to the learning and teaching styles in engineering education by Felder and Silverman.9Active learning encourages not only high levels of physical engagement with course content(such as physically experimenting with concepts) but also reflection on the results of thatactivity. Teaching styles that are correlated with prevailing learning styles lead to higher successand greater fulfillment. Engineers are more likely to be active learners and engaging learningenvironments have a significant impact on this segment of learners. The role of active learningthrough the use of cooperative learning environments and project-based exercises has also beenendorsed by other researchers as means to improve design education.10 It is our thesis that
Paper ID #14486The History of the Engineering Libraries Division, Part 1 - 1893 to 1960Mr. Michael J White, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 The History of the Engineering Libraries Division of the American Society for Engineering Education, Part 1: 1893-19601. IntroductionThe Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) of the American Society for Engineering Education(ASEE) will mark its fiftieth anniversary as a division in 2017. This important milestone is anappropriate time to reflect on the role and impact of librarians within ASEE and in engineeringeducation
participate reflected the demographic of the Faculty, a purelyserendipitous occurrence. Of the 22 participants there were five students who were not visibleminorities in engineering, nine students who appeared to be English dominant and seven whowere female. None of the teams investigated in this paper consist of all monolingual Englishspeakers, and only one team, Team 4, consisted of all domestic students. The language diversityof the teams was representative of the University’s (and in particular the Faculty’s) linguisticdiversity. Given the demographics of the teams and the student population in this course, theprobability of having teams volunteer that did not have similar diversity to the student body wasminimal. The students’ motivations for