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Displaying results 991 - 1020 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
Professional Development in Materials Engineering
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Holt, MSE at VT
Tagged Divisions
symposium again for 2008.The reason JUMR is a special opportunity is that it is only for undergraduate submissions. Theguidelines and review process take the students’ level into account. The students are comparedwith their peers, not with others who have significantly more experience. This protocolencourages the students to write and revise their own papers rather than having an advisor orsupervisor writing the paper and adding the student as an author.At the JUMR symposium, the undergraduate student is once again in a session that is forundergraduate presenters. The student is not compared with more experienced presenters andthey have the opportunity to present their work to their peers as well as to faculty and industryprofessionals. The
Conference Session
FPD VII: Innovative Curriculum Elements of Successful First-Year Courses
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew A. Carr, U.S. Naval Academy
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
scheduled for one lecture session and two two-hour lab/workshops per week for a total of threecredits. Consistent with many “freshman support” programs at other universities, the goals ofthe course are to introduce the midshipmen to the “big picture” of the major for context; tointroduce the midshipmen to each other and develop a mutual support network; and, to provide“tools” for success in follow-on courses. These tools include technical writing, critical thinking,design process, project management, computer programming and software, and engineeringdrafting skills. There is a significant project-based learning (PBL) component to the course. Theassignments include both individual and team submittals. The double “lab” schedule allowsmuch of the
Conference Session
Faculty Development Lightning Talks
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Pinnell, University of Dayton; Kenya Crosson, University of Dayton; Aaron Altman, United States Air Force Research Laboratory; Elizabeth Hart, University of Dayton; Malle R Schilling, University of Dayton
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Constituent Committee
and criteria used to assess this, and developed a rubricthat formed the basis for the Professional Strategic Plan Development Tool (PDT).In December of 2017, the leadership of the P&T Re-visioning Committee used the informationobtained from the literature review, relevant Academic Senate Documents, existing SoE Policies,and the PDT, to write a draft of the Criteria and Procedure Policy for Evaluation and Promotionof Faculty, Faculty of Practice and Lecturers and Tenure of Faculty. The initial draft wasreviewed by the Dean of the SoE, and representatives from the Office of Diversity and Inclusionand the Women’s Center. Feedback provided by these groups was used to make modifications tothe draft which was then released to the entire Re
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary First Year Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Hinds, Michigan State University; Thomas Wolff, Michigan State University; Amanda Idema, Michigan State University; Neeraj Buch, Michigan State University; Carmellia Davis-King, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
skills.The development of the MSU Engineering Residential Experience includes much more than justthe physical housing of first-year engineering students in a single residence hall. It also includes Page 15.589.3delivery of student service operations, including career services, freshman academic advisingand peer-led tutoring sessions. Another aspect of our co-curricular program includes thedevelopment of a faculty speaker series and alumni panels. These activities are intended tocompliment the social events offered through residence hall programming.A comprehensive approach to integrating a first-year academic program with a living-learningcommunity
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Edward Hensel; Elizabeth DeBartolo
theirinterests.Since a common response on the feedback forms was a desire to try more things themselves,next year’s Graduate Seminar will include a Technical Writing session where students swapthesis proposals and peer edit, as well as quarterly opportunities for students to do brief (10-15minute) presentations on their own thesis progress to get peer feedback. More student working Page 9.44.8 Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Education
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Technology Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan McGaughey, Carnegie Mellon University; Jeremy Michalek, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
; ‚ layered, linked, accessible, and reusable course notes; ‚ the ability to monitor student progress in real time; ‚ support for scheduling and team formation; and ‚ support for course co-development. Page 13.1402.13Student interaction benefits include ‚ increased peer to peer interaction; ‚ increased student-instructor interaction; ‚ accessibility of all work in the public domain; ‚ full historical records of individual contributions to group assignments; ‚ support for collaborative writing; ‚ mechanisms to control accuracy; and ‚ growth and reuse of information over time, across courses, and across
Conference Session
The Evolving Classroom
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Riley P.E., Oregon Institute of Technology; Sharon L. Beaudry, Oregon Institute of Technology; Aja Bettencourt-McCarthy, Oregon Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
structural practices translate wellto the institutional level and lay the groundwork for a sustainable teaching certificate program,an institutional teaching model, and formalized faculty teaching assessment and peer observationprograms. This paper will describe and document the successes and challenges of theinstitutional workshop as well as the modifications made from the ExCEEd materials and format.IntroductionTwo years ago, the Commission on College Teaching (CCT) at the Oregon Institute ofTechnology was considering developing a teaching certificate program to support facultyprofessional development and high quality instruction. While many of the commission membershad participated in teaching certificate programs at other institutions, the
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Eduaction - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Miskimins, Colorado School of Mines; Ramona Graves, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Skills in MultidisciplinaryTeams, ” (paper presented at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, St. Louis, Missouri, June 18-21, 2000).7. Robert S. Thompson, “Reliability, Validity, and Bias in Peer Evaluations of Self-Directed Interdependent WorkTeams” (paper presented at the ASEE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Albuquerque, New Mexico,June 24-27, 2001).8. Jennifer L. Miskimins, “Peer Learning: Observation of the Cluster Effect in Multidisciplinary Team Settings,”(paper presented at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 16-19, 2002).9. Kirk H. Schulz and Douglas K. Ludlow, “Incorporating Group Writing Instruction in Engineering Courses,”Journal of Engineering Education, July 1996
Conference Session
ECE Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Branimir Pejcinovic, Portland State University; Phillip Wong, Portland State University; Robert Bass, Portland State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
model of a street intersection with working LED traffic lights and crosswalk switches, allunder real-time MATLAB program control. The project is divided into a research stage, aconstruction/programming stage, and a final demonstration. At the end of the research period,students write a report describing their work and evaluate their own performance and that of theirteammates using CATME. This information gives both the team and the instructor criticalfeedback on the team’s working dynamics and interaction. Another peer evaluation is done afterthe final demonstration. For long-term planning, each team is expected to define the major goalsand timeline needed to complete their project. From this, they are asked to generate a traditionalGantt chart
Conference Session
Understanding Student Behavior and Experiences
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jeannine E. Turner, Florida State University; Min Tang; Shayne Kelly McConomy, Florida A&M University/Florida State University; Mostafa Papi; Jerris Hooker, Florida A&M University/Florida State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
their instructor (e.g., I sought feedback from my instructor about potential errors inmy objective-statements; α = .87). Feedback-Seeking Peers. A total of 6 items assessed students’ direct feedback-seekingfrom their peers (e.g., I asked other students for suggestions on how I could improve my designcomponents; α = .87). Value of Feedback. A total of 5 items assessed students’ perceptions of the value ofobtaining feedback (e.g., Feedback on my technical writing can help me become a betterprofessional engineer; α = .83). Cost of Feedback. A total of 7 items assessed students’ students’ perceptions of the costof obtaining feedback (e.g., My colleagues would think poorly of me if I asked them for feedbackon my problem statement
Conference Session
Advice from the Experts for NEEs at Small Universities
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Larson, Seattle University; Agnieszka Miguel, Seattle University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
what extent the following factors contribute to scholarship ifat all: publishing pedagogical papers, synthesis or review papers, setting up labs for research andteaching, writing grant applications, developing software, exploring different research areas,performing research that is unsuccessful, and involving undergraduate students in research.4. Time ManagementOne of the most difficult challenges to conducting research at a smaller institution is finding thetime for it. This section presents tips on how to manage the time required for teaching, research,and service.Tip 1: Spend summers doing almost exclusively research.Virtually all of the people we talked to used the summer to concentrate on research. Unlike theacademic year, summer is free
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zhihua Xu, University of Minesota Duluth; Victor Lai, University of Minnesota - Duluth; Ping Zhao, University of Minnesota Duluth
Tagged Divisions
incorporation improved significantly. These statistical results indicatethe group project was effective in improving the students’ learning outcomes.Figure 2. Comparison of mean evaluation rating of question5 (a) and question 6 (b).Figure 3. Comparison of average grades between the classes with and without group projectincorporationFor the ChE class administered with staggered deadlines coordinated with the lectures, webelieve this format offers less tangible improvements to student learning. First, the staggereddeadlines provide accountability for students to work on the research project throughout thesemester. Second, peer editing of reports among group members require students to assesscritically others’ writing. Third, students improve their
Conference Session
Sustainability and Hands-On Activities
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yogesh Bhandari, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Akshay Vora, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign; Sengavi Thirupathy; Rashi Singh, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Oscar Azofeifa
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
of writing and presentation skills in newgraduates. This one credit hour course was designed to provide ample opportunity to develop both inthe context of sustainability and energy. In addition to the presentations in front of the class during theproject development stage (for some critical feedback from their peers), students were also required toselect a research paper or technical report in their area of specialization, write a critical report on thatpaper, and then present it in front of their peers. As is usually the case, by going through a cycle ofwriting, reviewing, and editing as would be expected for any research document, students improvedtheir writing skills. Through this curriculum, including professional or research experience
Conference Session
Trends in Energy Conversion/Conservation
2004 Annual Conference
Camille George
. Student led lecture and discussion: Addresses the issues arising in new technologies; helps gain knowledge of where to get information, develops the ability to write effectively; and to give an oral presentation. B. Design of a Thought Experiment: Demonstrates the ability to apply a limited knowledge base to an open ended problem; develops the capability of analyzing a question and writing a rational plan to answer the question; develops the ability to write effectively. C. Laboratory Notebooks: Demonstrates that the student understands experimental data gathering and is able to analyze a question and work with a partner. D. Solving fuel
1997 Annual Conference
Robert F. Kubichek; Eskild T. Arntzen; Donald S. Warder
copying downwhatever information is given by the professor. When writing lectures, however, a great deal ofthought and planning is required to balance the amount of detail presented and the need to coverthe material. Also, in some cases the text book only superficially covered material I consideredimportant. In those cases more material had to be included the lecture than might otherwise havebeen necessary. I also found that preparing lecture notes was a skill that improved as thesemester progressed.The most challenging task I encountered was that of writing good tests. Although I have takennumerous tests as a student, I had no concept of what made a test hard, easy, long or short ormore important, how to measure what I had wanted students to
Conference Session
Track 2 - Session 2
2014 ASEE International Forum
Julia Ziyatdinova; Phillip Albert Sanger, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Artem Bezrukov, Kazan National Research Technologcal University, Russia
Tagged Topics
Curriculum and Lab Development
their colleagues and subordinates. A general outcome of scientific activities in universities is the submission of papers tohigh-impact international journals. Publications in top scientific journals (all of them arepublished in English) are the main indications of a successful scientist. Native Russianspeaking scientists often have trouble writing in English for journals and conferences becauseof structural differences between the English and Russian languages as described previously.Furthermore many Russians with “unpolished” English” have a strange confidence that thescientific value of their submission will outweigh its linguistic incompetence and a nativespeaker in editorial board will ultimately “polish” it. The goal of this
Conference Session
Technology, Communication, & Ethics
2003 Annual Conference
Sageev Pneena; Kathy Bernard; Carol Romanowski
formulating questions.• Incorporate instruction in current and emerging technologies and interpersonal interactions (writing effective e-mail; designing and maintaining web pages; holding team meetings; conducting meetings; working in interdisciplinary teams).Many respondents suggested replacing what they (and many engineering professors) call “creativewriting” requirements such as English 101 or 201 with a technically oriented course that coversthe TC basics of writing, speaking, reading, listening, and evaluating technical subject matterintended for a variety of audiences. They also suggested we extend our instruction options toinclude “refresher modules or workshops” for practicing engineers who need to improve their TCskills.While some
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division: Faculty and Gender Issues
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Laila Guessous, Oakland University; Kathleen Moore, Oakland University; Julie Walters, Oakland University; Bradley J. Roth, Oakland University; Leanne DeVreugd, Oakland University; Jo Reger, Oakland University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
are at piquing the interest of the reviewer! In addition, the WISE@OUsenior STEM faculty offered to review individual URC proposals before they were submittedand provided individualized feedback on the organization, writing and content of the proposals.Following the well-attended workshop as well as the individualized proposal peer-review, thesuccess rate of all STEM assistant professor applicants jumped from 36% in 2012 to 67% in2013 and to 100% in 2014. The impact on women STEM assistant professors in particular washigh as a larger proportion of them had applied for the URC fellowship awards in 2012 yet hadsignificantly lower success rates than their male counterparts. While we realize that thesespecific examples of internal awards may not
Conference Session
Student Learning and Assessment I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas J. Vasko, Central Connecticut State University; Nidal Al-Masoud, Central Connecticut State University; Peter F. Baumann, Central Connecticut State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
“soft skills” upon their graduation, with the former learning outcomes typicallyeasier to evaluate and assess than the latter. This paper presents rubrics and assessment methodsusing engineering courses for evaluating the soft-skills-program learning outcomes engagementin lifelong learning competencies, communication, and the impact of engineering solutions. Theassessment of the lifelong learning student outcome is addressed using results from a set ofsemester-long assignments in a fluid mechanics course. The recently developed and adoptedcourse, Engineering Technical Writing and Presentation, in which students learn to develop aneffective writing process for writing engineering documents in future courses and industry, isused in the assessment
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mayra S. Artiles Ph.D., Arizona State University; Juan M. Cruz, Rowan University; Sarah Anne Blackowski, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Stephanie G. Adams, University of Texas at Dallas; Gwen Lee-Thomas, Quality Measures LLC
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
develop the skills and writing habits to complete doctorate degrees in engineering. Across all of her research avenues, Dr. Matusovich has been a PI/Co-PI on 12 funded research projects including the NSF CAREER Award with her share of funding be ingnearly $2.3 million. She has co-authored 2 book chapters, 21 journal publications and more than 70 conference papers. She has won several Virginia Tech awards including a Dean’s Award for Outstanding New Faculty, an Outstanding Teacher Award and a Faculty Fellow Award. She holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University, an M.S. in Materials Science from the University of Connecticut and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Purdue University.Dr. Stephanie G
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering: Fluids, Heat Transfer
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiyuan Liu, Syracuse University
project, I develop interactive activities at different development stages, including projectproposal, proposal peer review, project interview, preliminary report, and final report. The assessmentof the effectiveness of this new class was conducted by comparing exams and feedback of students bythe end of the semester. This class provides students with sufficient knowledge of both fundamentalstatistics and practical data analytical techniques for engineering fields, comprehensive experience indata analytic workflow, and the opportunity to exercise their data analytical skills in engineeringapplications.Introduction and BackgroundData science is an emerging field based on statistical methods and machine learning techniques toconvert extensive
Conference Session
New Pedagogical Approaches in Chemical Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anthony Butterfield, University of Utah; Kyle Joe Branch, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
, the inter-cohort groups work together for approximatelythree weeks to complete a capstone laboratory project. Significant logistical hurdles wereencountered due to the divergent expectations, schedules, and priorities of the two groups.However, effective management methods were developed to address these issues, and mitigateinterpersonal conflicts.Survey results were collected for over 300 students involved in this program. Peer, mentor, andmentee evaluations were also collected, along with faculty evaluations of the senior team’smanagement and use of their freshmen employees. Results reveal significant freshman andsenior satisfaction with this collaborative project, but this satisfaction is greatly dependent uponthe senior team’s use of
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Jan Cannizzo, Stevens Institute of Technology
is visible to everyone in their group. We could not rely, for instance, on students having a tablet and stylus that they could share with their peers, and we felt that a virtual whiteboard that students had to operate with a touchpad or mouse was inadequate for writing detailed calculations or drawing complex images. Asking students to write on a piece of paper and then hold their work in front of their webcams likewise felt inadequate. 2. Unlike a group of students in a physical classroom, students in an online breakout room are cut off from the rest of the class. Depending on its makeup, a group of students in an online breakout room might feel lost, or deprived of broader discussions. With the
Conference Session
Computational Tools and Simulation I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Julio Garcia, San Jose State University; William Cruz, National Hispanic University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Online notes or presentations posted by instructor 4.7 Support for you as an individual learner HOW MUCH did each of the following aspects of the class HELP YOUR5 LEARNING?5.1 Working with peers outside of class (e.g., study groups) 4.3 Increases in your skills As a result of your work in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in the6 following SKILLS?6.1 Writing documents in discipline-appropriate style and format 4.2 Page 15.106.6 Class impact on your attitudes As a result of your work in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in the7
Conference Session
Biomedical Engr. Design and Laboratories
2002 Annual Conference
John M. Sankovic; Dmitri Kourennyi
trained to and required to write lab reports in form of full-length scientific paper, which gives them powerful skills in technical communication. 3. Students are required to deliver a computer-based presentation on one of their labs. 4. Students participate in grading the presentations of their peers, thus acquiring important skills in grasping material quickly, as well as in objective and fair judgment. 5. Several lectures/discussions on ethics in science and engineering in the beginning of the fall semester are appreciated by students as important and interesting experience which many of them encounter for the first time. A short essay concludes the ethics component.IntroductionThe technological and social development of
Conference Session
Accreditation and Outcomes-based Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandra A. Yost, University of Detroit Mercy; Laurie A. Britt-Smith, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
thinkers and writers. 3. Locate, evaluate, and incorporate outside sources (e.g. critical essays, interviews, statistical information, websites, etc.) into their own writing as a means of furthering their own purpose and goals. 4. Demonstrate an awareness of audience in writing. 5. Demonstrate a mastery of MLA documentation style and be aware of other forms of documentation (e.g., APA, Chicago Style.) 6. Integrate the words and ideas of sources into their own writing, knowing both how to recognize plagiarism and how to avoid it. 7. Become increasingly proficient in word processing and electronic editing both in revising their own work and in offering peer reviews of the works of others. 8. Illustrate revision skills by
Conference Session
Teaching Teaming Skills Through Design
2004 Annual Conference
Hugh Jack; John Farris
, and the ‘last-minute’ habits of some of the juniors. - The juniors needed to manage their time more carefully to work with the freshmen, who had different schedules. - The freshmen obtained a sense of belonging that was only starting to develop among their freshmen peers. - The students saw math, writing, programming and other topics in use. We hope this will pro- vide more motivation when they are taking fundamental courses. - Some freshmen worked ahead of the EGR 101 schedule to learn topics such as dimensioning and assembly drawings in order to satisfy the demands of the juniors. - In a few cases the juniors helped the freshmen use materials other than plastic
Conference Session
Evidence-based Practices in Faculty Development
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vittorio Marone, University of Texas, San Antonio; Robin L. Nelson, University of Texas, San Antonio; Stephanie Ann Garcia, University of Texas at San Antonio; Emily Peterek Bonner, University of Texas, San Antonio; Timothy Yuen, University of Texas, San Antonio; Joann Browning P.E., University of Texas, San Antonio
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development Constituency Committee
UTSA.Ms. Stephanie Ann Garcia, University of Texas at San Antonio Stephanie Garcia is a Graduate Research Assistant with a MAED from the University of Texas at San Antonio with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction. Her work with TRESTLE involves training Peer Assisted Learners (PALs) and supporting engineering faculty in implementing culturally relevant pedagogy and other course transformation projects.Dr. Emily Peterek Bonner, University of Texas, San Antonio Emily Bonner is an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction specializing in mathematics edu- cation. Her research interests focus on professional development and equity in schools.Dr. Timothy Yuen, University of Texas, San Antonio Timothy T
Conference Session
Impact of COVID-19 on Design Education 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amanda Simson, The Cooper Union; Martin S. Lawless, The Cooper Union; Cynthia Lee, The Cooper Union; Lisa Shay P.E., The Cooper Union; Toby John Cumberbatch, The Cooper Union; Austin Wade Smith, The Cooper Union; Neveen Shlayan, The Cooper Union
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
included a case 7 Via Zoom study and small-group power mapping activity. Midterm Synchronous, Midterm session with student peer review 4 Presentation & mixed section and discussion of project proposals across Feedback groups sessions. Session Writing Asynchronous Video on the writing rubric and how to 5 workshop videos evaluate writing for clarity, economy, and precision. Video on how to properly cite scientific research. Oral Asynchronous Videos on how to create good
Conference Session
Student Experiences with Undergraduate Research
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joseph H. Holles, University of Wyoming
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
subsequent undergraduate research. The Research Methods course will be broadly focused by providing a general approach toresearch and graduate school preparation appropriate for all majors in the Engineering College.Alternative approaches from the literature that are used to teach students how to conduct researchwill be compared and contrasted. Course topics will include: finding a research mentor,literature search skills, using the scientific method for approaching a research problem,developing a research methodology, writing a funding proposal, delivering a researchpresentation, and selecting and applying for graduate school. The motivation for this work,course details, learning objectives, course schedule, and course assignments will be