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Displaying results 781 - 810 of 2236 in total
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 1: Programs & Curricula
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph A. Lyon, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Jacqueline Callihan Linnes, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Sean P. Brophy, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Timothy M. Whalen
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
participation in engineering byopening up more perspectives of what is engineering using diverse contexts.References[1] M. Knight and C. Cunningham, “Draw an Engineer Test (DAET): Development of a Tool to Investigate Students’ Ideas about Engineers and Engineering,” in Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 2004.[2] L. Berthoud, S. Lancastle, M. A. Gilbertson, and M. Gilbertson, “Designing a resilient curriculum for a joint engineering first year,” in Annual Conference Proceedings for the 2021 European Society for Engineering Education, 2022. [Online]. Available:[3] J. R. Morelock, “A systematic
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT) Technical Session 2: Assessing the Entrepreneurial Mindset, Curiosity, and Workplace Preparedness
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fatemeh Mozaffar; Cheng Chen, University of Georgia; Beshoy Morkos, University of Georgia; Jianfeng Ma
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
] Bureau of Economic Analysis U.S. Department of Commerce, “Gross Domestic Product, 4th Quarter and Year 2020,” 2021. [Online]. Available: advance-estimate. [Accessed: 18-Feb-2021].[6] L. Moon, “Industry 4.0: The Future of Competitiveness in U.S. Manufacturing,” 2016. [Online]. Available: manufacturing/. [Accessed: 02-Aug-2021].[7] J. M. Haynie, D. Shepherd, E. Mosakowski, and P. C. Earley, “A situated metacognitive model of the entrepreneurial mindset,” J. Bus. Ventur., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 217–229, 2010.[8] R. D. Ireland, M. A. Hitt, and D. G. Sirmon, “A Model of
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julia Yoo, Lamar University; Selahattin Sayil, Lamar University; Gleb Tcheslavski
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
intended (use Multisim) and do a gain calculation (use a suitable coupling capacitor). d. Design the amplifier such with cut-off frequencies of fL=178 Hz and fH=637 kHz. Use formulas you derived in pre-lab. Include bode plot, circuit schematics and your findings. e. Construct the circuit of Fig. 1 on your breadboard and run the circuit using Analog Discovery module. Obtain the Bode Plot using the Network Analyzer tool. f. Lastly, compare your hand calculation results to results derived from simulations and Analog Discovery measurements. If there are any discrepancies in corner frequencies, state possible reason(s) for the error. Fig. 1 Common Source NMOS Amplifier with a load capacitor2) AC
Conference Session
Formation and Development of Engineers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Corin L. Bowen, California State University, Los Angeles; Michael W. Ibrahim; Gustavo B. Menezes, California State University, Los Angeles
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
provide the average duration of their commute, and those wholive off-campus are asked whether they live with the individuals who raised them as children andwhether they have responsibilities to care for children themselves. This demographic informationTable 1: Dependent Variables Variable Construct and Source Survey Items (Adapted) Classroom “Perceived Classroom Please rate your agreement with the following statements, which Comfort Comfort” from Hoffman et relate to your comfort levels about having discussions, academic, al.’s “Sense of Belonging personal, or otherwise, with members of the Cal State LA Scale” [12] community
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Samaneh Gholitabar, New York City College of Technology, City University of New York
supported the efficacy of theapproach in achieving the stated goals of improving student learning and better preparing them fora career in the construction industry.AcknowledgmentsThe author gratefully acknowledges the General Education and Writing Across the Curriculumteams at New York City College of Technology for the valuable lessons provided throughworkshops and mentoring sessions.Reference 1. Kim, S., S. Chang, D. Castro-Lacouture. 2019. “Dynamic Modeling for Analyzing Impacts of Skilled Labor Shortage on Construction Project Management.” Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 1. 2. Levanon, G., B. Cheng, and M. Paterra. 2014. “The risk of future labor shortages in different occupations and industries in the
2023 IL-IN Section Conference
Tom Lucas
is expandedin Appendix section 6.1.# Popular Culture Reference Demonstration Concept(s) to Introduce1 Jurassic Park movie, water ripples as a Sound-driven Surface Wave energy dinosaur takes a step Vibration conversion between various electrical and mechanical forms2 Nearby object sensing in modern self- Ultrasonic Distance Calculating object driving vehicles Measurement distance from reflection
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amber L Doiron, University of Vermont; Katherine O'Shea; Nicole M Miller, Vermont Afterschool, Inc.; Tracy L Truzansky
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
nee d of … ysel f f te eff o gro le nge peop I am ri vil e o t he e rs e ED s n ds art o fo r o f hal il ar h o p so f
Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division (EDGD) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cameron Denson, North Carolina State University at Raleigh; Niloufar Bayati, North Carolina State University at Raleigh
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics Division (EDGD)
with most things of a complex nature there are many problems that we maynot foresee. In doing our best to avoid these issues, diligent planning and research-basedsolutions will be utilized to provide students with an environment that is conducive tocollaborative learning. While the development of 3-D modeling skills and spatial ability areintegral to this project it is important to keep in mind that at the heart of the ABLE project is thedevelopment of a collaborative learning experience that can potentially help us addresschallenges we face as a global community.Figure 1Community Water TankFigure 2Automated Milk Line REFERENCESAllen, D. E., Donham, R. S., & Bernhardt, S. A. (2011). Problem
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amanda Walls, University of Arkansas; Ishita Tandon, University of Arkansas; Timothy J. Muldoon, University of Arkansas; Jeff Wolchok, University of Arkansas; Mostafa Elsaadany, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
students approach engineering problems in the workplace.This study has been limited thus far by a small sample size of students, which will likely increaseas the course is offered each year. Additionally, future work will aim to identify how the courseimpacts students’ entrepreneurial mindsets and career goals long-term in their senior capstoneprojects. As the course gains interest among engineering students, this study will also aim tounderstand how different engineering majors are influenced by the course activities.References[1] B. Schadl, S. Sheppard, and H. Chen, “Career Certainty: Differences Between Career Certain and Uncertain Engineering Students,” in ASEE , 2017.[2] B. Hughes, W. Schell, B. Tallman, R. Beigel, E. Annand, and M
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 5
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeff Knowles, Oregon State University; Amy L. Brooks, Oregon State University; Elliott Clement, Oregon State University; Prateek Shekhar, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Shane A. Brown, P.E., Oregon State University; Mustafa Aljabery, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
choices and functionalities of all the available options.Having a one-on-one consultation appointment, in which a CTL advisor walks through ashortened list of alternatives could make the process more palatable to faculty.Considering participant P46’s experiences, another proposed avenue for combatting resource-related barriers to EBIP implementation is training at a graduate level. It is not uncommon inPhD or Master’s programs for students to take on graduate teaching assistant positions. Thisexperience is often considered as preparation for holding an academic position in highereducation. Therefore, it is reasonable at this stage for graduate students to be exposed to EBIPsthrough some form of training. This type of coaching may prepare
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel Ziminski, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Yanfen Li, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
. 5, no. 1, pp. 37-52, 2003.[14] L. Malcom, and S. Malcom, “The double bind: The next generation,” Harvard EducationalReview, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 162-172, 2011.[15] M. Wyer, “Intending to stay: Images of scientists, attitudes toward women, and gender asinfluences on persistence among science and engineering majors,” Journal of Women andMinorities in Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, 2003.[16] S. V. Brown, “The preparation of minorities for academic careers in science andengineering: How well are we doing,” Access denied: Race, ethnicity, and the scientificenterprise, pp. 239-269, 2000.[19] Y. J. Xu, “The experience and persistence of college students in STEM majors,” Journal ofCollege Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS) Technical Session_Tuesday June 27, 1:30 - 3:00
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Youna Jung, Northeastern University; Jacob Ray Johnston, Virginia Military Institute; Aidan Noonan
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS)
. Figure 11. Color-indexed Hierarchy of Ethics Topics (Green: Top 1-8, Yellow: Top 9-17, Orange: Top 22-36, Red: Uncovered Topics)AcknowledgementProject sponsored by the National Security Agency under Grant/Cooperative Agreement NumberH98230-21-l-0167. The United States Government is authorized to reproduce and distributereprints notwithstanding any copyright notation herein. Any opinions, findings, and conclusionsor recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Security Agency. This manuscript is submitted for publicationwith the understanding that the United States Government is authorized to reproduce anddistribute reprints.References[1] S. Deb
Conference Session
Online and Remote Teaching
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohsen Sarraf; Mark Atkins, Ivy Tech Community College Indianapolis; Jenny Welter, zyBooks, a Wiley brand; Yasaman Adibi, zyBooks, a Wiley Brand; Nikitha Sambamurthy, zyBooks, a Wiley Brand; Lauren Fogg, zyBooks, a Wiley Brand
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
] zyBooks. (accessed April 2023).[13] S. L. Broschat, “Interactive software for undergraduate electromagnetics,” IEEE Trans.Educ., vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 123-126, 1993.[14] G. Hagerty and S. Smith, “Using the web-based interactive software ALEKS to enhancecollege algebra,” Math. Comput. Educ., vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 183-194, 2005.[15] S. L. Wood, “A new approach to interactive tutorial software for engineering education,”IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 399-408, 1996.[16] G. A. Krohn and C. M. O'Connor, "Student effort and performance over the semester," TheJ. of Econ. Educ., vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 328, Winter 2005.[17] J. Yuen, A. Edgcomb, and F. Vahid, “Will students earnestly attempt learning questions ifanswers are viewable
Conference Session
Mentoring, Case Study of Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Identity Dilemmas, Cultural Homelessness and Intersectionality, and Transfer Students
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Denise M. Driscoll, Purdue University ; Maeve Drummond Oakes, Purdue University College of Engineering
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
industry mentor(s) over time sothat they could build a relationship with the mentor(s) and feel comfortable enough to ask questions onany range of topics. These sessions, moreover, were designed such that mentor(s) responded to theinterests and needs of the REM students in what we called a “Mr. Roger’s” fashion – inviting a friendof theirs to talk with the students for a little while about an interest they expressed (i.e., EngineersWithout Borders).Interactive Talks with Industry Professionals. The purpose was to give the REM students insight intothe daily life of an engineer working in the energy sector and hear what they are doing around all thedifferent energy sources (e.g., gas, oil, wind, solar), and how their companies are innovating
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED) Technical Session 2: Community Retrospectives
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Nichole Ingram, University of Kentucky; Malgorzata Chwatko, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED)
opportunities that are being offered to students. We alsoidentified gaps in communication and professional development areas of the curriculum whichcould better match what employers and alumni identified as key skills required to perform jobduties. We suggest a more formal peer and committee-based mentorship which could focus onimproving skills as one potential solutions, or development of special courses designed to teachwriting or communication skills.References1. Altarawneh, M.; Dlugogorski, B. Z., Introducing Quantum Chemistry in ChemicalEngineering Curriculum. Journal of Chemical Education 2018, 95 (9), 1562-1571.2. Fogler, H. S.; Hirshfield, L. J., Process Safety Across the Chemical EngineeringCurriculum. ACS Chemical Health &
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - GIFTS
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aditya T. Vadlamani, The Ohio State University; Laine Rumreich, The Ohio State University; Andrew H. Phillips, The Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
design project,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, vol. 2017-June, 2017. [4] J. P. Michael and M. F. Richard, “Inductive Teaching and Learning Methods: Definitions, Comparisons, and Research Bases,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 123–138, 2006. [5] M. Prince, “Does active learning work? a review of the research,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 93, pp. 223–231, 07 2004. [6] S. Farrell, R. Hesketh, and C. S. Slater, “An inductive approach to teaching courses in engineering,” in 2003 Annual Conference. Nashville, Tennessee: ASEE Conferences, June 2003. [7] B. B. Jayasingh, H. Kumar, and G. Aishwarya, “Inquiry based inductive learning practices in engineering
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 6
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lindy Hamilton Mayled, Arizona State University; Ann F. McKenna, Arizona State University; Adam R. Carberry, Arizona State University; Jennifer M. Bekki, Arizona State University; Julianne L. Holloway, Arizona State University; Samantha Ruth Brunhaver, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
mentoring program for juniorfaculty: Recommendations for practice. In To improve the academy, vol. 16, editedby D. DeZure. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press and the ProfessionalOrganizational Development Network in Higher Education[4] Schlosser, L. Z., S. Knox, A. R. Moskovitz, and C. E. Hill. 2003. A qualitativeexamination of graduate advising relationships: The advisee perspective. Journal ofCounseling Psychology 50(2):178–188.[5] Matthews, K., (2014) Perspectives on Midcareer Faculty and Advice forSupporting Them. Cambridge, MA: Collaborative on Academic Careers inHigher Education White Paper.[6] National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2019. TheScience of Effective Mentorship in STEMM. Washington, DC: The NationalAcademies Press
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 12
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel E. Horenstein, University of Denver; Daniel D. Auger; Peter J. Laz, University of Denver
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
deliverables associated with each pillar were presented to students during the first week of the course. Pillars were assigned a unique slide tag that was used in subsequent lecture materials to indicate the relevant pillar(s) of operation to the topic in discussion.      The Project Management Pillar focused on developing a project-specific schedule, assigningindividual tasks, and managing expenses within a project-specific budget. The instructorsprovided deadlines for high-level milestones (i.e., specific interactions with project sponsorsaround project updates and stage gate reviews) (Figure 2), but student teams were responsible
Conference Session
Online and Remote Teaching
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bhawana Bhatta, Youngstown State University; Ghassan Salim, Youngstown State University; Vamsi Borra, Youngstown State University; Frank X. Li, Youngstown State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
configurations, and more. The students are also asked to set up the physical interface between the NI myDAQ, the myDevBoard prototype board, and the DC motor. The completion of this laboratory exercise is assessed through successful simulation of the LabVIEW program and understanding of the NI myDAQ specifications and interface. B. Motor Identification and Modeling The goal of this experiment is to develop the transfer function of the lab DC motor. The open- loop transfer function to be obtained is: where K: motor’s torque constant (N/m/s) J: motor’s mass moment of inertia (kg m2) Ra: motor’s armature resistance (Ω) Bm
Conference Session
Teaching Tools: Problem Solving and Hands-On Teaching (NEE)
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia Caratozzolo, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico; Luis Alberto Mejía-Manzano, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico; Rebeca Maria Garcia; Maria Ileana Ruiz-Cantisani, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico; Patricia Vázquez-Villegas, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico; Vianney Lara-Prieto, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico; Edgar Omar Lopez-Caudana; Jorge Membrillo-Hernández, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
, vol. 14, n.o 1, pp. 1-11, 2018.[3] P. Appiah-Kubi y E. Annan, «A Review of a Collaborative Online International Learning», International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), vol. 10, n.o 1, Art. n.o 1, ene. 2020, doi: 10.3991/ijep.v10i1.11678.[4] F. F. Guimarães y K. R. Finardi, «Global citizenship education (GCE) in internationalization: COIL as alternative Thirdspace», Globalisation, Societies and Education, vol. 19, n.o 5, pp. 641- 657, oct. 2021, doi: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1875808.[5] V. P. Misra, S. Rautela, A. Sharma, y P. Mishra, «Collaborative Online International Learning (Coil) in Teaching-Learning: Bridging the Student Mobility Gap in Internationalization of Higher Education.», International Journal of Modern
Conference Session
Committee on Educational Policy Presents: Pillars of Student Development
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kejun Wen, Jackson State University; Na Li, Jackson State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
REFERENCESchoice of future major but may not lead to their choice of themajor in this pilot. [1] Mack, K., Rankins, C., and Woodson, K. (2013). From graduate school toB. Interpretations and implications the STEM Workforce: An entropic approcach to career identity development for STEM women of color. New directions for Higher A review of all participants' major interests prior to their Education, 163, pp.23-24.attending in I-CUREs showed that most of freshmen were not [2] Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H.,originally
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Bradley J. Sottile, The Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Topics
that Kung et al.’s (2022) paper actually listed ChatGPT as a co-author. On the other hand, Thorp (2023) has declared that ChatGPT cannot be considered anauthor since research is an intrinsically human endeavor. Thorp (2023) similarly specified thattext generated by artificial intelligence has been restricted from appearing in Science journals. Inany case, the text of the proposed question group follows: A major writing assignment is coming up for an engineering student’s capstone design course during a very busy part of the semester. There are a few major sections of the paper that require mostly formulaic responses. A student in the course decides to use ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot, to write those
Conference Session
Civil, Electrical, and Eng Tech
ASEE Southeast Section Conference
Shahnam Navaee, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Topics
Professional Engineering Education Papers
; Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 16-19, 2002.2. Martino, N., & Ghanem, A., “Innovative Approach to Teaching Applied Structures Courses,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016.3. Sitaram, P., & Manyama, A. M, “Computer Analysis of Structures for Architectural Technology Students,” Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE North Central Section Conference, Morgantown, WV, March 27, 2020.4. Rojiani, K.B., & Schottler, R., “Java Applets for Structural Analysis,” Proceedings of the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, St. Louis, MO, June 18-21, 2000.5. Navaee, S., & Das, N., “Utilization of MATLAB in Structural Analysis
Conference Session
S6B: Full Papers - One Size Does Not Fit All
14th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference
Robin A.M. Hensel, West Virginia University; Susie Huggins, West Virginia University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Full Papers
conveniencefor the actors, facilitators, and students. Whether or not it returns to an on-campusimplementation in future years will be decided collaboratively by those who plan this event andthe theatre personnel who implement it. Additional considerations regarding futureimplementations of the Theatre Sketch productions are related to the time, effort, and cost ofproduction and the university and department budgetary resources.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions,findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The authors alsothank the Partnership for Equity
Conference Session
S6C: Full Papers - Cannot Have Too Much Math!
14th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference
Karen D Alfrey, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis; Jeffrey Watt; Christine Krull, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Full Papers
semester.Our results suggest that PLTL in Calculus 1 strongly supports student success, with particularlystrong gains for students typically underrepresented in engineering. While the focus ondeveloping problem-solving skills and engagement with course content is important, intentionalcommunity-building to foster peer connections that lead to mutual academic support appears tobe a crucial aspect of these gains. Thus, linking PLTL to a LC or incorporating intentionalcommunity-building directly into early PLTL sessons will help maximize achievement gains.References[1] J. A. Middleton, S. Krause, S. Maass, K. Beeley, J. Collofello, and R. Culbertson, “Early course and grade predictors of persistence in undergraduate engineering majors
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Milo Koretsky, Tufts University; Susan Bobbitt Nolen; Dominic J Dal Bello, Allan Hancock College; James M Widmann, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Michael J. Prince, Bucknell University; Christopher Papadopoulos, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Barbara and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. At AHC, he is Department Chair of Math- ematical Sciences, Faculty Advisor of MESA (the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Pro- gram), and Principal/Co-Principal Investigator of several National Science Foundation projects (S-STEM, LSAMP, IUSE). In ASEE, he is chair of the Two-Year College Division, and Vice-Chair/Community Col- leges of the Pacific Southwest Section. He received the Outstanding Teaching Award for the ASEE/PSW Section in 2022.Dr. James M Widmann, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Jim Widmann is a professor and chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department at California Polytech- nic State University, San Luis Obispo. He received
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Roman Taraban, Texas Tech University; Alberto Giussani, Texas Tech University; William M. Marcy P.E., Texas Tech University; Paul A. Terrell, Texas Tech University; Sweta Saraff, IHR Kolkata; Ramakrishna Biswal, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute Technology, Rourkela
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
currently addressing through this project.1[1] J. R. Lohmann, H. A. Rollins, and J. Joseph Hoey, “Defining, developing and assessingglobal competence in engineers,” European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 31, no. 1, pp.119-131, 2006.[2] R. Taraban, W. M. Marcy, M. S. LaCour, S. H. C. Prasad, and S. Zasiekin, “Using the web todevelop global ethical engineering students,” Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 8, no. 3,pp. 1-21, 2020.[3] R. Taraban, M. Iserman, J. C. Pittman, N. Yeo, R. C. Campbell, J-H Kim, and D. D. Reible,“Assessment of reflective thinking in graduate engineering students: Human and machinemethods
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Qian Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU); Biying Wen, Liverpool University; University of Liverpool
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
department at the case University in November 2022, six teachers agreed to beinterviewed. Previous studies had used the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA)method to collect data from a small sample size (e.g., six interviewees in Wartenweiler’sstudy and Five interviewees in Wood et al.’s study [29][30][31]). The researcher decided todeploy the IPA method to work with the six female CS and engineering teachers. Duringinterviews, the questions were asked based on these guiding research questions: Whatperceived role and responsibilities do female faculty of computer science and engineeringhold? In what ways faculty’s gender identity influence their perceived roles andresponsibilities? How do they carry out their roles and responsibilities in
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Lynn Ferguson, Rowan University; Christopher J Winkler, Rowan University; Kara P. Ieva; Marjorie Blicharz, Rowan University; Theresa E. Cann; Ashley Elmes
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
participation in these career fields [12], [13],[14], STEM-VRCE represents one avenue of change for modern career development.References[1] S. Provasnik, et al. “Status of education in rural America,” US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, 2007.[2] D. J. Gagnon and M.J. Mattingly. "State policy responses to ensuring excellent educators in rural schools," Journal of Research in Rural Education, Vol 30.13, pp. 1-14, 2015.[3] B.C. Hutchins and P. Akos. "Rural high school youth's access to and use of school-to-work programs," The Career Development Quarterly, Vol 61.3, pp. 210-225, 2013.[4] A. Byars-Winston. "Toward a framework for multicultural STEM-focused career
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Royce A. Francis, The George Washington University; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Tech; Rachel Claire Riedner, George Washington University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
students’ acquisition of the importantparticipatory capacity of engineering judgment.AcknowledgmentsThis project is supported by National Science Foundation under grant numbers xxxxxxx andxxxxxxx. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.ReferencesBaybutt, P. (2018). The validity of engineering judgment and expert opinion in hazard and risk analysis: The influence of cognitive biases. Process Safety Progress, 37(2), 205-210., L. C. J. C., Klosky, J. L., Mainwaring, T., & Hanus, J. P. (2017). Accelerating the development of engineering judgment