Paper ID #36722Fast-Forward Program: PSVT:R Test Results and AnalysisLauren Fogg Lauren Fogg is a 2nd-year Ph.D. student in Engineering Education at Louisiana Tech University. She has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. Her research interests are diversity, gender equity, retention, project-based learning, and cognitive models of problem-solving. She is also serving as the Project Coordinator for an NSF-funded S-STEM program.Allissa Taylor Gros Allissa Gros (she/her) is a second year Computational Analysis and Modeling PhD student at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, LA. She has a bachelors
, 367–379. Barab, S. (2014). Design-Based Research: A Methodological Toolkit for Engineering Change. In R. K. Sawyer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences (2nd ed., pp. 151–170). Cambridge University Press. Boekaerts, M., Pintrich, P. R., & Zeidner, M. (2000). Handbook of Self-Regulation. Elsevier.Bruner, J. (1996). The Culture of Education. Harvard University Press.Gallardo, M., Hernández, L., & Blat, D. (2012). A review of constructivist learning methods with supporting tooling in ict higher education: Defining different types of scaffolding. The Journal of Universal Computer Science, 18(16), 2334–2360.Hilliger, I., Miranda
mentoring better support faculty whose identities tend to lead to isolation in STEM;identities include BIPOC faculty [8, 9], women [10], LGBTQ [11-14], and otherunderrepresented individuals. We briefly review the compelling reasons for peermentoring groups and then describe our adaptation of these to a cross-institutional format. Group mentoring approaches can be advantageous for the mentee(s) and cansimultaneously be efficient. A single mentor is unlikely able to provide a wide range ofneeds, experiences, and perspectives for a mentee. The strengths and weaknesses of onementor may complement the weaknesses and strengths of another mentor [15]. Inaddition, available mentors with the ability to dedicate time on a regular basis can be
F M Scaling exponent for module M with system level modifier F P, P0 Actual and Baseline Premium cost feature P Influence exponent for premium feature P References:[1] H. P. Loh, J. Lyons and C. W. White, "Process Equipment Cost Estimation," NETL, Morgantown, WV, 2002.[2] CHP Partnership, "Catalog of CHP Technologies: Section 3. Combustion Turbines," US EPA, Washington, 2005.[3] J. D. Chase, "Plant Costs vs. Capacity: A New Way To Use Exponents," Chemical Engineering, pp. 113-118, 6 April 1970.[4] M. S. Peters and K. D. Timmerhaus, Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 1968. Appendix: Example Subprogram for Cost CalculationProcedure
currentresources within the Legislative Branch regarding science and technology developments that areavailable to Members of Congress and their staff, who rarely have a Science and Technology(S&T) background: “Members of Congress typically do not come from professionalbackgrounds in science and technology. Based on a Congressional Research Service (CRS)review of the membership of the 116th Congress, 17 of the 535 Members had a professionalbackground in a field related to science and technology policy (this does not include physiciansand other medical professionals). These professional backgrounds included 11 engineers, 4venture capitalists, 1 physicist, and 1 chemist. The rest rely on expert advisers such as personaland committee staff and on
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active in engineering education and doing research on metal Additive Manufacturing. • PhD in Physics from Linköping University, Sweden, 1993, • Postdoc at Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal mid 90’s • Excellence in Teaching Scholarship for teaching at Mercer University, Georgia 2004 • Development of educational resources and training academics in using Software for materials-related applications from the office in Cambridge UK since 2013Boel Maria Ekergard (Ass. Prof) © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by Material selection in Electric Vehicle Engineering ProgramsAbstractNo one could have missed the transition towards
, faculty, and non-faculty instructors—are paramount for enacting programmatic change without disrupting student performance. Whileit is still in its early days, the process of piloting the NEET program and its outcomes, includingthe engagement of key stakeholders, is providing glimpses of how we can go about creating ageneralized process for envisioning, designing, and implementing educational innovation in well-established institutions and cultures.References[1] S. Sarma and A. Bagiati, “Current innovations in STEM education and equity needs for the future”, Paper commissioned by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine and presented at the Imagining the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education Symposium, Nov 13
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exhibits the student’s efforts,progress, and achievements in one or more area” [16](p. 60) and an e-portfolio can be further defined as“a digitized collection of artifacts including demonstrations, resources, and accomplishments thatrepresent an individual” [17](p. 1). Fields of study such as art, architecture and those with a significantwriting component have widely used portfolios as a tool to assess student work for several decades. Theiruse in engineering education has not been widespread and only documented since the late 1980’s [18].E-portfolios address several of the shortcomings of the traditional engineering education classroom. Thefirst of these is a move away from a teacher-centered instruction to learner-centered instruction. In
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futurerecommendations, even after the COVID19 pandemic ends, courses that are completely in personshould consider continue using online education methods for at least one lecture per month.[1] F. Han, "Han, F., & Ellis, R. A. (2019). Personalised learning networks in the university blended learning context.Comunicar, 62(1). Doi:," Comunicar, vol. 28, 10/16 2019, doi: 10.3916/C62-2020-02.[2] S. Hrastinski, "Asynchronous and synchronous e-learning," Educause Quarterly, vol. 4, 01/01 2008.[3] L. Piggott and T. Winchester-Seeto, "Projects of Consequence: Interdisciplinary WIL Projects Designed to Meetthe Needs of Partners and Students," International Journal of Economic & Administrative Studies, Article vol. 17,no. 4, pp
-opprograms. A significant part of this recruitment process includes evaluating the students in bothterms of the quality of a potential new full-time employee but also to understand if the student isinterested or gaining interest in the type of engineering discipline(s) that a particular companyperforms in the industry [4]. Since recruitment is a significant expense, employers are veryconcerned with yields from the expense and effort devoted to recruitment. Studies from 1984and 2015, both show that employers were satisfied with recruitment goals resulting from co-opprograms [5] [1].Other significant factors that employers want to reduce are employee training costs and turnoverrates. Employer surveys revealed that co-op hires had less training costs
Paper ID #37128Academic performance and factors that influence thedesertion of engineering students: a study with a genderapproachCristian Saavedra-acuna (Profesor) Cristian Saavedra is an assistant professor at the School of Engineering at the University Andres Bello in Concepcion, Chile. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering and a master’s degree in Technological Innovation and EntrepreneurshiMonica Quezada-Espinoza (PhD) Monica Quezada-Espinoza is a professor and researcher at the School of Engineering at the Universidad Andres Bello in Santiago, Chile, where currently collaborates with
problem was encountered. Before the laboratory, thestudents were asked to not move the desk lamp during the experiment and adjust the distancebetween the desk lamp and the solar cell to approximately 3 inches. However, one or two groupsmoved the desk lamp(s), so their data showed inconsistent performance. A more controlledmethod or illuminating the solar cells will be investigated for future use.Students typically worked in groups of two. All members of the teams were actively engaged,and most groups were able to achieve the objectives outlined in the project. Overall, theexperiment provides students with the desired exposure to the topics associated with solar energyproduction and storage.Conclusions and Future workStudents typically worked in
voltage, DC, RF waves, microwaves, ultra-violetrays, gamma rays, x-rays, etc. Visible examples of ionization would be an electrical arc across anair gap as occurs in an automotive spark plug or electric arc wielder, fluorescent bulb, or neonbulb.Antenna theory – If RF energy is coupled onto a metallic element whose length is a half-wavelength, a dipole antenna is created that can radiate RF energy. By adding an additionalconductor(s), such as a reflector we can enable the antenna to be directional. Examples, includethe Yagi and parabolic dish antennas. Instead of using metallic elements we could use a variousplasma devises to radiate and direct the RF energy. Alexeff et al. [5] creates a “dish antenna”where both the radiating element and
and quantitative feedback indicated that students enjoyedand valued our approach. More importantly, student data suggested our new initiatives helpedstudents develop UD-related skills and knowledge. Our module significantly impacted studentperceptions and value of UD, including increasing their appreciation for considering theseconcepts in engineering design and professional practice.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported in part by a minigrant from DO-IT, Autumn 2018.References1. The Center for Universal Design (1997, April). The Principles of Universal Design, Version2.0, Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.2. Blaser, B., & Steele, K. M., & Burgstahler, S. E. (2015, June). Including Universal Design inEngineering Courses
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Std Dev 0.20 0.27 0.32 0.20 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.19 Question Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Avg Score 0.96 0.96 0.81 0.96 0.81 0.96 0.96 0.90 0.88 0.88 Std Dev 0.13 0.19 0.39 0.19 0.39 0.19 0.13 0.24 0.32 0.32 Question(s) Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q1-Q5 Q6-Q27 Q1-Q27 Avg Score 1.00 0.88 0.88 0.71 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.91 0.93 0.93 Std Dev
student group.ReferencesAnderson, Amelia. "From mutual awareness to collaboration: Academic libraries and autismsupport programs." Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 53.1 (2021): 103-115.Anderson, Amelia. "Autism and the academic library: A study of onlinecommunication." College & Research Libraries 79, no. 5 (2018).Cho, James. "Building bridges: librarians and autism spectrum disorder." Reference ServicesReview (2018).Gaines, Kristi S., and Zane D. Curry. "The inclusive classroom: The effects of color on learningand behavior." Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences 29 (2011): 1.Lawrence, Emily. "Loud hands in the library: Neurodiversity in LIS theory &practice." Progressive Librarian 41 (2013): 98.McAllister, Keith, and
misunderstandingany important information.Semi-structured interviews for each case in this study were performed in more than one round: In the firstround, two researchers contacted the leaders or founders of the targeted communities of practice by e-mail and invited them to attend our research interview, and also informed them that we want to make agroup- interview with other community members; In the following round(s), we only invited one studenta time to attend the personal focused interview and discuss some vague or important problems we gotfrom the first round mainly. Through these two or more rounds of semi-structured interviews, we couldget more detailed information about every open question. After the semi-structured interviews, we totallygot 4 group
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injuries with a 13.5 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers rate [1]. Safety is recognized as an essential part of professionalpractice, and construction education programs take this into account by requiring occupationalsafety classes in their curriculum.Professional accreditation standards include safety as a mandatory part of their student learningoutcomes. For example, the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) lists “createa construction project safety plan” as one of the higher-level student learning outcomes [2]. Mostconstruction programs address these requirements by creating stand-alone and dedicated coursesaligned with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)’s outreach trainingcontent. Initiated in 1971
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