, the students were expected to install, configureand use intrusion detection systems and other network monitoring tools. For example, thestudents were required to practice the whole process of deploying and using the Snort intrusiondetection system (IDS), including downloading the Snort source code, compiling and installingthe program with gcc, configuring snort.conf, setting up rules, running Snort as packet logger,running Snort as network-based intrusion system and analyzing network traffic from trace files. Figure 1. Typical virtual machine(s) inside a Windows XP host operating system.A typical virtual machine setup7 for the students’ host OS is shown in Figure 1. A single FedoraLinux virtual machine ran on the student’s personal
designer, which is a very demandingjob. Such a job require talented and highly-competent professional with a leadership quality andvision. The author will be very satisfied if these system-level design projects help train a few ofsuch professional. To ensure achieving such results, we are planning to continue developing adiversified set of quality system-level projects, refining the contents of existing ones, and toimproving the tutorials and handouts of used design tools. We are also working on improving theevaluation and assessment tools of these project courses.References1. N. Ahmed, T. Natarajan, and k. R. Rao, “Discrete Cosine Transform,” IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol. C-23, pp.90-94, 19742. S. A. White, “Application of Distributed Arithmetic
Technology Ms. Hom is Vice-President and Director of Content Development for isisHawaii. She has served as editor and media specialist for the MEDB Women in Technology Project since 2004, lending her writing skills to WIT¹s broad range of programs statewide. As President and Owner of HomCreative, a creative marketing company, she knows firsthand the challenges and rewards of a women-owned business. She holds a B.A./Journalism from the University of Hawaii and an M.A./Journalism from the University of Oregon.Leslie Wilkins, Maui Economic Development Board Ms. Wilkins is Vice President of the Maui Economic Development Board and is the Founder and Director of its Women Technology Project
240, Computer Solid Modeling 3 COMM 101R, Public Speaking 3 Gen Ed, Social Science Perspective (S) 3 3-1 MET 300, Thermodynamics 3 MET 310, Dynamics 3 MaET 320, Basic Naval Architecture
. Page 12.1421.12Figure 9: The Centrifugal Pump used to demonstrate pump performance mapping Pump Performance Curve (at 2000 rpm) and System Resistance System Pump Perf. 12.00 10.00 8.00 Head (m) 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Flow Rate (liters/s) Page 12.1421.13 Figure 10: Pump head and system resistance versus flow rateFan LawsEducational
reduce the high costs of patternmaking, coremaking,and other tooling requirements of the casting process. The reduction in direct labor requirementsis essential for metal casting to survive in developed nations and the engineers of tomorrow mustbe aware of the capabilities rapid manufacturing in metal casting. Students must be educatedin the rapid manufacturing processes, including metal casting, for the US manufacturing base tosurvive. The Wohlers Report3 indicates that rapid manufacturing will be the main applicationfor additive fabrication whereas currently it is mainly applied for rapid prototyping. Rapid manufacturing concepts can be introduced in the manufacturing processescourse(s) taken by industrial, manufacturing, and mechanical
, the programwill give correct results. For example, Table 1 below shows two possible systems of units thatcould be used. Page 12.942.4 Unit of Measure SI U.S. L m ft. o T K F k W/m⋅K Btu/hr ⋅ft⋅o F α m2 /s ft2 /hr q W/m2 Btu/hr ⋅ft2
Monolingual and Bilingual Classrooms,” Creativity Research Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 3-4, pp. 373-386.6. Ghosh, S., 2003, “Triggering Creativity in Science and Engineering: Reflection as a Catalyst,” Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 38, Issue 3-4, pp. 255-275.7. Hopper, C., 2007, Practicing College Learning Strategies, Houghton Mifflin (http://www.mtsu.edu/~studskl/hd/hemis.html).8. Kim, J. and Michael, W.B.., 1995, “The Relationship of Creativity Measures to School Achievement and to Preferred Learning and Thinking Style in a Sample of Korean High School Students,” Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol. 55, Issue 1, pp. 60-74.9. Moehrle, M.G., 2005, “How Combinations of TRIZ Tools Are Used
Monolingual and Bilingual Classrooms,” Creativity Research Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 3-4, pp. 373-386.6. Ghosh, S., 2003, “Triggering Creativity in Science and Engineering: Reflection as a Catalyst,” Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 38, Issue 3-4, pp. 255-275.7. Hopper, C., 2007, Practicing College Learning Strategies, Houghton Mifflin (http://www.mtsu.edu/~studskl/hd/hemis.html).8. Kim, J. and Michael, W.B.., 1995, “The Relationship of Creativity Measures to School Achievement and to Preferred Learning and Thinking Style in a Sample of Korean High School Students,” Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol. 55, Issue 1, pp. 60-74.9. Moehrle, M.G., 2005, “How Combinations of TRIZ Tools Are Used
for the classroom activities thatfollow. Typically, the instructor duplicates sample responses on transparencies and takes them toclass. The interactive classroom session, built around these responses, replaces the traditionallecture/recitation format. In general, JiTT strategy pursues three major goals [1]-[3]: 1. To maximize the effectiveness of the classroom session.Partial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation's Course, Curriculum, and LaboratoryImprovement (CCLI) program under Award No. 0632686 and IPFW Instructional Summer Grant. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not
Design" Proc. of ASEE, pp. 671-675, vol.1, 1993.[6] Kasap, S.O., "Optoelectronics and Photonics", Prentice Hall 2001.[7] Koontz, W.L., "Fiber Optic Telecommunications Technology and Systems-", Proc. of ASEE, s2247, 2005.[8] Guvench, M.G., Denis, A.M., and Gurcan, C., "Automated Measurement of I-V Characteristics of Large Area Solar Cells for Product Development and Testing" Proc. of ASEE, 2003.[9] Donati, S., “Photodetectors: Devices, Circuits, and Applications”, Prentice Hall 2000.[10] Davies, G.F., “High Power LEDs Pose Safety Hazards”, Photonics Spectra, pp. 66-68, February 2007. Mustafa G. GUVENCHMustafa G. Guvench received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from M.E.T.U
4.2Biology & chemistry 4.2 4.0 3.5 4.5 5.0 - 4.2 - 5.0 5.0Total Responses 2 2 7 8 3 3 1 4 2 32Note: S=Spring graduates and F=Fall graduates Page 12.48.7*Indicates a weighted averageIn addition to preparing the students for an immediate future in research, the course preparesthem for future success on the F.E. and P.E. exam.10,11 However, FE exam results are difficult touse as assessment tool as100 percent of the ENVE students pass the exam. Many of the topicsare covered in the environmental engineering P.E. exam and
AC 2007-232: COST-EFFECTIVE PROCESS CONTROL LAB SETUPPaul Villeneuve, University of Maine Paul L. Villeneuve, P.E. is an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering Technology at the University of Maine. Page 12.410.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007AbstractMany four-year engineering technology programs require or offer course(s) thatemphasize examining the transient behavior of systems. The systems can be mechanical,electrical, chemical, or any other engineering discipline. These courses are generallyclassified as classes covering control system theory. Unfortunately, examining thetransient
June 1995, pg 45-487. Ogata, S., Kobayashi, I. & Fukuchi, Y. (1998). Application of virtual model to achieve consensus for construction project. Proceedings of the first international conference on new information technologies for decision making in civil engineering. Ecole de technologie superieve, universite du Quebec, Montreal, Canada, pg 1217 – 12268. Alshawi, M. (1996). Virtual reality; future implication of construction. Proceeding of the second international conference in civil engineering on computer allocations research and practice, vol. 2, Bahrain, April, pg 789 – 7959. Haque, M.E. (2001). Web based visualization techniques for structural design education. Paper presented at the American society for
Look at Dilemmatic Thinking. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education's E-Learn Conference. Montreal, Canada.16. Warren, S. (2004). Photography and Voice in Critical Qualitative Management Research. Photography and Voice, 861.17. Wolcott, H.F. (1999). Ethnography a way of seeing. London :Altamira Press.18. Willis, P. (2000). The Ethnographic Imagination. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.19. Bloom, B. (1984). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.20. Sproull, N. (1995). Handbook of Research Methods. London: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Page 12.1260.16
. Educational Leadership, 21, 38-41. 8. Lewis, L. (2004). The Cultivation of Professional Ethics. Retrieved September 20, 2004. http://www.nspe.org/ethics/eh 1-lew.asp 9. Pfatteicher, S. (2001). Teaching vs. Preaching: EC200 and the Engineering ethics Dilemma. Journal of Engineering Education, 1, 137-142. 10. Ryan, K., Bohlin, K. (2000). Teacher education’s empty suit. Education Week on the WEB. Retrieved March 29, 2000. http://www.edweek.org/ew/ewstory.cfm?slug=26ryan.h19 11. Ryan, K. (1996). Character education in the United States: A status report. Journal for a Just and Caring Education, 2 (1), 75-84. 12. Solomon, D., Watson, M., Battistich, V. (2000). Teaching and school effects on moral/prosocial
statistics must represent the actual results of calibration and the results should not be hidden by manipulating the numbers. Student Feedback: In general, the students seem to appreciate the course and what it is trying to teach. The hands-on nature of the course is well appreciated. This is the first opportunity that some of the students have gotten to use some of the equipment, such as an oscilloscope. One of the students felt that the text book(s) could be used more. I suspect that they do not see the value in using the texts as a reference and they therefore resent having to purchase the book and then not having homework problems assigned out of it. Reflection: The course seems to be well received by the students. I still feel that they learn
thediscipline. Currently only a handful of institutions are attracting minority students intoenvironmental engineering programs. Minority recruitment and retention efforts practiced bygeneral engineering programs should be further employed by individual environmentalengineering programs. Additional research is needed to understand the factors influencing careerselection among minority students.References1. LaPara, T., Bhandari, A., Fennell, D., Tull, K., Clapp, L., Jones, S. “Diversity in Environmental Engineering: The Good and the Bad.” 2006 American Society for Engineering Education National Conference Proceedings, Paper number: 2006-6562. Gibbons, M. T. "The Year in Numbers" 2005 Profiles of Engineering and Technology Colleges. ASEE
Mechanical Engineering, The City College of CUNY (CCNY), is the principalinvestigator of the grant. The author also would like to express his sincere thanks to Dr. AnnitaAlting, an Associate Higher Education Officer of School of Engineering, CCNY, for the help ofanalyzing the ABET course survey results.References[1] Burchett, B., Four hardware experiments for advanced dynamics and control, 2006 ASEE Annual Conference, Paper No. 2006-1008.[2] Henry, J. and Zollars, R., Learning-by-doing and communications within a process control class, 2006 ASEE Annual Conference, Paper No. 2006-1686.[3] Panda, A., Wong, H., Kapila, V. and Lee, S.-H., Two-tank liquid level control using a BASIC-STAMP microcontroller and a MATLAB-based data
: A mission to the moon. http://www.agi.com/ resources/download/tutorials/, 2007.[2] R. Cargill Hall. Lunar Impact. Number SP-4210 in NASA History Series. National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Washington D.C., http:// history.nasa.gov/SP-4210/pages/Cover.htm edition, 1977.[3] Wiley J. Larson and James R. Wertz, editors. Space Mission Analysis and Design. Microcosm Press, Space Technology Library, 3rd edition, 1999.[4] J. Lumpp, J. Jacob, S. Smith, and W. Smith. Big blue: A multidisciplinary capstone engineering design project. In Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, number 2006-1834, June 2006.[5] D.P. Miller, D. Hougen, and D. Shirley. The sooner lunar schooner: Lunar engineering
anassessment system for KM and PM group artifacts using multiple methods.12 Students areactively involved in the design, management, and formative assessment of the tools with whichtheir work is summatively assessed by peers, faculty, and industry partners.The PM tool is called Basecamp. It is a web-based tool that allows the administrator(s)-- in thiscase, the Design Clinic instructor—to set up working groups. Each group has a basic set oftools: overview, messages, to-dos, milestones, writeboards, chat, time, files, and people. Theoverview tab allows whoever is logged on to see an overview of the latest activity, includingmessages, recently uploaded files, and overdue notices. Messages are threaded and tagged bycategory. Individuals are assigned
40142 1992 41310 1993 40532 1994 ------- 1995 40880 1996 40744 1997 40842 1998 41243 1999 42731 2000 43294 2001 43552 2002 44688 2003 44334 2004 43966 2005 41781 2006 41691 Page 12.1305.6 Average Annual Daily Traffic AADT = - 346883 + 194.6 year 45000 S 1095.11 R-Sq 49.8% R-Sq(adj) 46.5% 44000 43000AADT 42000 41000 40000 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
self-efficacy.Highly validated instruments for self-efficacy have produced different results. Hackett et al.’s 18work examined SME vocational self-efficacy and academic milestones self-efficacy for 197students and found no significant gender differences for either construct. Meinholdt andMurray’s study 19 was based on Hackett’s instrument and found a trend (p < .07) that favoredmen for academic self-efficacy but no gender differences for vocational self-efficacy.Although researchers seem to agree that it is an important concept, the research results show amixed view of gender differences for engineering self-efficacy. Further, these studies vary basedon the degree of validation of the instruments used, the number of institutions examined
better.References1. “The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century”, National Academies Press, 2004.2. Buchanan, R., Downey, G., Faste, R., Giard, J., Kuhn, S., “The Product Design And Innovation Program AtRensselaer Polytechnic Institute”, NSF External Review Committee Final Report, April 15, 2002.3. Newberry, B. And Farison, J., “A Look at the Past and Present of General Engineering and EngineeringScience Programs,” Journal of Engineering Education, July 2003.4. Steiner, M.W., “Using Real-World Multidisciplinary Design Experiences to Prepare Young Engineers to EnterToday’s Workforce,” International Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 2-3
/Tunnel design.” CE News, September 2006, pp. 16-17. 3. Ibid. 4. Ross, Steven S. “Construction Disasters: Design Failures, Causes, and Prevention.” McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984. 5. Ibid 6. Ibid 7. Feld, J., and Carper K. “Construction Failure.” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. Page 12.925.9
ABET criteria and other calls for a more holistic engineering education,truly intelligent design of engineering education is called for [35].References[1] Orr, H. Allen, “Devolution: Why intelligent design isn’t”, The New Yorker, May 30, 2005 Intelligent Design and Engineering Design Education 5[2] Gould, S.J. (2002) The Structure of Evolutionary Theory. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.[3] Gould, S. J. (1977) "Evolution's erratic pace." Natural History 86 (May): 12-16[4] Dennett, Daniel, Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life (Simon & Schuster; Reprintedition 1996)[5] Paley, William, Natural Theology, with an introduction and notes by Matthew D. Eddy and David
THE TRANSITION FROM THE 8085 TO THE “MODERN” WORLD James S. Finne, PE Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology Middlesex County College John Carpinelli, PhD Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Director, Center for Pre College Programs New Jersey Institute of Technology William Barnes, PE Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology New Jersey Institute of TechnologyAbstractTeaching the Introduction to Microprocessors