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Displaying results 9421 - 9450 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Works in Progress in Chemical Engineering Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University; Enrique D. Gomez; Scott T. Milner; Yu Xia
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
., Foertsch, J., & Daffinrud, S. (1998). The spend a summer with a scientist program: An evaluation of program outcomes and the essential elements for success. Madison, WI: Citeseer.Allen, T. E. & Barker, S. D. (2021). BME Labs in the Era of COVID-19: Transitioning a hands- on integrative lab experience to remote instruction using gamified lab simulations. Biomedical Engineering Education. 1(99-104).Atman, C. (2020. Hope, stress, sketch & kvetch: Emphasizing caring through reflection in online teaching in the pandemic. Advances in Engineering Education. 8(4).Batchelor, R. L., Christensen, A. H.., Gold, A. U., & Okochi, C. (2020). A two-week virtual research experience program for community college
2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Dominique Savage; Trent Porterfield; W. Roy Penney; Edgar C. Clausen
5 Table 2. Steady State Experimental Data* Run Collection Time, s Volume Collected, ml 1 8.84 425 2 8.47 400 3 9.93 500*tank held at a height of 3 ft (0.9 m) in collecting the data Table 3. Transient Experimental Data Time, s Tank Height*, in 0 107.683 10 102.394 20 96.1793 30 90.229 40 84.147 50 77.8
2007 North Midwest Section Meeting
Matthew Roberts; Philip Parker; Christina Curras; Michael Penn; Max Anderson
develop an area of competencyuseful to them in their future careers as citizen engineers. This theme requirement was in-spired by the curriculum ThreadsTM requirements employed by the College of Computing atthe Georgia Institute of Technology.7New Infrastructure Course(s)One goal of the revised curriculum is to create a new course (or series of courses) that intro-duces students to the infrastructure. The goals of the Introduction to Infrastructure class(es)and associated topics are shown below. Introduce students to civil engineering (including the history of civil engineering, the role of the civil engineer in society, and the concept of the infrastructure). • Field trips • Lab experiences • Field
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Audrey LaVallie; Eakalak Khan; G. Padmanabhan
. This challenge will continue since the program does nothave flexibility particularly in terms of increasing incentives such as stipend to be morecompetitive.Demanding nature and timeframe of the program: Since student researchers are involved in theprojects from conception to final delivery, the program is more demanding than other researchopportunities in which research ideas, hypotheses, or even literature review sometimes arealready available to the students. Student researchers also have to write a proposal and report(s)and prepare poster and/or PowerPoint presentations. The academic year timeframe of theprogram makes it difficult for students to manage between classes and research. The most twocommon reasons for students for not
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Naima Kaabouch; Deborah L. Worley; Jeremiah Neubert; Mohammad Khavanin
and engineering degrees: 1966–2006 (Detailed Statistical Tables NSF 08-321),” National Science Foundation, Division of Science, Resources Statistics, 2008.4. “Is America falling off the flat earth?,” National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, National Academies Press, 2007.5. M. Cavalli, L. Stanlake, S. Tolbert, “Investigation of Retention and Perceptions Among Freshman Engineering Students,” Proceedings of the 2007 North Midwest ASEE Regional Conference, Houghton, Michigan, September, 2007.6. Veestra, C., E. Dey, G. Herrin, “A model for freshman engineering retention,” Advances in Engineering Education, Vol.1, No. 3, 2009.7. M. Johnson, S. Sheppard, “Students Entering and Exiting the Engineering
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Jeffrey Koller; Garrett Miles Clayton, Villanova University
tested. You have the following plots (and corresponding Matlab script and data available on blackboard) that were obtained experimentally. Deliverable: Two sentences about how you approached the problem and your answers. 150 100 50 Displacement (mm) 0 -50 -100 -150 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time (s
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Mario G Perhinschi, West Virginia University
activities and instruments is focused on bringing real-world problems and experiences into the classroom and providing the students with a framework for creative search for solutions, investigative analysis, and independent inquiry-based study;  the implementation of the AoE in UAS is responding to current and future job market needs and trends in the context of the 4th industrial revolution and the specific challenges that it triggers.8. References1. Valavanis, K.P. and Vachtsevanos, G.J. (Eds), Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Springer, Dordrecht, 20152. Jeschke S., ―Engineering Education for Industry 4.0 –Challenges, Chances, Opportunities‖, Full and Associate Professors Meeting, Department of Aerodynamics
Conference Session
Mid Atlantic Papers
2017 Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Conference
Te-shun Chou, East Carolina University
Tagged Topics
Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Conference
and Riverbed University TeachingProgram for proving Packet tracer and Riverbed Modeler for free to our students conducting labactivities in the Department of Technology Systems (TSYS) at East Carolina University (ECU).We would also like to thank College of Engineering and Technology for their tech support,especially Mr. Keith Thomson for his assistance in setting up the learning environment.References 1. N. I. Sarkar and T. M. Craig, “Teaching Wireless Communication and Networking Fundamentals Using Wi-Fi Projects,” IEEE Transactions on Education, Volume 49, Number 1, pp. 98-104, February 2006. 2. T. J. M. Sanguino, C. S. Lopez, and F. A. M. Hernandez, “WiFiSiM: An Educational Tool for the Study and
Conference Session
Mid Atlantic Papers
2017 Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Conference
Laura Bayerle; Marietta R. Scanlon, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Conference
-engineering-and-tech/.6. Grandy, J. (1998). Persistence in science of high-ability minority students. Journal of HigherEducation, 69(6), 589-620.7. Li, Q., Swaminathan, H., & Tang, J. (2009). Development of a classification system forengineering student characteristics affecting college enrollment and retention. Journal ofEngineering Education, October, 361-76.8. Lord, S., Camacho, M., Layton, R., Long, R., Ohland, M., & Wasburn, M. (2009). Who’spersisting in engineering? A comparative analysis of female and male Asian, black, Hispanic,native American, and white students. Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 15,166-190.9. Bottomley, L., Rajala, S., & Porter, R. (1999, November). Women in engineering at NorthCarolina State
2018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference
Felipe J. Perez, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Yasser Salem, Cal Poly Pomona
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the American Concrete Institute (ACI), the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), and was the Secretary of the Seismology Committee for the Struc- tural Engineers Association of Southern California. Dr. Perez is an expert in large-scale testing and analysis of unbonded post-tensioned precast concrete seismic systems. His research interests are in the seismic analysis and design of reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, and steel structures. Dr. Perez is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of California.Dr. Yasser Salem, Cal Poly Pomona Yasser S. Salem is Associate Chair of Civil Engineering
Conference Session
Undergraduate Track - Technical Session VII
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Kasi Kiehlbaugh, University of Arizona; Paul Blowers, University of Arizona
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Undergraduate Education
Study of Engineering Students' Self-Efficacy by Gender, Ethnicity, Year, and Transfer Status. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 2009;18(2):163-72.9. Concannon JP, Barrow LH. Men's and Women's Intentions to Persist in Undergraduate Engineering Degree Programs. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 2010;19(2):133- 45.10. Shull PJ, Weiner M. Thinking inside the box: Self-efficacy of women in engineering. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2002;18(4):438-46.11. Roald Hoffmann, Saundra Y McGuire. Learning and Teaching Strategies. American Scientist. 2010 September 1,;98(5):378.12. McGuire SY, McGuire S, Angelo T. Teach Students How to Learn : Strategies You Can Incorporate Into Any Course to Improve
2018 ASEE Zone IV Conference
Tyler Jay Ashby, Utah State University; Wade H Goodridge, Utah State University; Sarah E Lopez, Utah State University; Natalie L Shaheen, National Federation of the Blind; Benjamin James Call, Utah State University - Engineering Education
Tagged Topics
-1712887. Several others have beencollaborators on this research including: David Uttal, Anne Hunt, Ann Cunningham, and theNational Foundation of the Blind.DisclaimerThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1712887. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundationReferences[1] Gorska, R., Sorby, S. A. (2008, June 22-25), “Testing Instruments for the Assessment of 3-D Spatial Skills”, Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Pittsburg, PA.[2] Uttal, D. H., Meadow, N. G., Tipton, E., Hand, L. L., Alden, A. R., Warren, C., Newcombe, N
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jumoke Oluwakemi Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University; LaDawn Partlow, Morgan State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
of this effort in 2014. Partnering with Minority serving institutions, The VerizonFoundation has funded 12 programs to address the gap in engineering and computing programsfor low-income minority males in grades 6 - 8, living in urban and rural areas. This paperprovides preliminary results from the first year of the program at a single institution.Table 1: 2014 US Population and Employment Statistics in Science and Engineering (S&E), by gender and race (NSF, 2015) [4] Female Female Female Male Male Male population S&E Engineering population S&E Engineering White
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Murad Musa Mahmoud, Utah State University; Kurt Henry Becker, Utah State University; Max L. Longhurst, Utah State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
hard the student worked. I would not recommendslowing it down at all.” Additionally, the researchers will collect data to determine students’interest and motivation in STEM during the coming summer workshop. Additional qualitativeand quantitative data will be analyzed in a future publication as we collect more data from futureworkshops. This years’ workshop was the first and a pilot for many similar summer workshopsto take place over the seven years of the project.AcknowledgementSupport for this research was provided by the STARS! GEAR UP Partnership grant#P334A150032 at Utah State University. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna Danielle Newley, Sonoran Schools; Erdogan Kaya, University of Nevada; Ezgi Yesilyurt, University of Nevada; Hasan Deniz, University of Nevada
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
based on scheduling of the co-author of this paper, time constraints onour study existed. While interviews would have provided a deeper look at students’ views ofengineering, the time for interviews was not available. Another limitation in the consistency ofthe data was the fact that many of the students were English Language Learners or below gradelevel. Many discrepancies involving vocabulary in Questions 1-3 may be the result of a lack ofwriting ability or vocabulary. For future work, vocabulary, writing, and reading will have greaterinfluence during the units.References[1] Cerinsek, G., Hribar, T., Glodez, N., and Dolinsek, S. “Which are my future career priorities and what influenced my choice of studying science, technology
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret E. Beier, Rice University; Ann Saterbak, Rice University; Megan McSpedon; Michael Wolf, Rice University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
examining predictivevalidity of the RESP diagnostic exam for an array of outcomes including success within theRESP program itself.AcknowledgementsThis RESP program is partially supported by an NSF S-STEM program grant (#1565023). Othersignificant funding comes from Rice University. The research component of this program ispartially funded by the S-STEM grant, and partially funded by Rice University and the ChaoFoundation.References[1] Ackerman, P. L., Kanfer, R., & Beier, M. E. (2013). Trait complex, cognitive ability, and domain knowledge predictors of baccalaureate success, STEM persistence, and gender differences. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(3), 911–927.[2] Richardson, M
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin G. Tuchscherer, Northern Arizona University; Ron Gray, Northern Arizona University; Christine Allison Gray, Northern Arizona University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
education research, Cambridge University Press, pp. 267–282.[3] B. W. McNeill, L. Bellamy, and V. A. Burrows. 2000. “Team Norms and Communication,” in Introduction to Engineering Design, 9th ed., McGraw Hill Higher Education, pp. 1–13.[4] S. Gorman. 2014. Peering into the Culture of a Civil Engineering Discipline and Finding the White Rabbit, PhD Dissertation, Northern Arizona University. 285 pp.[5] R. Stevens, A. Johri, and K. O’Connor. 2014. “Professional engineering work,” in Cambridge handbook of engineering education research, Cambridge University Press, pp. 119–137.[6] E. Godfrey. 2007. “Cultures within cultures : Welcoming or unwelcoming for women ?,” ASEE, 19 pp.[7] S. J. Spencer, C
Conference Session
Make It!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge A. Piña, Baltimore City Community College; Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Light.Challenges of the Smart PLC Traffic Light Controller: This project intentionally leaves a marginfor students to go farther with their work. Student teams can modify or expand the projectconsidering the pedestrian crossing the intersection, and also thinking in drivers who want to doa left turn in any of the streets.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis material is based upon work supported by the Research Experiences for Teachers Program(RET) under the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1300779. Any opinion, findings,and conclusion or recommendation expressed in this material are from the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the view or opinion of the National Science Foundation.REFERENCES1. Hsieh, S. and Hsieh, P.Y., “Web-based Modules for Programmable
Conference Session
Make It!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Juan Song, Alamo Colleges District; Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University; Daniel M. Sherry, Alamo College
Tagged Divisions
work supported by the National Science Foundation’s AdvancedTechnology Education Program under Grant No. 1304843. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] The San Antonio Economic Development Foundation (SAEDF) Industrial Sectors at SanAntonio. Available online at:[2] The San Antonio Manufacturers Association (SAMA) Alamo Region Manufacturing IndustryWorkforce Assessment Report (November 2015). Available online at:[3
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzanne W. Dietrich, Arizona State University; Don Goelman, Villanova University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
score.ReferencesBlack, P. & Wiliam, D. (1998) Assessment and Classroom Learning, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 5:1, 7-74, DOI:10.1080/0969595980050102Boud, D. (2005), Enhancing learning through self-assessment, Kogan Page, London.Burton, S., Sudweeks, R., Merrill, P., & Wood, B. (1991), How to Prepare Better Multiple- Choice Test Items: Guidelines for University Faculty, Brigham Young University Testing Services,, C. A., & Wilkinson, K. (2014). Recurrent Online Quizzes: Ubiquitous Tools for Promoting Student Presence, Participation and Performance, International Journal of E- Learning and Learning Objects 10, https
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lesley Cremeans, Texas Tech University; Audra N. Morse P.E., Texas Tech University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
research andprograms continue to foster innovation and discovery in science and engineer (S&E) academics.Moreover, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) released the publication, “Changing theConversation” in 2011 to strongly encourage engineering communities to alter the messagingpresented to underrepresented populations to increase and attract more diversity (NAE, 2011).According to Dzombak et al. (2016), the NAE describes the work of an engineer as, “Engineersmake a world of difference, are creative problem-solvers, help shape the future, connect scienceto the real world, and engineering is essential to health, happiness, and safety” (p. 5).Broader Impacts of Entrepreneurship EducationEntrepreneurship education provides students with
Conference Session
Teaming & Collaborative Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Soo Jeoung Han, Texas A&M University; Michael Beyerlein, Texas A&M University; Jill Zarestky, Colorado State Univeristy; Lei Xie, Texas A&M University; Khalil M. Dirani, Texas A&M University; Rodney Boehm, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
asperspective, experience, and specialized knowledge, which, combined, may match thecomplexity of their joint challenge (Beyerlein, M., Han, S. J., & Prasad, M, 2017). Teameffectiveness emerges when the interaction process enables those unique qualities to blend into awhole, with each member engaged. However, few teams have the skills or process habits thatenable a high level of blending to occur. Therefore, this study’s focus is to identify themicro-level patterns of behavior (habits) in student teams that enable full realization of the valueof member diversity.Diversity is commonly defined as a characteristic of groups of two or more people and usuallyindicates demographic differences among group members. By leveraging diversity, teams mayachieve
Conference Session
Technical Session 2b
2017 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
Seema C Shah-Fairbank P.E., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Kenneth W. Lamb P.E. Ph.D, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Tagged Topics
Pacific Southwest Section
familiar with. However, F2F instruction is not the most effective teaching strategies forengaging student learning (2014)1. This is because students learn from a variety of learning-styles based on how they receive and process information. Since the 1970’s research havelooked at various ways students learn and there are many models that can be used. To addressthe learning needs of engineering students Felder and Silverman (1988 and 1993)6,73 developed alearning style model (refer to Table 1).Table 1- Learning styles and definitions Category Preferred Learning Style Student Type Perception Sensory Concrete Thinkers, Practical, Oriented towards facts and
2017 ASEE International Forum
Elvira Valeyeva, Kazan National Research Technological University Russian Federation ; Roman V Kupriyanov, Kazan National Research Technological University; Nailya Sh. Valeyeva, Kazan National Research Technological University; Galina Romanova, Kazan National Research Technological University; Dzhamilia Renatovna Nugmanova, Kazan National Research Technological University
. (2015). Intellectual virtues and education practice. Social Sciences (Pakistan), 10(6), 1317-1323. doi:10.3923/sscience.2015.1317.1323[9] Karpov, А.V. (2003). Reflexivity as a mental property and methods of its diagnostics. Psychological journal, 24 (5), 45-57. (In Russian)[10] Khon, R.L. (2002). Pedagogical psychology. Teaching Principles. Moscow: Delovaya Kniga Press. (In Russian)[11] Kupriyanov, R.V., & Gorodetskaya, I.M. (2015) Global trends in higher education and thier impact on engineering training in Russia. International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), pp. 244-250.[12] Subramanian, K., & Suresh, S. (2012). A meta-cognitive sequential learning
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Retaining and Developing Women Faculty
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carol Elizabeth Marchetti, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Margaret B. Bailey P.E., Rochester Institute of Technology (COE)
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Engineering Deans Council
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy, Women in Engineering
increase the representation and advancement of women STEM faculty. At the university level, she serves as Senior Faculty Associate to the Provost for ADVANCE and co-chairs the President’s Commission on Women. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Into the Light: Diffusing controversy and increasing transparency in the faculty salary equity study processABSTRACTWomen are underrepresented in most science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)disciplines within academe and the workforce. In response, the National Science Foundationlaunched the ADVANCE grant program in the early 2000’s to fund efforts which increase therepresentation of women STEM faculty and academic leaders
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alamgir A. Choudhury, Western Michigan University; Jorge Rodriguez P.E., Western Michigan University; Awilma Paola Ventura Lugo, Western Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
hydraulic system.References1. Sullivan, J., Fluid Power Theory and Applications, Prentice Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1998.2. Rydberg, K.; Energy Efficient Hydraulics – System solutions for loss minimization; National Conference on Fluid Power, Linkoping University, Sweden. March 2015.3. Choudhury, A. and Rodriguez, J.; Experimental Analysis for Energy-efficient Product Design, Journal of Engineering Technology, Volume 34(1), 2017.4. Choudhury, A., Rodriguez, P. Ikonomov, J. He, B. De Young, R. Kamm, S. Hinton, Human powered energy efficient vehicle design, Proceedings the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, June 2012.5. Borghi, M., Zardin, B. Pintore, F., and Belluzi, F.; Energy
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 17: Student Cognitive Development
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allyson Jo Barlow, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
relate. I pay attention to my teacher or whomever is speaking. I follow along with my teacher or whomever is speaking when they discuss examples. Passive I listen when my teacher or whomever is speaking. I follow along with the activities that take place during the course. I do not think about course content. Disengagement I do not pay attention to course content. I focus my attention on things other than course content.References[1] M. Prince, “Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 223–231, Jul. 2004.[2] J. J. Appleton, S. L. Christenson, D. Kim, and A. L. Reschly, “Measuring
Conference Session
M2C: Learning by Design 2
2019 FYEE Conference
Asad Azemi, Pennsylvania State University, Brandywine; Maria Jane Evans, Penn State Brandywine; Ivan E. Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Topics
FYEE Conference - Paper Submission
subjects and as students would take the material more seriously. Weunderstand that this is not going to be an easy task especially for large programs but can be donein a smaller program [24] and deserves more attention, given the very clear associated benefits.We believe such an addition will further strengthen the implementation of a “cornerstone-capstone” approach [25].Finally, although this course includes a Student Rating of Teaching Effectiveness (SRTE) surveyat the end of the semester, given its potential role in helping students to choose an appropriatemajor and improving their soft skills and their impacts, which would not be fully realized untillong after the completion of the course, we are recommending (additional) student survey(s
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen Miel, Tufts University; Merredith D. Portsmore, Tufts University; Adam V. Maltese, Indiana University; Kelli Paul, Indiana University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
’ attitudes to science: A review of research,” Slough, England, 1975.[6] C. Murphy and J. Beggs, “Children’s perceptions of school science A study of 8–11 year- old children indicates a progressive decline in their enjoyment of school science,” Sch. Sci. Rev., vol. 84, no. 308, 2003.[7] J. Osborne, S. Simon, and S. Collins, “Attitudes towards Science: A Review of the Literature and its Implications.”[8] M. F. Neathery, “Elementary and secondary students’ perceptions toward science: Correlations with gender, ethnicity, ability, grade, and science achievement,” Electron. J. Sci. Educ., vol. 2, no. 1, 1997.[9] N. E. Betz, “Career counseling for women in the sciences and engineering,” in Career
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristin L. K. Koskey, University of Akron; Wondimu Ahmed, University of Akron; Nidaa Makki, The University of Akron ; Nicholas Garafolo, University of Akron; Benjamin G. Kruggel, University of Akron; Donald P. Visco Jr., The University of Akron
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
and test a shell for a mini model car, while learning science concepts of forcesand motion. This curriculum was aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards in terms ofthe focus on integrating engineering practices in the science curriculum.A quasi-experimental pre-test post-test group comparison design was applied to assess theimpact of the intervention on students’ understanding of engineering design concepts (measuredby an engineering concept test with 13 multiple choice items and 2 open ended design tasks),understanding of force and motion concepts (measured by a science concept test), interest inSTEM (assessed by the S-STEM survey), and interest in STEM careers (also assessed by the S-STEM survey). We report key findings from the