. Theircommunication was also clear in supporting the team in executing project deliverables, includingmeaningful follow-up that articulated clearly what needed to be done.Leaders exemplifying effective communication was associated with thoughtful and calmcommunication style. Some participants reflected on less effective staff who were “aggressive[and] run very hot”. Other reflected that women especially needed to be calm and were implicitlyexpected by others to diffuse tension and maintain positive morale. Application of influenceOur conceptual framework looked at leadership in terms of the ways that influence was applied.In our interviews, some participants explicitly spoke about the need to influence or beinginfluenced by individuals without
will be able to understand how equity can be considered in community resilience-basedinfrastructure decision-making. 4) Students will be able to assess the potential impact of differentdecisions on various stakeholders in the community, including marginalized groups. 5) Studentswill be able to collaborate effectively with their peers to make informed and equitable decisionsbased on multiple criteria and perspectives. 6) Students will be able to reflect on their learningexperience and apply the knowledge and skills gained from the game to real-world situations.The concepts stemming from these objectives drive the entire game design and motivate choicefor game structure, components, actions, special roles, and scoring system. Additionally
engineering professoriate, and leveraging institutional data to support reflective teaching practices. She has degrees in Electrical Engineering (B.S., M.Eng.) from the Ateneo de Davao University in Davao City, Philippines, where she previously held appointments as Assistant Professor and Department Chair for Electrical Engineering. She also previously served as Director for Communications and International Engagement at the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, Lecturer at the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University, and Assistant Professor at the Department of Integrated Engineering at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Virginia
' approaches, the strategies used, and challenges they faced. These discussions revealedseveral common strategies, which were subsequently supported by the instructor with additionallecture content describing the troubleshooting process (Figure 1), commonly employedtroubleshooting strategies, and the significance of domain knowledge.Module 1. Valley of the Kings: The first troubleshooting module was adapted from Michaeli andRomeike's [4] use of escape room tasks for teaching code debugging, reflecting the growinginterest in live escape rooms as training tools.In this module, students were provided with the coded map in Figure 2, featuring a highlightedroute, directional instructions in a legend, and directional arrows corresponding to the route
learning in your academic setting (pp. 93-110). Society for the Teaching of Psychology.[12] S. Freeman et al., "Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 111, no. 23, pp. 8410-8415, May 2014, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1319030111[13] S. Anwar and M. Menekse, “Unique contributions of individual reflections and teamwork on engineering students’ academic performance and achievement goals,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 36, no. 3, Art. no. 3, 2020.[14] S. Anwar, "Role of different instructional strategies on engineering students' academic performance and motivational constructs," 2020.[15] A. I. Leshner, "Student-centered, modernized graduate
to advance equity and inclusion, and using data science for training socially responsible engineers.Muhammad Ali Sajjad, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York First year, first semester PhD student in Engineering Education at University at Buffalo. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Work in progress: stigma of mental health conditions and its relationship to conditions’ knowledge and resource awareness among engineering students.AbstractThis work in progress paper considers intergroup contact theory to explore how increasedawareness of mental health resources and heightened contact with people living with MHCsamong engineering undergraduate students reflect in lower
-Corps site program experience could be enhanced or modified based onperformance and perceptions of participants?” To answer it, we continued with the qualitativeportion of the study.QualitativeThe I-Corps Site training program has received overwhelming support and positive feedback foryears since its inception. Through coordination with the program director and availableresources, we can conclude that participant evaluations of the program are positive and mixed,and there are four challenges, or room for improvement, that participants reflected on after theprogram: (1) participant variation, (2) I-Corps’ role in entrepreneurship-innovation learningprocesses, (3) mentorship, and (4) time constraints. The following paragraphs providedescriptions
. This data was input into EarthSmart to determine the amount ofembodied carbon in the four stages of the LCA. The project prioritized carbon-neutral or negative materials.Design for ResilienceResilient housing involves constructing a home to withstand the natural environment and survive extremenatural disasters. The students aimed to protect the house from natural disasters in California such aswildfires, earthquakes, and frequent periods of drought with a resilient design.Student Learning OutcomesFifteen civil engineering students involved in construction administration stages of the competition weresurveyed on their overall experience. Their reflections were tallied and analyzed. There were limitations indata collection, as by the time the
households and energy demand. [10]In addition to reviewing these topics, the assignment required students to interview two familymembers or friends on their understanding of ToU pricing and their interest in adopting solarenergy. This exercise encouraged students to reflect on advocacy and consider how they couldcontribute to creating a positive societal impact.Results and DiscussionThe written assignments reflected that the students grasped the benefits of renewable energy andthe urgency of increasing solar, wind, and other green energy sources in electricity generation.Seven out of eleven students highlighted the important role students and young people play inadvocating for cleaner energy, agreeing that pursuit of climate change goals need
, our research usedexploratory classroom observations and consultations with STEM-ID developers to identify thecritical components of the STEM-ID curricula (Table 1). Subsequently, our originalimplementation research used the Innovation Implementation Framework to explore fidelity ofimplementation during the initial implementation of the fully developed curricula [15]. At thecommencement of the current project, we revisited the list of critical components with theproject team to confirm that, given curricula refinement and further data analysis, the originalcritical components still reflect the elements essential to achieving the desired outcomes of thecurricula.Table 1STEM-ID Critical Components Structural – Procedural Component
, students reported dedicating 5-6 hours on average to project tasks. This range is not reflected equally across each team, andsome individuals listed up to 18 hours of project activities during the final two weeks. Thecurrent project timeline also required the instructor to review and provide timely feedback whilemanaging the activity during the 2.5-hour lab. Individual and team reports were due by 5 PM theday preceding the lab period so the instructor could review the progress before the midafternoonlab. Students have also provided feedback that the presentation and report are valuable, but theyrequested a longer period of time between test day and the due date for presentation and report.The other major challenge associated with this project is
, the aim of an individualis to create a positive social image, and this goal can be threatened by a perceived lack ofcompetence, questionable moral behavior, or even when an individual or group feels they are notrecognized as a person or group with autonomy or unique qualities [17]. This would in turncause one’s social identity to develop in a negative direction; development in a positive directionwould occur when one’s social identification and social comparison reflected good or popularbehaviors or attitudes either through initiating positive change in their group or potentiallymoving to another group that aligns with their developed personal identity.The second theory which differentiates and acknowledges the interplay between personal
, such as multi-layered and culturallyrelevant mentoring and support, in amplifying the participants’ resilience and personal andprofessional development. The three participants’ community-serving mindset and authenticreciprocity with high school students prompted them to become reflective and critical advocatesof the program’s original intent. As a result, they played a pivotal role in fulfilling the ultimategoal of institutional collaboration—diversifying the STEM workforce.IntroductionDiversity is widely recognized as a pivotal factor for innovation and ground-breakingtransformation in scientific research [1]. As a result, the National Science Foundation (NSF) andother federal funding agencies have long supported the creation of diverse
journey as scholars totransform scholarly and cultural practices in STEM. In doing so, our research aim is to approachSTEM topics that decenter whiteness beginning with our own assumptions and biases throughreflection and dialogue. Mejia et al state “ a lack of reflection prevents the cognitive andmotivational tools needed to liberate themselves from condition and historical factors that thathinder their development” [13, p. 2]. Our approach towards liberation is understanding thelimitations of scholarship and praxis when whiteness is not decentered from the conversation andperspectives. Much scholarship about gendered experiences is often framed in a Eurocentric
-scheduled in the same classes, such as MATH 141 (Calculus with Analytic Geometry II).The project's second phase commenced in Fall 2023 with the program’s Fall 2022 cohortentering their second year. In this phase, the integrated curriculum consisted of the Penn Statecourses PHYS 212 and EE 210, marking another step forward in the project's commitment toinnovative and interdisciplinary education in STEM fields.The second cohort will commence in Fall 2024. This timeline reflects the project's phasedapproach, allowing for evaluation and adaptation of the integrated curriculum based on theexperiences and outcomes of each cohort.Figure 1. The timeline of the project by semester.C. Course Descriptions, Curriculum Design Philosophy and ImplementationIn
observed but no long-term career outcomeevaluation. These studies collectively demonstrate the positive impact of inquiry-based learningin scientific education, albeit with a need for more extensive, long-term evaluations.Dickerson et al. [20] employed a distinctive approach to foster reflection among engineeringstudents within the context of a digital circuits course. This method integrated computer-basedsimulation for digital circuit design with reflective thought prompts administered after a midtermexam for post-exam analysis and contemplation. The study also underscored the significance ofemploying thought-provoking question prompts designed to voluntarily elicit comprehensivereflections after a significant milestone event, such as a midterm
perform the experiment and complete predictionsand reflections, and the (then preliminary) research indicating the effectiveness of the activitiesto correct student misconceptions. The instructor incorporated these activities into a laboratorycourse (details provided below).Assessment InstrumentsIn order to assess the impact of the change to a PBL pedagogy and the addition of inquiry-basedactivities, this paper reviews 12 years of student comments from the engineering program’sSenior Survey as well as 10 years of pre/post student responses to a concept inventory.Each year, a week or two before graduation, senior engineering students are emailed a link to theSenior Survey. Since students typically take the heat transfer course in their third year
engineer within society byupholding an alignment of industry over engineering reflective of a hegemonic adherence tobusiness professionalism [1, 2, 3]. The ideology of business professionalism, described in moredetail to follow, advances beliefs that engineers are, and should be, unshakably beholden tocapitalist corporate owners and the industries they extract profit through [3]. In this paper, weexamine the historically anti-union attitudes and actions of the National Society of ProfessionalEngineers (NSPE), and their adherence to the ideology of business professionalism, throughanalysis of ethics case studies published by their Board of Ethical Review (BER). As an advocateof professional engineering licensure and as leaders in engineering ethics
curriculum. This proactive approach allowsfaculty to align the content with students' existing knowledge, making it more accessible andrelatable. Recognizing the importance of building on prior understanding, instructors can bridgegaps and create connections between new concepts and what students already know. Thisfacilitates a smoother learning process and fosters a sense of relevance and engagement.Adapting course materials to reflect students' beliefs ensures that the educational contentresonates with their experiences, promoting a more inclusive and effective learning environment.In essence, the thoughtful curriculum adjustment based on student's prior knowledge and beliefscontributes to a more personalized and meaningful educational journey [16
. Through shared narratives and self-reflection, studentslearn that struggle in engineering courses is normal and surmountable. Our prior work indicatesthat this message may serve as a protective mechanism for Black, Latinx, and Indigenous students’belonging and, subsequently, individual grades in their courses. As we continue to develop andstudy the intervention, we share our processes and additional findings in this paper. First, we reporton our initial efforts to assess fidelity in the implementation of the intervention by courseinstructors and the impact of the intervention on instructors. Second, we report on our continuedresearch studying the efficacy of the intervention on student outcomes.We hypothesize that the intervention is most
developed thus far to reach your mentioned goals? Any resources used, etc.? B. Participating in the EMPOWER Program 1) What are some of the ways you have participated in the EMPOWER program thus far? 2) How, if at all, have the EMPOWER program components you engaged with contributed to your transition? Please provide an example. 3) How, if at all, have they contributed to any feelings of being welcomed by your college? Please provide an example. 4) What did you gain from your EMPOWER program experience? C. Future Participation in the EMPOWER Program 1) What are some of the ways you hope to participate in the EMPOWER program? What parts of the program most excite you? 2) Reflecting on your answer about the parts of the
Learning Natural Interactionthe concept with detailed explanations and Societal Impactpractical examples. Medium coverage (1) Figure 6 AI4K12 Coveragedenotes a general discussion with somepractical applications, and low coverage (0) reflects minimal or no mention and engagement withthe concept. As part of this analysis, the data were extracted and organized using a spread sheet.Then using our scale, we scored each article based on its level of representation. The scores foreach article were then added together to obtain the total representation.4.2.2 Evaluation of AI4K12 Concepts in Selected ArticlesThe analysis revealed varied levels of engagement with the AI4K12 concepts across the articles:Perception: Two
) of the unfolding model of turnover.By creating and reflecting on Louise’s interpreted narrative and career journey map, we gain adeeper understanding of the tensions and difficult decisions Louise had to make along herengineering career journey. Without role models or career guidance, Louise experienced tensionin balancing the needs of her work and growing family. She felt pressure to decide between herfamily and work. She chose to stay home with her family and pursue part-time, flexibleengineering work; however, was unable to find a long-term position. Furthermore, she sought are-entry path into engineering for years, yet has never found a pathway back. If she could havefound a long-term, part-time engineering position she would likely
, andthe environment is also vitally important. There is increasing recognition among engineers,educators, and industry leaders of the importance of preparing engineers to account for thesesociocultural dimensions [1]-[4]. We use the term “sociotechnical dimensions” or “practices” torefer to social or contextual factors such as ethics, engagement with stakeholders, and therecognition of power and identity and their role in engineering broadly. Environmental factorssuch as sustainability and the potential future impacts of engineering work are also categorizedas sociotechnical dimensions as they draw attention to possible consequences to the naturalenvironment. A call for broader engineering skills is reflected in the Accreditation Board
emerging themes. rustworthinessTReporting on the quality, credibility, and validation of qualitative research is the best practice to ensure the study's trustworthiness[47]. In engineeringeducation, Walther et al.[48]provide validation strategies to ensure the quality and trustworthiness of qualitative research. heoretical validation of a study should reflect the complexity of the lived experience underTinvestigation. This can be validated through the use of an opposing case analysis. As can be seen in the findings, different factors had opposing narratives emerge. Considering alternative or opposing perspectives is particularly important to ensure the reliability of a case study[43]. Communicative validation of
engineering programs [3], but reflections and critical events werefocused on experience in the first-year engineering course at the institution. The first-yearengineering course is a design, build, test course that enables and encourages communicationbetween students on teams. The teams are broken up into small groups of four or five and taskedwith designing, building, and testing an engineering solution to a pre-conceived problem. Thisclassroom serves as an ideal setting for intervention, as the students are early in theircoursework. This chronological positioning yields students who are more focused oncommunication than mathematical analysis, which they may be less certain of, and makes anychanges more impactful, as they have three more years to
bounds, to look beyond its borders bothfor problems and solutions” [15] is an important pedagogical goal. She usefully distinguishesbetween technical management (the management of technical projects) and “administrativeleadership in diverse situations” [15].She elaborates on the distinction to illuminate the ways in which the dominant paradigms inscientific and engineering education are conducive to the generation of new knowledge but arenot useful for innovation and management. In her account, administrative leadership entails “theability to work quickly on a variety of discontinuous activities that are brief in nature and requireless reflective thought”; she contrasts this with the technical management paradigm of “working
participant interactions and documented indicators of activity-specific talk andbehaviors, parent and caregiver roles, staff facilitation, and engineering practice talk. Tworesearchers conducted these site visits and led staff reflections, including at least one bilingual(Spanish/English) researcher who collected data with Spanish-speaking families and staff Theresearch team also facilitated ongoing video conference meetings with case study staff membersbefore, during, and after activity implementation to better understand the ways they wereadapting and implementing the activities and to document their evolving ideas about engineeringeducation for young children and families.Engineering ActivitiesThe first of the activities was named Pollitos
, there was a lull in 2020 with no articles published, which could be attributedto a variety of external factors affecting academic research output globally. However, a steadyrecovery is observed with one publication each in 2021 and 2022, culminating in a significantsurge to nineteen articles in 2023. This dramatic increase reflects a burgeoning interest and apossible inflection point in research on generative AI applications within the realm of engineeringeducation, possibly propelled by increased digitalization and technological dependence in learningenvironments post-2020. Such a trend not only signifies a growing scholarly focus on integratingAI into engineering pedagogy but also suggests a robust engagement from the academiccommunity in
0.495 Positive little, javascript 4 0.361 Positive learning, engineer 3 0.12 Positive science, engineering 3 0.523 Positive engineering, math 3 0.695 Positive machine, learning 3 0.12 Positive engineering, course 2 0.122 PositiveRQ3: How do social media user sentiments vary when they discuss about engineeringprofession?Table 3 reflects positive sentiments in discussions on professional education