x Statistics, Computer science Rock engineering Intact rock, Discontinuities, Rock mass, x x x x x fundamentals In-situ stress, Induced stresses Virtual lab Uniaxial, Triaxial, Point load, Brazilian, x x x x x Direct shear, P and S wave Design and Slopes, Foundations, Underground, x x x x x modeling Computer models Virtual field trip Rock mass characterization, Monitoring x x x x
. (1995), Plastics: Product Design and Process Engineering, Society of Plastics Engineers, Hanser/Gardner Publications, Inc., Cincinnati, OH, USA. Page 7.695.114 Dixon, John and Poli, Colorado (1995), Engineering Design and Design for Manufacture, Field Stone Publishers, Conway, MA, USA.5 Frei, R., Scartozzi, P., Steinfort, K., Yarnot, V. (1997), Final Report for Fuel Cell Project, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, USA.6 Simprocess, CACI Corporation, San Diego, CA, USA.7 Boroff, S., Higginson, J., Williamson (1998), Final Report for Flexible Materials Handling System, Gonzaga University