while studying chemical engineering.Multiple methods were used to collect data. Demographic information, the grit-S, andengineering identity instruments were collected for chemical engineering students at aresearch institution via Qualtrics. Two students consented to participate in the semi-structured interviews. This pilot contrasts Kate and Dan’s quantitative measures ofsuccess (GPA, grit, engineering identity) with their qualitative experiences from theinterview. Additionally, Kate and Dan’s engineering identity scores were compared to‘other’ senior engineering students’ scores to describe the different ways of definingsuccess.This work shares two student experiences that expand the common definition of success as gettinggood grades. These
Alicia Beth Consulting2 , Island Pond, VT 05846 Burd’s Eye View Research & Evaluation3, Austin, TX 78704AbstractNorwich University, a private military college that serves both civilian and Corps of Cadetsstudents, secured an NSF S-STEM award to develop a program to attract and retain highlytalented, low-income students. Norwich recognizes that students who enter college with lessexperience in mathematics are less likely to graduate with a degree in a STEM discipline. Withthat in mind, the project aims to measure the benefits of a corequisite implementation ofprecalculus and calculus to help students complete the required calculus sequence by the end oftheir first year. In the first year of the study, 34 engineering students
one another’s work and provide constructive feedback in both in-person and remote learningclasses. In addition, the course professors commented that the workshop helped to reinforce theconcepts that their students had been learning before the workshop. These promising resultsencouraged us to adopt our other workshops (e.g., Design Thinking Workshop and Idea Sprints),which were also originally designed for in-person instruction, for remote learning.AcknowledgmentThis research is sponsored by the VentureWell Faculty Grant ( #17926-18). Any opinions andfindings expressed in this material are of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe VentureWell.References[1] A. Konak, S. Kulturel-Konak, and W. Cheung Gordon, "Teamwork
LouisStokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PR-LSAMP) Bridge to the Doctorate Program CohortXIII (Grant Number: HDR-1906130) for the support given to Nolgie Oquendo for the completionof this work. The authors will also like to thank Yinaris Guzmán Cruz, Andrea K. Rivera Castro,Andrea P. Sepúlveda Vargas, and Alejandro Rodríguez Natal for their help with collecting andpre-processing the data.References[1] C. Schuster and S. E. Martiny, “Not Feeling Good in STEM: Effects of Stereotype Activation and Anticipated Affect on Women’s Career Aspirations,” Sex Roles, vol. 76, no. 1–2, pp. 40–55, 2017.[2] R. Su, J. Rounds, and R. A. Lippa, “All STEM fields are not created equal : People and things interests explain gender disparities across STEM
Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit district’s 1990’s expansions in the East Bay and SFO Airport at three billion to the New Starts program for the Federal Transit Administration with over a hundred projects and $85 billion in construction value. At the latter, he also acted as source selection board chairman and program COTR for $200 plus million in task order con- tracts for engineering services. Working for the third-largest transit agency in the United States, the Los Angeles County MTA, Michael managed bus vehicle engineering for $1 billion in new acquisitions and post-delivery maintenance support for 2300 vehicles with some of the most complex technology (natural gas engines and embedded systems) in the US transit
., Charles, P., Orthner, D., & Cooley, V. (2011). Teacher Perspectives on Career-Relevant Curriculum in Middle School. RMLE Online, 34(5), 1–9.https://doi.org/10.1080/19404476.2011.11462078[10] Elliott, J. W., Perkins, M., & Thevenin, M. K. (2018). Measuring Undergraduate Students’Construction Education Domain Self-Efficacy, Motivation, and Planned Behavior: Validation ofa Concise Survey Instrument. International Journal of Construction Education and Research,14(4), 235–256. https://doi.org/10.1080/15578771.2017.1316802[11] Riojas, M., Lysecky, S., & Rozenblit, J. (2012). Educational Technologies for PrecollegeEngineering Education. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 5(1), 20–37.https://doi.org/10.1109/TLT.2011.16[12] Adams, L
of members ○ Service projects ○ Affiliation with local events and maker fairs ○ Partnerships with affiliated local businesses ● Location ○ External regulation of space (school v/s warehouse) ○ Public or private space ○ Zoning of area ○ Proximity to public transit6. Conclusion and Future WorkNumerous literature sources on makerspaces report on variety of attributes and best practices.The various qualitative and quantitative makerspace attributes were grouped together to identifythe four core elements of makerspaces were identified from literature that could be used tocategorize and classify makerspaces, namely Physical Assets, Culture, Sustainability andInfluence
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Paper ID #32884Does a Review Course Increase FE Exam Preparedness?Dr. Matthew K. Swenty, Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T and then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation. After obtaining his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech, he worked at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. He is currently a professor of Civil Engineering at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). He teaches engineering mechanics and structural engineering courses and enjoys working with his students
are strong willed b. Of the degree to which you are respectable c. Of the degree to which you are adaptable d. Of the degree to which you are authenticQUESTION VII: Are you more of an extrovert (E) or an introvert (I)? ______(E or I?)QUESTION VIII: Do you notice information more by Sensing (S) or by intuition (N)? ______ (S or N?) Proceedings of the 2011 North Midwest Section ConferenceQUESTION IX: Do you make decisions more by thinking (T) or by feeling (F)? _____ (T or F?)QUESTION X: Would you like to live in a world run more by judging (J) or by perceiving (P)? ______ (J or P?)It is appropriate at this point to discuss the underlying principles/theory/literature that served as drivers togenerate
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dividedinto seven modules, each of which covers two weeks. The anatomy of a typical module showsthe main features: Three recitations (Rec. n), one lecture (in the middle of the module), onerehearsal exam (RE), and one module assessment (MA). The recitations and rehearsal exams are75-minute sessions held in smaller rooms. The lecture and module assessment are 50-minutesessions held in a large lecture hall.Recitation. In the recitation periods, the students work through the “problem(s) of the day” ingroups, with the instructor and undergraduate teaching assistants (UGTAs) providing support,asking probing questions, giving advice, and generally activating the learning environment, asneeded. The recitation problems advance the learning objectives of the
Institutions to Four-Year Completions,” Snapshot Report 17, Spring 2015. 2. Carlos Lopez and Stephanie J. Jones. "Examination of factors that predict academic adjustment and success of community college transfer students in STEM at 4-year institutions." Community College Journal of Research and Practice 41, no. 3, pp. 168- 182, 2017.3. Benjamin W. Cowan and Nathan Tefft, “College Access and Adult Health”, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 26685, released January 2020.4. J. Beaumont, T. Lang, S. Leather, C. Mucklow, Report from the policy sub-group to the Nutrition Task Force Low Income Project Team of the Department of Health, Radlett, Hertfordshire: Institute of Grocery Distribution; 1995.5. J. Beaulac
, Takeaway(s)/Experience(s), and Program Review. Quotesrelating to the primary theme of connectedness were extracted and interpreted. In addition, theword “network” was a common theme in the responses, and relates to connectedness in abusiness sense, so the quotes were re-read to point out any mention of networking in theMotivation category, where it primarily appeared. Table 2 Qualitative Questions 1. What is your academic status? 2. What was your primary goal in attending this conference? 3. What have you learned during your time in the program? 4. What has been the most memorable part of your program experience? 5. What do you like about the [YU?] Program
experiences that caused them to see themselves as differentiated from the broader group ofresearch engineers. This within-group differentiation appears to be grounded in fairly routine experiencesas a member of an under-represented group in a STEM field. Ironically, despite the clear disempoweringimpact that these experiences can have, there is also some evidence that they may promote thedevelopment of alternative value structures and feelings of purpose related to STEM fields for membersof underrepresented groups. 15ReferencesAlexander, C. (2011) Learning to be lawyers: Professional identity and the law school curriculum. Maryland Law Review, 70(2), 465-483.Ancis, J. R., & Plillips, S. D
formerly known as the Southeastern Consortium for Minorities inEngineering by the Engineering Deans (SECME), Mathematics, Engineering, and ScienceAchievement (MESA), as well as Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES) atMIT. From informal interviews with program directors, we learned that some commoncharacteristics of these programs include: staff support and training, internal and externalfunding, mentors and role models, academic and cognitive activities, industry engagement, k-14school resources, sense of community for participants, and parental engagement (T. Smith,personal interview, May 4, 2016; B. Watford, personal interview, June 7, 2016; S. Young,personal interview, June 17, 2016; S. Waters, personal interview, June 17
objectives. Theself- and peer-assessments prompted students to reflect on what each peer teacher had doneeffectively in their respective lesson and what could be improved.There were three primary goals for the inclusion of these assessments. First, they were used as amechanism to encourage active listening and participation by the students while they were intheir peer teaching groups. Second, with more peer teaching groups working simultaneously thanthe number of instructors, the assessments were used by the instructor(s) to gain further insightinto each student’s lesson. Third, they further promoted the role of students as teachers throughreflection and assessment of the quality and content of the lessons of both themselves and theirpeers. The
course to pick a program to design or re-design and to show significant speed-up, comparingresults to Amdahl’s law5,6, based on parallel hardware used. Modern systems hardware canmake selection of the appropriate value for scaling factor used in Amdahl’s law, “S”, a non-trivial decision. The value for S can be based on SMT (Simultaneous Multi-Threading), super-scalar multi-instruction features, vector instructions, and the potential to use co-processor cores.Generally, in this course the goal is to keep the scaling factor S simple, with focus on the numberof cores per node (ignoring SMT) and the number of nodes in a cluster. However, thissimplification can be pessimistic given micro-parallel features most CPU systems nowincorporate by
often referred to asmechatronic systems. The term mechatronics began as a patented special type of technology byJapanese companies in the early 1970’s 1 . At that time, its focus was on application of electroniccomputers in controlling mechanical systems. Since then it has grown into an engineering designphilosophy that integrates traditional engineering disciplines in the design of products. Althoughmany definitions of the term mechatronics have been proposed, the widely used definition treatsmechatronics as a multidisciplinary engineering philosophy that synergistically combines tradi-tional mechanical engineering with electronics, controls and computing 2 . All modern systemsthat integrate computer technology into mechanical systems fall in
-1 min-1 (4) HO2. + NO à .OH + NO2 k4=1.2 x 104 ppm-1 min-1 Simplified C8H18 Mechanism (5) C8H18 + .OH à .C8H17 + H2O k5 = 3.57 x 10-12 cm3molecule-1 s-1 (6) .C8H17 + O2 à .O2C8H17 k6 = 1.0 x 10-12 cm3molecule-1 s-1 . . (7) O2C8H 17 + NO à OC 8H17 + NO2 k7 = 5.79 x 10-12 cm3molecule-1 s-1 (8) .OC8H17 + O2 à C7H17CHO + HO 2. k8 = 2.48 x 10-12 cm3molecule-1 s-1 A simplified set of reactions for both ozone formation from the photolysis of NO2 and theOH radical initiated destruction of C8H18, a component of gasoline that is
their desired cloud together with number ofbenchmarks such as matrix multiplications with MPI and/or OpenMP to demonstrate thetransparency and portability of the provided solution.Bibliography1. Peter Mell, Tim Grance, "The NIST definition of cloud computing." 2011.2. Escalante, B. F. (2010). “Cloud Computing Fundamentals”. In Handbook of Cloud Computing. Springer3. Moustafa AbdelBaky, Manish Parashar, Kirk Jordan, Hyunjoo Kim, Hani Jamjoom, A Zon-Yin Shae, Gergina Pencheva, Vipin Sachdeva, James Sexton, Mary Wheeler, Mary F. Wheeler, "Enabling High-Performance Computing as a Service," Computer, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 72-80, 2012.4. S. Azodolmolky, P. Wieder, R. Yahyapour, "Cloud computing networking: challenges and
learning ingeneral is two-fold: first, students with experience in industry have an exposure to application onwhich to build understanding of theory. A few students regarded the study of theory to be anecessary evil, not useful in terms of immediate educational value: DP19: “My work experience has contributed to only two (2) courses so far. Typically, material related to theory does not contribute directly to my work at my job.” R18: “It is helpful to see how the theory works with the practical application, but at time[s] the theory is just that. Work has helped me focus on the need.”However, the students who were able to find the why had a better understanding of the materialas well as applications of it. Direct pathway
familiar with relevant background and technical knowledge that lead to successful design.The starting point of any design project, irrespective of the object or nature of the project, is theproblem definition phase characterized by asking relevant questions and attempting to findplausible/realistic answers. No sooner has a client or professor defined a series of objectives for adesign project than the designer- whether in a consulting office or in a classroom- want to findout what the customer really wants. Questions such as: what is an economic project? How doyou define the best design? What is a safe design? What are the factor(s) that will affect thedesign the most? Phrasing it differently, knowledge resides in the questions that can be
based on model transport equations for theturbulence kinetic energy (k) and its dissipation rate (ε). The transport equations are based onassumptions that the flow is fully turbulent and the effect of the molecular viscosity is negligible.Transport Equations for the standard k-ε model ∂ µ (ρκ ) + ∇(ρκV ) = ∇ µ + t ∇k + Gk + Gb − ρε − YM + S k …..(3.a)∂t σk µ 2 ∂ (ρε ) + ∇(ρεV ) = ∇ µ + t ∇ε + C1ε ε (Gk + C3ε Gb ) − C 2ε ρ ε + S ε …..(3.b)∂t σk k k k2where the turbulent
understanding the field.Some of the research questions would be best explored by a math-educator who can look throughtheir lens of expertise of common students’ K-12 experience based on current policies oncontent, the theories of semiotics, and theories of cognitive development in a social environment.Other questions are best tackled by engineering faculty, especially those which describe thenature of student misconceptions and lack of abilities in using mathematics in engineeringcourses. Page 13.627.16References1. Fink, L.D., Ambrose, S., & Wheeler, D. (2005). Becoming a professional engineering educator: A new role for a new era. Journal
qb23,wmm24,emg26,kusic,fromme,af63@drexel.eduAbstract Since the 1960’s, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) has been promoted as the new standardfor teaching and learning. Schools were provided with computers and internet connections atan astounding rate in the 1990’s, but there was no correlated increase in student performance.1Investigation into this problem has revealed that computer technology is simply used to augmenttraditional ‘instructionist’ teaching strategies,1,2 and this type of integration does not parallel thecurrent real-time problem solving domain that is driven by technology. Therefore, the integration of technology to reinforce science, technology, engineering andmathematics (STEM) education must not simply augment the
weighted list 5. Aggregate factor values into context scenario(s) Figure 3: The Contextual Needs Assessment Method as Published17,18 Page 13.923.8* Available electronically, email MatthewGreen@letu.edu.The contextual needs assessment method facilitates and directs the process of discovering,documenting, and applying contextual information and is easily adaptable to a variety of designneeds. The straightforward method provides valuable structure and insight for organizing anddriving the needs assessment process, and the templates place the power of contextualassessment in the hands of even novice engineers
andmade 22 trips to Peru. All of these systems were designed and installed by undergraduate andgraduate students and local people, assisted by faculty and experienced volunteers.The original goals of the program were: • To advance international understanding and cooperation through collaborative development of innovative solutions that support mutual cultural and technical learning; • To explore the use of renewable energy in the Andes in ways that bring local Peruvian residents and UML students together to work in partnership; • To optimize educational experiences of students involved through the integration of service and learning, what is termed service-learning (S-L); • To promote local economic development within Peru.The program has
of minutes. In order to improve detection and forecast of such phe-nomena using radar, one of the key factors is fast scan capability. Conventional weatherradars, such as the ubiquitous NEXRAD (Next Generation Radar developed in the 1980’s),are severely limited by mechanical scanning. Approximately 175 of these radars are in anational network to provide the bulk of our weather information. Under the developmentfor weather applications, the electronically steerable beams provided by the phased arrayradar at the NWRT can overcome these limitations of the current NEXRAD radar. Forthis reason, the phased array radar was listed by the National Research Council as oneof the primary candidate technologies to supersede the NEXRAD [1]. By definition
(hrs) * Time (one day/hrs) (4)Where, W: Overall energy stored; Joule (J) = unit of energy (5) P: Number of people a day; 1J=1N.m=1kg.m2/s2 =1V.C =1W.s E: Energy recovered from one person; Watt (W) =unit for power (6) T: Time taken to store energy; and 1W= 1J/s =V.C/s=V.A Time: Time span for one day.In order to calculate the total energy stored in a day (24hrs), it was considered that 1mJ energycould be recovered per person according to the equations 5 and 6. In this case the total energystored in a battery can be calculated for 50 people as