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Displaying results 61 - 90 of 471 in total
Conference Session
Learning Enhancements for CHE Courses
2003 Annual Conference
Polly Piergiovanni; S. Scott Moor
Cycles)The concept of using experience in education is not a new one. John Dewey discusses the needsand nature for experiential learning in his still timely work Experience and Education.13 Manylearning cycles have been suggested. These learning cycles vary from two to five or six steps butessentially all include active and reflective components.Figure 1 depicts the four-step Kolb cycle of experiential learning, one of the most widelyconsidered in engineering education.14 This cycle consist of Concrete Experience, ReflectiveObservation, Abstract Conceptualization and Active Experimentation. While the cycle can beginat any step, it is generally begun with the concrete experience step.1 All four steps are requiredfor complete learning to occur
Conference Session
Trends in Biological & Agricultural Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Saba Choudhary; Naz Azadi; Mike Ratino; Lauri Kreeb; Jason Congdon; Paul Schreuders
was used to manipulate the ant. Page 8.1158.4(See Appendix 1 for the program used to meet Challenge 1). It consisted of a series of timed “Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ” 2003, American Society for Engineering Education”commands to activate the two driving motors in specific directions and powers, to activate thelight reflectance sensor, and to play music. The music was created using the piano player andwas activated by adding a subroutine to the loop. The program began with a short 4-second bit ofmusic, and then entered
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade Outside of Class
2003 Annual Conference
William Jordan; Bill Elmore
examinedas part of this study.Understanding yourself and your universityOne basic step is for each of us to really understand who we are, and what we really want out oflife. Many engineers find this type of reflection difficult for it requires more philosophicalthinking than they are used to doing in their everyday engineering practice. However thisreflection is an absolutely crucial first step. For example both of the authors have their families,community service and church activities as priorities in their lives. We want to make sure thatwe do not achieve professional success at the expense of these. The first author is a facultyadvisor to one student group. He is also interested in photography and has been involved inpolitics at a significant
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Advances II
2003 Annual Conference
Paula Baty; Erdogan Sener
, insulation and reflective properties, but also, comparisons based onlife-cycle cost and pay-back analysis.IntroductionIn 1830, the world population was 1 billion; today, a staggering 6 billion people inhabit the globe.The “population bomb” has and will continue to affect global, national and local conditions in termsof economy, environmental resources, waste, and living standards. The United States, alone, is hometo 284 million people, the majority of which reside in metropolitan areas. The homes, jobs andvehicles of 228 million urban dwellers concentrated in relatively small areas have significantlyimpacted national mineral, oil, and groundwater reserves. With the expectation of a billion newbirths in the next ten years, the ability to maintain
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Electrical ET
2003 Annual Conference
Salahuddin Qazi
internal reflection, Fresnel reflection, diffraction, polarization and interferenceWeek 3 Optical fiber as a waveguide, parameters of optical fiber, types of glass and plastic fibers, single mode and multi-mode fibersWeek 4 Transmission characteristics of optical fibers, losses and dispersion of fibers, absorption, scattering and radiative effects in fibers, modal, material andwaveguide dispersionsWeek 5 Method of fabrication of fibers, low loss fibers, chemical vapor depositiontechniques, outside vapor and vapor-axial deposition techniquesWeek 6. Fiber drawing process, cable designWeek 7 Connectors, splices and couplers, fiber alignment and joint losses, types of fiber splices and connectors
Conference Session
Technology, Communication, & Ethics
2003 Annual Conference
C. Richard Helps; Stephen Renshaw
operating systems and how in general to discovermechanisms and methods of new operating systems.The Independent Learning EnvironmentThe independent learning environment that has been developed is a series of structured lessons.The student can choose how and when to the complete each lesson. The typical time to completea particular lesson is one hour, making this system both practical and concise.One of the main objectives of this environment is to train students to teach themselves thoroughindependent learning and consequently develop life-long learning skills and habits. “Whenstudents learn on their own, they develop the ability to focus and reflect. Working on their ownalso gives them the opportunity to take personal responsibility for their
Conference Session
Mentoring, Outreach, & Intro BME Courses
2003 Annual Conference
Shruti Mehta; Amanda Knudson; David Kanter; Suzanne Olds
have benefited students in ways notoriginally anticipated. When asked to comment on how they have benefited from the project, theengineering students indicated that they have had to reflect upon their own learning process inorder to devise this teaching unit in their specific field of interest:“There is great satisfaction in knowing that you aided in the educational development of a youngstudents. You also develop yourself in the process. The on-going development of this project notonly allows us to teach kids about the design process but it also allows us to improve the designprocess and learn it in a way that can be applied to BME and our other projects.”Many of the engineering students have found that in order to devise the lesson plan
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Merredith Portsmore; Melissa Pickering; Chris Rogers
their project drawings and reflections of project results arerecorded. This log will serve not only to teach the design process, but also provide for a greaterpossibility that the kids will remember the highlighted concepts. Introducing the engineering design process and more specific physics concepts to adynamic young age group can be challenging in itself, aside from the usual inconsistencies thatexist in the classroom. Having the kids work on projects in pairs allows them to overcome theirintimidations of the new material, as well as stimulate their creativity. However, occasionallylack of confidence remains an issue, and in this instance the teacher or STOMP student canprovide a physical example that the group may replicate, gaining
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Electrical ET
2003 Annual Conference
Ron Krahe; David Loker
box controls to the user interface. The first four controls are for the device number, the channel number, the number of scans to acquire, and the scan rate. Two more controls are used to display the mean and AC RMS values. One additional control is used to display text comments to the user indicating the current state of the program. Change the property and settings for each control to Page 8.1282.8 reflect their function. 3. Add two command buttons to the user interface. One button is used to initiate the "Proceedings of the 2003
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Poster Session
2003 Annual Conference
Richard Newman; Jon Weihmeir, Arizona State University; John Robertson, Arizona State University; Lakshmi Munukutla, Arizona State University
, the analysis gave a list of skills thatare invariant (or at least change slowly) plus a second list that reflects current practiceand finally, identification of missing topics. The next section of this paper describes howthe curriculum has been developed to deliver these skills. Page 8.699.3Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education. Annual Conference&Exposition Copyright@2003, American Society for Engineering Education.Slowly changing knowledge and skills Skills that reflect current practiceBasic science, materials and devices Process, tool and product designHigh level of numeracy (NOT same as
Conference Session
Projects in Ocean and Marine Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Paul Miller
”. Great enthusiasm is generated during the project and the final trials take on a festiveatmosphere. Figure 3 shows a typical run from the 2002 competition and figure 4 shows oneclass holding up the boats they built. Student evaluations reflected the enthusiasm generated,with virtually universal praise for the project. Figure 3: Balsa model in tank Figure 4: EN246 students with modelsEN358 – Ship Structures This (3-2-4) spring semester course follows a general strength of materials course taught Page 8.948.3to all engineers and introduces the student to designing ships to withstand longitudinal and
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Nam Kim; Sean Clancey
Education Annual Conference & Exposition © 2003 American Society for Engineering Educationobjectives were determined, relating to specific department and ABET-required outcomes: toimprove student understanding of the principles of vapor-liquid equilibria and to acquire“the ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs [outcome (c)].” Itwas decided that the thermodynamics course should be separated into two separate three-creditcourses: Classic Thermodynamics and Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics. This revision wascompleted in August of 2000, so the 2002 skills test should reflect improvement in the targetedareas. The skills test results were not promising. The metric for a successful
Conference Session
The Use of Technology in Teaching Math
2003 Annual Conference
David Gurney; Daniel Bankston; Allen Battles; Edgar Reyes; Carl Steidley
application to web-based data structures.These objects and ideas include the Poincare disk model, distances, midpoints,angles, hyperbolic triangles, reflections about hyperbolic lines, and distance-preserving transformations. With regards to the technology, we will discuss aninteractive applet that interfaces Visual Basic and Mathematica and shows graphicrepresentations of the ideas and objects just mentioned.IntroductionThe subject of hyperbolic geometry has similarities with Euclidean geometry. It thenbecomes natural for students to take questions from Euclidean geometry and ask themin hyperbolic geometry. A few possible questions include “What is a hyperbolicline?”, “What is a hyperbolic triangle?”, “How do you compute hyperbolic distancesand
Conference Session
Best Teaching Practices for ABET
2003 Annual Conference
June Marshall; John Marshall
day, chosen many months previously, wasironically the Saturday after the Columbine killings. The seminar group reeled under theenormity of what had taken place and helped cement our mission for the day. We beganwith a moment of silence dedicated to the students, teachers and administrators, familiesand the community of Columbine. The seminar was divided into several blocks of time encompassing different approachesand outcomes. The first block of time focused on reflection and discussion of personalmorals and values. The discussions centered upon the basic values of trustworthiness,responsibility, caring, and respect. Faculty and students discussed how these aredeveloped individually and how they guide their life. Student teams then
Conference Session
Instrumentation in the Classroom
2003 Annual Conference
Swaminadham Midturi
in instrumentation, especially at the baccalaureatelevel, should reflect emerging trends in digital technology and new applications; theyshould aim to provide broader perspective of measurement principles and instrumentationto benefit a large section of students in engineering and technology. Validity and accuracyof measurements, operating principles of transducers, transducer applications,microprocessor interface, signal analysis, interpretation, and data presentation for easydecision and control are to become the core elements of instruction and training. Thecontents of courses and hands-on learning experiences through laboratory assignments ininstrumentation should appeal to a broad spectrum of engineering and technologystudents.2
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Joseph Arumala; Ibibia Dabipi
Facilities. Five of the studentsare electrical engineering majors and one a major in Aviation Sciences. This paper is on the workdone by the electrical engineering students. The students participated in several activities, held bi-weekly meetings to report on their activities, wrote a final report and made a final presentation toNASA staff. There was an exit meeting to access and reflect on the program. One important thingthat emerged was the possibility of students, individually and in groups working on senior designprojects on on-going projects at the Facility with the help of NASA mentors. Having identified thementors and the projects during their summer internship, the students are expected to work on seniordesign projects based on the on-going
Conference Session
New Faculty Issues and Concerns
2003 Annual Conference
Ronald Krahe
preparation, to define andsolve open-ended problems. The authors reflected on recent academic reaction to these feelings,and the relationship to Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives. They see a need to reachdifferent styles of learners, to make each student into an independent learner. They suggest a newapproach, based on experiential learning proposed by D. A. Kolb.Kolb observed patterns of learning new concepts. An immediate experience creates in the learnera need for learning. This is accomplished by reflective observation of the experience. This isassisted by the teacher via the introduction of new concepts (or by the new application of oldconcepts) that integrate this new experience into what the learner already knows. This becomesan
Conference Session
Tools for Teaching and Learning
2003 Annual Conference
Bret Van Poppel; Shad Reed
teamwork andcollaborative learning among students. Most importantly, however, the turbine project injectedsome excitement into a course that cadets used to dread. Feedback revealed that studentsbelieved the water turbine project was more fun and interesting than paper designs even though italso required more hard work.REFERENCES1 Baunopane, R.A., “Engineering Education for the 21 st Century,” Chemical Engineering Journal, 20/2, 166-167.2 Aglan, H., Ali, S., “Hands-On Experiences: An Integral Part of Engineering Curriculum Reform,” Journal ofEngineering Education, vol. ??, p.327.3 Bourgeois, F., “A Hands-On Approach for Teaching Engineering Principles,” Conference Proceedings forEffective Courses/Effective Teaching at University/Reflection on
Conference Session
Understanding Students: Cognition
2003 Annual Conference
Matthew Eliot; Angela Linse; Jennifer Turns
ownknowledge and goals) and the accessibility of the users (e.g., where are the users, is it possible tomeet face to face).Our current work in instructional development reflects these issues by representing one means tocollect information in order to characterize the users of instructional development. Our choice ofdata collection method reflects the following assumptions about faculty and their teachingactivities: (a) teaching, and particularly preparation for teaching, tends to be an invisible activityand one that is rarely discussed openly and (b) faculty have few opportunities to talk about theirteaching. Thus, our specific challenge was to find a window into the teaching challenges andconcerns of faculty.The GrantIn June of 2002, we received a
Conference Session
Motivating students to achieve
2003 Annual Conference
Debra Wright; Gretchen Hein; Mary Fran Desrochers; Mary Raber
that information is presented helps to keep the students and the faculty engaged in thelearning process. Day after day of traditional lectures can make it difficult for the students to digest allthe material and make instructors feel like they are just relaying information instead of teaching.Neglecting fun in the classroom can be a mistake. Fun and games can help the classroom in three mainways: 1. Address the needs of individual and varied learning styles of students, 2. Encourage students to actively participate in learning, 3. Reinforce concepts through repetition in unique ways.First, students each have their own learning style, and learn in vastly different ways. Some studentsprefer a reflective approach to learning, while others
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Frederick Berry; Patricia Carlson
reflective, final activity by assessing their own submission. Students are encouraged at this time to make comments to themselves that capture the evolving insights they have gained in the previous two segments. They may also be invited to reflect on whether they have gained a deeper level of
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experiences
2003 Annual Conference
David Murphy
service, and several more in the industrial sector. While theuniversity has been wonderful in its encouragement and support, there is only so much that canbe provided. During my acclimation to the university, I learned a few tricks along the way. Iwould like to share them with you to ease your transition into the world of academia. Establish an open relationship with the chair of your department. This person wasinstrumental in hiring you. They have a vested interest in your success because yourperformance is a direct reflection upon them. It is in their best interest to help you succeed. It isalways wise to seek their advice. When establishing a relationship, an informal approach mayprove more beneficial. Invite them to have lunch, away
Conference Session
Learning and Teaching Issues
2003 Annual Conference
Matthew Parsek; Chris Riesbeck; Gulnur Birol; Ann McKenna
, consultations, etc. Figure 1. Biofilms challenge problem.In addition to creating the challenge problem the team brainstormed ideas on how to implementthe challenge in the classroom setting, given the constraints of the course and the instructor. Ourgoal was not just to create an interesting problem for students to solve, but to have them solvethe problems in an HPL fashion. This entailed several discussions regarding how to structure theclassroom setting to be more learner-, knowledge-, community- and assessment-centered. Detailsof our course changes are described in the next section.As we reflect on the process of creating learning materials for the biofilms course we canidentify several factors that were necessary for
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanics Education
2003 Annual Conference
R.W. Carpick; K.W. Lux; Buck Johnson; Wendy Crone
- and Nanoscale Mechanics,” isdesigned to introduce students to mechanics whenpracticed on the microscale and nanoscale with anemphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of nanoscalescience and engineering. Traditional approaches toengineering education, including lectures, homeworkassignments, and laboratory experiments, are combinedwith reflective writing assignments and the submissionof a nanotechnology review article to a simulated peer-reviewed journal edited by the instructors and otherstudents in the course. These activities are seamlesslyintegrated into the course providing a coherent, multi-faceted structure for the education of the studentsenrolled in the course. Figure 1
Conference Session
Information Literacy
2003 Annual Conference
Jeanine Mary Williamson
allengineering students in a variety of samples. 5, 15, 17, 20, 21,23,24 Consider tailoring classactivities (if any) and tutorials to the characteristics of this type: the Introversion andSensing suggest other implications for instruction beyond Thinking and Judging, whichwere discussed above. ISTJs are described thus: Quiet, serious, earn success by thoroughness and dependability. Practical, matter- of-fact, realistic and responsible. Decide logically what should be done and work toward it steadily regardless of distractions. Take pleasure in making everything orderly and organized—their work, their home, their life. Value traditions and loyalty.16 As introverts, ISTJs need time to reflect before speaking
Conference Session
Teamwork & Assessment in the Classroom
2003 Annual Conference
James Newell
or she is also known for preferences thatare not so compatible with this situation: working alone, keeping knowledge and/or feelingsinside, and resisting changes to familiar or preferred patterns. These students are not likely tonaturally communicate regularly with team members, nor reflect on or seek guidance aboutobstacles they are experiencing. Of particular interest to us is the technical learner’s resistance towriting. Because technical learners keep information in their heads and do not readily volunteer itto others, they tend to write minimally, not seeing a need for a great deal of detail to becommitted to paper. Page 8.406.4
Conference Session
Engineering Education; An International Perspective
2003 Annual Conference
Jason Bittner
Center, a United States Department ofTransportation research, education, and outreach center funded through the UniversityTransportation Centers Program of the Research and Special Projects Administration, organizedthe Workshop. Sponsors included the University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Marquette University, the Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan Departments ofTransportation, among others. The mix of academia and practitioners on the organizingcommittee assisted in the development of a program that reflected the needs and motivations ofeach organization in the area of diversity encouragement. For the purposes of this Workshop,transportation was not limited to traditional civil engineering-based opportunities.Several
Conference Session
Web-Based Laboratories and Classes
2003 Annual Conference
Edward Gehringer
as “learning management systems,” reflecting thefact that they can be used in teaching outside regular credit courses.Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition 1Copyright  2003, American Society for Engineering Educationrespondents were sure that neither their university, college, nor department had adopted one.WebCT users outnumbered Blackboard users by a small margin (81 to 68). These were the onlytwo systems listed on the survey; all others were write-in choices. The most frequentlymentioned of these was Prometheus, developed by the University of Washington, but now soldto Blackboard, named by 4 respondents.† Of those answering the survey, 67% had used theCMS
Conference Session
Visualization and Computer Graphics
2003 Annual Conference
Eric Wiebe; Aaron Clark
VisTE project will promote diversity in all aspects of the instructional materials. VisTEproject PIs will identify design briefs that proactively address issues of concern to minoritystudents and to females, to make these materials as attractive and accessible as possible tostudents traditionally underrepresented in technology education classes. Project investigators andpanel members are committed to broadening the Science, Technology, Engineering andMathematics (STEM) student base that would eventually be reflected in the workforce. Page 8.1189.4 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference
Conference Session
Tenure and Promotion Tricks of the Trade
2003 Annual Conference
Jerry Samples
teaching and the mentors should know of such programs. Similarly,many universities have a teaching center to assist new faculty as they develop and present theirclasses. A systematic approach to the development and presentation of class materials leads toefficiency in teaching. Good teachers are efficient in the classroom and their out-of-class time canbe used to do other things, including research or preparation of new lessons or courses.The "why bother" question is easily answered: it is what students expect. Many faculty feel thatteaching is not important, often because it is evaluated by students. They feel that students arebiased or not prepared to evaluate faculty. “A common notion among faculty is that ratingsmerely reflect instructor