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Displaying results 871 - 900 of 1181 in total
2013 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Orla Smyth LoPiccolo
] Accessed October 20, 2012[2] Reynolds, D., “The Visual Dictionary of Star Wars, Episodes IV, V, & VI: The Ultimate Guide to Star Was Characters and Creatures,” DK Children, 1998[3] Pappas, S., “Brains Visual ‘Dictionary’ Allows Speedy Reading,” Accessed October 20, 14, 2012.[4] Gangwer, T., “Visual Impact, Visual Thinking,” 2nd Edition, Corwin Press, 2009[5] Safford, B., “Visual Dictionaries: Pictures + Text = Learning,” School Library Media Activities Monthly 18 No 8 30-1 Ap 2002[6] Albanoon, Addie, “Picture This — Creating Visual Dictionaries to Teach Content and Vocabulary,” February 7, 2012
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Aime V. Mbakop; Ashenafi Lambebo; Lalindra Jayatilleke; Sasan Haghani
Jung, Kiryong Ha, Jeonwoo Lee, “Wireless Body Area Network in a UbiquitousHealthcare System for Physiological Signal Monitoring and Health Consulting”, InternationalJournal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, volume 1, pp. 47[5] Mark A. Hanson, Harry C. Powell Jr., Adam T. Barth, Kyle Ringgenberg, Benton H.Calhoun, James H. Aylor, and John Lach, “Body Area Sensor Networks Challenges andOpportunities”, IEEE Computer Society, Vol.42, Issue 1, January 2009, PP. 58-65[6] Lim, S., Oh, T. H., Choi, Y. B., & Lakshman, T.. “Security Issues on Wireless Body AreaNetwork for Remote Healthcare Monitoring,” 2010 IEEE International Conference on SensorNetworks Ubiquitous and Trustworthy Computing, 2010, pp. 327-332[7] K
Conference Session
CEED - Technical Session 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rui Pan, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Johannes Strobel, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
workplace aftergraduation, it is important that they understand the nature of those problems that they willencounter and the specific challenges they are going to face in the real world.Not many researchers have investigated students’ perceptions of engineering workplaceproblem solving. Some of the existing studies we have found suggest that students might nothave a good understanding of engineering workplace. For example, Jocuns, Stevens, Garrison,and Amos (2008)’s study indicates some students graduated from engineering without a clearidea of what the actual workplace will look like4. Similar findings are shared in the workpresented by Matusovich, Streveler, Miller, and Olds (2009). Their qualitative study over a fouryear period found three out
Conference Session
Experience in Assessing Technological Literacy
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire L. Antaya, Arizona State University; Kristen Parrish PhD, Arizona State University; Elizabeth A Adams P.E., Chandler Gilbert Community College; Amy E. Landis, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
water, water footprint, water-in-energy) X X to develop MATLAB function to solve for water footprint (MCC ONLY) X X to graph and compare the results from different online water footprint tools (ASU ONLY) X to contrast differences between online water footprint tools and justify which tool(s) account most realistically account for virtual water footprints (ASU ONLY) X XWater-for-energy
Conference Session
Micro-Technology and Nanotechnology
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maher E. Rizkalla, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Mangilal Agarwal, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; Sudhir Shrestha, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis; Hazim A El-Mounayri, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Kody Varahramyan, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
Newman fromthe Department of Chemistry at IUPUI for their contribution in teaching and supervisingresearch projects in nanotechnology for students pursuing this track. The development of thetrack was supported by National Science Foundation–Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education(NUE) grant 1042110.References:1. Zheng W., Shih H. R., Lozano K., Pei J. S., Kiefer K., and Ma X., “A Practical Approach to Integrating Nanotechnology Education and Research into Civil Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum,” J. Nano. Educ., vol. 1, pp. 22-33, 2009.2. Mehta B. R., “Nano Education at Indian Institutes of Technology: A Status Report,” J. Nano. Educ., vol. 1, pp. 106-108, 2009.3. Certificate in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, George Mason
Conference Session
Assessment of Community Engagement
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan E Canney P.E., University of Colorado Boulder; Tess Bowling, University of Colorado at Boulder; Angela R Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
willingness of the student interviewees to participate and for theiropenness and honesty with the researchers about their views and beliefs.Bibliography1. NAE, Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century, Washington DC: The National Academies Press, 2005.2. ABET, "Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs Effective for Evaluation During the 2009-2010 Accredidation Cycle," ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission, 2008.3. ASCE, "Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century: Preparing the Civil Engineer for the Future, 2nd Edition," ASCE, 2008.4. AAEE, "Environmental Engineering Body of Knowledge," American Academy of Environmental Engineers, 2009.5. R. S. Weiss, Learning from Strangers
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 5
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Judy Santa Cruz, Texas A&M University; Dimitris C. Lagoudas P.E., Texas A&M University; Darren John Hartl, Texas A&M University; Kristi J. Shryock, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
1157070. The first author greatly appreciates the Texas A&M University AerospaceREU Program and mentors for their support and the activities provided in making this researchexperience an opportunity for continuous learning.Bibliography 1. Barbarino, S., Bilgen, O., Ajaj, R. M., Friswell, M. I., and Inman, D. J. 2011. “A Review of Morphing Aircraft,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 22: 823–877. 2. Bertacchini, O.W. 2009. “Characterization and modeling of transformation induced fatigue of shape memory alloy actuators,” Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, Texas A&M University. 3. Bierögel, C., Grellmann, W., Fahnert, T., and Lach R. 2006. “Material parameters for the evaluation of PA
Conference Session
Online Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Geovon Andre Boisvenue, Purdue University; Francisco Javier Portela II; Anna Bao
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
.  Balderrama, A. Should your boss be your Facebook friend? - CNN at 11.  Krippendorf, K. Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. (Sage, 2003).12.  Neuendorf, K. The content analysis guidebook. (Sage Publications, 2002).13.  Hatmaker, T. 3 easy tools for crafting a great-looking personal webpage. Read/Write Web at 14.  Henry, A. How can I sell my skills beyond a boring resume? Lifehacker at 15.  Stemler, S. An overview of content analysis. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation 7, http:–––getvn.asp?v=7&n=1716.  cross-tab Online Reputation in a Connected World. (2009).at 17.  Enge, E., Spencer, S., Fishkin, R. & Stricchiola, J. The art of SEO: Mastering search engine
Conference Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karla L. Sanchez, Purdue University; Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University, West Lafayette; David Sederberg, Purdue University; Grant P Richards, Purdue University, West Lafayette; M. Gail Jones, NC State University; Hong Z Tan, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Coulomb’s law to electric point charge situations.” (p. 16). Again,similar to the performance of the experimental group from Maloney et al.’s study, our responsesshowed answer choice C as the second favored choice. Besides the fewer correct responsesobtained in this question compared to the previous item, correct answer option B wasconclusively the response with the highest percentage of correct answers.Lastly, question 3 showed an increase in incorrect responses. Authors relate this issue as“confusion on both the effect of the magnitude of the charge and the distance of separation” (p.16). Answer choice D predominantly obtained the highest percentages of correct answers with a50% in the pretest and 45% in the posttest. Contrary of the previous two
Conference Session
Involving Undergraduates in Research
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yusuf A Mehta, Rowan University; Ralph Alan Dusseau P.E., Rowan University; Ravi P. Ramachandran, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
. Birdsong. Research in the Undergraduate Environment, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, 2006.2. P. Jansson, R. P. Ramachandran, J. L. Schmalzel and S. A. Mandayam, “Creating an Agile ECE Learning Environment Through Engineering Clinics”, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 455-462, August 2010.3. S. Davis, M. Frankle, R. P. Ramachandran, K. D. Dahm and R. Polikar, “A Freshman Level Module in Biometric Systems”, accepted in IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Beijing, China, May 19-23, 2013.4. B. Y. Smolenski and R. P. Ramachandran, “Usable Speech Processing: A Filterless Approach in the Presence of Interference”, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, Special Issue on Speaker
Conference Session
Manufacturing Partnerships
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arif Sirinterlikci, Robert Morris University; Tony Lee Kerzmann, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
Coordinator Conference and completion of Student Evaluation Form)Following grading scale is observed for each course: (94 - 100%, A), (90- 93%, A-), (87- 89%,B+), (83- 86%, B), (80- 82%, B-), (77- 79%, C+), (70- 76%,C), (60 -69, D), (0 -59, F)During the course of the internship, the student must develop and maintain a weekly journal, toserve as a tool for recording learning experiences5. The journal should also include log of thestudent's activities and a collection of thoughts and insights gained from the activities. Thejournal may contain any on-the-job issues or problems and related solutions or courses of actiontaken. A final report is also mandatory. This is above and beyond the weekly journal. The formatand topic(s) of the final report is
Conference Session
FPD 6: Transitions and Student Success, Part II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerry Volcy, Spelman College; Carmen Sidbury, Spelman College
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
 make  informed  decisions  about  engineering.    The  suggested  follow-­‐on  study  is  needed  to  verify  that,  indeed,  this  informed  decision  making  does  improve  both  retention  and  graduation  rates.          References    [1]  ABET  Engineering  Accreditation  Commission,  Criteria  For  Accrediting  Engineering  Programs,  ABET,  Baltimore,  MD.  2011.    [2]  Astin,  A.  W.,  &  Astin,  H.  S.,    “Final  report:  Undergraduate  science  education:  The  impact  of  different  college  environments  on  the  educational  pipeline  in  the  sciences.”    Los  Angeles,  CA:  Higher  Education  Research  Institute,  Graduate  School  of  Education,  UCLA,  1992.    [3]  Committee  on  Engineering  Education,  Educating  the
Conference Session
Capstone Design Courses and Tools in support of Systems Engineering Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaojing Yuan, University of Houston (CoT); Heidar Malki, University of Houston (CoT); Xiaohui Yuan, University of North Texas
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
Sensor Networks with NetworkLifetime Requirement, MobiHoc, May 2004[28] EMA enclosure standards,[29] J.H.Reisert, "Antenna Selection and Specification Made Easy," Astron Wireless Technologies, Inc.,Technical Library,[30] S.W. Arms, C.P.Townsend, D.L. Churchill, J.H.Galbreath,S.W. Mundell. “Power Management forEnergy Harvesting Wireless Sensors,” SPIE Int’l Symposium on Smart Structures & Smart Materials, SanDiego, CA, March 2005, pp.1-9.[31] D. Rakhmatov and S. Vrudhula, Energy Management for Battery-Powered Embedded Systems,ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing systems, 2, August 2003[32] System Level Lab Manual of WSN based Sensing and Data Visualization on
Conference Session
Projects in ECE
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven G Northrup, Western New England University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
connections break and become open.Bibliography 1 Northrup, S., Moriarty, J., Vallee, G., Presz, W., “A Successful Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Experience.” Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Annual Conference, June 20 – 23, 2003, Nashville, TN. 2 eac-criteria-2013-2014.pdf, downloaded on January 6, 2012 from 3 D. H. Stamatis, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, FMEA from Theory to Execution, 2 nd Edition, ASQ Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI, June 2003. 4 McDermott, R.E., Mikulak, R.J., & Beauregard, M.R., The Basics of FMEA, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group LLC, New York, NY, 2008. 5 Amberkar, S., Czerny, B.J., D’Ambrosio, J.G., Demerly, J.D., & Murray, B.T., A Comprehensive
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria Teresa Napoli, UC Santa Barbara; Arica Lubin, Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships, University of California, Santa Barbara; Liu-Yen Kramer, Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships, University of California Santa Barbara; Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Santa Barbara City College; Nicholas Arnold, Santa Barbara City College; Ofelia Aguirre, Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships; Megan T. Valentine, University of California, Santa Barbara
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
, 2010.6. Science and Engineering Indicators 2012. National Science Board, 2012.7. Rising Above The Gathering Storm. National Academy of Sciences. 2007.8. Alexander, B.B., J.A. Foertsch, and S. Daffinrud, Spend a Summer with a Scientist program: An evaluation of program outcomes and the essential elements of success. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison, LEAD Center, 1998.9. Russell, S., Evaluation of NSF Support for Undergraduate Research Opportunities, Draft Synthesis Report. SRI International, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 2800, Arlington, VA 22209-3915, 2006.10. Russell, S.H., M.P. Hancock, and J. McCullough, Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences. Science, 2007. 316: p. 548-549.11. Alexander, B.B., et al
Conference Session
Assessment of Community Engagement
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew J. Traum, Milwaukee School of Engineering; David A Howell, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Leah C. Newman, MSOE
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
the community, and 3) enabling students to practice autonomy and personalresponsibility in directing their own learning.Servant-Leadership is a leadership paradigm established by Robert Greenleaf in the 1970’s thatemphasizes power sharing in decision making processes. It also encourages leaders to servethose they manage by gently guiding and propelling them toward high achievement andaccomplishment while promoting their growth and self-efficacy. Servant-Leadership advocates ahierarchical structure different from the classical top-down management pyramid often seen inindustry and academia. In industry, management rests at the top of the structure supported byworkers, and in academia, teachers are authority figures with control over content
Conference Session
Using Communication and Writing Techniques to Improve Student Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Taryn Melkus Bayles, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
. Carletta, J., Bayles T.M., Kalveram, K., Khorbotly, S., Macnab, C., Nazhandali, L., Rice, J., Smith, J.A., Turner, L.E., Williams, S. and L. Wyard-Scott, “Special Session – Real World Engineering Projects: Discovery-Based Curriculum Modules for First-Year Students”, Paper published in the Proceedings of the 39th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference; presented in session T1A, San Antonio, TX, October, 2009. 3. Bayles, T.M., “Introduction to Engineering Design: An Emphasis on Communication”, Paper AC-2009-1482 published in the 2009 ASEE proceedings and presentation in the Freshman Programs Division, San Antonio, TX, June 2009. 4.
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experience
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel P. Dempsey, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Carol Barry, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Joey Mead, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies, Student
chemicals and biological agents as well as safety procedures for injuries,fires, and other problems. Some students also had attended department-specific safety programs- usually in the first year of their graduate programs. To upgrade all students skills, the leadoperator(s) of each piece of major equipment led a short workshop on using that peice ofequipment. Students attending the workshops were enthusiastic about the training. As shown inTable 1, Question 1, students ranked their base knowledge of operating the laboratory equipmentrelatively high (5.9 out of 8), but still felt that the workshops significantly improved their skills. Table 1. Evaluation of 2011-2012 Program, Part 1 Question
Conference Session
Emerging Computing and Information Technologies
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bahareh Azarnoush, Arizona State University; Jennifer M Bekki, Arizona State University; Bianca L. Bernstein, Arizona State University; George C Runger, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
Page 23.154.3contain the item in y. Properties of association rules may be expressed in terms of differentdefined measures. The support count of an itemset is the number of transactions that contain theitemset. We denote the number of elements in an itemset x by |x|. Then the support of itemset x is σ ( x) = {t i | x ∈ t i , t i ∈ T } .The support of a rule x→ y, is the proportion of transactions that contain the itemsets in the rule.This is the support count of the union of the antecedent and the consequent divided by the totalnumber of transactions as in Equation 1. σ ( x ∪ y) s( x → y
Conference Session
Visualization tools and uses in graphics
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Delahunty, University of Limerick; Niall Seery, University of Limerick; Raymond Lynch Dr., University of Limerick; Diarmaid Lane, University of Limerick
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
Cognition: Theory, Research and Applications1992, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.4. Lane, D., N. Seery, and S. Gordon, The Intermediate Role of the Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad in Developing Sketching Expertise, in EDGD 66th Midyear Meeting2012: Galveston, TX. p. 79-91.5. Reisberg, D. and F. Heuer, Visuospatial Images, in The Cambridge Handbook of Visuospatial Thinking, P. Shah and A. Miyake, Editors. 2005, Cambridge University Press: New York.6. Fish, J. and S. Scrivener, Amplifying the Mind's Eye: Sketching and Visual Cognition. Leonardo, 1990. 23(1): p. 117-126.7. Humphreys, G.W. and V. Bruce, Visual Cognition: Computational, Experimental and Neuropsychological Perspectives1989, London
Conference Session
Construction Industry Issues in the Classroom
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa M Holliday P.E., University of Oklahoma; Matthew Reyes, University of Oklahoma; Richard Cecil Ryan, University of Oklahoma; Kenneth F. Robson, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Divisions
, electrical and building codes) are available online or in theCollege library and are accessible to the student work crews during the class meeting. Thesubmittals required the use of a digital drawing package to prepare sketches, simple explorationof building codes and manufacturers’ and vendors’ specifications and group work planning andcommunication including safety considerations.The Lab 4 safety plan required the following planning: • Assign a responsible person for administering the safety plan – primarily to make sure all workers wear safety protection and someone is always monitoring the work and work area during the installation process. • A plan to control movement thru work areas – identify a responsible person(s) to
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Stephanie Cutler, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
from other departments.These challenges, common on interdisciplinary teams, are uncommon within traditional doctoralcommittees, potentially causing more challenges for the student.MethodsThis study utilized a 4 round Delphi method as a means to achieve consensus about the keytechnical, personal, and professional characteristics of a doctoral advisor and the overallcommittee for Engineering Education.Delphi Method OverviewThe Delphi method was first utilized by the RAND Corporation in the 1950’s as a means toobtain reliable consensus among experts [14, 15]. The method is typically applied in situationswhere judgmental information is needed to set goals, develop policy, and predict the events offuture events [14, 16, 17]. The key advantage of
Conference Session
Using Communication and Writing Techniques to Improve Student Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon Ciston, University of California, Berkeley; Sean Poust, University of California-Berkeley
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
organization, data interpretation, and analysis. Using an online simulationprovides an outlet for collection of data within constraints of a stand-alone technical writingcourse: limited time and laboratory equipment resources; and is an effective way to engagestudents in laboratory report writing.Works Cited1 Atman, Cynthia J., Sheri D. Sheppard, Jennifer Turns, Robin S. Adams, Lorraine N. Fleming, ReedStevens, Ruth A. Streveler, Karl A. Smith, Ronald L. Miller, Larry J. Leifer, Ken Yasuhara, & Dennis Lund. (2010).Enabling engineering student success: The final report for the center for the advancement of engineering education.San Rafael, CA: Morgan & ClaypoolPublishers. (
Conference Session
First-Year Programs (FPD) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pamela Renee Lockwood, West Texas A&M University; Emily M. Hunt, West Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
learning community program. The learning community simply encouraged studentsto dual enroll in two courses in order to create a community of learners that will hopefullysustain them to graduation.References1. Lenning OT, Ebbers LH. The Powerful Potential of Learning Communities: ImprovingEducation for the Future. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, Vol. 26, No. 6. 1999.2. Bailey R, Shoffner M, Rowner-Kenyon H. Special Session - Integrating LearningCommunities into Engineering curricula. 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.Washington, DC2010. p. T4A-1 - T4A-2.3. Baker S. Impact of Learning Communities on Retention at a Metropolitan University.Journal of College Student Retention. 2001;2(2):115-26.4. Zhao C-M, Kuh GD
Conference Session
Rethinking Engineering Writing
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven R Walk, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Engineering Education, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 59–61. 2. Hawkins, S., M. Coney, and K. Bystrom, “Incidental Writing in the Engineering Classroom,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 85, no. 1, 1996, pp. 27–33. 3. Hendricks, R., and E. Pappas, 1996. “Advanced Engineering Communication: An Integrated Writing and Communication Program for Materials Engineers,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 85, no. 4, pp.343–352. 4. Sharp, J., J. Harb, and R. Terry, 1997. “Combining Kolb Learning Styles and Writing to Learn in Engineering Classes,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 93–101. 5. Waitz, I., and E. Barrett, 1997. “Integrated Teaching of Experimental and Communication Skills to
Conference Session
Track 4 - Session II - Student and Curriculum Development II
2013 ASEE International Forum
Megan Elizabeth Sharp, IUPUI School of Engineering and Technology; Alison L. Stevenson, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Topics
Student and Curriculum Development
called RISE. RISE stands forResearch, International, Service, and Experiential learning. Our course proposal is unique in thatit incorporates three of these options: International, Service, and Experiential learning. • I: study abroad curricular experiences to enhance their learning and understanding of the world • S: service learning courses to enhance their commitment to civic engagement • E: credit-bearing experiential opportunities, such as internships, practical, clinical or fieldwork experiencesThe students are given the opportunity to see what service looks like on a global scale, by firstresearching the content, working in groups in class to explore solutions, then finally
Conference Session
Track 3 - Session II - Faculty Development
2013 ASEE International Forum
Danielle Marie Dowling, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach; Morgan M Hynes, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development
-Based Learning Versus Scripted Inquiry: Better Overall Science Concept Learning and Equity Gap Reduction,” Journal of Engineering Education, 97(1), 71–85.National Academy of Sciences. (2012). A Framework for K–12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.Roschelle, J., and Teasley, S.D. (1993). "Constructing a Joint Problem Space: The Computer as a Tool for Sharing Knowledge." In S. Lajoie (Ed.), Computers as Cognitive Tools. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Sadler, P.M., Coyle, H.P., and Schwartz, M. (2000). “Engineering Competitions in the Middle School Classroom: Key Elements in Developing Effective Design Challenges,” Journal
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session I - Student Development
2013 ASEE International Forum
Sigrid Berka, University of Rhode Island; Walter von Reinhart, University of Rhode Island; Erin Papa, University of Rhode Island
Tagged Topics
Invited - Student Development
at all levels. He also teaches German literature and culture courses on topics like Growing up German or German Songwriters from the 60’s to the 90’s. At the Deutsche Som- merschule am Atlantik, Dr. von Reinhart has taught second-year language courses and business German. He also directs the Deutschband, a German-language rockband that has performed annually at the closing night of the Sommerschule.Erin Papa, University of Rhode Island Erin Papa is Coordinator of the University of Rhode Island Chinese Language Flagship Program, having previously held the position of Program Coordinator for the International Engineering Program (IEP). Erin is a graduate of the IEP, having earned a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering
Conference Session
Bringing Industrial Applications into the Classroom
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margot A Vigeant, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
industrial and student side.However, now that the course itself it better established, more instructor time should beavailable to coordinate such activities. A related stretch goal is to have the problemsthemselves proposed by local industry. This has not been attempted in part due to thelimited ‘laboratory’ available for the class, but will hopefully be an option for futureofferings as plans for addition of a kitchenette to one of the classrooms are underway. Page 23.929.9Bibliography   8  1. Armstrong RC, Brennecke J, Butts S et al. How is the Discipline of
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching and Research in Physics or Engineering Physics I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Polin Yadak, Cañada College; Amelito G Enriquez, Canada College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
through WebAssign.WebAssign was chosen because it offers customizable pre-coded questions from a wide range ofmath and science textbooks along with easy-to-use tools that allow instructors to create their ownquestions (Figure 2).14Each participant was given a laptop, a physics textbook, a headphone, and an access code forWebAssign. Although Summer Physics Jam was a self-paced program, it was designed such thata student would be able to finish all the topics covered in a physics course if s/he followed theschedule. Page 23.978.5 List of the assignments Figure (2) List of assignments for both physics