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tunnel for either atour or for actual usage. With the exception of 2012’s program, the wind tunnel’s testsection was large enough to place a cycle with an athlete into the tunnel. The girls wereallowed to stand inside the tunnel as well as observe a variety of flow visualization andaudio (they could hear when the drag was reduced) techniques used to determineaerodynamic drag.The athlete stationed in the wind tunnel on a cycle tested a baseline (unmodified helmet)and each student team’s modified helmet. In 2012, a wind tunnel with a smaller testsection was used. Each helmet was tested on a Styrofoam wig head holder. Figure 2 a) Tuft Test and b) Modified HelmetsBiomechanics - Motion Capture and Analysis (Lecture, Hands-on
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cm Green di 0.19 cm 160 Settling Velocity [cm/s] 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
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pertaining to the diversity of the engineering field and young people’s awareness of engineering • Now What (are you going to do)? o How did this activity relate to --------’s motto “Educate for Service”? o Will you continue outreach and life long learning about the engineering field/ diversity after you graduate? If so, how? All of the responses were coded and tallied using Excel for the quantitative survey resultsand using custom software to detect and tally themes for the qualitative results. Identifiers wereused to maintain anonymity of the respondents, and data was stored on a password-protectedcomputer. Specific themes were identified and coded with
35mm film 1 20 400 ISO Film 1 21 Admonition regarding water, dust and shock 1 22 Multiple Language Instruction 1 23 Simple Instructions 1 24 Recyclable (symbol on package) 1 25 Did you drop test the camera to determine durability? 1 26 Did you perform any other experiment(s)? 1InternalObservations 27 Did you notice that the Camera Has Been Reused 10 28 The
facultyand staff instructor(s), who manage all aspects of the senior design course sequence that servescomputer, electrical and software engineering students. In addition to its management function, itconducts frequent informal assessment of the senior design program as well as formalassessment pertinent to ABET student outcomes assessment. The other group is the portfolioreview committee. This is a small group of faculty, in addition to academic advising staffinstructors, who implement and use rubrics to review student portfolios. All students in thedepartment submit a portfolio of student work in a 1-credit senior course, Portfolio Assessment.Portfolios are introduced in a 1-credit first-year course, Professional Program Orientation.Development
units) in thelaboratory and consider how to organize the pennies to prevent them from being mixed up.Students are also asked to identify the measurand(s) that will be measured for the customer, andto again ask their questions for the customer and for management. Then students work in teamsto create a list on their flip charts of “all possible things they might measure” on the pennies asthey add the parameter to their scope. Many of the items on their list will either be included onthe calibration report or will be considered again when discussing the validated procedure thatwill be used and/or the uncertainty of their measurements.After inspecting the pennies, qualitative issues are often raised about how to uniquely identifyeach penny (since
theprojects. The position of technical advisor for each of the project groups is split among the EETfaculty, based on the faculty member’s area of expertise.The EET program has defined, with the approval of alumni and its industrial advisory board,sixteen Student Outcomes that students should achieve by graduation, labeled a) - p). Thesebegin with the ABET Criterion 3 Student Outcomes a) - k), and then add the Electrical /Electronic(s) Engineering Technology program specific requirements, and some universityrequired student outcomes, which are labeled l) - p). There are seven, of the sixteen total Student Outcomes, that are assessed by the Capstone courseinstructor and project technical advisors, based on the Capstone project work, both during