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toexpand the labs in terms of quantity and sophistication. In particular, the other options forinterprocessor communication, shared memory and network-on-a-chip concepts, will be added inupcoming course offerings. Eventually, a separate course offering on embedded processor designusing FPGAs will need to be added to the curriculum. Page 25.844.8References1. J. Khan, S. Niar, A. Menhaj, Y. Elhillali, and J. L. Dekeyser, “An MPSoC architecture for the multiple target tracking application in driver assistant system,” in Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP ’08
potential to follow the samepathway as partnerships are developed regionally and nationally.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to acknowledge Benton and Parkway High Schools for providing the support andresources necessary to execute the Junior Cyber Discovery model. We would also like toacknowledge the master teachers who facilitated the pilot camp: Marvin Nelson from BentonHigh School and Dale Bozeman and Jeff Holcomb from Parkway High School. Page 25.867.10References[1] National Science Board. Preparing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators: Identifyingand Developing Our Nation’s Human Capital. 2010.[2] Sontgerath, Suzanne, S. Blaisdell, P. Wong, A. Swan, K. Ziemer. “Growing a STEMTeam: Review of an Innovative Program
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AC 2012-5037: LOCATION OF AN ENGINEERING FACULTY IN SRI LANKA:THE UNUSUAL CRITERIA, LESSONS LEARNT, AND ETHICS ISSUESProf. Samuel Ratnajeevan Herbert Hoole P.E., Michigan State University S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich. His research interests focus on computational methods, especially computing electromagnetic fields by the finite element method. His ongoing research is in shape optimization in coupled problems, determining the location and shape of objects so as to accomplish design objects in electrothermal problems in electric machinery, eco-friendly buildings, hyperthermia treatment planning in oncology, etc. This
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while the right side represents the mobile components.Various types of data are generated and transmitted from the ambulance to the centralizedserver(s) for processing. Any type of IP data can be transmitted although the 3G cellular networkdoes have bandwidth limitations that must be considered.Figure 2 shows how EKG transmittal is achieved both physically and logically aboard theambulance. The patient is connected to the defibrillator and thrombolytic data is captured. Thisdata is archived in the memory of the defibrillator and is then transmitted to the 911 center RSServer as IP packets. These packets are then rendered into a proprietary format on that serverwhich can then be exported and transmitted via email to the emergency room. This
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around the stationary pylon. The motion characteristics of theairplane are governed by the non-dimensional aerodynamic coefficients. Analytical expressionsare available to relate these coefficients to the geometry and mass distribution of the airplane.Table 2 Airplane Equations of MotionA model validation example is illustrated in Figure 5. This example represents the type ofanalysis results that are expected as part of the student technical reports. The airplane is trimmedat an airspeed of approximately 8 m/s. The pilot applies a full deflection, Trailing-Edge-Up(TEU) elevator input and then returns the control to the trim position. The pilot control input iscaptured by the on-board data logger and is shown as the orange line in Figure
: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1984.tb23490.x12. Giroux, R. P. “Relevance of Roebling,” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 23 no. 2 (2009): 2-4.13. Portrait of Emily Warren Roebling, Brooklyn Museum.14. Eagleton, Mary. “When Old is New: Diana Athill and Literary Value. Contemporary Women's Writing,” 5 no. 3 (2011): 172-187. doi: 10.1093/cww/vpr00115. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. Selected Letters. Isobel Grundy, ed. London, England: Penguin Classics, 1997.16. Bear, Risa S., transcriber. Selected Prose and Poetry of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. accessed January 9, 2012, http://ebooks.gutenberg.us/Renascence_Editions/montagu.html17. Prose and Poetry of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
be to use aBASIC Stamp for the servo control. All it needs to do is receive the direction command on twoinput ports and then enable the appropriate servo(s).IV. Firmware DesignThe transmitter firmware, written in combination of the free version Hi-Tech C and MPASMassembler, demonstrates some of the capabilities if the rfPIC12F675 by transmitting the status ofthe two buttons GP3 and GP4 on the transmitter4 5. A 0x23h is transmitted if the left button ispressed and a 0x43 is transmitted if the right button is pressed. The Xmit function used totransmit the data uses a simplified KeeLoq protocol based on the assembler code provided withthe PICkit 1 and has been adapted to interface to the Hi-Tech C compiler. The Xmit functions
with the system demonstration (15 minutes teampresentation).Design Team: The project is executed by two member teams. A formal Project Report (consistingof Abstract, introduction, Design Description consisting of Schematic(s) and Software Code andBibliography) will be prepared by each member of the group.Duration: Week 13, 14 and 15Project Grading: Five points for the design features, 10 points for successful execution anddemonstration, 5 points for code quality and organization, total 20 points, which is the 20% of the Page 25.515.5total class grade. IV. STUDENT AND FACULTY FEEDBACKThis class is offered in every
laboratory-driven Electrical Engineering 2-year curriculum for distance and at-home learning”, http://www.ee.washington.edu/faculty/soma/fipse/. 13. UC Berkeley, “Online curricula for monitored, closed-lab first-year CS courses”, http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~clancy/ucwise/ccliemd04_narrative.pdf. 14. Velankaris, Y., Brophy, S., Okutsu, M., Delaurentis, D., “TEAM-BASED NEGOTIATION OF IDEAS ON DESIGN DECISION MAKING PERFORMANCE”, AC 2010-1902, in Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, June 20-23, 2010. Page 25.275.9
follows: 1. Analyze a client’s objectives and formulate an engineering problem statement. 2. Develop multiple solutions to an engineering problem and determine the merits and deficiencies of each solution. 3. Recommend the most appropriate solution based on client and engineer developed criteria. 4. Develop a design for the most appropriate solution(s) to meet a client’s objectives. 5. Explain and document the solution in oral and written formats. 6. Work effectively in an engineering team by utilizing individual strengths and communication.Each team is made of 4 or 5 students and is assigned to a different project for an external clientwith a real need. On the first day of class students individually rank
tests, pre and post-affectsurveys, will also be administered to the students to gauge the effectiveness of challenge-basedlearning in MECE 3320.References1. Pandy, M., Petrosino, A, Austin, B. and Barr, R. “Assessing Adaptive Expertise in UndergraduateBiomechanics,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 93, No. 3, 2004, pp. 211–222.2. Barr, R.E., Pandy, M.G., Petrosino, A.J., Roselli, R.J., Brophy, S., and Freeman, R.A., “Challenge-BasedInstruction: The VaNTH Biomechanics Learning Modules”, Advances in Engineering Education, Vol. 1, No. 1,Fall 2007, pp. 1 – 30.3. Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L., and Cocking, R.R., “How People Learn : Brain, Mind, Experience, and School”(Expanded Edition), National Academic Press, (2000).4. Giorgio, T.D. and
, January 7, 2012.5. Meyer, K. and S. Ressler, “Let’s Get Down to Business: Preparation for ABET Under the New CE ProgramCriteria,” Proceedings of the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Austin, TX,June 2009.6. ABET Self Study Questionnaire, Engineering Accreditation Commission, ABET, Inc., Baltimore, MD., accessed Page 25.313.8at http://www.abet.org/download-self-study-templates/, January 11, 2012.7. Program Evaluator Worksheet, 2011-2012 Accreditation Cycle, ABET Inc., Baltimore, MD., accessed athttp://www.abet.org/uploadedFiles/Program_Evaluators/Training_Process/eac-instructions-for-completing-pev
Education. Honolulu, HI, 2007.4. M. Haungs, J. Clements, and D. Janzen, “Improving engineering education through creativity, collaboration, and context in a first year course,” ASEE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.5. Council on Competitiveness, Innovate America, 2005.6. K. Kazerounian and S. Foley, “Barriers to creativity in engineering education: A study of instructors and students perceptions,” Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 129, pp. 761-768, July 2007.7. N. Genco, N., K. Hölttä-Otto and C. C. Seepersad, “An experimental investigation of the innovation capabilities of engineering students,” ASEE Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, 2010.8. B. Cooperrider, “The importance of divergent thinking in engineering
reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.Bibliography 1. Technically speaking: Why all Americans need to know more about technology, Greg Pearson and A. Thomas Young, editors, National Academies Press, (2002). 2. E. D. Hirsch and James S. Trefil, Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know, Random House, (1987). 3. Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving the Public Understanding of Engineering, Committee on Public Understanding of Engineering Messages, National Academies Press, (2008). 4. Heywood, J., “Engineering Literacy: A Component of Liberal Education” Proceeding of the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference (2009
," in Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Conference and Exposition, Chicago, 2006.[2] T. Kaiser, A. Lingley, M. Leone, and B. Pierson, "MEMS Fabrication as a Multidisciplinary Laboratory," in Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, 2007.[3] T. Hsu, MEMS & Microsystems Design and Manufacture. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2002.[4] W. Park, J. Mallon, A. Rastegar, B. Pruitt A. Barlian, "Review: Semiconductor Piezoresistance for Microsystems," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 513-52, 2009.[5] S. Bouwstra, R. Spiering V. Spiering, "On chip decoupling zone for package-stress reduction," Sensors and Actuators, vol. A.39, pp. 149-56, 1993.[6] K. Petersen, "Silicon as a Mechanical Material," Proceedings of the
) 480-488.9. S. Ersoy and H. Kucuk, ―The effect of a new teaching methodology on learning performances of automotive – mechatronics students,‖ Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 310-316.10. F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston Jr, J.T. DeWolf, and D.F. Mazurek, Statics and Mechanics of Materials, McGraw-Hill, NY (2011). Page 25.395.14
-536, July 2002.8. Taylor, K. and Dalton, B., “Internet Robotics: A New Robotics Niche,” IEEE Robotics and Automation,Vol.7, No.1, pp.27-34, March 2000.9. "Bailey, S. A., Cham J., G., Cutkosky, M. R., Full, R. J., "Biomimetic Robotic Mechanisms via ShapeDeposition Manufacturing," Robotics Research: the Ninth International Symposium, John Hollerbach andDan Koditschek (Eds), Springer-Verlag, London, 2000. Page 25.396.12
Cognitive Learning Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development Lev S. Vygotsky’s Cultural-Historical Theory of Psychological Development Albert Bandura’s Social-Cognitive Learning Bernard Weiner’s Attribution Theory Table 5 Instructional Development Models7 Type of Model Name of Model Classroom Oriented Models Gerlach and Ely Heinich, Molenda, Russell and Smalindo Newby, Stepich, Lehman
/sketching, orthographic Page 25.437.4projection, and etc. So far, students have done the first phase of the project. Someinteresting topics they have selected include: portable podium design, design of a bottleopener that can work for twisting off caps and popping off caps, improving design ofvegetable slicer, and redesign school bus seats.Peer reviewing will be used to evaluate their projects. Each presentation will be evaluatedby both instructor and peer groups. By the end of the semester, each student will submit aself-evaluation and s/he will also be evaluated her/his teammates.Evaluation Plan: The evaluation plan, designed to address progress