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researchshould explore how to best support student peer mentors in their role in ways that help breakdown the cultural stereotypes that pervade the profession while supporting student agency andlearning in the space.Acknowledgement – This material is based upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation S-STEM program under Grant No. 1834139. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] K. Sheridan, E. Halverson, B. Litts, L. Brahms, L. Jacobs-Priebe and T. Owens, "Learning in the making: A comparative case study of three makerspaces.," Harvard Educational Review, vol. 84, no. 4505-531
]. • Honoring the language(s) and cultural practices of minoritized communities, recognizing how racialized ideologies shape engineering education [21]. Curriculum and students • Fostering cultural competencies and social justice through culturally responsive engineering curriculum [22], [23]. • Link between social and technical aspects [24] - [26]. Learning • Learning centered in students’ funds of knowledge Profession and education • Expanding pathways into engineering Broader issues, the • Contextualizing the work in
Center for Applied Special Technology),Universal Design for Learning (UDL,) which is described on the CAST website as “a frameworkto improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights intohow humans learn,” is heavily addressed in the scholarly literature. See the CAST website athttps://udlguidelines.cast.org/ for the basic outline of this method of accessible instruction. Asearch of UDL will result in many books, articles [54], and videos about using UDL principles aswell as challenges and critiques of the method.5See S. Burgstahler’s article, “Equal Access: Universal Design for Instruction” for a descriptionof UDI, which is a modification of UDL. Available at https://www.washington.edu/doit/equal-access
to an over-representation of 104% (percent change) compared to anover-representation of whites by just 4.8% (percent change)” (p. 271). While this seems to be,and arguably is, problematic, as Pippert and colleagues point out, this could potentially be aresult of the aspirations of IHEs – by depicting greater diversity, more diverse students may wantto enroll, which will create more diverse campuses. To that notion, Gibbs [68] argues – and weagree – that “persuasive marketing” by IHEs is unethical, and that colleges should resistemploying such strategies.This concept of disingenuous marketing was reproduced in Henslee et al.’s 2017 mixed methodsstudy examining undergraduate, first-year student perceptions of the college viewbook at
responsive teaching," Journal of teacher education, vol. 53, no. 2,pp. 106- 116, 2002.[02]R. T. White and R. F. Gunstone, "Metalearning and conceptual change," International Journal ofScience Education, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 577-586, 1989.[03]D. Kuhn and S. Pearsall, "Developmental origins of scientific thinking," Journal of cognition andDevelopment, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 113-129, 2000.[04]T. Litzinger, L. R. Lattuca, R. Hadgraft and W. Newstetter, "Engineering education and thedevelopment of expertise," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 123-150, 2011.[05]J. R. Frederiksen, M. Sipusic, M. Sherin and E. W. Wolfe, " Video portfolio assessment: Creating aframework for viewing the functions of teaching.," Educational Assessment, vol. 5
quantitative assessment tools, including Grit-S and Alternative Uses Test (AUT),and qualitative assessment tools, including open portfolios and showcase presentations. Weanalyzed three years of survey data from 159 youth who participated in after-school learningprograms at our research site. We also conducted interviews with three adult program staffmembers who administered the different assessments and collected their observations andreflections about youth’s attitudes towards them. Through participant observation and a focusgroup with 8 youth employees, we studied attitudes towards self- and peer-reviews in aprofessional training program housed at the center. Studying assessment procedures and youth’sattitudes towards them in these different
inattentive responders. The finalanalytical sample included 834 students. Participant gender identity, race/ethnicity, nationality,sexual identity, and disability status are reported in Table 1. Participants self-identified theirdemographics by selecting from categorical response options including write-in text options. Thesample is predominantly men (65%), and white (66%), which reflects the general populationcharacteristics among contemporary U. S. engineering undergraduates. Most participantsidentified as heterosexual/straight (88%) with 9% identifying as asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian,pansexual, queer, or another sexual identity. Students reported a range of disabilities, withpsychological conditions predominating at 13% of the sample.Table 1
“effectivelydisrupt the systematic categorization of alternative neurological and cognitiveembodiment(s)”and “offers an emancipatory lens for representing and embodying neurologicaldifferences beyond traditional special education’s deficit-based discourses and practices.”C. INCLUDE ProjectThe INCLUDE project funded by the Revolutionizing Engineering Departments program of theNational Science Foundation has been established to transform department-wide practices andcreate an inclusive learning environment that empowers the diversity of learners present ininstitutions of higher education. This project aims to develop and refine a range of interventionstargeted towards multiple aspects of academic life, from recruitment to career development. TheINCLUDE team
Asian women in 2013, whereas approximately8% were Asian men [19]. Moreover, a recent report by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statisticsindicated that the number of Asian women professionals were four times fewer than the numberof Asian men in the construction industry in 2022 [20]. Although the two industries are slightlydifferent, these statistics imply that Asian women's experiences cannot be understood simply asinheriting Asian’s privileges. Asian women face a number of challenges when completing their engineering programs.There are few female leaders in civil engineering [21] and even fewer Asian women leaders.Since there are so few Asian women leaders in civil engineering, it is difficult for prospectivecivil engineering students and
Council for Research on Women, 11 Hanover Square,20th Floor, New York, NY 10005.[3] Hill, C., Corbett, C., & St Rose, A. (2010). Why so few? Women in science, technology,engineering, and mathematics. American Association of University Women. 1111 SixteenthStreet NW, Washington, DC 20036.[4] Fouad, N. A., Hackett, G., Smith, P. L., Kantamneni, N., Fitzpatrick, M., Haag, S., &Spencer, D. (2010). Barriers and supports for continuing in mathematics and science: Gender andeducational level differences. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(3), 361-373.[5] Sullivan, A., & Bers, M. U. (2013). Gender differences in kindergarteners’ robotics andprogramming achievement. International journal of technology and design education, 23,691-702.[6
identity aspiration were underlying processes driving theconditional effect. Following (Preacher and Hayes 2004)’s recommendations, we tested ourmodel using non-parametric percentile bootstrapping to create confidence intervals for eacheffect with the lavaan package (Rosseel 2012). As shown in Figure 1, the result revealed that entrepreneurial identity aspiration wasdriving the observed conditional effect of the video intervention on entrepreneurial intention.Consistent with the results from OLS regression, participants in the relatable role modelcondition have higher entrepreneurial identity aspirations than those in the unrelatable role modelcondition with a point estimate of 0.11 and the 95% confidence interval of (0.01, 0.21
Whiteness and Maleness Visible,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 106, no. 4, pp. 531–533, 2017, doi: 10.1002/jee.20181.[2] A. L. Pawley, “Shift the default in ‘broadening participation’ in STEM equity research,” Int. J. Gend. Sci. Technol., vol. 11, no. 3, Art. no. 3, 2019.[3] S. Secules, “Putting Diversity in Perspective: A Critical Cultural Historical Context for Representation in Engineering,” presented at the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2017. Accessed: Mar. 01, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://peer.asee.org/putting-diversity-in-perspective-a-critical-cultural-historical-context- for-representation-in-engineering[4] S. Secules, “Making the Familiar Strange: An Ethnographic Scholarship of Integration
recruitment and retention ofstudents to the Engineering Technology (ET) programs within the College of EngineeringTechnology (CET) at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). This project is funded by aNational Science Foundation Scholarships in Science Technology & Math (S-STEM; NSFAward No. 1930313) awarded in 2020. The SD-COMETS program is a comprehensive programaimed at increasing enrollment of economically disadvantaged, academically talented students inET academic programs at RIT, with targeted recruitment of underrepresented groups. The projectis designed to increase first and second year persistence, known to be the critical years for degreecompletion. Using a research based approach, factors in the engineering education
fourprimary literature databases: ERIC, Engineering Village, Scopus, and conference proceedings ofthe American Society for Engineering Education using the following keywords: “asset-based”and “engineering”. Search results were then augmented using Google Scholar and twosystematic reviews related to asset-based frameworks in STEM (FoK [7] and CCW [9]),respectively. Those articles that met any one of the following criteria were included in thisreview: 1. The study includes evidence of assets for one or more certain student population(s) or, 2. The study includes asset-based practices for teaching and learning engineering or engineering design in any educational setting or, 3. The study includes conceptual ideas or general suggestions
cooperative learningreduction strategies. teams on student achievement and race relations: This review of the literature is the beginning of a larger Treatment by race interactions," Sociology of Education,project focused on creating fairer peer assessments by pp. 174-180, 1981.teaching students techniques to address their own biases. Withthis knowledge of where bias exists and the strategies used to [8] L. Springer, M. E. Stanne, & S. S. Donovan, “Effects of small-group learning on undergraduates in science,mitigate it, the research team will develop a comprehensive
Chicago Legal Forum, 140, pp. 139-167, 1989.[2] E. Pascarella, L. S. Hagerdorn, E. Whitt, P. M. Yeager, M. I. Edison, P. T. Terenzini, A. Noura, “Women's Perceptions of a "Chilly Climate" and Their Cognitive Outcomes during the First Year of College,” Journal of College Student Development, 38(2).[3] M. Ong, C. Wright, L. Espinosa, and G. Orfield, “Inside the Double Bind: A Synthesis of Empirical Research on Undergraduate and Graduate Women of Color in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics,” Harvard Educational Review, 81(2), pp. 172–209, Summer 2011.[4] A. Bandura, “Self-efficacy,” in Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, V. S. Ramachaudran, Ed. New York: Academic Press, 1994, pp. 71-81
% 60% 40% 18% 15% 20% 0% CIT 12000 CIT 21400 Agree Neither agree or disagree Table 7: Perceptions of Mentees towards Mentoring CIT 12000 CIT 21400 The mentors gave me the sense that s/he and I The mentors modeled how to overcome challenges shared similarities in the background. and reach personal goals. The mentors helped me explore resources to The mentors showed me how to treat failed succeed academically. attempts as a
establish remarkable footprints and make an impact that matters. Simul- taneously, Daniel is the CEO of an EdTech start-up. Prior to joining FIU, Daniel had worked in Dubai for the ministry of Education as a STEM Educator and Lead Instructor. Previous work experience was in the United Kingdom (as an assistant Lead manager) and Nigeria. To date, he has co-authored 2 journal articles, authored 2 Physics textbooks, held many leadership roles and won several awards (one notable one is a World Bank award).Dr. Bruk T. Berhane, Florida International University Dr. Bruk T. Berhane received his bachelorˆa C™s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland in 2003. He then completed a masterˆa C™s degree in
Sacramento State and by an NSF grant (DUE # 2235774).References [1] C. L. Dym, A. M. Agogino, O. Eris, D. D. Frey, and L. J. Leifer, “Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning”, J. Eng. Educ., vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 103–120, Jan. 2005. [2] S. Rodenbusch, et al. “Early engagement in course-based research increases graduation rates and completion of science, engineering, and mathematics degrees,” CBE life sciences education, vol. 15, 2016, doi:10.1187/cbe.16-03-0117. [3] C. D. Wilson, J. A. Taylor, S. M. Kowalski, and J. Carlson, “The relative effects and equity of inquiry-based and commonplace science teaching on students’ knowledge, reasoning, and argumentation,” J. Res. Sci. Teach., 2009. [4] C. Katie, M. Blum Michelle, M. Julie, and S.-C. C
, alsohave the highest level of tentativeness in the LIWC analysis, suggesting that their leadership isexpressed in a way that invites others’ input. The GCA analysis (Fig. 4) is somewhat at variancewith the others, suggesting that S1 and S4 are the greater participators. The overallresponsiveness scores are very similar for all team members, but the social impact scorescorroborate the observation that S3 seems disempowered.Figure 3 - Scores for each member (S1-S4) of each team for each of the three LIWC constructs. Theresults for team F22 are skewed by S4’s very small number of utterances.Figure 4 - Scores for each member (S1-S4) of each team for each of the three GCA constructs. The resultsfor team F22 are skewed by S4’s very small number of
Hispanic Higher Education, 20(3), 297-312. 4. Prescott, A., Coupland, M., Angelini, M., & Schuck, S. (2020). Making School Maths Engaging: The Maths Inside Project. Springer. 5. Tobias, S. (1998). Anxiety and mathematics. Harvard Education Review, 50, 63–70. 6. Balfanz, R., & Byrnes, V. (2006). Closing the mathematics achievement gap in high- poverty middle schools. J. of Ed. for Students Placed at Risk, 11(2), 143-159. 7. Rowan‐Kenyon, H. T., Swan, A. K., & Creager, M. F. (2012). Social cognitive factors, support, and engagement: early adolescents’ math interests as precursors to choice of career. The Career Development Quarterly, 60(1), 2-15. 8. Bursal, M., & Paznokas, L. (2006). Mathematics
Kristine Denman is the Director of the New Mexico Statistical Analysis Center. She has over 20 years of experience in both applied research and program evaluation, including multiple evaluation projects focused on STEM internship experiences. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023An Engineering/Computer Science Project with Community Service FocusAbstract:This conference paper informs about a S-STEM (Scholarships in STEM) project awarded to theUniversity of New Mexico (UNM) School of Engineering (SOE). This NSF project is focused onproviding scholarships to students with merit who also demonstrate financial need. Thisparticular NSF project was focused on professional development activities as well as
Alliance (NCIIA). EMSresearch continued with support from the National Science Foundation (grant number 1636442).References[1] M. J. Fernandez, J. M. Trenor, K. S. Zerda and C. Cortes, "First generation college studentsin engineering: A qualitative investigation of barriers to academic plans.," in IEEE 38th AnnualFrontiers in Education Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, 2008.[2] J. M. Trenor, S. L. Yu, W. C. L. and K. S. Zerda, "Influences for selecting engineering:Insights on access to Social Capital from two case studies.," in IEEE 38th Annual Frontiers inEducation Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, 2008.[3] J. M. Trenor, " A phenomenological inquiry of the major choice processes of an overlookeddemographic: First generation college students in
failure will cause maximum degradation of network clustering. Further investigation willhave to be done for a 100 and 500 node network. Table for Notations N Number of vertices/nodes (N = |V |) M Number of edges/links (M = |E|) du The degree of u N (u) The set of neighbors of u T (u) The number of triangles containing u C (u), C (G) Clustering coefficients of u and G C˜v (u), C˜v (G) G Clustering coefficients of u and G after removing node v from G[S] The sub-graph
the whole program - tend to fail 5, 8.Charney and Libecap 9 assessed impact of entrepreneurship education and found that theeducation produces self-sufficient and innovative enterprising individuals.Simpeh10 examines various entrepreneurship theories including psychological entrepreneurshiptheories. The psychological theories highlight personal characteristics that defineentrepreneurship. Simpeh has included “traits theory” and “need for achievement theory” in thepaper 10. The “trait theory” hypothesizes that an individual has inborn qualities or potentials thatnaturally make him an entrepreneur. The issue with the trait model is that, there is no consistentevidence of unique entrepreneurial characteristics 11. Simpeh also quotes McClelland‟s
with real-world examplesas compared to theoretical examples traditionally employed in introductory engineering graphicscourses.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1725874. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] J. V. Ernst, T.O. Williams, A. C. Clark, and D. P. Kelly, “Psychometric properties of the PSVT:R Outcome Measure: A preliminary study of introductory engineering design graphics,” in 70th EDGD Midyear Conference Proceedings, Daytona, FL, USA, January 24-26, 2016.[2] S. A. Sorby and B. J. Baartmans
selection paths based on specific class or numerical valueof selected parameter (e.g., final test score). Each node represents a splitting rule for one specificattribute (e.g., answer to a test question). This analytic tool has as well the option to reducepredictive errors by searching for an optimal decision-tree development, according to a specifiedcriterion [12].The objective in this study is to search for dominant factors that predict positive test scoreimprovement when comparing pre-intervention to post-intervention evaluation of students’spatial visualization skills. Another goal is to identify influential test question(s) and/ordemographic factors that will move the predictive modeling efforts into a broader identificationand grouping of
morewomen into the program. Results of these efforts and other success stories will be reported infuture.AcknowledgementThe project is funded by the NSF’s EEC Program. We would also like to thank NorthropGrumman Corporation and NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center for hosting the participantsand giving them a tour of their research labs and facilities. We would also like to thank NorthropGrumman Corporation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, and NASA AFRC for their continuedsupport of the Cal Poly Pomona’s UAV Lab.References1. Bhandari, S., Aliyazicioglu, Z., Tang, F., and Raheja, A., “Research Experience for Undergraduates in UAV Technologies,” Proceedings of American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 25-28
anxiety can bedevastating, as mathematics is an important part of life [3]. Math anxiety can cause individuals toavoid math or situations that require analytical and rational thought [4]. Several studies havebeen carried out with elementary and grade school students to learn more about human reactionto mathematics [5], yet fewer studies have been done on college students or later. Furthermore,the majority of these research studies on college students focus on first-year students enrolled ina mathematics course [3]. The current study of this paper is focused on a less studied populationof engineering technology students, and their tendency to engage in rational-analytical thoughtprocesses.Literature ReviewIn the 1970’s researchers indicated that